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Innlegg skrevet av Anvlaibar

  1. Mine topp 3... :D


    When - You Are Silent


    Mørkt, mystisk og vakkert... Årets beste album rett og slett...



    Funeral - As the Light Does the Shadow


    Dyster og seig funeral-doom.



    Satyricon - The Age of Nero


    Nok en rå maktdemostrasjon fra norges beste metal-band. Både live og på plate.



    Andre utgivelser verdt å ta med:

    Enslaved - Vertebrae

    Opeth - Watershed

    Motorpsycho - Litttle Lucid Moments

  2. Merkelig. Det står at 8. oktober er offisiell utgivelsesdato på både cdon.com og platekompaniet.no (+ 9. oktober på amazon.co.uk)


    EDIT: Fikk nettopp en ny e-post:


    Hello everyone,


    this is Jester.


    We write to inform you that a first package is on the way, with the CDs and

    the t-shirts. The vinyl is delayed, there has been a fuck-up at the wax

    plant, unfortunately. It should reach us within a couple of weeks and we

    will forward it to you as soon as it gets here. Also we will ship the photos

    along with the vinyl, to make sure that they won't be folded.


    No extra P&P of course, this is our fault.


    We are truly sorry for this, and humbly ask you to keep the thugs on hold.


    The CDs and the t-shirts should be with you in a few days.


    Thank you for your patience.


    Noen som har fått "del 2"? Altså LP'en og bildene...

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