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Innlegg skrevet av lunafleur

  1. Nei, men jeg synes murderotica skal få lov, siden den beveger seg så lite at man egentlgi ikke legger merke til det uten å se etter.


    Jeg la desverre ikke merke til at den var animert før noen sa det til meg.

    My mistake.


  2. Now, now. Don't be patronizing. Just because you're a girl and all these virgins would like to ravage you like a poor mountain girl from the Alps, it doesn't allow you to assume that you seem to be in possesion of some sort of ultimate answer to all questions concerning grammar in this language. That would surely be disproved by all these sweaty nerds rampaging this wonderful board.


    Now, in conclusion:


    - You can choose between somewhere around 80 000 nerds who doesn't have the faintest idea how to please you.

    - You do not have the ultimate answer (no, not talking about 42, that would be the Adams theory of God having a cold) to grammatical questions.




    Nothing of this had absolutely anything to do with... well.. anything, but I thought it needed to be said. Because I've always wanted to say it. However, the current time and place where I chose to say this is in high probability not influenced by God having a cold. But still, God seemed to have a cold. How could God have a cold? I think God should at least have the flu if he's calling in sick. I mean, seriously, he's God. Doesn't he have som sense of responsibility? Problaby not, he's problaby still beating his head into some cloud over the mistake of bothering to create a species that just spend most of their time finding new ways to gloriously blow each other up in the name whatever.



    This is the silliest post I've ever been in. I'm ending it right now.




    I did not assume anything. And I don't expect people to respect me, or like me, just because I'm a girl. My post was based on nothing but what I read in this discussion. Actually, I kind of made that post to spark a debate, which I obviously succeeded in. Misspelling of words doesn't really bother me. We all do it. What bothers me, is those kinds of mistakes that others would want to put in the "Dårlige engelsk oversettelser"-thread. Haha.

  3. Oh dear Jesus, the lack of English skills in this forum is frightening. I would've thought that you guys were better than this. Even in the first post I manage to find a few grammatical flaws.


    Okay, it may not be as bad as I'm making it seem, because overall, it is rather good. It's the rare flaunts I find here and there that are remarkably big. I shouldn't expect much anyway, considering this is a Norwegian forum, with Norwegian people. I guess I'm just used to English forums already. :)

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