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Innlegg skrevet av Closed

  1. Kan også få kjøpt Dead Space: Downfall hos Play.com


    Dead Space is a feature length horror/sci-fi animated movie based on the much anticipated Electronic Arts video game.


    When a deep space mining operation discovers a mysterious alien Marker, some believe they have finally found evidence of our creators. However, the removal of the Marker instead unleashes a horrific alien species, which had been entombed within a remote planet, and a desperate fight for survival ensues.


    Dead Space follows a select group of miners and crew members, as they confront a grotesque and lethal invasion unlike anything ever seen before.



  2. Fra Microsoft:


    We have recently contacted you regarding a marketwide problem with the Fable

    II Collectors Edition. We have since been informed by Microsoft that there

    has been a further complication.


    They have advised us that the developer diary and soundtrack are no longer

    going to be available on the bonus DVD.


    We are very disappointed and would like to reassure you that your Collectors

    Edition will still include:


    Bonus DVD with new 'Making-of' Feature.

    Bonus in-game content (requires Xbox LIVER) including:

    . The Hall of the Dead Dungeon

    . The Wreckager Legendary Cutlass Weapon

    . Spartan armor and energy sword


    Also because you have ordered from GAME.co.uk you will have already received

    your code to download the Fable II Xbox Live Pub Games. If you have not

    received this yet have no fear as they are being emailed out every Friday

    afternoon, fear not! They are being emailed out every Friday afternoon.


    Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused


    Fable 2 CE Problem

  3. Gamecuben vil alltid være den beste konsollen for meg. God kontroller, fint design, dritkult navn og så klart spillene.





    Resident Evil 1-4

    Metroid Prime serien

    Zelda: The wind waker og kanskje litt Twilight Princess, men ble ganske skuffet over det.



    Elsket mer Wind Waker enn Twilight Princess. Forstår ikke hvorfor folk klaget på Cel-Shading grafikk. Bare se på Prince of Persia 4. Det ser pent ut.

  4. heh.. Raskt svar! :)


    Nei, tenkte kanskje mer på noe kompnent(? blander alltid med kompositt) slik som på 360'n, eller så har jeg kjøpt noe til Wii, som gjør at det skulle se bedre ut på min LCD-TV (husker nå ikke hva det het..)



    Takker :)



    EDIT: Mikkel: Har PS3 fra før! :p ellers takk for tipset! :D .. skal gjøre det og gi til julegave!



    Forbedre bilde? Her :)


    Ellers kan jeg anbefale ICO eller Shadow of The Colossus. Veldig pene spill.

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