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Innlegg skrevet av Aegers

  1. Strikkeffekten skal være fikset nå, syns de er utrolig flink å fikse problemer, og optimalisere spillet.


    We found a bug within the Unreal Engine core code, which led the server to believe that it was being DDoS’ed due to the number of packets being sent between the clients and the server. When this detection was triggered on the server, it would drop 90% of packets received resulting in the lag/rubberbanding seen over the past week. We pushed a hotfix to the servers earlier today which should resolve these issues.



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  2. Dette har komplett.no også gjort. Hva med oss som allerede har kjøpt et hovedkort med P67 chipset fra komplett?


    What About Current Sandy Bridge Owners?


    On its conference call to discuss the issue, Intel told me that it hasn’t been made aware of a single failure seen by end users. Intel expects that over 3 years of use it would see a failure rate of approximately 5 - 15% depending on usage model. Remember this problem isn’t a functional issue but rather one of those nasty statistical issues, so by nature it should take time to show up in large numbers (at the same time there should still be some very isolated incidents of failure early on).


    Intel has already halted production of its 6-series chipsets and will begin shipping fixed versions of the chipset in late February. You can expect motherboard shortages through March at least. Intel hopes to be able to meet demand by April.


    Currently Intel says the best course of action is to contact its support team for information on replacement, although I’m guessing once the fixed chipsets are available we’ll have replacement plans from all of the motherboard manufacturers.




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