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Innlegg skrevet av Happytreeangi

  1. Jeg har gledet meg til dette lenge, helt siden jeg så filmen med skaperen som viste hele prosessen fra celle til verdensrommet, men jeg ser at de har forandret det litt så det ser mere..."koselig" ut kan man si, men jeg så bare store forskjeller på celle statiet og kreasjons statiet, syns fremdeles det ser sinnsykt morro ut! :)

  2. Jeg har etter lengere enn planlagt lest ut boken og jeg elsket den! Harry Potter har alltid vært noe jeg har gledet meg til, så det er litt rart at alt er over...men nå som jeg har lest den ferdig så trenger jeg ikke å være så varsom på internett etter å snuble over spoilers :!:

    Så for de som synes epilogen var en smule kort eller ikke svarte på alle spørsmålene, så fant jeg denne på wikipedia!



    In an interview and online chat, Rowling gave additional information on the futures of the main characters that she chose not to include in the epilogue of the book.


    * Harry becomes an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and is later appointed head of the department. Harry owns Sirius's motorcycle, which Arthur Weasley repaired for him. Because Voldemort's soul fragment inside him was destroyed, Harry can no longer speak Parseltongue.


    * Ron works for a time with George at his store, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and eventually becomes an Auror.


    * Hermione initially works for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk. She later moves to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and assists in eradicating oppressive, pro-pureblood laws. She also finds her parents in Australia and removes the memory modification charm she put on them.


    * Luna Lovegood searches the world for odd and unique creatures. She eventually marries Rolf, the grandson of the famed naturalist, Newt Scamander.


    * Ginny Weasley plays for the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team for a time, then leaves her athletic career behind for marriage and family with Harry. She eventually becomes the lead Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.


    * George Weasley runs his successful joke shop, helped by Ron. He names his first child Fred, after his late twin brother.


    * Slytherin House has become more diluted and is no longer the pureblood bastion it once was. Nevertheless, its dark reputation lingers.


    * Voldemort's jinx on the Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) position is broken with his death, and there is a permanent DADA teacher.


    * Firenze is welcomed back into his herd, who acknowledge that his pro-human leanings were not shameful, but honourable.


    * Kingsley Shacklebolt becomes the Minister for Magic, with Percy Weasley working under him as a high official.


    * As part of the changes introduced by Kingsley Shacklebolt, Azkaban no longer uses Dementors. As a result, the world is now a "much sunnier place".


    * Dolores Umbridge is arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned for crimes against Muggle-borns.


    * The Quibbler has returned to its usual condition of "advanced lunacy", and is appreciated for its unintentional humour.


    * A portrait of Snape was not put in the headmaster's office as he abandoned his post before dying. Harry intends to fight the absence of Snape's portrait, and reveals to all Snape's true allegiance.

  3. Hvem er det? Hva er humoren?


    Det er fra filmen "Freaks" (1932).

    Mannen er Simon Metz (spiller visstnok jente i filmen). Han har en sykdom som heter Microcephaly.


    Simon Metz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlitzie

    Microcephaly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcephaly


    Og det er ikke noe humor.


    Filmen: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=63...earch&plindex=0




    Åh fy faen, gammel post, men må bare si at denne filmen var creepy :ohmy:

  4. Hei, for dere som har lest Ctrl+Alt+Del

    ( http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20021023 )

    så vet dere at i de siste stripene så har hovedkarakteren har laget en gamer relegion, jeg vet ikke om det er forfatteren som har laget denne siden, men i en av stripene så sa han at han skulle lage "TheChurchofgaming.com, så jeg tengte jeg skulle google det å se hva jeg fant, Behold! :!:




    Det er bare 2 sider men jeg synes det var gøy og spesielt, en liten flash(?) bibel som forklarer hvordan gamer gudene laget gaming og gamere ;)

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