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Innlegg skrevet av skraml

  1. Har hatt mange katter. De to siste har jeg vasket. (Perser og Maine Coon)

    Den nest siste ble veldig problematisk da vi ikke vasket den før den var blitt stor. Dette var en perser og pelsen ble litt flokete :S Maine Coone’en vasket vi fast ca 1 gang i mnd'en fra den var relativt liten. Det gikk helt fint. Ingen problem. Skal ikke si den likte selve vaskingen, men den protesterte vertfall ikke. Tørkingen etterpå ELSKET den. :p


    PS: Kjøp spesialsjampo på dyrebutikken.



    Mange som sier at man ikke skal vaske katten sin. "De klarer jo seg selv". Dette er forskjellig fra katt til katt. Enkelte katter kan det være lurt å vaske en skjelden gang i tillegg til den vanlige kambingen.


    Jeg måtte barbere nesten hele katten min pga den hadde så sinnsygt med floker i pelsen. Var umulig å greie den. Her hos dyrelegen  :D



  2. takk :) greia er at jeg noen ganger kan bli veldig sint og gal, jeg ahr adhd, men ingen medisin og da er det utrolig godt å røyke, men jeg har tatt min siste!




    Hmmm, hvordan har du tenkt å slutte? Har du planlagt å bruke andre nikotinmidler eller tabletter?

    Har du tidligere hatt mislykkede sluttforsøk?

    Hvor lenge/mye har du røykt?

    Hvor gammel er du?


    Jeg kan sikkert gi deg noen tips. Røykte 15+/dag i nesten ti år. Gikk gjennom mange mislykkede forsøk, men har nå vært røykfri siden januar. YEAH! :D

  3. Jeg har tidligere hatt en lignende tilstand. Jeg tenkte hele tiden på metoder jeg kunne bruke for å ta livet mitt. Jeg lå våken store deler av nettene med disse tankene, samtidig som jeg tenkte på familien og vennene mine. Jeg var svært trøtt om dagene. Hadde det ikke vært for at jeg visste at andre folk ville savnet meg så mye hadde jeg sikkert ikke levd nå. Jeg visste at jeg ikke kunne gjennomføre tankene på grunn av disse personene, noe som egentlig bare gjorde meg enda tristere. Hmmm, litt vanskelig å forklare.


    Uansett: Det gikk over. Så enkelt som det. Over noe jeg tipper var en ca 6-ukers periode ble jeg gradvis bedre. Da hadde jeg vært deprimert i ca ett halvt år. Det rare med hele greia er at jeg egentlig ikke vet hvorfor problemet verken oppstod eller forsvant. Jeg har virkelig prøvd å komme på grunnen, men jeg har seriøst ikke peiling.


    En av personene jeg pratet med under depresjonene fortalte meg at han hadde gjennomgått noe lignende. Han også sa til meg at det helt sikkert kom til å gå over. Jeg måtte bare prøve å gjøre det beste ut av hver dag og la tiden gjøre jobben. Jeg syntes det hørtes jævlig teit ut selv på den tiden, men jeg kommer ikke på noen annen ting å si til deg nå helder. Det kommer til å bli bedre.

  4. Du vil merke STOR forskjell når du slutter. Jeg vet ikke om lungene vil bli like bra som om du aldri hadde røyka i utgangspunktet. Sikkert ikke. Så lenge du ikke sikter mot toppidrettnivå tror jeg ikke det vil ha noe å si. Tror du kommer til å føle deg ”på topp”. Lykke til…..

  5. Navn: Pizza Magnifico (tror jeg)

    Beskrivelse: Det "spesielle" var at det var sprøstekt løk på den. Var også biff å noe andre greier jeg ikke husker helt. Mener å huske at denne var sykt dyr i forhold til de andre frossenpizzaene på denne tiden.

    Sist sett: Tidlig nittitallet ca...?

  6. Er det flere enn meg som irriterer seg over at nesten alle bruker snus?


    Hvorfor blir du irritert når andre snuser? Er det fordi de håndhilser på deg rett etter de har baket seg en pris? Er det fordi du kjenner lukten av snusen når du kommer nærme ansiktet på folk? Blir du bare irritert uten noen egentlig grunn når du ser en person snuser? Blir du irritert av å se en person som er overvektig?



    Jeg er en av få der jeg bor som ikke bruker det og har aldri prøvd det.


