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Innlegg skrevet av John_Steed

  1. Anonymous på Canal+.


    Fra Anonnorway.ning.com:




    highlights, not in any order: Talking with a journalist: should Agent Pubit's actions be held responsible by Anonymous as a group? and "It's a bizarre Organisation, anyone does whatever they want" $cilon Lawyer: Is holding a "I Hate Scientology Sign" outside the Church [cult] a hate crime, which people should be jailed for?

    Guy who was at a protest and namefagged having a restraining order of 100ft away from the church.


    Guy in the apartment showing WWP.com says, he joined it for the viscious way $cilons attack critics, it's about free speech and human rights.


    Stressing "Young Activist" several times, but not saying it was exclusive.


    Man in glasses: We've broken the wall of silence, people can criticize the cult


    Started by hackers, who then made protests in USA, Europe, Australia.


    Note: The french use the word "Militant", but it doesn't have the same connotation as english, it's more like "Fanatical Activist"


    $cilons counter attack with a video, "But then move to a weapon more classic and efficent: Justice"


    Note: They use "Sect", which is more equal to Cult than Church, I think.


    Ending Journalist: "I don't think Anonymous will abandon their fight against $cientology, and I don't believe $cientology will give much concessions"



    edit- can summarise bits if required, but no time for the ENTIRE thing, lol.


  2. Når det gjelder Valkyrie, så hvis noen skal gå på kino og se den på tross av at mye av pengene går til Tom Cruise som sjef for United Artists og hovedrolleinnehaver, så kan det kanskje være en ide å korte litt:


    Når er/var egentlig premieren her i Norge? Jeg har overhodet ikke fulgt med på den fronten i det siste. Kanskje jeg burde stikke ned med noen kort.


    EDIT: Den har visst premiere i dag, 30. januar, ifølge Filmweb.

  3. Valkyrie-premiere i Amsterdam:




    As soon as we held up the first sign, scilons came out of NOWHERE and starting blocking the sign with umbrellas and pushing us out of the way. While I was distracted by a tall scilon trying to block a sign, another one STOLE the one I was holding and tried to walk away with it. One of our newfags tried to get it back and got hit in the face by the thief.


    Cops were heard grotesquely mispronouncing "Anonymous". They'd obviously been briefed about us. Three anons were arrested and held in cells for +/- 2 hours, because the scilons claimed we'd attacked THEM. Signs were temporarily confiscated, so no protest. Scilons were looking over cops' shoulders when they took down anon's names.


    When Tom arrived, one anon managed to get his mask signed, while another was ARRESTED FOR HOLDING HIS MASK IN HIS HAND near Tom.


    Afterwards we explained everything to the cops. They were very interested in our side of the story. No charges filed, but we're verrrrrrry keen on finding out the name of the aggressive scilon right now.

  4. Politiet liker ikke den utviklingen der. Avtalen var at politiet skulle passe på publikum, ikke private ulisensierte gorillaer.


    Kan få etterspill.


    Ja, avtalen var omtrent som følger (tl;dr: det MrGs sa):




    Just spoke to Jim Moore - he was sympathetic regarding Germany and was very clear that the security have zero authority over the police. He told me that the private security will probably be from an even management group that specialises in it, and will be managing the barrier not the crowd. If you jump the fence, you get your ass kicked. If you stay in the crowd you are fine from them. He said in the event of private security trying to remove you/manhandle you the police will arrest on sight as its assault and they have no authority. Apparently there should be quite a large police presence, so as long as you behave yourself you wont be troubled by them - I laughed when he immediately blamed Scientology for influcencing the German security guys. He didnt think we needed to be concerned but made it clear that if they try anything with you, immediately get the attention of the police who will handle it swiftly. He said the media would likely prevent them from doing anything dumb anyway.


