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Heldig med Gyrados! Mitt inntrykk er at man burde vente en stund med å bruke stardust (og tildels candy). En svært god forklaring på det fra r/TheSilphRoad/ (selv om det selvfølgelig er begrenset hvor seriøst man skal ta spillet...) :


10 things I wish I knew 22 levels ago - some tips for new->medium players.

  • Save your dust. At first you have plenty and power ups are cheap. Dont be tempted. You will very quickly level, and naturally catch better, bigger pokemon. More on this later, but just dont spend it for as loooong as you can.
  • Those gyms? Ignore them. Around level 10, depending on your area, and the pokemon you get, you may be able to contribute, but dont rush in to it. Spend those first 10 levels collecting and learning and familiarizing yourself with game mechanics and your hunting grounds. From level 10-15, either go in with a few teammates to sweep gyms, or go to gyms your team owns and train at them so you can leave a pokemon behind. Every gym you have a pokemon at rewards you with 500 dust and 10 coins once per day. 10-15 is prime combat learning time. But again, dont spend your dust if you can help it. A 100cp difference doesnt mean much.
  • Identify (usually based on availability) which evolutions you wanna chase. For most people this means knocking out the fast ones (beedrill, pidgeot, eeveelutions, etc) youre gonna want those eevees so track em when you see em. By level 10 youll likely have the candies for a few of these. Go ahead and get your big evolutions whenever, just dont spend stardust maxing them out. Say you get a 900 vaporeon from a 300 eevee and hes at 90% arc. Awesome, thats fine, have fun with him, but dont waste dust. 4 will tell you why.
  • Use the transfer function to send your pokemon to be boiled alive in to 1 candy whenever you have doubles of 1st or second stage evolutions (i.e 10 pidgeys or pidgeottos, transfer 9). A lot of these are cheap to evolve to max (ill go over pidgey/weedle xp soon) so when you get your pidgey, weedle, golbat, etc, dont max him. Keep transfering and saving up candies. By the time you have enough for another full evolution (to highest tier) you will likely have a pokemon higher than your previous full evolution. Meaning, the virst vaporeon you got came from a 300 eevee. In another couple levels youve likely collected enough candy for another eeveelution or 2, and your highest eevee is likely at least 100cp higher. So by waiting 2 level, and saving your dust, you now get an 1100cp vaporeon from a 400 eevee, and you still havent spent dust to do it. because of the rate you level and catch new pokemon, the pokemon you get quickly outpace the ones youve evolved before. It goes fast, andyou wouldve wasted 18-25k stardust on something you got for 0 stardust (not to mention, powerps cost candy, you wouldve needed to catch 5 more eevees if you had been powering up). This is ESPECIALLY true with pidgey, weedle, and zubat. You catch so many of them, you can get a new pidgeot, beedrill, or golbat whenever you want. Dont waste dust on an easy thing. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR MORE POKEMON. By me, i can expect 1 or 2 growlithe a day. I still dont have arcanine. I keep transfering all but my highest growlithe until i get enough candies to evolve him. Again, the nature of leveling your player, is that the pokemon you catch will be higher. So my first growlithe with cp80, had I kept stardusting him to get to my current wild growlithe of 550, i wouldve spent 50k stardust. And i got this 1 for free. Powering up pre evolutions is pointless, especially when you dont have the candies to evolve it. That said, if you get 56 growlith candies, and have a 95% growlith ready to go and wanna top him off for 6k dust and 6 candies, have at it. 6k is fine (unless hes insanely common by you).
  • Along the same evolution line, do NOT evolve incrementally. That means, if you have 25 ghastly candies and want gengar, dont evolve your best ghastly to haunter. Wait until you have all 125 candies. If you have a 200 ghastly and make it a 370 haunter, its entirely possible itll take you 5 more levels to get the next 100 candies, and by then youll be catching 350 ghastlies. "So what? I have a 370 haunter". So...if you had waited until you had 125, you would have a 350 ghastly that could become a 600 haunter, then immediately a 1200 gengar (im guessing here a bit, but close enough). Youve effectively made your haunter worthless to you, and wasted your candies. Do this with every 3 tier pokemon. Always wait til you can go all out.
  • The exception to stardust rules are ONLY for pokemon you cant reasonably expect to find again for a very long time, and EVEN THEN, ONLY IF YOU PLAN TO USE THEM. my example is aerodactyl. If i see another in the next 2 months, ill lose my mind. So i power him up as I go, because hes one of my gym attackers (also i love him). Youre going to want to ignore all of this, but dont. It matter swhen youre pushing 20+.
  • The pidgey/weedle xp farm. Especially effective at lower levels. If you get a lucky egg, save it. Play as normal until its time. You will soon realize the world is owned by pidgeys and weedles. Youll be flooded with ultra-common candies. When you hit about 200 of each kind (weedle, pidgey, and 300 ratata) its time to xp farm. Walk around til you have enough of each pokemon (like 25 pidgeys and weedles, 12 ratata). Youll have leftovers thats ok. I do an extra step most people dont mention. FOR THOSE SKIMMING THIS PART CAUSE ITS OLD INFO READ THE LAST BIT OF THIS SECTION. heres where you pop your lucky egg that you saved. Find a comfy spot, turn on your lucky egg (it doubles xp for 30 mins) and evolve all of those pokemon. ONLY do the first evolution, it costs 12 candies for weedle, pidgey, and caterpie uf you have a lot of those, for the first evolution. Evolve once, transfer out later do not go to pidgeot, beedrill or butterfree. You get 1000xp for each evolution if the lucky egg is on. Good for 2 or 3 levels by the time your done. SAVE YOUR BIGGEST CP OF EACH AND ENOUGH CANDIES TO EVOLVE THEM FULLY (62). this will almost always result in a new higher version than what you already have. And if youre doing ratatas and any other extras, youll likely still get the full benefit of the egg. Boom, 2 or 3 levels, and 2 or 3 new high cp pokemon. Do this whenever you have a ton of candies to use up.
  • Just a quick one. When attacking gyms, the game will give you what it thinks is a good roster. It isnt always. You can click individual pokemon in that roster to change em out with better ones, and adjust the fighting order. I think it matches type before power. I.e. itll play my 900 electabuzz against a 1000 vaporeon before playing my 1450 vaporeon even though my vaporeon runs through everything. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesnt matter.
  • You do not need to beat every single pokemon at your own color gym with your 1 pokemon to raise prestige. I think this is a misconception and leads to people leaving trash at gyms. If you claim a gym, leave something good. If you wanna join a gym but it has 6 good pokemon, dont be dissuaded, you can still boost it and join withoit sweeping (its just faster if you can).
  • Often overlooked: if you have a stable connection, restart your app frequently. I do it every 10-15 mins. It makes the list of pokemon near you stay current and removes "phantoms". It also makes it less daunting when you see a wall of pidgeys reduced down to only 4 that are actually near you. More importantly, it does a better job of showing you rare or new pokemon, especially the ones that disappear from the list occasionally. They may have really disappeared and you wont waste your time, or even better they may not really be gone!


