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  1. tatt fra Urban dictionary om scene kids a.k.a emo's

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    for the love of God, come on.

    i mean, everyone makes fun of 'scene' kids or 'emo' kids for comforming to something that is supposed to be a symbol of non-comformity. You are all contradicting yourselves. Your saying that you want to hurt/kill/piss on?!? someone for the way they look? Has the human race honestly regressed that far back? take a look at movies like - mississippi burning, the pianist or to kill a mockingbird. Your acting the same way as the people in the movies. Your critisiing someone for their beliefs. I do not identify as 'emo' 'indie' or 'scene' but i do own vans slip ons, i do wear tight jeans, and i do listen to bands that the majourity of my classmates have not heard of. But just because my jeans are tighter than yours does not make me a lesser human being, or a 'fag' as you so delictaly put it. someone listens to obscure bands? Why the fuck do you care? get a FUCKING hobby. please. people who listen to unpopular music do so, for the most part, because music is a huge part of life for them, and seeing it slowly stripped down and sold for ratings waters down the concepts that the music originaly held. That is why they prefer to listen to bands that you dont know about, so that they DONT become like my chemicle romance, fall out boy, ect. If you still thnk that they are conforming, than think of this. People who go to AE or AF ae spending ALOT of money on the clothes they buy. Kids who go to vintage stores are buying cheap and for the most part really nice clothing. everyone, whether you want to admit it or not, has before, will in the future, or is copying someone. It doesnt make you a bad person though, it makes you a human, cause the sad fact is, that there is no originaly left, everything has been done. So if kids want to hold on to what they see as the last shred of originaly left in modern society, let them. and fuck off.


    uneducated person's rant -

    emo boyz and scene kids are such FAGS. with their girls jeans and eye liner. They are all trend followers! i want to kill them all because they listen to obscure music and wear clothes that fit well. i will also make durogatory comments about the size of their genitals, specualte about their sexual preferences and continuely judge them as a whole instead of everyone at a time. HARDXCORE

  2. kanskje ikke alle så veldig ukjente men men.. kanskje noe death metal har lurt seg in her også. litt div usbm,depresiv BM, litt les legions noires, noe fra nrk urørt pluss mer


    striborg - With animosity I bequeath thee - Ghostwoodlands

    Wigrid - Schreie Der Verzweiflung - Hoffnungstod

    Peste noire - La Fin Del Secle - ?

    Peste noire - La Cesarienne - ?

    silencer - Sterile Nails And Thunderbowels - death pierce me

    Shining - Demodets Arkitektur - IV The Eerie Cold

    Diabolical Masquerade - 1st Movement - Death's Design

    Melencolia Estatica - Meditatio I - ?

    The Martyrium - Loki's Schmerz - Todesrunen

    The Martyrium - An den Toren Hels - Todesrunen

    Lugubrum - Attractive to the Flies - De Vette Cuecken

    Lugubrum - De Vette Cuecken - ?

    Twilight - Woe Is The Contagion - ?

    Lurker of Chalice - Piercing Where They Might - ?

    Hate Forest - Domination - Purity ( ikke ukjent kanskje men måtte ha den med

    Moëvöt - Notre Pere - ?

    Moëvöt - In Einen Friedhof Errance

    Mysticum - Let the Kingdom Come - In the Streams of Inferno

    !T.O.O.H.! - Al-Amin (Aneb Jak Vycakat Jelito) - Order and Punishment

    PANTHEON I - Carved in Stone :thumbup:

    ULVHEDNER - ...Atter Er En Ny Tid Omme

    Allfader - This Blakened Heart

    Nordavind - Broderens Dolk

    Argar - Furvus avernus I - ?

    Evilwar - Prelude of Destruction - ?

    Munruthel - Эпоха Водолея - ?


    for de som ikke skjønnte det. fra venstre, først artist/gruppe så navnet på sangen og til slutt albumet.

  3. Buckethead eier

    mine favoritt album ( og eneste jeg har hørt er )



    inneholder den nydeligste sangen av Buckethead "whitewash"

    buckethead - whitewash


    Giant Robot:

    mine favoritter er

    Onions Onleashed,Last Train to Bucketheadland og Welcome to BucketheadLand alle sangene på albumet er nesten like bra i mine øyne men de er best


    EDIT: leif

  4. Last.fm sier:


    linkin park





    -System of a Down

    -Green Day

    -Papa Roach


    -Limp Bizkit




    -My Chemical Romance

    -Funeral for a Friend

    -Fall Out Boy


    -The Used

    -Story of the Year

    -Matchbook Romance



    edit: mer

    -Stone Sour


    -alt etter Clayman av In flames

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