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Lakusland v3 - 1.14.4 endelig

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Vel, du har naturligvis spawn, som er verdt å få med seg.


Videre kan jeg liste i farten opp noen ting som kanskje er verdt å få med seg:
Lakus sin village (500, 3500. Midt mellom Hakkebakken og Christiania)
Jax og min village/havn/båt samt Stargate (Admah, og rett nord for gaten. Følg veien)

Netrum sin fjellhall (4600, -2200. Et stykke å gå fra Nidhoggur.)
Hairymouse sin village (1400, 4000. Rett vest for Christiania)
Havna i Krakenstad (Portal til Krakenstad)
Slottet til ruuroo (4150, -3550. Nord for Nidhoggur)

Fregatten til Kattematen (Portal til Whiskas)

Muren ved Dragbitur (Portal dit)

Sikkert mye annet man kan få med seg også, men tar det jeg har i hodet

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Man får ikke noe når man starter på serveren sånn sett, men det er en åpen ironfarm rett nord for portalen Dragbitur. Der skal du kunne skaffe deg mer enn nok iron til å lage armor og tools. Til enchanting er det to farms i End der du kan skaffe experience.

Ta turen innom og kikk litt rundt, les newbieguiden, reglene og annet interessant på lakusland.net :)

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Ser ut som om serveren har utviklet en del siden sist jeg var på. Antar jeg får svippe en liten tur innom og si hei, eventuelt plassere et par jordblokker her og der for å ha et ly om natten!

Ja er lenge siden du har vært på.

Store ting skjer på lakusland for tiden.

Vi har en gigantisk mur under bygging.

Jeg graver som vanlig under jorden.

Og det er masse andre mindre prosjekter på gang overalt.

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Noen som føler for å hjelpe meg bittelitt med å skrive "hvordan låse dører og kister" for nettsiden? Denne siden altså: http://lakusland.net/lockette . Trenger en kort og enkel forklaring på hvordan man bruker Lockette sånn uten å bare linke til en video :p


Skulle gjøre det selv nå, men har ikke tid så tenkte at om noen var snille....


Heh, den videoen som du linker til, er i tillegg privat... Så det hjelper oss lite. Skal se om jeg får skrevet noe ned i kveld når jeg er ferdig på jobb. Da har jeg tid til å se på det.

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Må det være så avansert da? :p

Nå er jo jeg ekstremt enkel av meg når det kommer til Minecraft og skjønner såvidt hvordan jeg bruker Lockette, men her er et utkast, og så kan dere andre smartinger redigere videre på det eller bytte det som evt. er feil ;) .


"Lockette gir deg muligheten til å låse kister/dører så kun du kan åpne dem, samt legge til andre brukere du vil dele kista/døra med.

For å låse en kiste, plassèr et skilt på kista. Da er det kun deg som kan bruke den. Skal du låse en dør plasserer du bare skiltet på blokken over døra.

For å legge til en annen spiller på den samme kista, høyreklikk på skiltet som allerede er på kista. Skriv deretter i chatten: "/lockette 3 SPILLERNAVN"

Kommandoen /lockette gjør så du kan redigere skiltet og hvilke spillere som har tilgang til kista/døra. Tallet 3 gjør at du skriver på linje nummer 3 på kista, og istedet for "SPILLERNAVN" skriver du spillernavnet til den du vil dele med. Så et eksempel blir "/lockette 3 Lakus". Da kan både du og Lakus åpne kista/døra.


Spør gjerne i chatten dersom det er noe du lurer på!"

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Har laget et utkast til lockette og hvordan det fungerer:



Den aller enkleste formen for beskyttelse mot griefing er det du selv som står for. Sikre dine verdier i dag!


Siden det er fritt frem å ta fra ulåste kister og furnaces, må du låse av enten selve kistene eller rommet de står i. Hvis du ikke låser av det du eier, hjelper det ikke å klage over at resurser du har brukt tid og krefter på å skaffe, blir tatt av en annen spiller. Om du er i tvil: Sleng på en privat lås!

En plugin som heter Lockette brukes til dette. Da kan man låse kister, ovner/furnaces, dører og fencegate.


Kister, ovner og andre bruksting:


Å låse kister er veldig enkelt. Setter du et skilt på selve kisten og ikke skriver noe på det, vil kisten låses automatisk. Dette gjelder også furnaces. Skiltet vil da få skrevet inn [Private] på første linje, og navet ditt på andre linjen.

Andre spillere kan likevel få tilgang til kisten/furnacen, hvis du vil dele innholdet med noen andre.

Da høyreklikker du på skiltet, og lockette vil gi deg instruksjon på hvordan: Du skriver da for eksempel "/lockette 3 Zetheus" for å gi meg tilgang, mitt navn vil da legges til på tredje linje på skiltet. Linje 4 kan også legges til en spiller til på. Om man vil dele kisten med enda flere, setter man et tomt skilt til på kisten eller furnacen. Dette skiltet vil også få [Private] på første linje, men vil automatisk får [more users] på andre linje. Dette endrer man med /lockette-kommandoen og setter for eksempel inn Lakus på linje 2 i stedet for "More users" (/lockette 2 Lakus).





