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Innlegg skrevet av norwegian_viking

  1. Jeg har tenkt til å kjøpe nytt hk prosessor og minne, og lurer på hvilket minne jeg burde velge.


    HK: Asus A7N8X Deluxe

    Prosessor: Athlon XP 2500 (Barton)


    Lurer på om jeg burde kjøpe 2700 eller 3200. Ser at Twinmos brikkene er ganske rimelige. Er de til å anbefale?

  2. Error Message "Fatal Exception Error 0E 0028:C004DF92 in VXD cache(01)" with blue screen


    This problem is probably caused by CPU related issues.


    1) The most likely fix for this problem is to disable the external CPU cache in BIOS

    2) Might also be an over-heating problem. You can check the CPU fan to make sure it is running, and perhaps run the computer with the case side cover off for a bit to see if the problem persists.

    3) You can try setting the CPU speed to a lower setting to see if it helps.


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