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Innlegg skrevet av -MarL-




    Prøv dette: 


    1. Open regedit as Administrator
    2. check the following key: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Families\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_ ... etc.
    3. You should have several entries for this key which all have a version number for the app in the name - like: Microsoft.Windows.Photos_15.1201.10020.0_ etc.
    4. Check if you have 8 entries in total of which 4 have an older version number than the other 4. That basically means that 4 are outdated an were not deleted for some reason (if you have already uninstalled the photo app there might be only 4 entries in there; some reported having only 4 keys, with 2 keys being outdated - same principle should apply though).
    5. Delete the outdated entries (ie. the entries with the smaller version number). That sounds easier than it is, because you won't have the right to do that - even as admin. To take property of the obsolete entries, right click each entry, go to permissions, click advanced, change owner from System to yourself, press ok and then assign full rights to the key to yourself. Now you should be able to delete it. (Check this video to see are more detailed explanation on how to take ownership of the registry keys: Link to Youtube)
    6. Do that for all outdated keys and restart.



    Takk, ska prøve.

  2. Beast Mastery Talents (31 points)


    # Endurance Training - 5/5 points

    Increases the Health of your pets by 10%.


    # Improved Aspect of the Hawk - 2/5 points

    Increases the Ranged Attack Power bonus of your Aspect of the Hawk by 8%.


    # Improved Aspect of the Monkey - 3/3 points

    Increases the Dodge bonus of your Aspect of the Monkey by 3%.


    # Bestial Swiftness - 1/1 point

    Increases the outdoor movement speed of your pets by 30%.


    # Unleashed Fury - 5/5 points

    Increases the damage done by your pets by 10%.


    # Thick Hide - 2/5 points

    Increases the Armor rating of your pets by 4%.


    # Improved Mend Pet - 2/2 points

    Increases the amount healed by your Mend Pet spell by 10%.


    # Ferocity - 5/5 points

    Increases the critical strike chance of your pets by 15%.


    # Frenzy - 5/5 points

    Gives your pet a 100% chance to gain a 30% attack speed increase for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike.


    # Spirit Bond - 1/1 point

    Every time your pet strikes an enemy, you gain 20 health.



    Marksmanship Talents (11 points)


    # Improved Concussive Shot - 2/5 points

    Gives your Concussive Shot a 12% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.


    # Efficiency - 3/5 points

    Reduces the Mana cost of your Shots and Stings by 6%.


    # Lethal Shots - 5/5 points

    Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 5%.


    # Aimed Shot - 1/1 point

    An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 70.



    jeg Har ikke så mye problemer i pvp med denne builden.



    Svar til jackrabbiten: hehe, jeg gjorde en skrivefeil.

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