    Bra for deg at du ikke har prøvd snus. Ikke noe galt i å prøve slik jeg ser det, men greia vil mest sannsynlig gjøre deg nikotinavhengig etter en viss tid. Avhengighet er kjipt. Det er nok alltids tryggest å holde seg helt unna.


    Jeg kan bare ikke skjønne hva som er så bra med det.


    Folk flest snuser av tre grunner.

    1. De synes det ser tøft ut. Smaken er som baken.

    2. Smaken og ”det å ha noe oppi der”

    3. Nikotintilførsel som i starten ofte gir en følbar rus, men som etter hvert bare demper et fysisk behov kroppen har opparbeidet seg.




    Warning: Contents describe poopie in a very graphic way and may offend some readers.




    Okay, i think most people enjoy pooping. And i think some people don't like to talk about it. Why not? Poopie is a wonderul thing. It is just behind masturbation on the top 2 list over nice things you can do with your body for yourself. Anyway, most people do NOT know how to fully enjoy pooping. I won't say that i have all the answers, but i have a few guidelines that i have developed myself. And i won't say i'm the first to think of it either btw.




    Okay, when you really really have to poop, it is extremely tempting to just sit down and begin labour at once. Don't. Sit down, let the poop think it is coming out a few times, but push it back in (not with your fingers or anything, with your butt muscles...). When you feel in your heart, not your body, that the poop is ready to go, release it. Good things are worth waiting for and the best things only come when you withstand temptation and wait.




    Spread your butt good and wide! Pull those butt cheeks out to the sides! The secret is to get sweaty before you start the poopie, but not too sweaty. This step is very connected to step one. The waiting period is crucial. Make sure the sweat is sticky, but not slippery. Allthough i must admit that the spread issue is different for some people, i enjoy it best when i spread good. Besides, it saves you a lot of wipeing on the insides of the cheeks. There are those who like that it slides more along the cheeks and actually push the cheeks together, but i wouldn't personally recommend it.




    This is perhaps the most important step of them all! PAY ATTENTION! You have got to connect to your butthole. Connect all the wires and strings that alert your brain of feelings to the butthole. Ignore all other feelings. This sounds like bullshit, but it's for real. You will really notice a difference. Try to just think about the butthole and how it feels. Feel it slide down. Try to figure out if it is painful or just pleasure. It will renew your whole pooping experience, i guarantee!


    4. Don't push!


    Don't push it! Just let it go for itself. Let it slide slooowly. If you push, it might be over in half a second. If you let it slide, you will really feel how it is to poop! The best ones are the hard ones. When they just won't slide. It feels like it's stuck. Your body will cramp motions to push it out. Resist. Really resist it! Let it be there. Eventually, it will go out. Lovely.


    5. Don't leave!


    Ok, a big mistake many people do is that they poop, wipe and get out. I know a girl who poops in half a minute. That's insane! It's complete waste of this incredible gift the nature gave you. St tight and enjoy the afterquakes. When your first poopies are gone, your butt is freed of that plug, so now all the farts come. Okay, tell me if someone beat me, but i timed one of my after-poop farts once.. 13 secounds! I deliberatly held it down so it would last, though. It is completely honest. One fart for 13 seconds. There might be some poopiebonuses for you if you wait also. Sometimes, the softer poop that comes after the poop-plug AND the fartplugs gets out a little later. Those are actually meant for next pooping session, so it's a shame to waste them so soon and having to wait even longer till the next time, but they are very special and a little rare. So treasure them. Don't cry over spilt poop. Learn from it.



  8. Hehe, noen år siden jeg har lest disse.


    Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
    VictimX_27: Hi there!

    cheesedog: HEYA!

    VictimX_27: What u up 2?

    cheesedog: Nice English.

    cheesedog: Did you learn that on the short bus?

    VictimX_27: Get fucked

    cheesedog: I'm just joking relax

    cheesedog: What's your name?

    VictimX_27: Whats yours?

    cheesedog: I asked you first.

    VictimX_27: I asked you second

    cheesedog: Did I time just warp to middle school?

    VictimX_27: huh

    cheesedog: Never mind. My name is Johnny

    cheesedog: Johnny Cheesedog

    VictimX_27: Thats not your real name

    cheesedog: Why isn't that my real name?

    VictimX_27: No one has the name Cheesedog as a last name

    cheesedog: Well I do. Whats wrong with it?

    VictimX_27: Nothin i suppose

    VictimX_27: Is that your real pic in that av?

    cheesedog: Yes it is

    VictimX_27: Very handsome

    cheesedog: Thanks

    VictimX_27: You kinda look like eminem

    cheesedog: Fuck you.

