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Innlegg skrevet av Niklaswaag

  1. We are two buddies and admins of a private server outside of Bergen, Norway. You are welcome to join our server at

    Server Settings (much vanilla):

    • No structure damage
    • Open world PvP permitted between GMT 14.00 and 22.59
    • 2x Crafting XP
    • Battle-Eye enabled
    • No equipment-drop on death (will most likely change as the game matures and stabilizes)
    • 30 slots/Clan Size 6

    If we get a player-base running on the server, we will discuss possible future changes to the server settings with our players on our Discord or Facebook-page.

    We like to keep a relaxed playing style, promoting building, exploring and co-operation. Our admins keep a close tab on the server, and any players that wish to report griefing, exploiting etc, may do so via msg on Facebook or pm on Discord. The perps shall be dealt with quickly.

    Hit us up if you have any questions!

    Password for the server is conanians

    Discord: https://discord.gg/53hbDTb



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