    Basically, if theres a repeat of Germany then arrests will be made, but it sounds like the private security will be red carpet management rather than Tom Cruise bodyguards. We should be ok


    Shouldnt be. I was told that "we do things differently to our European colleagues". The police will be looking after the crowd, the security looks after the carpet. If any security hassle you, just find the police and tell them your with Anonymous. They will know about us being there, and they will sort you out. To be fair, you may get searched by someone. I wouldnt be that surprised if there is a policy of "open your bags and lets have a look" for literally everyone, just in case there is a nutter with a gun. If they are asking everyone and are being civil, I would advise you just go along with it and cooperate to show you arent going to shoot at anyone. If they find your mask and try and confiscate it, then call the police over and explain - dont shout and bitch - explain that you have permission from the police to be there in masks


    Just dont be needlessly difficult to anyone or you will provoke a problem, which ultimately puts you in the wrong. Try not to be too tinfoily and dont assume anyone asking to check you out is a scifag - they might just be doing their job. I would think if they are searching it will be in this format:


    Private event management searching you, but police basically next to them to step in if they find anything illegal etc. They will also step in if you protest that your mask is fine

  5. Virker som det skjer ting i London nå (under Valkyrie-premieren):


    Still early on, details are slim


    It seems at least some of the anons on the ground were confronted by OSA


    full text reads, when asked how things are going:


    Baaaaad got jumped, prob facefagged. Rage in crowd, osa in crowd. We've left now. Battery low. I will give you brief later

    They apparently didnt get to see Cruise either.


    I have already contacted our police liaison and he is concerned about this. Once we have all the details we will follow it up. He wants to be kept informed.


    More details to follow once we have them


    Følg med her og her.

  6. Det var tysk premiere på Valkyrie i kveld:


    Ikke mange som har Tom Cruises signatur på maska si:




    Noen rapporter fra premieren:


    Guise I was also in there, got pics also autograph


    My First Mission report:


    Loldon fags be warned for tomorrow.


    We were operating in independent cells, noone knew of the others, so one cell would make it trough to the target.


    security was very strong, we were completely searched, but we managed to get Masks in.

    But even when you were in they grabbed people at random, accusing them to be anonymous and kicked them out.


    I saw totally uninvolved people beeing dragged out, even german media got wind of the actions, and reportes started to question.

    I also saw the other cells going down, guise this was like in a movie I tell ya.


    When I came back from restroom my cell was also gone, caught, so I continued alone.


    But Mister Cruise let me tell you your security did not manage to catch me, Anonymous is everywhere, with mask or without.

    You fucktard gave me an autograph! << well thats not that impressive bao that you got yer mask signed


    wow... that shit was epic.


    Getting into the crowd was our first plan, but they saw us and helped the securityfags. A few managed to get in - with security people seeing the masks - but after a time, they noticed that epic amount of V masks, so nobody was let in with it anymore... and they searched the crowd for the other people which they of course remembered. I did not notice any random people being dragged out, but well.


    We then decided to put our masks on as soon as Mr. Plazenta shows up. We did, chanted "No Scientology!" until cops told us to be quiet because our little protest was not registered with them. They were not amused, but still nice and shit. Media caught everything on tape, so we hope to see some of their footage soon.


    Hamburgfags supported us, Kopenhagenfags also said they would come, but I didn't notice them.


    Loldon, do it better than we did. BRACING FOR EPIC!


    I mindfucked tom cruise. He not only got me my mask back from that security-guy you see in the vid. He happened to sign the Mask of a "terrorist"(at least if you ask his "church") who suppresses Toms "Religion" on a regular basis.

    And that person says "I love you" to him.:D


    I seriously hope to become part of his next audits and sec-checks. :D


    As someone else mentioned: Where was "confront and shatter suppression"? Epic flunk, Mr. Cruise.


    p.s.: afterwards my head's gone 'splodie :-D


    Fra: Anonymous Germany PWND Tom Cruise - Operation: LOL Nazis

  7. Hvem på Perth-bildene prater du om?


    Jeg snakker om han på filmen som må få politiet til å snakke med han :D.


