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Innlegg skrevet av StudentOfGame

  1. Hi, I will write the rest in English because my Norsk isn't so good (maybe you noticed it in the title..)

    I'm writing a paper for my project at the Business Academy and have a survey about streaming services, film/TV, and viewing habits and thought this community would naturally the best place to get educated answers! The subject is content and how publishers/developers can improve their community management and content offerings for the benefit of the consumer.

    This survey is of course strictly confidential and anonymous.

    If you have 5 minutes of extra time could you take my survey? It's in the Google Docs link below:


    Thank you, your help really matters!😀


  2. Hi, I will write the rest here in English because my Norwegian isn't so good (maybe you noticed in the title..)

    I'm writing a paper for my project at Copenhagen Business Academy and have a survey about games, gaming habits and social media and thought this community would naturally the best place to get educated answers! The subject is content and how publishers/developers can improve their community management.

    If you have 5 minutes of extra time could you take my survey? It's in the Google Docs link below.

    Thank you in advance, your help really matters!


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