Denne metoden vil også virke på droppers, jukeboxes, dispensere og enchantment tables, samt hoppers. Generellt sett alle items som kan lagre ting.





Dører, trapdoors og gater:


Om du vil låse dører til for eksempel huset ditt, eller et lager med kister, krever det litt mer jobb. Da må du sette skilt enten på blocken over eller under den døren som skal låses, eller på selve døren.




Da må man selv skrive "[Private]" på første linje på skiltet. Husk klammer!




Denne metoden fungerer også på fence gates, trapdoors og iron doors. For å gi flere spillere tilgang, følger man samme metode som for kister og andre gjenstander.



Et par tips til slutt som er verdt å huske på:
Den som låser en gjenstand blir definert som eier av den. Kun denne personen kan endre listen over de som har tilgang, eller fjerne skiltet. Om du da trenger hjelp til å flytte en ting som eies av noen andre: Ta kontakt med Vaktsjef, Hand eller Sjefen selv, Lakus.

Iron doors kan åpnes direkte for hånd når de er låst av, de trenger ikke buttons, pressure plates eller levers for å virke.


En grei instruksjonsvideo finner man her.

Endret av Zetheus
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Da kommer et nytt kapittel i:


Såga om Kaptein Saueskjegg


Kapittel 1:



Captain's log, 13th of Jaxuary, Yeary 3 of the Lakusian calendar.

I was given command of the vessel Daedalus today. Master Shipwright Zetheus built a sturdy ship, and has outfitted her far beyond what i hoped. Or, should I say, she now has a chance of surviving the storms that ravage the seas in these lands. She is but a trading vessel, mainly not to draw any unwanted attention. A frigate is better equipped, but slower. The galleon be still in drydock and under construction. Them guns could have been useful.


King Lakus has tasked me with a mission of highest importance. We all know the fate of our former kingdom. Damned be the soul of the villain that opened the gates to oblivion. We all know his name, but do not speak of him.
Even though our gilded halls were laden with threasures dug up from the grounds, our floors made from solid gold and a warm meal on the table for even the poorest of souls who would venture into our lands, adventureres saw the posibility of another realm or world to claim as ours.


We were wrong... Aye, we were fooled...


'Tis portal was not a gate to a friendly folk. Although docile and neutral compared to the fearful sound of a creeper sneaking upon an unsuspecting civilian, the inhabitants were soon discovered to be a mighty foe. Death would rain upon us all! A portal to the underworld! Arrrgh, i wish the portal was buried and never to be recovered. Sunk on the deepest part of the Castian ocean perhaps. But nay... Curious we were...


Among the feared soliders of the underworld, there was one, far more porwerful than any other. The devil himself. Made from the bones of both his victims and underings, an undead Cerberus of mayhem! Nor the sharpest sword or strongest armor did any good... No attack was able to pierce the defences of this monster. After gaining strength, it finally emerged through the portal and waged war on peon and noble. No dirt house, hut or castle remained. A charred landscape no longer resembling our former kingdom remained. And thus we were cast out, forced to live in limbo while scouting for a new land to call our own.


King Lakus took his most trusted officers and brought the battle to evil itself. I have heard rumors. Aye, i know victory was finally achieved, but nay, the details are scarce... General Z.Z. was lost during the siege. A dear loss. I have been promised the full story over an ale and a steak in my quarters, as I will get my final briefing by the newly promoted Genreal, Captain and some of the Lieutenants this evening.

That brings us here. And to my mission. To take the soul of this wretched creature as far away from our new kindom as humanly possible. It is all that remains. My final task.





Kapittel 2:



Captain's log, 14th of Jaxuary, Yeary 3 of the Lakusian calendar.


No fine day to be out sailin' the seas, that be sure. Ghastly weather these days. Our friends at the docks have been ferrying supplies to us the last days as well. Arrrr! No, not the chinese ones, those be a handfull! Real supplies, meat, eggs and water! Well, better be prepared for the long haul ahead of us. We still need a fair bit of lumber, as well as iron for any repairs. The latter two we must aquire elsewhere, as the supplies on the island have been depleted. We best have all we need in the small chance the underworld want the soul of their master back.


King Lakus set up a portal to monitor the events in the underworld, as he puts it. And yeh think venturing back there is a good idea, well blast me out of a cannon and call me a chipmunk.

I had a meeting with some of the trusted men under the King two nights ago. The tales I was told... Ah, I wish I could tell yeh they be fairytales, but nay...


We sat down, only the eerie light of the torches upon our faces. To an untraied eye it would look more like a cult meeting. Warm ale and steak. The chef could at least have made an effort. Perhaps a short trip under the keel of the sloop would do him good...

