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Innlegg skrevet av lars0234

  1. Kozy: kan du formulere den om slik at den blir formell? neeeed help

    Er ikke så særlig flink i engelsk heller, hehe..


    Har ikke tid til det, men du kan se på dette:



     The style of your writing is determined by the context of your writing, including such aspects as your intended audience, the time and place, the reason why you write, and what you hope to achieve.

     You can choose a formal style, which is characterized by features such as

    o non-contracted forms (you are, he cannot, instead of you’re, can’t)

    o impersonal constructions such as the passive (The book was read thoroughly instead of He read the book thoroughly)

    o long sentences with subordinate clauses

    o formal vocabulary (commerce, commence, investigate)

    o explicit markers of logical connections (therefore, consequently, finally)

     If you think an informal style is more suited to your purpose, you can use

    o contractions (you’re, can’t)

    o personal constructions with active verbs and personal pronouns (I, we, you, etc.)

    o both short and long sentences

    o co-ordination (clauses connected by and, or, but, or nor) rather than subordination

    o informal vocabulary (often of Germanic origin: trade, start, look into)

    o higher reliance on implicit markers of logical connections

     The colloquial style is characterized by features that are frequent in speech

    o verbal style

    o shorter and more assertive statements

    o many contracted forms

    o phrases that are typical of spoken English (I mean, you know, sort of, kind of, well, etc.)

    o higher frequency of personal evaluation (I think, I feel, etc.)


    Private or public writing

     If you write a letter to a friend, you can choose your wordings and grammatical constructions freely.

     Writing intended for a wider audience tends to be more formal.



    - dette hjalp meg ikke så veldig dessverre.. skjønne ikke hvordan jeg skriver formelt?:s


    Prøv denne..





    - Den var til hjelp! takk :)

  2. Kozy: kan du formulere den om slik at den blir formell? neeeed help

    Er ikke så særlig flink i engelsk heller, hehe..


    Har ikke tid til det, men du kan se på dette:



     The style of your writing is determined by the context of your writing, including such aspects as your intended audience, the time and place, the reason why you write, and what you hope to achieve.

     You can choose a formal style, which is characterized by features such as

    o non-contracted forms (you are, he cannot, instead of you’re, can’t)

    o impersonal constructions such as the passive (The book was read thoroughly instead of He read the book thoroughly)

    o long sentences with subordinate clauses

    o formal vocabulary (commerce, commence, investigate)

    o explicit markers of logical connections (therefore, consequently, finally)

     If you think an informal style is more suited to your purpose, you can use

    o contractions (you’re, can’t)

    o personal constructions with active verbs and personal pronouns (I, we, you, etc.)

    o both short and long sentences

    o co-ordination (clauses connected by and, or, but, or nor) rather than subordination

    o informal vocabulary (often of Germanic origin: trade, start, look into)

    o higher reliance on implicit markers of logical connections

     The colloquial style is characterized by features that are frequent in speech

    o verbal style

    o shorter and more assertive statements

    o many contracted forms

    o phrases that are typical of spoken English (I mean, you know, sort of, kind of, well, etc.)

    o higher frequency of personal evaluation (I think, I feel, etc.)


    Private or public writing

     If you write a letter to a friend, you can choose your wordings and grammatical constructions freely.

     Writing intended for a wider audience tends to be more formal.



    - dette hjalp meg ikke så veldig dessverre.. skjønne ikke hvordan jeg skriver formelt?:s

  3. For all my living years, the careers that interest me most are economic. I like math especially good, and therefore I think economic fits me. Some of the reasons that I prefer economic is probably because my mother is an economic. I have talked to her about the career and it something that interests me a lot.

    To be an economist you need a degree. You can take a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate. I will take a Master degree I think. And there is a lot of jobs in economy, and therefore don’t get stuck to one specific job.

    There are many universities and colleges in Norway who is good. But I will study in Oslo at the university in Oslo. There I will study full – time.


    Economists often work alone, something I like, but I also like to work as a team. I am very social and like to discuss matters. But when I work alone I can concentrate and focus maximum on the task. I can also all the MS – programs, Excel, Word, Power Point and various mail systems.

    When it comes to salary, I know that a (recent) graduate person earn about 390.000 NOK.

    But it depends if you are working in a corporate or private.

    A realistic time frame to reach my career goal, and then I count years after High School. After High School I am going to the military, and after military I will start on my Master degree in economics, full – time study. Around six to seven years is a realistic time frame to reach my career goal.



    - Fungerer dette som en slags ''action plan''?

  4. For all my living years, the careers that interest me most are economic. I like math especially good, and therefore I think economic fits me. Some of the reasons that I prefer economic is probably because my mother is an economic. I have talked to her about the career and it something that interests me a lot.

    To be an economist you need a degree. You can take a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate. I will take a Master degree I think. And there is a lot of jobs in economy, and therefore don’t get stuck to one specific job.

    There are many universities and colleges in Norway who is good. But I will study in Oslo at the university in Oslo. There I will study full – time.


    Economists often work alone, something I like, but I also like to work as a team. I am very social and like to discuss matters. But when I work alone I can concentrate and focus maximum on the task. I can also all the MS – programs, Excel, Word, Power Point and various mail systems.

    When it comes to salary, I know that a (recent) graduate person earn about 390.000 NOK.

    But it depends if you are working in a corporate or private.

    A realistic time frame to reach my career goal, and then I count years after High School. After High School I am going to the military, and after military I will start on my Master degree in economics, full – time study. Around six to seven years is a realistic time frame to reach my career goal.



    - Fungerer dette som en slags ''action plan''? Og er det noen som kan rette denne for meg? :) takkkkkk!

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