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Innlegg skrevet av Ntaw

  1. Har ingenting imot folk som kommer med tips på en høffelig måte, ettersom jeg har helt selv klart å ødelegge to kroppsdeler i min unge alder. Klok av skade er jeg heldigvis.

    Jeg drar på treningsstudioet for å få vekk tanker fra studier og annet tull, og fokusere 100% på å trene maks, litt dumt når alle de hote chicksa vrikker seg rundt i trange thights, blir distrahet så lett vettu.

    • Liker 7
  2. Dorian Gray, husk at for personer som er helt nye, og dårlige på sjekking, så funker det ikke å stille seg i en alt eller ingenting posisjon. Omen lite karismatisk gutt (uerfaren med jenter) spør jenta i sitt liv helt plutselig, så er det liten sjanse for at hun svarer ja - tryggere for henne å si nei. Det må skapes en spenning mellom begge parter før en innfører en slik kompromisløs fremgangsmåte som du promoterer.

    Om du mente noe annet, si ifra.

    • Liker 1
  3. "Stop your fucking bawwing this instant. I am not here to comfort you, or to help you cry. I am not here to listen to your story and say 'there there, everything will be okay.' So stop your fucking crying.


    You want to know why I don't care about your sadness? Because you shouldn't be sad. I know, I know this is serious shit, and it's important, and you don't know what you are going to do now. But at the end of the day, it is the same shit that all of us go through.


    For the past month I have been down and out over some broad that knows I love her, but doesn't love me. She thinks of my love only as being awkward. Yet, she still wants me to be her best friend. On top of that I am a failure in pretty much everything I do, and I have yet to do anything my parents can be proud of. But you know what?


    I am fucking awesome.


    Now, I will admit that I haven't held a dieing man in my arms, or any serious shit, but it's all the same. People go through shit every day of their lives, and that is what life is. So grab a beer, pop a top, and toast that you are still alive. Give a toast to those who aren't, those that died so you could be free, those that gave their lives so you can hate yours.


    You are fucking awesome. But, you don't want to admit it. You go through shit day in, day out, and you live. You, are alive. This world cannot beat you. I cannot destroy you. There is no shame in defeat as long as the spirit is not conquered. So don't fucking give up. You are a good, decent person, who is in hard times. You deserve somebody. You deserve a hug. You deserve a kiss at night. You deserve a friend. Don't ever fucking think differently.








    Start fucking acting like it."

    • Liker 5
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