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Nye drivere til Radeon-familien

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Nye drivere til ATI Radeon-familien har nå lekket ut på nettet. Det dreier seg om beta-drivere, som ifølge de foreløpige rapportene øker både ytelsen og billedkvaliteten på 3D-grafikk.


Les artikkelen her.


[ Denne Melding var redigert av: Howard på 2002-03-04 11:29 ]

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Prøvde disse i går.

Det hjalp faktisk utrolig mye.


Spillte Comanche 4 før update. Hakket som bare det.

Lastet ned driveren og det gikk som det skulle.


Men TV/ut fungerer ikke.

Har ikke peil på om det er driveren eller noe annet.

Det fungerte heller ikke med di forrige driverene jeg hadde.


Hadde disse før update

Driver -


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Tatt fra Rage3D forumet:


This has been copied from these forums a while ago and has never failed me yet.


Clean Driver Install: Revision 2


1). Uninstall your current ATI display driver. Do this by going into your control panel and running add/remove programs. ATI Display Driver should be one of the first few on your list. Choose yes when it asks if you would like to uninstall. Choose no when it asks to reboot.


2). Remove all leftover .inf files. Windows will use these to reinstall drivers (or at least try) without giving you an option for a clean install. To do this, you'll want to do a find all files/search, which can be accessed via the start menu. Windows ME has it labelled as search, and I believe Windows 9x has it labelled as find. In the search window, you'll want to enter ati*.inf as the target file. Don't bother making it search your whole hard disk, instead, under the look in field, type in C:WindowsInf, and make sure look in sub-folders is checked. Now your set, click find/search. Delete all files which it reports (make sure the location is c:windowsinf or c:windowsinfother, do not delete ati*.inf files in other directories, just in case you chose to search your entire hard drive). Once you've completed the .inf flush, you're now ready to move on.


3). Reboot your computer. Windows will load with a default VGA adapter driver, which the ATI uninstall conveniently installs for you. Little do we know, ATI forgot to take out all the registry settings, ack! Here's what you need to do...


4). Run regedit. To do this, hit Start, click Run, and type regedit in the field and press Enter or hit OK. The windows registry entry will pop up. There are two sections you'll need to delete garbage from, the first one being the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE. Click the plus next to software and in the directory tree below it you will see a key labelled ATI Technologies, simply highlight this key and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Click yes to confirm removal when Windows prompts you. That will fix all previous tweaks you may have done, so you can ensure a fresh driver install at default settings. Now, on to the next key(s) you'll want to delete. WARNING! The following keys which I recommend you delete automatically assume you are using only one display adapter(video card) in your system. If you are using more than one, I will assume you are literate enough to know which keys can safely be deleted without mucking up your secondary adapter. Go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesClassDISPLAY, click the plus next to DISPLAY and you will see at least one sub key, normally labelled 0000. If your registry is dirty, you will likely see multiple keys, such as 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on. If you have only one video card in your system, it is now safe to delete every sub key of DISPLAY, including 0000. To do this highlight each key respectively and hit the delete key on your keyboard, click yes when Windows asks if you wish to remove the entry. Once you have deleted all keys, it is now time to close the regedit program and move on to the next step.


5). You will now need to go into your system device manager, which can be accessed in two ways. One, by right clicking on My Computer, clicking Properties, and then Device Manager in the following window, or you can access the device manager in your system Control Panel and double clicking on the System icon, and clicking Device Manager in the following window. Under Device Manager click the plus symbol next to Display Adapters, you will now see the Standard PCI adapter listed below. Highlight it and hit the delete key on your keyboard and click yes to confirm when Windows prompts you. It will then ask you to reboot your computer to finish removing the device, click no. Next step.


6). Extract/Unzip/Decompress your Radeon drivers of choice to a location which you will remember (I use C:WindowsDesktopRadeon). Once you have extracted the drivers, you can now reboot your computer to manually install them. I do NOT recommend using the ATI setup program to install drivers. When you reboot your computer, Windows will detect new hardware and ask if you wish for it to search for drivers. I always tell Windows where to search, and do not recommend you let Windows search automatically. Since Windows 9x and Windows ME vary slightly in this driver install process, I will assume you are familiar with basic driver installation and can handle pointing Windows to the directory which you extracted the drivers (i.e. C:WindowsDesktopRadeon for 7041 whql or C:WindowsDesktopRadeonATIDrive for all other driver packages). From here you may proceed to let Windows search the specified directories for the .inf file containing the driver install information, and the rest should be fairly self explanatory.

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Får dere mye fps i Quake 3?


Kjøre 1024 * 768 * 32, trilinier, full textures, 32 bit textures uten komprimering.


får 65 til 70 fps.

ingen FSAA.


