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Innlegg skrevet av Joananas

  1. Hurra! :D


    "Aion used the software nProtect GameGuard from INCA Internet to protect against hacks, cheats and bots, which is criticized for integrating itself deep in the player's system with its own device driver that is very difficult to remove. This driver seems to employ rootkit-like techniques to hide the game's process and to watch the computer's memory for suspicious software.[18] Furthermore there is an unpatched security vulnerability in the driver which can be used for a local privilege escalation.[19][20] It has been announced that the North American / European launch version will not contain GameGuard."


    Håper virkelig dette stemmer!


    Det gjør det. Leste det på Kotaku for litt siden, men NcSoft skal nok legge det til senere, når de får fjernet bugs og glitches. Det står nemlig bare spesifisert at den ikke skal være der ved launch.

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