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Innlegg skrevet av Pesico

  1. Får min PS3 Slim på torsdag, så jeg dedikerer helgen til en Uncharted gjennomspilling eller to. Har fått veldig sansen for det utifra de timene jeg har hatt med det hittil så gleder meg til å sette igang med resten! :)


    Da anbefaler jeg deg å vente med å oppdatere slimen til 3.0 til du er ferdig med Uncharted. FW 3.0 har skapt problemer med å spille Uncharted for mange.

  2. Nesten så jeg er enig i det, men jeg kan vel muligens få en av mine foreldre til å hente det. Hvordan gjør jeg det da om jeg har registrert det i mitt navn? Har ikke forhåndsbestilt enda, så kan vel registrere i en av mine foreldres navn om det er nødvendig..


    Vis du ikke har forhåndsbestillt enda kan du jo gjøre det i navnet til den som skal hente det. Men tar du med kvittering vil jeg ANTA at det går bra uansett. Sier anta siden jeg ikke har erfaring med forhåndsbestillinger hos dem fra før av.

  3. Er jo ihvertfall den de reklamerer for hos Gamestop, så jeg satser på at man får den når man forhåndsbestiller der..




    Man må være tidlig ute i butikken skal man få Limited Edition. Hvertfall den butikken jeg forhåndsbestillte hos sa at man ikke kunne forhåndsbestille Limited Edition. Så kommer til å stå der et kvarter før. Minst!


    Har forøvrig bestillte Limited Edition hos den australske butikken også, så er no redda uansett.

  4. Dersom Uncharted 3 skulle dukke opp på PS3 så har dei nok klart å få til enda litt meir. Utnytter dei då til dømes 150% av PS3-en...? Sånne utsagn er berre tåpelege :)


    Nei, de utnytter bare de 100%ene bedre. Men det er jo helt klart marketing snakk. Nå er PS3en en del mer komplisert å programmere for enn 360en. Dermed kan det være vanskeligere å ta den i bruk 100%. Tviler på Uncharted kun brukte 30% av den, men er ikke sikkert de fikk utnyttet all kraften i den. Dersom Uncharted 2 klarer å utnytte 100% av PS3en er det ikke dermed sagt at de ikke kan utnytte 100% av den på en mer effektiv måte ved neste spill.

  5. Det er vel flere trofeer, ikke sant? Siden du nevnte ikke-story-relaterte.


    Nei dette er alle trofeene.



    Jeg har forhåndsbestilt Uncharted2 hos Gamestop og på plakaten så mener jeg det sto noe om en eksklusiv multiplayer-demo.


    Noen som vet når denne kommer?


    Er 15. september som HCG sa. Blir tilgjengelig for alle 29. september og frem til spillet blir sluppet i USA.

  6. *drumroll* Her er trofelisten!!!! Ingen storyrelaterte trofeer så enjoy:





    First Treasure

    Find one treasure


    Apprentice Fortune Hunter

    Find ten treasures


    Novice Fortune Hunter

    Find 20 Treasures


    Cadet Fortune Hunter

    Find 30 treasures


    Intermediate Fortune Hunter

    Find 40 treasures


    Practiced Fortune Hunter

    Find 50 treasures


    Proficient Fortune Hunter

    Find 60 treasures


    Professional Fortune Hunter

    Find 70 treasures


    Expert Fortune Hunter

    Find 80 treasures


    Crack Fortune Hunter

    Find 90 treasures


    Relic Finder

    Find the Strange Relic


    20 Headshots

    Defeat 20 enemies with headshots


    100 Headshots

    Defeat 100 enemies with headshots


    Headshot Expert

    Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots



    Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)



    Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging


    50 Kills: 92FS – 9mm

    Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS – 9mm


    50 Kills: Micro – 9mm ( Bronze Trophy)

    Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro – 9mm


    30 Kills: Wes – 44

    Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes – 44


    30 Kills: Desert – 5

    Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert – 5


    20 Kills: Pistole

    Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole


    70 Kills: FAL

    Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL


    70 Kills: M4

    Defeat 70 enemies with the M4


    50 Kills: Dragon Sniper

    Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper


    30 Kills: Moss – 12

    Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss – 12


    70 Kills: SAS – 12

    Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS – 12


    50 Kills: M32 – Hammer

    Defeat 50 enemies with the M32


    30 Kills: RPG – 7

    Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG – 7


    200 Kills: GAU – 19

    Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU – 19


    30 Kills: Mk-NDI

    Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI


    Triple Dyno-Might

    Defeat three enemies with one explosion


    Grenade Hangman

    Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging


    Bare-knuckle Brawler

    Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat


    Steel Fist Master

    Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire



    Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game


    Buddy System

    Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game





    Master Fortune Hunter

    Find all 100 treasures



    Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying


    250 Headshots

    Defeat 250 enemies with headshots


    Bare-knuckle Slugger

    Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat


    Bare-knuckle Expert

    Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat


    Master Ninja

    Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks


    Steel Fist Expert

    Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire


    Charted – Easy

    Finish the game in Easy Mode





    Charted – Normal

    Finish the game in Normal Mode


    Charted – Hard

    Finish the game in Hard Mode


    Charted – Crushing

    Finish the game in Crushing Mode









  7. Demoen kommer til å bli enorm, bare sjekk ut hva IGN.com skriver:


    Uncharted 2: Multiplayer Demo Details

    New videos and the most robust "taste" the PS3 has ever seen.

    by Greg Miller


    September 11, 2009 - Back in June, a handful of PlayStation 3 owners got tapped to participate in the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Players could take on a co-op mission, blast each other in deathmatch, and go after some golden idols whenever they felt like it. People seemed to be having fun and enjoying the taste of what was to come.


    Now, Naughty Dog's going to blow that "taste" out of the water with a massive Uncharted 2 multiplayer demo that is open to anyone with a PS3 and the Internet.


    There's so much going on in this demo that's it's really hard to pick where to begin describing it. I talked to the developers the other day, and they said the purpose of this freebie is to give you as much of the multiplayer game as they can in a reasonably sized file. So, you give Naughty Dog 1.5 GB, and they're giving you four maps, four competitive modes, two co-op modes, the much-hyped cinema mode, the ability to create custom games, access to new skins, about 80 percent of the boosters you'll find in the final game, and so much more.


    Fly through the latest map, you wannabe Drake.


    If they weren't planning on shutting the demo down around the time the game ships on October 13th, there's a good chance people would play this forever.


    In terms of maps, you're getting the same Plaza and Village settings you played on or at least saw during the beta along with the Ice Cave and Temple. Both of these locales are described as smaller venues that are going to be a blast for close-quarters combat. The Ice Cave, of course, is going to feature that snow you're always seeing in the Uncharted trailers while the Temple will pack water sections and plenty of opportunities to flank opponents.


    Similarly, Deathmatch and Plunder are back this time around -- both packing variations such as different difficulties for Plunder and weapon sets such as shotguns/snipers and pistols/grenades for DM -- but joined with Elimination and Chain Reaction. A round-based game, Elimination has two teams squaring off with the objective of killing everyone on the other team. Wipe out the other guys three out of five times, and you're the big winner. Chain Reaction has you capturing flags, but you have to do them in a specific order - one team works out from their base needing to capture 1 through 5 while the other team starts out from their home and needs to snag 5 through 1.


    If you don't like any of the default settings, this demo's going to allow you to mess around with the options for sore limits, friendly fire and so on as well as letting you set up matches for just your friends. If you play with strangers, the new skill ranking system will pair you with similarly experienced players.


    Of course, all of this multiplayer mayhem plays into the game's cinema mode where you can save matches, replay them, move the camera around, and do nifty green screen stuff. All of the tools that will be in the final cinema portion of the game are going to be here for you to play around with.


    A final feather in the demo's cap is that it's going to have the fully fleshed-out money/store system so that you can take the cash you're earning in multiplayer and buy new skins, boosters, co-op weapon upgrades and taunts.


    We expect the Ice Cave to look like this.

    We expect the Ice Cave to look like this.

    Sadly, none of the stuff you unlock and none of the cinemas you create will carry over to the retail release of Uncharted 2. Similarly, your multiplayer rank will be wiped when the final game hits stores. However, Uncharted 2 packs a built in Twitter link and it's going to be active in this demo. If you enter in your Twitter username and password, the game will automatically Tweet your special accomplishments.


    So, when is all of this greatness coming to a PS3 near you? Well, if you preorder the game from GameStop, you can get into the demo exclusively from Sept. 15 to Sept. 28, 2009. On Sept. 29, 2009, the demo will open to everyone and stay that way until Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is out on the streets.


    Happy hunting.



  8. Ja håper virkelig det :) Noen andre som gleeeder seg?


    Gleder meg sinnsykt til spillet kommer jeg. Var med i den lukkede betaen og synes den var knall (både co-op og competetive), så kommer neppe til å være med i denne betaen. Er så mye annet bra fem til Uncharted 2 kommer ut. Når det kommer derimot, kommer jeg til å kun spille Uncharted 2 i minst en måned:p

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