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Innlegg skrevet av BigDaddy

  1. Hentet fra en ann web side.





    « Reply #4 on: April 28, 2004, 02:18:23 pm » | Reply with quote



    This is a hijack. Some hacker screwed it up though. I imagine they wanted to redirect your browser but screwed up the script, so your (and mine) browser does this instead.


    You will probably have to go through your registry and delete the offending entries.


    I currently have the same problem, similar to others I have had (Internet Optimizer, 2020search, etc.)


    What I do is just keep searching on google or whatever for "http:///?%20" (with quotes). This might be a new hijack, so the info might not be out there yet to defeat it. Wait about a week, then search again for remedies.


    This is my advice.



    Kilde: http://www.digitaldrivel.com/forum/index.p...y;threadid=5127

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