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Innlegg skrevet av eskads


    Tipper Q1 2016, type Februar - Mars.


    Neppe. For alle de andre utvidelsene har det gått minst 11 mnd mellom announcement og release. 


    BC: okt 2005 -> jan 2007

    Wotlk: aug 2007 -> nov 2008

    Cata: Aug 2009 -> dec 2010

    Panda: okt 2011 -> sept 2012

    warlords: nov 2013 -> nov 2014


    Tipper vi ikke får se det før sensommeren neste år. august/september



    Tror det vil komme før, Blizzard kan ikke la oss spille ett år til med Taanan. Alpha testing er jo allerede igang, så tipper de kommer med nyheten om beta på Blizzcon, så vil tippe på release rundt mars-april

  2. sitert fra mmo champ.

    Artifacts and Items


    • You will not loot weapons in Legion.
    • The item bonus system (Warforged, sockets, and extra stats) worked out well, so it could be extended to have even more bonuses.
    • The team has a few ideas for how artifacts will work:

      • Your Artifact will start at epic and then there will be some way for it to become legendary over time.
      • Your Artifact will start as legendary.
      • Your artifact may not have a quality, it could just be its own thing.
      • The goal is for players to have an item that they are working on powering up and it can become a legendary, rewarding players who do all of the expansion's content, similar to Mists of Pandaria and Warlords.
    • There will be no catch up mechanics for Artifact weapons on alts.
    • The team doesn't want it to be too painful if you want to change specs, so there might be some kind of catch up mechanic for getting the Artifact weapon for another spec.
    • How we actually get the Artifact weapons from the characters currently wielding them will be revealed in the future.
    • Eventually you will be able to unlock every trait in the Artifact weapon tree. You may be able to take different paths to unlocking them all though.
    • You will be leveling the Artifact weapon throughout the entire expansion.
    • The Artifact weapons have Relic slots, which will determine its raw item stats (DPS, ilvl, etc.) and modifiers to the traits you've chosen, so the Artifact's stats will still improve as you defeat bosses.
    • Relics are things you can socket into the artifact and are rewarded from completing major quest lines, dungeons, and raids. This way you still get weapon upgrades from the same sources, but keep the same weapon.
    • There are weapons cooler than Benediction and Anathema for Priest Artifact weapons.

    Dette er meget skuffende imo.... synes det er en utrolig dårlig retning å gå med våpen... " your weapon will start as legendary..." :nei:  :nei:

    De har ikke bekreftet at våpenet starter som legendary, det er bare ideer som fortsatt drøftes. Det står også at det starter som epic og blir legendary etterhver der også

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