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Innlegg skrevet av CannaBanna

  1. Dette produktet lover ihvertfall å gi deg ren blodprøve etter 5 dager:




    You CAN beat a drug test with our product. We do not PROMOTE the use of our product to beat steroid drug testing. What you do with it is your own choice. STEROID CLEANSE is for REAL! DynamicSportsNutrition, Inc. would like to introduce you to our NEW ground breaking product called Steroid Cleanse! Steroid Cleanse has the ability to completely remove most unwanted anabolic steroids from your body in just 5 DAYS!!! This product is NOT a masking agent designed to help you beat steroid drug testing by covering up certain drugs! You can actually use our product after using just about any anabolic steroid and pass a steroid drug test! (Please do NOT use this product to purposely beat mandatory or random steroid drug tests for sports or work) You will be amazed that in only 5 days, your body will be totally rid of just about every single anabolic steroid, both pills and injectables. Anabolic steroids are very toxic drugs and when used or abused can cause some very serious side effects. Our Steroid Cleanse Product will help you to flush out just about any trace of these drugs and will help you to become free of these harmful chemicals. We offer a 100% money back guarantee on our Steroid Cleanse! If you have used steroids, they can stay in your system for up to 18 months or longer! With our Steroid Cleanse, you can help your body become healthier and possibly prevent some very harmful side effects. Furthermore, our Steroid Cleanse can help return your body back to a normal state after an extended period of use! Do your body a favor and detoxify with Steroid Cleanse!
  2. Yeah! :D


    Ok, så jeg drømmer at jeg har bursdag og får en flaske med noe syre på. Jeg viste bare at det var syre, ikke noe annet. Var på en glassflaske. Da jeg skulle prøve å åpne flasken, mister jeg den og den knuser. Jeg får glass inn i hendene mine, og sitter veldig lenge å prøver å ta ut glassårene. Da jeg har tatt vekk nesten alle, er det et stort igjen, og da jeg drar ut dette, kommer det med mye kjøtt og blod. Når jeg ser inn i hånda mi, er den nesten hul. Da våket jeg.


    Hva kan dette bety?:hmm:

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