    VictimX_27: HEY! I meant that in a good way

    VictimX_27: I think eminem is hot!

    cheesedog: Oh. You think I'm hot?

    VictimX_27: Yeah

    cheesedog: What do you look like?

    cheesedog: Do you have a pic?

    VictimX_27: I don't show my picture to anyone

    cheesedog: Why not?

    VictimX_27: Cause I'm ugly

    cheesedog: I won't make fun of you

    VictimX_27: Its not that. I just don't like my looks

    cheesedog: So you have no self-esteem, huh?

    cheesedog: Is that what you're saying?

    VictimX_27: I just don't think I'm pretty

    cheesedog: Let me be the judge of that.

    VictimX_27: Nahhh

    cheesedog: Then describe yourself.

    VictimX_27: Why do u wanna know what I look like?

    cheesedog: Because I think you're nice

    cheesedog: I want to picture you in my head while I'm talking to you.

    VictimX_27: LMAO!! You don't want 2 picture me. Trust me

    cheesedog: Why not?

    VictimX_27: I told you. I'm ugly.

    cheesedog: Well... I think you're beautiful on the inside.

    VictimX_27: You don't even know me

    cheesedog: I'm a pretty good judge of character

    VictimX_27: Then why do u need 2 see me?

    cheesedog: I just wanted to know thats all

    cheesedog: If you aren't comfortable with it... thats fine.

    VictimX_27: You don't understand

    cheesedog: Is it that bad?

    VictimX_27: YESSSSS

    cheesedog: Ok then. I'm gonna picture you as Weezy from the Jeffersons.

    cheesedog: She is the bomb!

    cheesedog: She makes me hot just thinking about her!

    VictimX_27: Wheezy?

    cheesedog: Yep. Weezy.

    VictimX_27: Who is that?

    cheesedog: George's wife.

    VictimX_27: Who is george

    cheesedog: George Jefferson. From the Jeffersons.

    cheesedog: Are you fucking deaf?

    VictimX_27: Who are the Jeffersons?

    cheesedog: Oh lord. Here we go

    VictimX_27: wut?

    cheesedog: You don't know who the Jeffersons are?

    VictimX_27: Should I?

    cheesedog: Yes.

    VictimX_27: Well I don't.


    VictimX_27: huhhh?


    VictimX_27: Wut the hell are you saying?

    cheesedog: Hold on a second

    cheesedog: Here you go. *PIC*

    VictimX_27: Thats her?

    cheesedog: Yep

    VictimX_27: I don't look anything like that

    cheesedog: SHUT UP! You're ruining my fantasy!

    VictimX_27: LOL. You're funny.

    cheesedog: What's funny?

    VictimX_27: u r

    cheesedog: I'm glad I entertain you

    VictimX_27: me 2

    cheesedog: So if you don't look like Weezy, what do you look like?

    VictimX_27: u don't give up do u?

    cheesedog: Never

    VictimX_27: I'm the exact opposite of her

    cheesedog: ?

    VictimX_27: I'm very white

    cheesedog: Thats cool, my white anti-soul sista'

    VictimX_27: LOL

    cheesedog: I can dig white chicks too, I guess.

    VictimX_27: I'm whiter than most

    cheesedog: really?

    VictimX_27: I'm an albino

    cheesedog: a what?

    VictimX_27: u don't know what that is?

    cheesedog: I've heard the word before

    VictimX_27: I have no pigment in my skin, eyes or hair

    VictimX_27: So I'm all white

    cheesedog: This is bullshit

    VictimX_27: I'm serious!

    VictimX_27: You've never seen an albino before?

    cheesedog: No. Where do they live? Albinia?

    VictimX_27: No, we live all over.

    cheesedog: Then how come I've never seen any

    VictimX_27: Lucky I suppose

    cheesedog: Send me your picture. I wanna know what an albino looks like.

    VictimX_27: I'll send you a picture of one but not me

    cheesedog: Ok

    VictimX_27: Here u go *PIC*

    cheesedog: Whoa. Thats freaky

    VictimX_27: See why I don't send my picture out?

    cheesedog: there's nothing wrong with it.

    cheesedog: It doesn't make you ugly

    cheesedog: This chick is kind of hot actually.

    VictimX_27: Thank u

    cheesedog: No problem

    cheesedog: Her, not you. I don't know what you look like.

