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Innlegg skrevet av Olaus

  1. Ok, har bare ikke noe peiling på dette, er ganske bra dum på dette.

    Første gangen ever jeg prøver noe lignende, så det er litt rart.

    BTW jeg er ikke et lite barn :thumbup: bare ikke vant til dette.


    Edit: fant den på games, trykker på den.

    Da kommer det til slutt: The game could not be started.

    Skal man gå et annet sted?

  2. - (Edit by csfreakno1: READY)

    - (Edit by csfreakno1: Start the 2.71_TA-082_-_1.50.exe. Install the Files to the PSP)


    - Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.


    - Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery.

    It will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.


    - The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb

    as "Update X.YX" in the psp language.


    - The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.


    - At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it.


    - If all went fine, you'll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings.

    Welcome to 1.50.


    - If things didn't go that fine, you'll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.

    You accepted that risk, remember.


    Many thanks to the betatesters


    Caramona, Serge, Lagon, Marcos, Combes and Marco Antonio Paulino.


    Btw, We are sad that yoshihiro left the scene, he is a great dev and will be missed. Thanks for all!



    Hvor/hva er generic downgrade?

  3. TA-082 downgrader by Dark_AleX/Mathieulh/Harleyg


    This is an application to downgrade a ta-082 unit running 2.71 firmware and HEN-D

    to 1.50, although teoretically can downgrade to any version, but only 1.50 has been tested.


    The application, at the moment of writing this readme was tested in 5 psp's, with 5 success.

    As always, this kind of application have risks, this one in concrete write to idstorage area

    of nand.


    The authors don't get responsabilized of any damage that may happen by the use of this

    unlicensed software. You are on your own when doing it.


    The method of ta-082 downgrade is based on research on hardware-downgraded ta-082 selled in ebay.

    We realized that the process was not very complex, and easy to imitate by software.







    - Copy the UPDATE and idstoragechange folders into /PSP/GAME/

    - Get the official sony 1.50 eboot and put it in the /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder with the name of



    - Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.


    - Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery.

    It will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.


    - The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb

    as "Update X.YX" in the psp language.


    - The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.


    - At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it.


    - If all went fine, you'll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings.

    Welcome to 1.50.


    - If things didn't go that fine, you'll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.

    You accepted that risk, remember.


    Many thanks to the betatesters


    Caramona, Serge, Lagon, Marcos, Combes and Marco Antonio Paulino.


    Btw, We are sad that yoshihiro left the scene, he is a great dev and will be missed. Thanks for all!


    Det er det det står, er litt usikker, vil ikke brikke psp'en heller :thumbup:

  4. Har sett over her og jeg fant ut at jeg har 2.71 som min firmware.

    Eneste problemet er at jeg har TA-082, så da fant jeg ikke noe om hvordan nedgradere med det kortet.

    Fant ikke noe om det i guidene over, bare uten TA-082.

    Kan noen fortelle meg hvordan?



    EDIT: skrivefeil som er endret

  5. Her kan alle de som har en 360 som aldri eller maks 1 gang brytt sammen skrive.

    Meg først da: hatt min Xbox siden den kom ut, aldri vært en eneste feil.

    Håper flere skriver, er lei av alle som sier at den er for full av feil....


    EDIT: Brukt den ca. hver dag siden jeg fikk den, utenatt ferie og lignende

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