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svein stavanger

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Innlegg skrevet av svein stavanger

  1. Ser at 9600 fikk karakter 7, mens 6500fd fikk karakteren 9. http://www.thinkcamera.com/news/article/mps/UAN/292/v/1/sp/


    "If I wanted to buy a bridge camera right now I'd get a Fujifilm S6500fd. If I wanted to buy a budget DSLR with a travel zoom then I'd also think long and hard about whether the S6500fd wasn't a better choice. It's between £50 and £100 cheaper than the S9600 and unless you need the extra pixels I think it's a better buy. It will also save you £100 - £200 off the price of an entry level DSLR and be somewhat easier to live with. The face detection isn't perfect - many times it just doesn't work yet but I like to see it as a handy bonus. This is a great camera with face detection thrown in. "


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