    VictimX_27: Are you gonna be on in 3 hours?

    cheesedog: Yes

    VictimX_27: I have to go to the mall with my sister

    VictimX_27: Will you be here when I get back?

    cheesedog: S ure. Then I'll sex you up.

    VictimX_27: Gee thanks. LOL

    cheesedog: I'm serious

    VictimX_27: We'll see.

    cheesedog: Yes we will.

    VictimX_27: Bye for now!

    cheesedog: Make sure you wear some sunscreen.

    VictimX_27: <USER HAS LOGGED OUT>


    About 3 hours later...


    VictimX_27: HEY!

    cheesedog: Hello there

    VictimX_27: I'm back

    cheesedog: Have fun at the mall?

    VictimX_27: Yeah. I got some new shoes

    cheesedog: Interesting

    VictimX_27: Not really. Just shoes

    cheesedog: You ready to be sexed up now?

    VictimX_27: LOL

    cheesedog: Is that a yes?

    VictimX_27: Could be


    cheesedog: HOT DAMN!

    cheesedog: I gently suck your nipples

    cheesedog: I feel them get hard then I jam my hand down your..

    VictimX_27: WOAH! Slow down cowboy

    cheesedog: Why?

    VictimX_27: I'm not just gonna cyber with you if thats all you want

    cheesedog: What do you mean?

    VictimX_27: You're not going to ignore me later are you?

    cheesedog: Of course not.

    cheesedog: I like you.

    VictimX_27: I don't even know how old you are.

    cheesedog: I'm 27. Now....

    cheesedog: I gently massage your breasts with my rough hands

    cheesedog: I roll your nipples between my fingers

    VictimX_27: WAIT!

    cheesedog: They get hard again... what?

    VictimX_27: Don't you wanna know anything about me first?

    VictimX_27: Like what I like?

    cheesedog: Oh yeah. Sure. Hurry up.

    VictimX_27: That didn't sound convincing.


    VictimX_27: Now u r being a smartass

    VictimX_27: Just give me a minute

    cheesedog: ok

    VictimX_27: I'm back

    cheesedog: np

    VictimX_27: thank you

    cheesedog: So what do you like?

    VictimX_27: Ummmm being licked

    cheesedog: Where?

    VictimX_27: Everywhere

    cheesedog: Any place in particular?

    VictimX_27: uhhh yeah

    cheesedog: tell me

    VictimX_27: on my clit

    cheesedog: OK!

    cheesedog: NOW YOU'RE TALKIN!

    VictimX_27: I also like being done from behind

    cheesedog: Ooooooohhhh.

    cheesedog: Ok. Check this out.

    cheesedog: We're in an abandoned building.

    cheesedog: No is around. Its all quiet.

    VictimX_27: Uh huh

    cheesedog: I gently unbutton your pants and slide my hand across your clit

    cheesedog: You get all warm and juicy.

    cheesedog: I slip your panties down and continue to massage your pussy

    VictimX_27: oooohh mmmm

    cheesedog: I place my mouth on your pussy as I eat you from behind

    cheesedog: I wiggle my tounge around across your moist hole

    VictimX_27: yessss

    cheesedog: I cover your ears with my hands as I eat you.

    cheesedog: Egon and Ray sneak in from the back.

    cheesedog: *Powering up Proton packs*

    VictimX_27: ?

    cheesedog: Then... Egon BLASTS your pasty white ass!!


    cheesedog: Winston and Peter set up the containment trap....


    cheesedog: You wiggle around in the proton streams buck naked

    cheesedog: The streams almost cross! Look out!!

    cheesedog: Peter smacks you across the chin with his gun

    cheesedog: They open the trap and it sucks your pale ass in!

    VictimX_27: This isn't funny johnny!

    cheesedog: SHUT UP! YOUR CAUGHT!

    cheesedog: **puts you in the containment area**

    cheesedog: Slimer is in there too..


    cheesedog: I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    cheesedog: Now...Slimer sticks his green, slimey cock in your pigmentless ass.

    cheesedog: **HE SLIMES YOU!**

    VictimX_27: Never talk to me again!

    cheesedog: He cums all over your hair... but no one notices cause its the same color

    VictimX_27: FUCK YOUUUU

    cheesedog: He eats a powdered donut!

    VictimX_27: SHUT UP AND FUCK YOUUUU!!!

    cheesedog: o wait! It was your hand, you scary, white whore!

