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Innlegg skrevet av SteinErik

  1. Samara93: Oj, for noen utrooooolig skumle filmer...


    For Samara93 er det jo tydeligvis det, og det må jo være greit? uten att andre som har sett mange fler, kanskje hele 14-15 stk trenger å gjøre noe poeng av det. ;)

  2. The John Butler Trio ~ Three $5.59 threepm5.jpg


    "This debut album by Australian John Butler's energetic jam-band phenom sold platinum in their native country and spawned numerous stateside club gigs as well as an opening slot for the Dave Matthews Band. Fueled by Butler's distinctive, earthy slide and finger-picked guitar, and vocals that recall Matthews at his most urgent, the trio (Rory Quirk on bass and Jason McGann on drum round out the outfit) breathes some welcome fire into the jam-band formula on the 10 cuts here. Butler's gritty muse is by turns Delta savvy and Outback exotic (with the haunting, ringing tones of his open-tuned fretwork occasionally seasoned by didgeridoo), often building into powerful soundquakes that stand the hippie-blues ethos of the genre firmly on its head. Butler's forceful guitar tones underscore his romantic dedication ("Betterman"), commitment to antiviolence ("Attitude"), environmental concerns ("Earthbound Child"), and general outrage at the modern world ("Money," "Media") with equal fervor, building a compelling argument that one of the most powerful forces in rock remains a world-wise guitarist with talent in his fingers and fire in his belly. --Jerry McCulley



    Hvordan var denne plata?

    John Butler er jo genial, men har hørt lite av hans tidligere greier...!


    Har ikkje fått hørt skikkelig på plata enda, men det eg har hørt så langt står ikkje tilbake for noe av det han har gitt ut i det "siste".

  3. John Connolly - The Book Of Lost Things £2.76 Play.com


    "'Once upon a time, there was a boy who lost his mother !' As twelve-year-old David takes refuge from his grief in the myths and fairytales so beloved of his dead mother, he finds the real world and the fantasy world begin to blend. That is when bad things start to happen. That is when the Crooked Man comes. And David is violently propelled into a land populated by heroes, wolves and monsters in his quest to find the legendary Book of Lost Things.


    If you're looking for a typical murder-mystery book, The Book of Lost Things definitely isn't it. Author John Connolly manages to combine outrageous, yet believable fantasy with horrific murders while he entertains you with a story that holds you in thrall. Mr. Connolly is probably best known for his Charlie Parker series, but The Book of Lost Things provides the weird adventures of a twelve-year-old boy. John Connolly's imagination runs rampant, producing a hilarious twist on certain very familiar fairy stories as well as grim pseudo-reality."

  4. Gwyn Ashton ~ Prohibition (Digipack) $7.19 gwyncc1.jpg


    "Featuring fourteen sizzling tracks, Ashton is joined by bass player Chris Glen and drummer Ted McKenna on this ferocious outing. Chris and Ted will no doubt be familiar to discerning rock punters from their days in The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Ian Gillan Band and the Michael Schenker Group. Together, the three make an absolutely formidable combo. There is even a cameo by Don Airey, former Rainbow, Whitesnake, Gary Moore, Black Sabbath and now Deep Purple keys man. Prohibition shuffles a smart selection of tough rocking styles, from the blues-soaked ""Ball & Chain"", through to more lyrical forays such as ""Castaway"", and the demonic bastard Bo Diddley shuffle of the title track. It also includes Gwyn's soulful tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan, ""Rest In Paradise"". Ashtons acclaimed fretboard fireworks are sprayed liberally throughout, with the Glen/McKenna rhythmic axis keeping things devastatingly simple. Gwyn Ashton has toured the UK, Europe, the USA and his native Australia extensively in his rewarding career, making friends and fans from across the globe.