  • Always have an egg in your incubator. Use your infinite incubator for 2km and your 3 use ones for 5km. If at all possible DO NOT HATCH 10KM EGGS til at least level 18, if not 20. If you hatch a 4 or 500 lapras, youll be kicking yourself. You want all 10km eggs to be big and beefy. EDIT AGAIN: people dont like this one. There are reports eggs are determined at pickup so saving is pointless. Ive heard it before but i dont remember seeing the proof. Maybe its true, but ill play it safe. If they start taking up too much space where youre not utilizing all incubators all the time, then crank one or 2 out. I, personally, have never had that issue though.



Endret av blured
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Nå var det full stopp her.. Kommer ikke inn... Det var egentlig veldig forventet :-P

? Hva snakker du om? Har du blitt bannet for GPS spoofing eller noe?



Ha ha, nei... Jeg kommer ikke inn på appen... Den bare står og jobber. Regner med at serverkapasiten har nådd max?




Fungerer her, men ja er serverkapasiteten som er den vanlige årsaken atm

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Nå var det full stopp her.. Kommer ikke inn... Det var egentlig veldig forventet :-P

? Hva snakker du om? Har du blitt bannet for GPS spoofing eller noe?



Ha ha, nei... Jeg kommer ikke inn på appen... Den bare står og jobber. Regner med at serverkapasiten har nådd max?




Fungerer her, men ja er serverkapasiteten som er den vanlige årsaken atm



Var faktisk ikke serveren som var problemet. Tvingte stopp på appen og restartet, og voila, fungerte.. ergo, my fail :-D

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Slik spillet ser ut nå så er den eneste fordelen/ulempen knyttet opp mot hvor mange spillere som velger det i ditt område, og dermed hvordan det er å kontrollere Gym's.


I de fleste polls jeg har sett, blir de valgt i denne rekkefølgen (fra flest til færrest): (1) Team Mystic/blå/articuno, (2) Team Valor/rød/Moltres og (3) Team Instinct/gul/Zapdos. Men det kan selvfølgelig være annerledes der du bor.

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Lurer også på dette:


Noen som vet om det har noen betydning om man maxer en pokemon før en utvikler den til neste fase (hvis første fase er nær max)? Vil det være billigere å bedre enn å maxe en ved f.eks på siste fase?



Bør man f.eks utvikle (power up) en Magikarp's CP før man evolver den, eller bør man la stardust og candy bli brukt på Gyarados istedenfor? Hva lønner seg?



Av det jeg har skjønt så vil en evolve triple CP så dermed lønner det seg muligens å power up opprinnelig pokemon før du evolver den


Pokemons med 1 evolution har en høyere multiplier, enn de med 2 evos.

Eksempel: Magikarp 130CP -> Gyrados 1500CP.. Pidgey 130CP -> Pidgeotto 500CP -> Pidgeot 900CP.


Du vil ikke kaste bort stardust på en Magikarp, og deretter oppdage at Gyrados'n fikk et elendig "move-set".

Evolve først  :thumbup:

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Lurer også på dette:


Noen som vet om det har noen betydning om man maxer en pokemon før en utvikler den til neste fase (hvis første fase er nær max)? Vil det være billigere å bedre enn å maxe en ved f.eks på siste fase?



Bør man f.eks utvikle (power up) en Magikarp's CP før man evolver den, eller bør man la stardust og candy bli brukt på Gyarados istedenfor? Hva lønner seg?



Av det jeg har skjønt så vil en evolve triple CP så dermed lønner det seg muligens å power up opprinnelig pokemon før du evolver den


Pokemons med 1 evolution har en høyere multiplier, enn de med 2 evos.

Eksempel: Magikarp 130CP -> Gyrados 1500CP.. Pidgey 130CP -> Pidgeotto 500CP -> Pidgeot 900CP.


Du vil ikke kaste bort stardust på en Magikarp, og deretter oppdage at Gyrados'n fikk et elendig "move-set".

Evolve først  :thumbup:


Solid poeng 

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