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Innlegg skrevet av Reeee

  1. Fordi det blir feil. Vikingene var hvite og det var overveldende andre Europeere de hadde kontakt med.

    Ditt ekstreme sjeldne enkelt eksempel endrer ikke dette, som ble beskrevet som den styggeste ungen noensinne.

    Som Xenophanes skrev “The Ethiops say that their gods are flat-nosed and black,

    While the Thracians say that theirs have blue eyes and red hair.

    Yet if cattle or horses or lions had hands and could draw,

    And could sculpt like men, then the horses would draw their gods

    Like horses, and cattle like cattle; and each they would shape

    Bodies of gods in the likeness, each kind, of their own.”

    • Liker 4
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