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Innlegg skrevet av c-naptik

  1. First of all, I apologize for starting a topic in English.


    I am French, just finished my Bachelor degree in the UK and I moved to Tromsø 2 weeks ago. I have 4 year experience with IT jobs.


    I've been learning Norwegian and can read and understand most of people's posts but I don't feel quite yet able to write in Norwegian for now.


    I'm looking for an IT job in Tromsø, preferably as a network/system technician/administrator. IT-konsulent. I've sent applications to almost all IT companies here. I've just had an interview for a job at uni which went very well but that job wouldn't start until September.


    I'm not sure how the system works here. How long do you usually wait for before getting an answer from a company you've contacted?

    I apply to jobs advertised on NAV and other websites, but offers are quite rare. That's why I also send open applications to companies.


    Would you have any other tips to increase my chances? Of course I'm aware that I need to become fluent in Norwegian very quickly :)

    Thanks for your help.

    Jeg venter på svar deres på norsk hvis du vil, det vil hjelpe meg!

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