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Innlegg skrevet av fri

  1. The infinite bullshit message


    believe I will never die in this life. 

    I believe that one day I will look down on earth from a big spaceship with my star family inside the spaceship. I will hold around girl in bed at the same time I  look through a window, looking on Earth, knowing I will soon be incarnated on earth again. History repeat itself, world war 1, world war 2, then it will be sad to know that I will be incarnated very soon, then 1984, 1985, 1986, and then 1987 and then I will say goodbye to everyone on the big spaceship and then I will be incarnated as me on 25.may 1987. Will have my lovely childhood once again.


    The years before I will be incarnated there is no other things to look forward to other than being born as a child again, it will be very very strange feeling of existence. But before this it will hopefully be many happy years, raising children and making revolution and having much fun.


    I often hold around pillow and pretend it’s a lady and at the same time I pretend I’m looking down on planet Earth through window.

    I ask to myself: How would I think about my life at that point? I would be happy about the times I’ve been happy in my life . Making stupid websites makes me happy, so I should continue about stupid websites. Who cares about “professional websites” the day we’re waiting for our next incarnation? We will be happy about all the times we’ve been childish, All the times we’ve been sleeping on the beach and then waking up to see the beautiful sunrises. All the times we helped somebody else with stuff. All the hugs we gave away. 


    And we come to the point that we want no more from life. Not even s++, or at least maybe just very not so often. Because all we want is to be born again to a new life. To very similar life. 


    Then we’ll find out that hugging people is the true only thing you never get tired of.  Just floating around in solar system in this big spaceship with hundreds of people, like it’s a big ship, it’s invisible for the people on Earth ofcause.



    Bo der med ens lille stjernefamilie i hundrevis av år. Bare vente. Før man flyttet inn i skipet så handlet det om å gjøre gode gjerninger hele tiden. Men tilslutt var det omtrent ikke mer gode gjerninger å gjøre annet enn å støtte de andre i stjerne familien sin. Man bare venter,

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