    The Cat Empire ~ Two Shoes $5.59 thecatrm4.jpg


    "For six guys from Melbourne, Australia, to travel half the world to record their second record indicates titanic success for their first. And that's what led the jazzed-up, funked-out popsters Cat Empire to a studio in Havana, Cuba, to follow up that million-selling debut. Here, the band takes its Latin leanings a step farther, creating room for what is billed as the Empire Horns--trombone, trumpet, and sax--in its driving, thriving beat. Lead vocalist Felix Riebl's witty intellect and dripping Aussie twang are the Cat's most distinguishing merits (see the Bob Marley love-fest of a title track and the first line of the offbeat "Sly": "If frizzy hair was a metaphor for festival time/Then this woman is a goddess of that festival shrine"). Yet compatriot Harry James Angus demands equal billing here, with contributions like the ska rave "Saltwater," the punkish memoir "The Car Song," and "Protons, Neutrons, Electrons"--an uproarious showtune of a song complete with delightful piano break and "zip-a-dee-doo" chorus. Still, co-stars aside, this is a complementary sextet that's seemingly comfortable with nearly any style of music--and willing to circle the globe to prove it. --Scott Holter




    Astrid Williamson ~ Day of the Lone Wolf $6.39 astridwilliamsonzn2.jpg


    "Imagine, for example, a place where the stimulating strangeness of Radiohead might meet the melodic sensuality of Shania Twain, where the soul-baring intensity of a cult songwriter like Lisa Germano might melt into the funky ambiences conjured up by Daniel Lanois, where the minimalist keyboard ambience of Erik Satie might drift across the surreal landscapes of Laura Veirs. Until now, such places existed only in dreams, as if waiting to be born. Astrid Williamson's third solo album, Day Of The Lone Wolf, is the place where all these magical sounds, and more besides, have finally come together, to rub up one against the other, collide and spark brightly, briefly illuminating the darker corners of the human heart."

    • Liker 1
  5. Cold War Kids ~ Robbers & Cowards $6.39 coldtx8.jpg


    "This LA band has toured nationally with Two Gallants, Tapes 'N Tapes, Sound Team, and done Lollapalooza dates. They're known for their electric live shows and major publications have already taken notice, with coverage in Spin and a 4-star review in Rolling Stone. "A gorgeous piece of geek-rock soul...Bravo, kids!" - Rolling Stone. "Imagine the rawness of The White Stripes on day one. Or what Spoon would sound like at a church camp making music with found objects" - LA Weekly. "



    The John Butler Trio ~ Three $5.59 threepm5.jpg


    "This debut album by Australian John Butler's energetic jam-band phenom sold platinum in their native country and spawned numerous stateside club gigs as well as an opening slot for the Dave Matthews Band. Fueled by Butler's distinctive, earthy slide and finger-picked guitar, and vocals that recall Matthews at his most urgent, the trio (Rory Quirk on bass and Jason McGann on drum round out the outfit) breathes some welcome fire into the jam-band formula on the 10 cuts here. Butler's gritty muse is by turns Delta savvy and Outback exotic (with the haunting, ringing tones of his open-tuned fretwork occasionally seasoned by didgeridoo), often building into powerful soundquakes that stand the hippie-blues ethos of the genre firmly on its head. Butler's forceful guitar tones underscore his romantic dedication ("Betterman"), commitment to antiviolence ("Attitude"), environmental concerns ("Earthbound Child"), and general outrage at the modern world ("Money," "Media") with equal fervor, building a compelling argument that one of the most powerful forces in rock remains a world-wise guitarist with talent in his fingers and fire in his belly. --Jerry McCulley




    Newton Faulkner ~ Hand Built by Robots $5.59 newtonpa8.jpg


    "Newton Faulkner has toured with Paulo Nutini and James Morrison. You hear this fact far more often than you have to–-it might have made sense to expose his palatable acoustic tinkerings to those massive audiences, but that association leaves too simplistic an impression. He specialises in partially progressive, free-willed folk-pop that is on one hand too cosy and warm for mass consumption–-there’s only so much space around the beach campfire–-but on the other it’s so accessible, so infectious, so feel-good that how could it not be headed for every other car stereo in the country, windows rolled down (weather permitting). It’s not cutting edge by any stretch of the imagination; he constantly reminds of the acoustic balladry of 90s soft-metal bands Extreme and Mr Big (or at least the songs "More than Words" and "To Be with You") via modern day peers like Ben Harper, but Newton Faulkner comes with a fertile imagination and an enjoyably flexible range to dress that foundation up. His gravelly cover of Massive Attack’s "Teardrop" is notable and Jack Johnson’s a good reference for the percussive plucking of tunes like "Gone in the Morning", "To the Light" and "Feels Like Home". There are very few 17-track albums that couldn’t be improved by losing six tracks, but the consistency on Hand Built by Robots is admirable and hints at a long term talent. --James Berry "

