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Innlegg skrevet av zennox

  1. Bones Sesong 5

    Da var bones i gang igjen, og fox byr på gjensyn med Booth, Brennan, og resten av labnerdene.


    Bekreftede episoder:


    Harbringers in A Fountain (Broadcast: 2009-09-17)


    It's been six weeks since Booth and Brennan have seen each other. Booth has been recovering from brain surgery, and Brennan has been on a dig in Guatemala. Angela's psychic, Avalon Harmonia (guest star Cyndi Lauper), reveals while reading Angela's tarot cards that there are multiple bodies buried under a Washington, DC fountain. Angela shares the information with Brennan and Booth, but they're both a little skeptical considering the source. The lead pans out, and the duo find the remains of 11 bodies exactly where the psychic said they would be. Meanwhile, Sweets has certified Booth mentally fit to return to duty after his brain surgery, but Booth is still experiencing some side effects from the coma.



    The Bond in the Boot (Broadcast: 2009-09-24)


    Brennan and Booth investigate the body of a man murdered for the undisclosed contents of a briefcase. Early evidence leads the team to suspect secret operatives are at work, and their theories are supported when the liquefied remains of a CIA agent are discovered in the trunk of a car. When Brennan and Booth interrogate the CIA's Assistant Director of Intelligence, they are left unsure of his allegiance to the U.S. Meanwhile, Brennan's best-selling book leads to financial success and serves as a point of contention with Booth, and Jeffersonian intern Wendell (guest star Michael Grant Terry) loses his scholarship, leaving the team to look for alternative funding to keep him around.



    The Plain in the Prodigy (Broadcast:2009-10-01)


    When human remains are found alongside the railroad, Brennan and Booth are called to the case. The bones belong to Levi Yoder, a member of the Amish community who disappeared roughly two months prior to his Rumspringa, or exploration of the outside world. Brennan and Booth discover that Levi was a piano prodigy, and their investigation leads them to believe that his extraordinary talent may have lead him to an untimely death. Meanwhile, Cam copes with the stress that comes from being a new parent, and Booth helps keep Cam's stepdaughter Michelle (guest star Tiffany Hines) in line.





    (kopiert fra PB tråden)

    • Her diskuteres det etter det amerikanske sendingsskjemaet. Dersom du følger med på norsk TV og ikke vil at noe av handlingen skal røpes for deg, bør du altså holde deg unna.
    • Ikke spør hvordan en laster ned Bones og slikt, da det ifølge forumets retningslinjer under punkt åtte står at det er fy-fy med piratkopiering og annen ulovelig nedlasting.
    • Dersom du kommer over informasjon fra lekkasjer fra produsentene og liknende som røper noe om seriens videre handling, skal dette legges innenfor skjul-koden. Det samme gjelder snakk og diskusjon om promo-er til episodene.


    ...da er det bare å kjøre i gang med diskusjonen :)

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