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Nasa sin månelanding

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Når Neil Armstrong står på nederste trinn før han tar sitt første steg på månen, hvordan klarte han da og filme det steget? ingen har jo vert på månen før, og det var jo det første steg....

Kameraet står også for langt i fra romskipet til at det kan være montert på der

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I remember a "moon hoax" program that was on the Fox Channel one time, saying and trying to "prove" that it was all a hoax. BUT, what about asking someone who knows about this stuff! Remember, a tv show is only interested in getting viewers in :roll:


Here is the introduction to "A Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory" (proving it wrong)..

On February 15, 2001 the FOX television network aired a program titled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon? This program showed alleged evidence that NASA faked the moon landings. This hoax theory has been around for several years, but this is the first time it has been presented to such a wide audience. Since this Website, Rocket and Space Technology, is dedicated to the men and women who brought the moon landings to fruition, I feel the time is right for me to speak out on this topic.


Here is the link to The answers





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var kamra på en av beina til månelandigsfartøyet


ja men hvis du ser på selve filmen som de har filmet. så vil du se at kameraet er lengre vekke en beina på skipet. skipet er rundt sånn noe lunde


Vel, spesielt "rundt" var det ikke akkurat:




Månelanderen behøvde ikke være strømlinjeformet (rundt) i det hele tatt, for på månen er det ikke noen atmosfære og derfor heller ingen luftmotstand.

Endret av SeaLion
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I remember a "moon hoax" program that was on the Fox Channel one time, saying and trying to "prove" that it was all a hoax. BUT, what about asking someone who knows about this stuff! Remember, a tv show is only interested in getting viewers in :roll:


Here is the introduction to "A Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory" (proving it wrong)..

On February 15, 2001 the FOX television network aired a program titled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon? This program showed alleged evidence that NASA faked the moon landings. This hoax theory has been around for several years, but this is the first time it has been presented to such a wide audience. Since this Website, Rocket and Space Technology, is dedicated to the men and women who brought the moon landings to fruition, I feel the time is right for me to speak out on this topic.


Here is the link to The answers







Don't you understand? The people who actually "know" about this are paid to tell lies. Off course, thats obvious. I'm quite sure when I say that the moon is a cheese. ;)

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Don't you understand? The people who actually "know" about this are paid to tell lies. Off course, thats obvious. I'm quite sure when I say that the moon is a cheese. ;)


Here we go again.


Hvorfor må alltid folk bringe disse konspirasjonsteoriene opp til bane når noen nevner et eller annet knyttet til månelandingen? De har jo gang på gang blitt motbevist på alle punkter.


Eller er du sarkastisk nå?


Nuvel, angående trådstarters spørsmål, vil jeg nok tro at Neil Armstrong først gjennomførte nedstigingen uten kamera, hvoretter Buzz Aldrin filmet Neil mens han gikk ned for (teknisk sett) andre gang.

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Fra http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm:

If Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, then who shot the video of him descending the ladder and taking his initial steps on the lunar surface?


The TV camera was stowed in an instrument pallet in the LM descent stage. When Armstrong was at the top of the ladder, he pulled a lanyard to swing open the pallet, which was hinged at the bottom. The TV camera, which was attached to it, also swung down. Buzz Aldrin then switched on the camera from the LM cabin. The camera was pointing at the ladder of the LM so that TV pictures of Armstrong's initial steps on the Moon could be relayed to the world. The camera was later removed from its mounting and placed on a tripod some 30 feet from the LM, where it was left unattended to cover the remainder of the moonwalk.

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Don't you understand? The people who actually "know" about this are paid to tell lies. Off course, thats obvious. I'm quite sure when I say that the moon is a cheese. ;)


Here we go again.


Hvorfor må alltid folk bringe disse konspirasjonsteoriene opp til bane når noen nevner et eller annet knyttet til månelandingen? De har jo gang på gang blitt motbevist på alle punkter.


Eller er du sarkastisk nå?


Nuvel, angående trådstarters spørsmål, vil jeg nok tro at Neil Armstrong først gjennomførte nedstigingen uten kamera, hvoretter Buzz Aldrin filmet Neil mens han gikk ned for (teknisk sett) andre gang.



Oh, the irony! :)

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Fra http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm:

If Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, then who shot the video of him descending the ladder and taking his initial steps on the lunar surface?


The TV camera was stowed in an instrument pallet in the LM descent stage. When Armstrong was at the top of the ladder, he pulled a lanyard to swing open the pallet, which was hinged at the bottom. The TV camera, which was attached to it, also swung down. Buzz Aldrin then switched on the camera from the LM cabin. The camera was pointing at the ladder of the LM so that TV pictures of Armstrong's initial steps on the Moon could be relayed to the world. The camera was later removed from its mounting and placed on a tripod some 30 feet from the LM, where it was left unattended to cover the remainder of the moonwalk.



Se på svaret over du. Det gir en forklaring. Trodde folk hadde sluttet å tro på disse tingene jeg. Men tydeligvis ikke.


Uansett om du har rett eller ikke, hva gjør det så artig å bevise en slik ting, som ikke har noen verdens ting med deg å gjøre? Jeg skjønner deg virkelig ikke, spessielt ikke når dette er en gjennomgodt sak, på lik linje med WTC.

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Oh, the irony! :)


Nei. I mostsetning til konspirasjonsteoretikerene postulerte jeg ingen teori som "sannhet".


Og hvis du sikter til meg i siste post, tror jeg du må ha misforstått meg.



Mente bare at jeg var ironisk i det jeg skrev om konspirasjonene.

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I remember a "moon hoax" program that was on the Fox Channel one time, saying and trying to "prove" that it was all a hoax. BUT, what about asking someone who knows about this stuff! Remember, a tv show is only interested in getting viewers in :roll:


Here is the introduction to "A Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory" (proving it wrong)..

On February 15, 2001 the FOX television network aired a program titled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon? This program showed alleged evidence that NASA faked the moon landings. This hoax theory has been around for several years, but this is the first time it has been presented to such a wide audience. Since this Website, Rocket and Space Technology, is dedicated to the men and women who brought the moon landings to fruition, I feel the time is right for me to speak out on this topic.


Here is the link to The answers







Don't you understand? The people who actually "know" about this are paid to tell lies. Off course, thats obvious. I'm quite sure when I say that the moon is a cheese. ;)



hmm... Kansje det er en karriærevei? Sørge for at folk tror jeg kan noe om saken, og så forlange penger for å ikke fortelle "sannheten"? :p


Hey! NASA! Hit med pengene, ellers så forteller jeg sannheten om månelandingene!


Hmm... Hvorfor står det et svart helikopter utenfor... Noen ringer vist på døra, straks tilbake...

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Har også hørt at hele denne første månelandingen, med Neil Armstrong & Co, kanskje bare var en bløff. Var noen som hadde forsket på dette og fant ut at skyggende på filmen og sånt ble feil, og at det kanskje var spilt inn i et studio. Bare for å vinne "krigen", om å komme først til månen, med Sovjet. Men er sannelig ikke sikker ;)

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