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Innlegg skrevet av StianHH

  1. De egentlige Pink Floyd startet med den geniale Syd Barrett som kaptein, i 1967.

    Du mener vel 1965 ?


    Selv liker jeg best Dark side of the moon, og Meddle. Men jeg har ikke fått hørt alt av det de har gitt ut ennå.

    Riktig, i 1965 ble Leonard’s lodgers til Pink Floyd.

  2. da må jeg virklig si jeg syntes dynd på deg anth!

    personlig syntes jeg jazz er grell musikk. mange gode musikere, men mye av det høres ut som kamerater som bare sitter å spiller på hver sine instrumenter uavhening av hva de andre spiller.

    Bare åtte dager forsinket. Happy Aprilsnarr :w00t:

  3. De to jeg nesten-grein til her om dagen var:


    Sigur Rós - 1 (fra untitled)


    Savage Rose - A Girl I Knew




    A Girl I Knew (fra debut-albumet Savage Rose - Savage Rose)


    They took her

    Into their tiny room

    They wanted it to be like that

    They saw the gloom

    Of her lifeless face


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    I could hear

    What happened to her

    In the night

    They lit the light

    And they saw

    What she was like


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    She couldn't see what happened

    Cause she wasn't there

    They only felt her

    And they weren't fair

    To her and to her

    Lifeless body


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    They left

    Saying a good-bye

    And I was left alone with a lie

    Cause she wasn't there

    I only saw her

    And I could do nothing

    But cry

    For I'd lost a girl

    I knew


    - Savage Rose

  4. Denne får hårene på ryggen til å reise seg, iallefall på meg


    Pink Floyd


    When The Tigers Broke Free


    by Waters


    It was just before dawn

    One miserable morning in black forty-four

    When the Forward Commander was told to sit thight

    When he asked that his men be withdrawn

    And the Generals gave thanks

    As the others ranks

    Held back the enemy tanks for a while

    And the Anzio Bridgehead was held for the price

    Of a few hundred ordinary lives


    And kind old King George

    Sent Mother a note

    When he heard the Father was gone

    It was, I recall, in the form of a scroll

    With gold leaf and all

    And I found it one play

    In a drawer of old photographs

    Hidden away

    And my eyes still grow damp

    To remember His Majesty

    Signed with own rubber stamp


    It was dark all around

    There was frost in the ground

    When the tigers broke free

    And no one survived

    From the Royal Fusiliers Company C

    They were all left behind

    Most of them dead

    The rest of them dying

    And that´s the High Command took my Daddy from me

    Jepp! :yes:

  5. Men jeg er litt enig med deg; tekstene betyr ikke så mye for låta, men noe innhold må det være.

    Det er klart at ikke all musikk må ha en tekst. Jeg liker godt instrumental musikk, men jeg liker også veldig godt poetiske låter og da f.eks The Doors. Men så var ikke emnet; "Trenger musikk gode tekster for å være lyttbare?"


    Ny tekst som jeg liker godt:


    Turboneger - Raggare is a bunch of motherfuckers


    Raggare is a bunch -

    Raggare is a bunch, bunch, bunch -

    A bunch of motherfuckers -

    A bunch of motherfuckers -


    Raggare is a gang of freaks -

    Who always beats the geeks -

    Going around -

    In their big American cars -

    Think they are owners of the town -

    But they're not -

    They are nothing -

    Nothing, nothing, nothing but animals -

    Monkey - donkey - kangaroo -

    They've got no -

    No, no, no - no, no, no -

    No IQ -


    They are nothing -

    Nothing, nothing, nothing but animals -

    Fucking animals -


    Raggare [ 4x ] -


    Raggare is a bunch -

    Raggare is a bunch, bunch, bunch -

    A bunch of motherfuckers -

    A bunch of motherfuckers -


    The only thing they do all day -

    Fight, fight, fight - fight, fight, fight -

    Why, why, why - why, why, why -

    Why don't someone do something against them -


    No one dares - The cops are scared -

  6. Her er den teksten (da går jeg ikke etter gitarsoloer osv) jeg liker best for tiden (den burde sjekkes ut på http://www.savagerose.com/srworks.html );


    A Girl I Knew (fra debut-albumet Savage Rose - Savage Rose)


    They took her

    Into their tiny room

    They wanted it to be like that

    They saw the gloom

    Of her lifeless face


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    I could hear

    What happened to her

    In the night

    They lit the light

    And they saw

    What she was like


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    She couldn't see what happened

    Cause she wasn't there

    They only felt her

    And they weren't fair

    To her and to her

    Lifeless body


    And I lost a girl

    I knew


    They left

    Saying a good-bye

    And I was left alone with a lie

    Cause she wasn't there

    I only saw her

    And I could do nothing

    But cry

    For I'd lost a girl

    I knew


    - Savage Rose

  7. Du tror det var til salgs ja. :roll:

    Hang masse slikt på veggen.

    Signert Elvis, Rolling Stones, Billy Idol, Manowar, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Tina Turne, Michael Jackson osv...

    Helt sykt.

    Hehehe... Tenkte ikke så langt. Men med en 10 000 lapp kunne du kanskje ha fått en (bitte)liten del av venstre hjørne. Jaja..

  8. 6 idag:


    Blonde Redhead - Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons :yes:

    Rumble in Rhodos - The Weight of this Mistake (ep)

    Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy

    The Yum Yums - Blame it on the Boogie :yes:

    Sigur Ros - ( )

    Sigur Ros - untitled #1 (5'' + DVD)


    Oh yeah, det blir å sitte ved anlegget i hele kveld :love:

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