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Innlegg skrevet av Zeeon90

  1. Les litt på forumene til RP servere. Hvis du skulle forklare RP kort så hadde det vel vært noe som, et skuespill der improviseres? Prøv, bli kjent med RP'ere. Du merker faktisk enorm forskjell på hvor lenge folk har RP'et. Det første jeg gjør når jeg lager meg en char jeg skal RP'e med er å tenke meg (eventuelt skrive) kort om bakgrunns historien hans/hennes. Trenger ikke være store greiene, noen er selvsagt mer hardcore enn andre.


    Som jeg skrev før, whisper meg hvis du skulle lage en horde char på AD, vi trenger flere RP'ere :)

  2. Har selv spilt på Argent Dawn siden mars 2004, sett hvordan serveren har forandret seg. Det virker som det har kommet flere leet kids pga paid-transfer og færre RP'ere.


    Hvis jeg skulle gi deg et råd så ville det være å finne deg et RP guild. Ellers så må du sannsynligvis "lete" etter andre RP'ere.

    flagRSP er en nifty addon, "flagger deg for RP", du kan gi characteren din etternavn og utseende beskrivelse og gjør det lettere å finne andre RP'ere :) (trøtt, litt rotete skrevet :p)


    Hvis du skille bestemme deg for å lage en char på AD så poke borti Zenjun eller Vradish :)


    Edit: tpoys

  3. 1. 16

    2. Horde

    3. Startet som Alliance så ja, men gikk over til Horde etter et år.

    4. Fikk lyst til å teste en Hunter, ender i det beste guildet jeg noen gang har vært i og dinger 60 noen måneder senere.

    5. Litt off-topic men, men:


    Anyone ever notice how the Night Elves, when faced with important, world-changing decisions, INEVITABLY make the wrong ones? If it weren't for Night Elves and their screwups, I'd be inclined to think Azeroth in general would be a much nicer place.


    Mistake 1: Destroying the Scepter of the Shifting Sands


    Bronze Dragonflight: "Now that we've finally sealed away the nemesis of all Azeroth, here's a scepter should you need to break the seal and fight them again."

    Fandral: "WAAAHH!"

    *breaks scepter*

    Bronze Dragonflight: "You dumb f*cker."


    Mistake 2: Destroying the Well of Eternity


    Queen Azshara: "Blahaharrrgh, I'm addicted to magic!"

    Night Elves: "Well I guess that's cool."

    Queen Azshara: "Blahahaharrrgh, I'm summoning demons!"

    Night Elves: "Ok, that's not so cool."

    *Bigass War!*

    Malfurion: "I've got an idea! Let's blow up the world!"

    Tyrande: "Come on, that's your solution to everything."

    Malfurion: "No it's not! By the way, hold this."

    Tyrande: "Hey, this looks like a-"


    Tyrande: "...dammit, Malfurion."


    Mistake 3: Recreating the Well of Eternity, Then Leaving It There and Falling Asleep


    Illidan: "Hey guys, now that we just got done blowing THAT up, I just made a new one!"

    Night Elves: "You stupid f*cker."

    Malfurion: "Illidan, you're under arrest for playing the devil rock music."

    Illidan: "How wude!"


    Malfurion: "Anyway, let's just plant a tree over top of this sucker and call it a day."

    Tyrande: "Uh, what do you want us women to do, Mal honey?"

    Malfurion: "You all stay awake and keep the stove warm in case we're hungry when we wake up. Oh, and don't go running off having fun with your friends or anything, I want you in the kitchen where you belong."

    Tyrande: "But-"

    Malfurion: "zzzzzzzzzzzz"

    Tyrande: "Dammit."


    Mistake 4: Staying Asleep


    Orcs: "FOR THE HORDE! And also the Burning Legion!"

    Night Elves: "zzzzzzzzz"

    Undead: "For the lich king! Also, again, the Burning Legion!"

    Night Elves: "zzzzzzSNRKzzzzz"


    Mistake 5: Picking a Fight with the Orcs


    Night Elves: "WTF?! Orcs cutting down our trees? Gettem!"

    Cenarius: "I'LL take the case!"


    Night Elves: "WTF!!"

    Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek


    Mistake 6: Releasing Illidan


    Tyrande: "We need help, gotta wake the druids up. Oh hey, Illidan! I'm sure 10,000 years of confinement has only rehabilitated him."

    Illidan: "GROWLowlorarrrr"

    Tyrande: "...although I could be wrong."

    Illidan: "OOGHRARGHghhh!" *runs off*


    Mistake 7: Blowing up the World, AGAIN


    Medivh: "Quit fighting you nubs! Archimonde is coming!"

    Night Elves: "Oh crap you're right. Too late now!"

    Archimonde: "Bwahahahaha!"

    Malfurion: "Hey, I've got an idea!"

    Everyone: *groans*



    Mistake 8: Stopping Illidan from killing the Lich King


    Malfurion: "OMG! Illidan's doing something crazy to Northrend! Gotta stop him!"

    Maiev: "I'm kookoo for catching Illidan!" *trips Tyrande*

    Tyrande: "Aiiee!" *falls into river*

    Malfurion and Illidan: "I'LL take the case!"


    Illidan: "So you see, I was trying to DESTROY THE MOST POWERFUL EVIL BEING IN AZEROTH."

    Malfurion: "Oh, uh..... my bad."


    Mistake 9: Building a new World Tree


    Fandral: "Man, I miss immortality. Let's make a new world tree!"

    Malfurion: "I don't think that's a good-"

    Fandral: "STFU nub."


    Fandral: "See? This place is great."

    Malfurion: "I dunno, it smells kinda bad... and I think I just stepped in some ooze."

    Fandral: "Yeah? Well if you don't like it, why don't you go get lost in the Emerald Dream for a few years?!"

    Malfurion: "You know what?! I think I will!" *gets lost in the Emerald Dream*

    Night Elves: *facepalm*

    Rest of Alliance: "Remind me why we put up with these guys?"

    Bronze Dragonflight: "Because you're all a bunch of dumb f*ckers."


    Supplimentary Mistake: Leaving Illidan without adult supervision. Twice.


    I rest my case.

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