    VictimX_27: LEAVE ME ALONE!

    cheesedog: Chill out, Casper. You're trapped, I said.

    cheesedog: Slimer goes to lick your clit.

    cheesedog: But there is already slime on your it!!

    cheesedog: Slimer thinks you are a cheater and gets jealous!!


    VictimX_27: FUCK YOU!!!!

    cheesedog: **Plays volleyball with them**

    VictimX_27: <USER HAS LOGGED OUT>



  9. Hva er din reaksjon?


    Link til BT


    Jeg er ute etter følelsen dette gir deg

    Bare fortell meg hva dette gjør med deg...



    Siden jeg blir så sykt forbanna, reagerer jeg egentlig mest med tanker jeg innerst inne vet er idiotiske:



    - Ønsker alt mulig ondt til de som gjorde dette.

    - Kutt ALL kommunikasjon og handel med disse syke svina, la dem bare holde på med faenskapen sin der nede, men spar oss for å måtte se det.


    - Gjør om landet til en stor jævlig parkeringsplass. De kommer aldri til å oppføre seg likevel.



    Så, etter hvert, glemmer jeg av hele greia. Lykkelig uvitende om at fremmedfrykten min har vokst seg litt større.

  10. Muligens gammelt nytt for de virkelig interesserte, men jeg fikk meg vertfall akkurat en fantastisk fin overraskelse:




    Perhaps one of the most-anticipated albums for fans of both the Tree and Opeth has to be Wilson's side-project with Opeth main man Mikael Åkerfeldt, which should surface sometime in 2008, he said.


    "We've been talking about this literally since the day we met," Wilson explained. "The original idea was to collaborate together on something else, but since then both bands have been becoming more and more successful. We kind of got immersed in our own projects, and we've never really found the time to get together and follow through on what we'd discussed. In the meantime, the rumors have gotten around that we were planning to do something. Realistically, it is going to happen, but it won't happen until next year. We've written some songs, and that's about as far as we've got so far.


    "I just hope it can live up to [people's] expectations," he continued. "I think there's always this sense that this whole idea of supergroups is sometimes one that can disappoint, because people always expect it's going to be Opeth plus Porcupine Tree, so it's going to be twice as good as either band on its own. I think it will be something a bit different, and I think it will be something good. I just hope the expectations aren't too enormous."


    Fra MTV News




    I tillegg til Steven Wilson og Mikael Åkerfeldt har jeg lest rykter om at også Mike Portnoy vil delta. :love:

    Noen som har noe mer håndfast info?

  11. Henter fra guiden:

    Det er viktig å få med så mye informasjon som mulig når du ønsker tips, så det er lettere å hjelpe deg med et så passende anlegg som mulig for deg.




    Pris(Maks budsjett):

    15000. Jeg kan strekke meg noen par tusen opp




    20-30 (Er på utkikk etter ny leilighet, så denne kan jeg ikke svare 100% på)



    Stereo eller surround:

    Stereo i første omgang, men ønsker å kunne bygge ut til surround senere.



    Bruk(Musikk eller film-hva slags musikk?):

    Musikk: http://www.last.fm/user/paalrune/ hmmmm. progressiv rock, alternativ, ambient, metal, "piano-syngedamer :D" ..... ikke noe rap eller techno vertfall



    Lydbilde(Kvalitet vs kvantitet):

    hmmm, kvalitet? Usikker, men jeg må ha muligheten til å "bråke" litt. (må tåle en fyllefest)



    Bosted(Lettere å anbefale brukt utstyr):


  12. Hei.

    Jeg har tenkt å kjøpe meg stereoanlegg, men har null peiling :D

    Tanken er å bruke rundt 15000 på høytalere og forsterker og bruke PS3 som spiller.


    Jeg hører mye mer på musikk enn jeg ser film, men ønsker likevel å ha mulighet til senere å bygge ut til surround.


    Hadde vært fint om noen kunne komme med forslag.

  13. Helt klart Steven Wilson. Mannen er et musikalsk geni!


    Jeg spiller ikke noe selv, men Steven Wilson fascinerer meg. Den evnen han har til å skrive enkle, fengende melodier og samtidig komme med kritiske tekster. Han får meg til å tenke litt over ting.


    Fear of a Blank Planet.


    Trenger egentlig ikke si så mye mer.



    Helt enig der.


    Håper retningen han har tatt med FoaBP vil få flere til å like musikken hans som jeg selv mener er kraftig undervurdert.

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