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Innlegg skrevet av kanikketrojegregistrerermegfordette

  1. Helt enig med "alle" her! Alle skjønner at annonsene er hovedinntekten og de fleste er nok villige til å godta reklamen, så lenge det foreligger noen premisser for hva som er akseptabelt. Problemet med sidene deres er ikke annonsene, men hvordan dere leverer den. Dere har jo brutt alt som er av regler for hva vi-lesere- er villige til å godta.


    Hvis dere fortsatt ikke forstår hva som blir sagt her i over 1 år over 9 sider, så er "Adblock Plus" sine regler ganske lette å forstå:

    Which ads are "acceptable"?

    We currently have the following requirements:

    • Static advertisements only (no animations, sounds or similar)
    • Preferably text only, no attention-grabbing images
    • Ad placement:
      • Ads should never obscure page content (e.g. require users to click a button to close the ad before viewing the page).
      • For pages featuring a reading text ads should not be placed in the middle, where they interrupt the reading flow. However, they can be placed above the text content, below it or on the sides. The same applies to search results pages: paid search results cannot be mixed with organic results.
      • When ads are placed above the content of a main page, they should not require the user to scroll down. The available vertical space is likely to be at least 700 pixels. Advertising should not occupy more than one-third of that height. Paid search results on search pages are allowed to occupy more space, but they should never outnumber organic results.
      • When placed on the side ads should leave enough space for the main content. The available horizontal space can be expected to be at least 1000 pixels, and advertising should not occupy more than a third of that width.
    • Advertising should be clearly marked as such with the word "advertising" or its equivalent, and it should be distinguishable from page content, for instance via a border and/or different a background color.
    • Marking and placement requirements do not apply for hyperlinks with affiliate referrer IDs embedded in the content of the page. Additional criteria for hyperlinks with affiliate referrer IDs:
      • Redirects originating from the hyperlink should not present any other webpage than the destination page.
      • In texts, not more than 2 percent of the words can be hyperlinked for monetization purposes.
      • Hyperlinks should not be formatted or behave differently than other links.
      • Hyperlinks should not be misleading, in either content or placement.

    These criteria are not necessarily final; we are always working at improving them. In particular, we want to require that every user's privacy is respected (e.g. mandatory Do Not Track support). However, we are not yet in a position to enforce that requirement.



    For å bli kvitt blokkeringen, så vil disse enkle stegene hjelpe de fleste av dere:

    1. Skru av Adblock-er programmet(for Tek.no)

    2. Gå bort fra Tek.no sine sider

    3. Slett cookies/infokapsler fra Tek

    4. Re-start browseren


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