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Innlegg skrevet av G25

  1. Akkurat fått ny TV med 1080p støtte i hus. Merker meg at PS3 velger 720p framfor å oppskalere til 1080p når spillet har <1080p oppløsning.


    Lurte bare på om det "koster" noe ytelses-messig for PS3 å oppskalere til 1080p? Nå er jo så og si ingen forskjell når materialet bare er 720p, men foretrekker at den står på 1080p om ikke annet for å forhindre at oppløsning endres hele tiden.


    Sitter på jobb for øyeblikket har ikke rukket å teste noe særlig selv, så tenkte jeg skulle spørre her. Noen meninger?


    Koster nok ikke noe som helst da spillet blir oppskalert og ikke rendret i 1080p.

  2. Chris Roper's Take


    What Sony showed us of 2.40 looks awesome. I never really missed custom soundtracks, but the Trophy stuff is fantastic. I'm a big fan of the 360's Achievement system, not for overall points, but rather to show how much I've done in a single game. Sony's version looks to cater to my tastes better than a somewhat random number scheme, which is great.


    Also, the Level system is brilliant. My Xbox 360 GamerScore is somewhere close to 17,000 right now. If I get an Achievement worth 10 points, that doesn't mean a whole lot at this point. But on the PS3, if I'm at Level 12, I know that every Bronze Trophy brings me one step closer to Level 13. In the scheme of things, it still doesn't mean anything in the overall betterment of my life (getting to Level 50 won't earn me a pay raise at work or a free dinner), but it is one more little thing for me to obsess over and will start getting me to prefer playing the PS3 version of a game rather than its all-things-equal 360 counterpart.


    Greg Miller's Take


    Once this Trophy thing gets going, I'm done with Achievements.


    With one morning meeting, Sony has made me ready to buy every cross-platform title on the PlayStation 3 instead of its Microsoft-bred competitor. Sure, points are nice, but now I'm Leveling up? You mean to tell me that Sony's turned my gaming into an RPG of its own? You mean that everyone's going to be starting from square one and have an equal chance at being king of Trophies?


    Sign me up.


    Seriously, everything I saw during our eyes-on with 2.40 impressed me. The ability to play custom music looks like it'll be fun, the in-game XMB works just like you think it should, and Sony honestly seems like it's ready to improve the feature as it goes. Sure, it's weird that calling the XMB up doesn't automatically pause the game and I'd like to see the Levels of my friends when I glance at the who's online section, but during our session, Sony was already talking about Phase Two and Phase Three additions and plans.


    It's nice to know that it's committed.


    Sadly, it's going to suck waiting for developers to get Trophies in their games, but the promise of Stardust and every major first-party, 2008 release being ready to roll with the system is a nice silver lining. Plus, they're working on a Warhawk Trophy patch, so I'll be set once that hits.


    I'm excited. Really, really excited. Since the PS3 launched, I've been waiting for Sony to say "This is why you should play games on our system." The independent, original award system 2.40 is implementing is a great first step towards an answer to that question.


    The PSN is about to become a community.


    Hele artikkelen finner du her


  3. men har jeg et spill jeg har prøvd i 5 minutter

    Du har kjøpt et spill til som du nå har spilt i 5 min og vi skal tippe hvilken spill det er?

    Du burde ordlegge deg litt lettere slik vi kan forstå hva du mener.

    Ta med den første setningen da:

    "Kjøpt PS3 pakke med GT5, grunnen til det var at det visstnok var utsolgt i hele europa, men nå har jeg et spill jeg har prøvd i 5 minutter, og aldri mer .....


    (hint hint)"


    Høres ut som om personen ikke ønsket å kjøpe PS3 med GT5, men hadde ikke noe valg. I og med at ingen andre spill er nevnt så går jeg ut ifra at det er snakk om GT5. Siden han aldri skal spille spillet mer går jeg også ut ifra at han ønsker å kvitte seg med det, og fordi trådstarter skriver "(hint hint)" vil jeg tro han skal selge det.



    svar til G25:

    Dummeste inleggget? jeg skrev jo at ps3 så og

    si utsolgt i hele europa, og jeg skulle ha ps3,

    så hadde egentlig ingen valg

    Er jo ikke tvil om at GT5 og FOrza ar sinnsyke spill!!!


    Så nei, det er ikke GT5P han snakker om. Som sagt, han ordlegger seg utrolig dårlig.

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