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Innlegg skrevet av -N0GS9KAW

  1. Hvorfor bare på et utvalg maskiner? Hva er hinderet for å rulle ut dette på alle Chromebook-enheter?


    Jeg kjenner at denne fragmenteringen av enheter som får oppdateringer og ikke er slitsom - enda jeg ikke eier (eller har eid) et Android/Chromebook-produkt.


    Hvorfor gjøre det så vanskelig?


    Fra http://www.computerworld.com/article/2897690/chrome-os-upgrades.html


    Chrome OS is pretty different from Android in that upgrades are delivered multiple times a month -- and since they're sent to all devices directly from Google, they generally show up for everyone at more or less the same time. Third-parties can't modify the operating system as they can with Android, so there's no real variance in the software from one device to the next and thus no need for manufacturers to be involved in the upgrade delivery process.

    Officially, the regular stable version of Chrome OS is updated every two to three weeks with minor fixes and every six weeks for more significant revisions. Often, though, upgrades are even more frequent than that


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