Har Athlon 1400 (100MHz fsb), 640 SDRAM, ATI Radeon 64DDR 183MHz, SB audigo og win xp.

Ved bruk av drivere som fulgte med kortet fikk jeg 85fps på gammel CPUen min (athlon 800)!?


Er ATI elendig og lage drivere? I D3D får jeg bra tester da. 3200 i 3dmark 2k1se.

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ja etter å ha lestden leksa som står over, har jeg bare en ting å si: FIX!!!!. sånn skal det da vel ikke være. jeg er idiot, gi meg idiotsikre drivere. på det gamle kyrokortet mitt var det bare å avinstallere gammel driver og innstallere ny driver ,så var det fixa. sånn skal jeg ha det fra ati oxo ellers blir jeg SUR, og det er ikke trivelig for noen, de folka jeg jobber sammen med blir sure fordi jeg er sur, så går de hjem til familien , og så blir ungene sure ,og vennene til ungene ,og lærerne blir sure , og krever mere lønn, og så blir det streik, og så blir det tvungen lønnsnemd, og så blir det oppsigelser, og så blir det økt arbeidsledighet,og så faller kronekursen, og så øker utenlandsgjelda, og så går norge til hælveta, og så er det ingen til å styre formannsvervet i fn, og så exploderer verden i en bølge av vold,sykdommer ,blod,gørr,og atomsopper.

ALT PÅ GRUNN AV ATI`S ELENDIGE DRIVERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nemli,,

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Driverne til ATi er ikke elendige, du må bare ha litt PC kunnskaper om hvordan du skal installere de. Det er egentlig IKKE anbefalt at man installerer ved hjelp av Installprogrammet som følger med.


Bare følg denne "beskrivelsen" (På engelsk, gidder ikke å oversette):


1). Uninstall your current ATI display driver. Do this by going into your control panel and running add/remove programs. ATI Display Driver should be one of the first few on your list. Choose yes when it asks if you would like to uninstall. Choose no when it asks to reboot.


2). Remove all leftover .inf files. Windows will use these to reinstall drivers (or at least try) without giving you an option for a clean install. To do this, you'll want to do a find all files/search, which can be accessed via the start menu. Windows ME has it labelled as search, and I believe Windows 9x has it labelled as find. In the search window, you'll want to enter ati*.inf as the target file. Don't bother making it search your whole hard disk, instead, under the look in field, type in C:WindowsInf, and make sure look in sub- folders is checked. Now your set, click find/search. Delete all files which it reports (make sure the location is c:windowsinf or c:windowsinfother, do not delete ati*.inf files in other directories, just in case you chose to search your entire hard drive). Once you've completed the .inf flush, you're now ready to move on.


3). Reboot your computer. Windows will load with a default VGA adapter driver, which the ATI uninstall conveniently installs for you. Little do we know, ATI forgot to take out all the registry settings, ack! Here's what you need to do...


4). Run regedit. To do this, hit Start, click Run, and type regedit in the field and press Enter or hit OK. The windows registry entry will pop up. There are two sections you'll need to delete garbage from, the first one being the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE. Click the plus next to software and in the directory tree below it you will see a key labelled ATI Technologies, simply highlight this key and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Click yes to confirm removal when Windows prompts you. That will fix all previous tweaks you may have done, so you can ensure a fresh driver install at default settings. Now, on to the next key(s) you'll want to delete. WARNING! The following keys which I recommend you delete automatically assume you are using only one display adapter(video card) in your system. If you are using more than one, I will assume you are literate enough to know which keys can safely be deleted without mucking up your secondary adapter. Go to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesClassDISPLAY, click the plus next to DISPLAY and you will see at least one sub key, normally labelled 0000. If your registry is dirty, you will likely see multiple keys, such as 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on. If you have only one video card in your system, it is now safe to delete every sub key of DISPLAY, including 0000. To do this highlight each key respectively and hit the delete key on your keyboard, click yes when Windows asks if you wish to remove the entry. Once you have deleted all keys, it is now time to close the regedit program and move on to the next step.


5). You will now need to go into your system device manager, which can be accessed in two ways. One, by right clicking on My Computer, clicking Properties, and then Device Manager in the following window, or you can access the device manager in your system Control Panel and double clicking on the System icon, and clicking Device Manager in the following window. Under Device Manager click the plus symbol next to Display Adapters, you will now see the Standard PCI adapter listed below. Highlight it and hit the delete key on your keyboard and click yes to confirm when Windows prompts you. It will then ask you to reboot your computer to finish removing the device, click no. Next step.


