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Innlegg skrevet av akerlian

  1. Eskil Steenberg, programmerer og spillutvikler om piratkopiering:

    Ive never liked the idea of forcing people to pay for software. The idea that someone can own the right to spread information seems to go against the very principle of the freedom of speech. If something can be copied, why shouldn't everyone who wants one get to take a copy? Lets face it: piracy isn't stealing, because the main issue with theft is not that someone else gets my stuff, its that I no longer have them. Sure peoples livelihoods depend on the creation of information, but economics cant be more important then our basic freedoms. The same argument could be used for slavery just because we don't want slave owners to be unemployed. And besides, being upset by piracy because you spent 10 million making a game, is a little bit like suing the ocean for destroying your sandcastle, thinking the waves wouldn't hit it just because you made it beautiful. If you don't want to get your stuff taken by the waves, you better get stop complaining and get off the beach.


    If you create information you can chose not to spread it, but if you give it out you cant tell people what they can do with it. Server side protection is fare to me, just like only showing a film at the cinema is fair because you don't give the info out in the first place, and at the same time if you download my client you have the right to take it a part and see how it works, just like when you buy a DVD you have the right to do what ever you want with it. Many people are against DRM, and I'm not, people have a right to release their stuff however they want, but we also have the right to do what ever we want with the data we get our hands on including circumventing any DRM.

  2. Utviklerene må jo på mange måter få et enormt tidspress på seg under et slikt prosjekt, noe som jeg vil tro har en del å si hvorfor de fleste film->spill er så dårlige. Jeg mister aldri helt troen på Shiny Entertainment.. kanskje de velger å lage noe helt på egene ben istede for alle disse tåplige film til spill-matiseringene. Kanskje en ny Sacrifice killer ? ;) Gi dem Dave Perry tilbake !

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