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Om traveler89

  • Bursdag 22. sep. 1989

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  1. Dog greit å være oppmerksom på det med følelser og markedsstemning. Menneskelig hysteri kan også presse markedspriser ned og gi gode kjøpsmuligheter. Ikke en sjanse i havet for at jeg skal akseptere den effektive markeds hypotesen fult og helt😅
  2. "It is not the man who has too little that is poor, but he who longs for more. What difference does it make how much is laid away in a man's safe or in his barns, how many cattle he grazes, or how much capital he lays out to interest, if he is always after what is another's, and counts only what he has yet to get, never what he already has. You ask what is the proper limit of a person's wealth? First, to have which is important, and secondly to have what is enough". - Seneca
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