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Norman Mills

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Innlegg skrevet av Norman Mills

  1. "and is matching the Galaxy S6 Edge and the performance is beating the Galaxy S6 Edge in most, if not all areas according to benchmarks." Please show me those benchmarks. I'm curious to see where exactly had Apple caught up with Samsung. Why am I bringing the IR blasters??? Because I want my expensive phone to have as much functions as possible. I'm tired of paying higher price for merely a "strong brand". Forgive my harsh language, but this iphone-couple-of-months-later-iphoneS is an insolence. 

  2. In my opinion iPhone 6/6 Plus is inferior to the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. I saw a video on YouTube where they compare both devices and I was quite disappointed in iPhone's performance - battery duration, processor, imagery (iPhone's front camera for instance is 1.2mp compared to Samsung's 5mp. Selfie made with a 1.2mp  camera would rather look as Picasso's painting), front glass' strenght. Drop down tests hammered the last nail in iPhone's coffin - the fucking apple broke down after the 3rd drop down attempt, whereas Samsung needed couple more attempts to get totally fucked. Also why do Apple refuse to built-in IR blasters, so we can turn our phones into a universal remote??? Don't get me wrong - I'm not some Apple hater, but a guy who's had them all, from the first iPhone that came out in 2007 up until this summer when I purchased iPhone 6. I'm just dissappointed that Apple treat it's clients as money bags, charging them tons of money for devices that underperform. That practice has to stop. We, the Apple fans deserve much more for our love and money spent. Amin.

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