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Innlegg skrevet av atmozphere

  1. Circle battery widget works with the Moto Razr and shows the battery charge status in 1% increments. By the way the Razr already has a pretty impressive battery life. Of course battery life depends on your usage pattern but in my case with approximately 1.5h of display on time (browsing 3g/wifi), Gmail sync, Facebook notifications in the background and an odd call either via Gtalk or the regular phone I go like 60-70% down in 24h. I charge once a day when the battery is at approx 30%. All that being said I would not mind having the Maxx though am not sure I am ready to sacrifice the slim profile. Usually it doesn't matter to me but I have gotten used to the slimness of the Razr.

  2. Just did a quick search and it seems like there are at least two apps that can be used with the Motorola RAZR. Can you guys try iMapMyRUN and iMapMyRIDE from the android market with the Razr and then report back. I am really interested in getting this heart rate monitor but would wait for a confirmation it would work with my phone before buying it. Otherwise there is always the Motoactv. :-)

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