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  1. nebrewfoz skrev (3 timer siden):

    Har du fulgt denne beskrivelsen (som er ca. 1 år gammel):

    Sync your accounts between devices with Google Authenticator

    To use the sync feature, you must first sign in to your Google account. Once logged in, the app will prompt you to select the account you want to use to sync.

    After selecting the appropriate account, simply click Continue. The app will automatically back up the 2FA data of all your accounts to the cloud, and a small cloud icon will appear at the top of the screen to indicate the sync status.

    If you have a second device, you can open the Google Authenticator app on it and sign in to the correct account to sync linked accounts and their 2FA tokens.

    Google Authenticator blir den automatisk konfig om jeg tar sikkerhetskopi iPhone å sletter iPhone fabrikk innst?starter ny iPhone henter sikkerhetskopien 

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