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Innlegg skrevet av Blackbuck_InnleggNO

  1. Jeg tipper vi får vite dato på Alan Wake, Joyride, Perfect Dark XBLA og Reach-beta. Samtidig få litt ny info om Reach. Håper også Gears 3 blir lansert.


    Drømmer: Diddy Kong Racing og ISS 64 til XBLA :love:

  2. Skal ikke Gears 3 annonseres på en eller annen konferanse i denne måneden? Kan sverge på at jeg har lest det en plass..

    X10 noen dager til bare. er ikke sikkert da, men den eneste store eventen dennne måneden.

    Og GDC i slutten av måneden?

    Kan ikke huske å ha lest det noen steder, men hørt det i siste GT video-podcast, som sagt.


    (Fable III, Halo: Reach, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Project Natal og Gears Of War 3 = tidenes spillår :thumbup: )

  3. Hva er sjansen for at vi får se Gears of War 3 på GDC i år og at det slippes senere i høst?

    jeg så på GT sin videopodcast, og der var han ene (bombe)sikker på at GOW 3 kom i år.

    GOW 2 ble lanser på GDC i 2008, samme år som det kom ut.


    Jeg syns Epic bør fortsette å gi ut Gears of War annenhvert år :D

  4. Tviler på at vi får noe som helst natal i halo, håper på det samme.


    Her er en film som forklarer litt om reach, hvor han bland annet nevner "a new totally overhauled engine" :( ser ut som om jeg tok feil og at de ikke kommer med en helt ny motor.


    Edit: linken lurte seg unna. LINK

    Jeg tror forsåvidt at Microsoft er ganske ivrige på å implementere Natal i deres største spilltittel denne høsten. Men spørs hva Bungie vil.


    Jeg tror de fleste var ganske sikre på at Bungie kom med en ny motor. Snakket de ikke om det etter/under E3?


    Vel, de nyeste bildene ser awesome ut. Og det er viktigere ting i Halo enn grafikk :)

  5. First Look At Gears of War In Your Lost Planet 2


    What Are Gears of War Characters Doing In My Lost Planet 2?


    Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

    In a collaboration with Capcom, American game developer Epic is lending Gears of War's main characters Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago to upcoming action title Lost Planet 2.


    The appearance of both Gears characters in Lost Planet 2 was revealed in a trailer shown today at Xbox Japan's Capcom event.


    It is believed that the characters will be available as exclusive downloadable characters for the Xbox 360 and will not be appearing in the game's story mode. This is still unconfirmed, however.


    This announcement also appears to be the "kick ass news" Gears designer Cliff Bleszinski has been tweeting about.


    Lost Planet 2 designer Jun Takeuchi has long professed his admiration for Gears of War. The controls for Resident Evil 5 were influenced by the controls for Gears of War, and Takeuchi even referred to the revamped RE5 controls as "Gears-like".



  6. Perfect Dark snart klar for Xbox Live


    I et intervju med CVG kunne Mark Betteridge fra Rare fortelle at nyversjonen av Nintendo-spillet Perfect Dark nærmer seg ferdig for lansering på Xbox Live. Perfect Dark var en av de store titlene i Nintendo 64-tiden, og var en etterfølger i ånden til et av tidenes største førstepersonskytespill - Goldeneye.


    I det samme intervjuet åpnet Mark døra litt på gløtt for alle de som håper på en oppusset versjon av Goldeneye - det kan nemlig se ut at Rare ikke vil gi seg med Perfect Dark.


    – Vi har foreløpig ingenting å annonsere etter Perfect Dark, men vi har over 25 år med spilltitler å ta av, så det er ikke mangel på muligheter.


    Ryktes om februar-slipp (og kanskje Goldeneye).

  7. Halo: Reach Edge Summary

    (hentet fra Bungie.net forum)


    Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

    -Reach is 70 percent complete.


    -They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it.


    -Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and way they look will be customizable).


    -Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..


    -There is a 3d radar and the HUD can now highlight various environmental features and overlay information about them.


    -Night vision returns to Reach (as seen in ODST).


    -On the pause screen it mentions "grades and credits" but Bungie wont discuss them yet. Probably to do with the character customization system.


    -The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.


    -Green marine monocle returns. WIN.


    -Bungie were disappointed with the reaction of people to the halo 3 marine, so theyve brought back the flavour of the halo 1 marine.


    -Mongoose return confirmed.


    -Assassinations (by holding down melee) will feature in multiplayer and the instant assassination of past halos may not be featured at all. Bungie is using the Beta to decide how it will feature.


    -Huge landscapes - but you can visit each area. In coop you may see your buddy fighting a long way off in the distance.

    Teleportation is far less strict.


    -Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware.


    -Tung says there will be some big surprises in campaign.


    -The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.


    -Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before.


    -"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom.


    -Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's.


    -Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine.


    -A few new screenshots in the article, the best being a double page spread epic view of the spartans in a cockpit. There is an artwork of Emile with a grenade launcher.


    -Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them like all look like the trailer(including facial animation).

  8. DICE Says It Won't Profit Off Rented Servers for BFBC2


    Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

    During the Modern Warfare 2 no-dedicated servers controversy, DICE was quick to say they would be supported in PC versions of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Well, with one exception: Players would have to rent them, rather than build their own.


    It seems that the files necessary for the PC community to build dedicated servers for this game are being withheld to ""protect the game's integrity on PC." Instead, players will be forced to rent the space from a DICE-authorized provider. DICE producer Gordon Van Dyke insists this is not a profiteering move by the studio.


    "This does not earn DICE a profit," Van Dyke told Eurogamer. "But we will see where the game goes and support it post launch."


    Eurogamer notes that this policy is a first for the series; previous entries such as Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 supported community-built dedicated servers. DICE says



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