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Innlegg skrevet av Veronsvi

  1. There is this game I played when I was about 8 or 9 year old. 2009 or 2010. This game was a game I played on my computer. I needed to type in the address and log in with h my account. I remember that the page was kinda violet. It was a girly game that was about accomplishing quests, and getting mew ones. One of the quests I remember was to get purple and pink milk from cows. You needed to talk to people to get quests. At the very beginning of the game I needed to gain some stuff to repair a bridge. There was a person on the other side that I needed to talk to get a quest. So I remember playing this game nonstop. I really loved it and I would really like to find it again.

  2. There is this game I played when I was about 8 or 9 year old. 2009 or 2010. This game was a game I played on my computer. I needed to type in the address and log in with h my account. I remember that the page was kinda violet. It was a girly game that was about accomplishing quests, and getting mew ones. One of the quests I remember was to get purple and pink milk from cows. You needed to talk to people to get quests. At the very beginning of the game I needed to gain some stuff to repair a bridge. There was a person on the other side that I needed to talk to get a quest. So I remember playing this game nonstop. I really loved it and I would really like to find it again.

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