  6. L.E. Modesitt jr. - The Forever Hero - Trilogy Bokklubben.no 0kr (Gavekort)


    "L. E. Modesitt, Jr's first major work was a trilogy of SF adventure novels published as paperback originals in the 1980s: "Dawn for a Distant Earth", "The Silent Warrior", and "In Endless Twilight". Together they form "The Forever Hero". Thousands of years in the future, Earth is a desolate ruin. The first human ship to return in millennia discovers an abandoned wasteland inhabited only by a few degenerate or mutated human outcasts. But among them is a boy of immense native intelligence and determination who is captured, taken in, and educated, and disappears--to grow up to become the force behind a plan to make Earth flower again. He is, if not immortal, at least very long-lived, and he plans to build an independent power base out in the galaxy and force the galactic empire to devote centuries and immense resources to the restoration of the ecology of Earth."


    Guy Gavriel Kay - Tigana Bokklubben.no 0kr (Gavekort)


    "One by one, the divided provinces of The Peninsula of the Palm had fallen, conquered by the armies and the sorcery of the two Tyrants. Now, Alberico of Barbadior holds the provinces of the Eastern Palm while Brandin of Ygrath rules the West, and normality of a sort has returned to the peninsula. But for one province there can be no peace. For there is one land that dared to spill the blood of Brandin's beloved son. A land that has been broken and burned, its towers razed and its people crushed, and through the dark magics of the Tyrant of Ygrath, had its very name erased from the world. It falls to a small band of exiles from this shattered land to attempt to achieve what nine provinces could not, and bring down not one, but two, tyrants. Driven by fierce pride, love and the memory of what was, this brave handful of men and women will risk all that they have to return freedom to the Palm, and to hear once more the music of a forgotten name: Tigana."


    Alistair Maclean - The Golden Gate Amazon.co.uk £3.96


    "A tense and nerve-shattering classic from the highly acclaimed masster of action and suspense. A ROLLING FOR KNOX is how the journalists describe the Presidential motorcade as it enters San Francisco across the Golden Gate. Even the ever-watchful FBI believe it is impregnable - as it has to be with the President and two Arab potentates aboard. But halfway across the bridge the unthinkable happens. Before the eyes of the world a master criminal pulls off the most spectacular kidnapping in modern times!"

  7. Colin Harrison - Manhattan Nocturne Amazon.co.uk £3.96


    "Manhattan tabloid reported Porter Wren has an appetite for the city's dirtiest scandals. On the beat, he sells, murder, tragedy, and anything that passed for the truth. At home, he's happily married with two kids. Then one clandestine night, he risks everything he has on the seduction of a stranger...

    Her name is Caroline Crowley, widowed by the unsolved murder of her late husband — a man with a nasty little hobby. Caroline has the vidoes to prove it. A ruthless billionaire who indulged in her husband's sordid games wants the evidence buried — along with anyone who has it.


    But the enigmatic Caroline wants more than Porter's help. She knows he can't refuse. He's already crossed the line — and on the run in an escalating nightmare of blackmail, deception, and sexual obsession. For Porter, the only way out is murder — if the truth doesn't kill him first.



  8. Hvis du skal se noe som helst hvor handlingen innebærer krig, spesielt fra nyere tid, så er mini-serien (10 episoder) "Band of Brothers" ett alternativ du ikke kommer utenom. 10 timer med stort budsjett, gode skuespillere og en historie som er både sann og spennende... ;)

    Nøyaktig hvordan får du en serie som Band of Brothers til å være i nyere tid?


    Det er en god serie så absolutt, men den er helvettes kjedelig til tider også, jeg forventet litt mer spenning/action når jeg så den.


    Antar vel att det menes - Krigsfilm/serie, lagd i nyere tid. ;)

  9. Fikk 8 bøker fra bokklubbens salg, alle til 79kr stykket.


    Robert Wilson - De skjulte morderne

    Diane Setterfield - Den trettende fortellingen

    Gert Nygårdshaug - Mengele Zoo

    William Boyd - Hvileløs

    Tom Egeland - Paktens voktere

    Mark Billingham - Reddhare

    Frank Schãtzing - Svermen

    Andre Bjerke - Døde menn går i land / Skjult Mønster

  10. Ble også meget positivt overrasket første gang eg hørte plata, Falt med engang for de lange instrumentale og melodiøse introene. Spesielt var det låt nr 1 som utmerka seg med engang.

    + for min del var det greit at vokalen var såpass fraværende som han var.


    Eit supert album :new_woot:

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