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Innlegg skrevet av Polo_InnleggNO

  1. Jack Wall fortsetter ikke som komponist i ME3. Clint Mansell som lagde soundtracket i "Black Swan" og "Requiem For a Dream" blir den nye.


    Film Composer Clint Mansell to Score Mass Effect 3


    Jack Walls egen kommentar på Bioware forumet.


    Dear People Who Love Mass Effect -

    So...maybe it's time to actually say something?


    Working on the Mass Effect series was epic. It was mind-bending, soul-coughing, astral-plane traveling delicious loveliness - all the way. The games themselves are works of art. I wouldn't change one note of it that myself, Sam, David, Richard or Jimmy wrote. As you may have noticed by now, I am not returning to score the final game. The reasons are much too complicated to explain here, but suffice to say that the people at BioWare and I are still friends and we all really still like each other a lot. More importantly, the score for ME3 will be great and even more important than that, the game will liikely be (being BioWare and all) super duper fantastic.

    Clint Mansell is cool. Enjoy.

    Oh and thanks to everyone for the kind words here and over the years. For those of you who didn't say nice things, that's cool too. I'm still searching for the perfect chord. If you guys see it laying around, let me know, ok?

    See you in another game in another crazy universe!




    Er litt skeptisk til dette selv da soundtrackene til ME og ME2 er fantastiske.

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