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Innlegg skrevet av gitarfreak

  1. Var veldig spent på hvordan denne filmene ville bli og eg e veldig skuffet.

    Filmen var mye dårligere en spiderman 1 og 2.

    Sandman var bare helt tåpelig i filmen og burde hvert tatt ut av filmen.

    Venom synes eg var grei, likte ikkje at han hele tiden skulle vise sitt vanlige fjes, og den pingle stemmen hans passe ikkje inn.

    Synes de burde ha tatt ut sandman og fokusert mer på venom og harry.

    Denne filmen er veldig likk X-men 3: Midelmådig, skuffene og dårlig historie..


    Terningkast 2

  2. Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
    For months now, rumors have been circulating that Metal Gear Solid 4 would find its way to the Xbox 360, due to the PS3's lackluster performance and dwindling third-party support. This is following revelations that other hotly-anticipated games and former PS3-exclusives, such as Assassin's Creed and Devil May Cry 4, will also show up on the 360.


    However, after months of rumor-mongering by various gaming sites, and even a mention in the Dec 06 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (page 51), a source at Konami (who wishes to remain anonymous) sent us some juicy details:


    "Yes, in fact, we are working on putting Metal Gear Solid 4 on the Xbox 360 and PC, which should both come out roughly 6 months after the PS3 release. However, we've been working with Microsoft so the 360 and PC versions will both take advantage of Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live, with such features as achievements and the ability for 360 and PC owners to play against each other in multiplayer.


    I'd love to give you some more details, but this is already pushing it. We are making the big announcement July 11th at this year's E3, so you'll just have to wait until then. Sorry!"


    A few months ago, IGN posted a huge lot of speculation detailing the possibilities of MGS4 on the 360, and why and how it may happen. Now that it has, it raises all sorts of questions. Is the PS3 that unprofitable for publishers that they need to make a 360 version to make a decent profit? How many more exclusives does the PS3 stand to lose, and what will Sony be doing about this?


    We do find it interesting that it was noted to release "6 months after the PS3" version. Does this simply mean the 360 and PC versions are taking longer to develop, or is Konami bound by a temporary exclusivity agreement?


    Start your speculation engines, folks.

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