6). Extract/Unzip/Decompress your Radeon drivers of choice to a location which you will remember (I use C:WindowsDesktopRadeon). Once you have extracted the drivers, you can now reboot your computer to manually install them. I do NOT recommend using the ATI setup program to install drivers. When you reboot your computer, Windows will detect new hardware and ask if you wish for it to search for drivers. I always tell Windows where to search, and do not recommend you let Windows search automatically. Since Windows 9x and Windows ME vary slightly in this driver install process, I will assume you are familiar with basic driver installation and can handle pointing Windows to the directory which you extracted the drivers (i.e. C:WindowsDesktopRadeon for 7041 whql or C:WindowsDesktopRadeonATIDrive for all other driver packages). From here you may proceed to let Windows search the specified directories for the .inf file containing the driver install information, and the rest should be fairly self explanatory.


Copy og paste denne inn i et *.txt doc. (Det har jeg gjort)

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Prøvde de nye driverene( i går . Så bra ut , men jeg fant en light-map bug i RTCW (rocket brett ) Så veeeldig stygt ut. Sjekket også spillet "Sacrifice" , det ble uspillelig -skjermen ble totalt hvit hver gang jeg bevegde på musa . Det er også tilfelle med de annbefalte driverene ( . Gikk tilbake til disse alikevel.


Når det gjelder avinnstallering av drivere er det bare å avinnstallere via Kontrollpanelet og innstallere de nye driverene . Har gjort dette 8-10 ganger .

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skjønner ikke "driverproblemet problematikken"

Gjorde som annbefalt på rage3d-avinnstaler, kjør regedit-søk:ati technologies (slettet alt jeg fant da)det siste syntes litt viktig for stabillitet og funksjon. Iaffal, deretter oppgraderte dvd og hydravision fra ati`s webside til sist innstalerte "file" player fra driver cd`en


dettte gjaldt for meg og -43 driverne. Dualboot omega -17 driverne i ME


7000+ uoverklokka med ett meget rent bilde hei harry

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ja etter å ha lestden leksa som står over, har jeg bare en ting å si: FIX!!!!. sånn skal det da vel ikke være. jeg er idiot, gi meg idiotsikre drivere. på det gamle kyrokortet mitt var det bare å avinstallere gammel driver og innstallere ny driver ,så var det fixa. sånn skal jeg ha det fra ati oxo ellers blir jeg SUR, og det er ikke trivelig for noen, de folka jeg jobber sammen med blir sure fordi jeg er sur, så går de hjem til familien , og så blir ungene sure ,og vennene til ungene ,og lærerne blir sure , og krever mere lønn, og så blir det streik, og så blir det tvungen lønnsnemd, og så blir det oppsigelser, og så blir det økt arbeidsledighet,og så faller kronekursen, og så øker utenlandsgjelda, og så går norge til hælveta, og så er det ingen til å styre formannsvervet i fn, og så exploderer verden i en bølge av vold,sykdommer ,blod,gørr,og atomsopper.

ALT PÅ GRUNN AV ATI`S ELENDIGE DRIVERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nemli,,


Enkelt og greit: Juks i cs = juks i livet!!!!




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minimum payne skrev (2002-03-05 18:33):

ja etter å ha lestden leksa som står over, har jeg bare en ting å si: FIX!!!!. sånn skal det da vel ikke være. jeg er idiot, gi meg idiotsikre drivere. på det gamle kyrokortet mitt var det bare å avinstallere gammel driver og innstallere ny driver ,så var det fixa. sånn skal jeg ha det fra ati oxo ellers blir jeg SUR, og det er ikke trivelig for noen, de folka jeg jobber sammen med blir sure fordi jeg er sur, så går de hjem til familien , og så blir ungene sure ,og vennene til ungene ,og lærerne blir sure , og krever mere lønn, og så blir det streik, og så blir det tvungen lønnsnemd, og så blir det oppsigelser, og så blir det økt arbeidsledighet,og så faller kronekursen, og så øker utenlandsgjelda, og så går norge til hælveta, og så er det ingen til å styre formannsvervet i fn, og så exploderer verden i en bølge av vold,sykdommer ,blod,gørr,og atomsopper.

ALT PÅ GRUNN AV ATI`S ELENDIGE DRIVERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nemli,,


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On 2002-03-12 20:52, Pingo68 skrev:

Men si meg en ting, noen som har testa ut den aller siste driveren til Windows XP, versjon 6.13.6043?

<font class=editedby>[ Denne Melding var redigert av: Pingo68 på 2002-03-12 20:53 ]</font>


Ja, nydelig bildekvalitet, høy FPS, ikke noe mere "image tearing" for meg med disse nei, men jeg lasta de ned fra denne (Andre 6043 drivere, fra ATi, noe de som er med i news til Rage3D ikke er): ftp://ftp.megasat.ch/jetway/driver/Vga/ati-xp.zip

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