    Det var i Clearwater (Florida), hehe.


    Oki, men da blir det vel den 14. Men kan vi ikke prøve å få en demonstrasjon i Oslo som er lovelig? Hvor søker vi enn da for å få det til?


    http://xenu.nu/wiki/index.php/How_to_get_t...rmits_norwegian (Som du ser, er det enklest å gjennomføre flygebladutdelinger.)

  8. Hva i dundre skjedde med fyren i Perth, Australia:xD


    Mange bilder også videre. Jeg skulle bort i helgen så fikk ikke gjort noe. Men noen i klassen min vil bli med kanskje neste gang så da blir det bedre:)


    Når er neste gang?


    Hvem på Perth-bildene prater du om?


    I februar står det mellom 7., 14. og 21. Flertallet stemmer visst for 14., så det blir nok den datoen her også.


    Det er for øvrig fritt frem å dra med seg en venn på flygebladutdeling når det måtte passe, også på andre datoer enn de globale raidene.


    Fjerningen av Scientologiorganisasjonens skattefordeler ligger forresten på 10. plass nå: Change.gov: Revoke the Tax Exempt Status of the Church of Scientology.


    Update: vi endte opp på 9. plass.



  9. Oizann, fest. Jeg er i Norge da, så count me in. :)


    Edit: Skal vi se, det er i bergen og haugesund. Jeg får se om jeg finner meg en måte å komme meg til Bergen på, da. Mest sannsynlig så er jeg med.


    Må vel nesten bli i februar, da (siden januarraidet var i går). Men bare til å hyle ut om du er i Bergen og vil ta et improvisert minitokt. ;)


    Btw: ny site for Norge -> http://anonnorway.ning.com/

  10. Stemningsrapport fra gårsdagens globale raid (17. januar):



    London, England:

















    Hamburg, Tyskland:











    Edinburgh, Skottland:









    Birmingham, England:







    Perth, Australia:









    Clearwater, USA:












    Los Angeles, USA:













    San Jose, USA:




    Her forsøkte scientologene å skremme bort demonstrantene med fiskeslo:




    Look at the light-brown liquidy shit thats poured there. Thats what makes the entire block smell like fish, in an obvious-OSA tactic ti drive us off.


    The pic before has it surrounding a light pole where our stuff usually goes. It smells the most after sprinkler tech is applied. Didn't make us move, though.












    Dere finner mer her: Post Game Reports

  11. Under valgkampen sendte utlendinger penger til Obama og hjalp til i valgkampen over nettet. Nå er det denne nettsiden. Hvor lenge blir det til vi stemmer i kongressvalgene deres, selv etter at vi har avgått med døden? :fun:


    Hehe, ja.


    Genialt at de ikke sjekker ip. forresten. Jeg har sikkert laget nærmere 30 sock puppets i dag.


    Og for de som trenger sterkere incitamenter til å stemme:


    I, Anonymous90405, do hereby agree that, should this topic end in the top 10, and is thereby presented to President Obama, I shall post tits.


    Remember you sluts. Top ten, all femanons post tits.


    Top 10 for tits!


    Foreløpig ligger vel saken vår på 18. plass.


    EDIT: 13. plass.

  12. Krysspostet fra Anonnorway.ning.com og Vestlandanon:


    Dere slappinger som ikke møtte opp til raid i dag kan i alle fall stemme på følgende: Citizen's Briefing Book


    Formålet er å få en av Chanologys hovedsaker, fjerningen av CoS urettferdige skattefordeler, inn i "Citizen's Briefing Book", ei "bok" som overleveres Obama når han tiltrer som president.


    Hvem som helst kan stemme, selv vi nordmenn. Du kan stemme med hvor mange e-postadresser du vil. PROTIP: Mailinator


    Tråd på Whyweprotest: Getting into Obama's Book


    Deadline er visst i morgen en eller annen gang.

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