I remember some of the faces and some of their names. I wonder to myself how a band like this may work together...


The General himself was in a festive winter mood. Dressed up like some artic hero of sorts. Fools hero if yeh ask me, dressing up all in red with a matching hat. A strong leader perhaps, but with the wardrobe of someone I remember from my childhood. Portly man... It was clear however that he had the respect of his peers, that was a point I marked myself. I suspect those who cross him simply disappear from the Kingdom. Best be careful around him...

Well, he falls short of the Captain. The coldness of his figure was eerie. Long, white hair and a thin, long blade of make I have never seen. And the fire burning in his eyes... It better have been reflection from the torches in my cabin.

One of the Lieutenants wore a black cloak the entire meeting. Neither did he show his face beyond the veil of his cloack nor speak much. A man hardened by battle and a long life I would assume, much like myself.
Another one had skin so white he must be living in the shadows of the deep halls underground. Hands rugged and bearing signs of having spent many an hour around the handle of a pickaxe. Stone dust covering his wake. Prefer the salty air of the seas myself to be honest.
The third was without a doubt a hunter. A man favouring the bow i assume. An eye for details, scanning for threats everywhere. Wish I could keep him around for the journey, but he'd say nay if he knew the danger...

Next was the suited man. Perhaps a man of stealth or other hidden abilities. I have a feeling looks would decieve anyone who laid eyes on him at first. Not me though. I have a trained eye for that. Only one though, the other be made of glass...

Last of the "merry" men i remember was the entrepeneur. After being indisposed due to unforeseen circumstances, he joined them for the assault on the underworld. His foundry produces enough iron for us to aquire a small supply for my mission.

Only a few days left now before I consider my preparations complete. And set sail due east. At first. The first part of a long journey. I pray there be no filth of the underworld or Dragons underway. My cousin used to be an adventurer like these, but took an arrow to the knee. Now he is stuck with guard duty. Better him, than me..





Kapittel 3



Captain's log, 5th of Fosiuary, Yeary 3 of the Lakusian calendar.


Gharrr..... Now the rum all be gone! Why is the rum always gone...? The merry lieutenants and the fair maidens Mouse, Jenny and Hiahs visited for a feast lasting days. Days, I tell yeh! Gharr, me head.... Where be the barfbucket...?

Our feast was a great one, but our days of waiting for storms to pass did not pass without dire news.
On the eve of the end 'o the month, a shadowy creature approached my moored vessel. He carried news of great importance. One of the Lieutenants of longest service has now defected from the rank and gone rogue. As new adventurers steadily move to these lands, wanting a calm home for themselves, chaos is the last they want and expect...


But I fear there is a storm coming... And a great one at that! I better find meself a new hat, in case.

Now, I have mentioned a fellow in my earlier memoars; skin, white as snow, and hands, rugged as the stone he chisels from the depths of the earth. That be the one who has forsaken us all. That man no longer wants to bear the rank among the other Lieutenants. All the treasures he mined was cursed, cursed beyond what you can imagine. Treasures, found so deep they had a link to the depths beyond what can be mined. Don't say it! We do not know! I was promised an update before I leave port and set sail. I hope my fears are untrue. For the best of all of us, especially me.

I have spent some time on me ship now, and this artifact, the soul of the demon slaid, gives me a sense of life, a sense I have never before felt. Me woulds heal quicker, and the scars on me face seem to disappear. It fills me with fear. Me battlescars! Long has it been, since such a deep fear has rocked me salty limbs! Or, what is left of them, at least. The wooden leg is still there... Aye, still there. That's one thing I would not miss. Hard to sneak off to the maidens' quarters with all the stomping.

I dare not stay in the near of the soul at least. Blasted thing, I must get it as far away from these lands as I can. Merry folk here do not deserve to have it as close as it is.

'Soon as this storm calms down, we'll be setting sail, course due east to stock up on lumber from the rich forests. I have heard of iron ore being found far in the depths of the earth, and I wish my ship rather be made of that, but I'll have to do with the one I commandeer now. A sturdy ship it is, at least, but some planks for repairs and such will come in handy.

Now, when will that rum arrive....




Kapittel 4


Captain's log, 11th of Mjarch, Yeary 3 of the Lakusian calendar.


Blast them lackeys delivering rum! Blithering idiots! Two weeks it took them to fill our casks with drink! Arrrr! Told me they did, that the rum must be distilled below ground, so the taste is right. Not too bitter, and not too sweet either. "Sennepo's Finest" they call it. Care about the taste, we do not! A hearty grog for seamen never has to be just right, simple it must be. I care not for the fine dining the merry folk ashore must be used to, we are but simple pirat... Err... seafolk!

Now, me ship is sailin' windwards, the blithering cockroaches on deck have hoisted the sails, lugged on board all the supplies we need and the sun has set in the horizon behind us. Hahaha! I feel... The salty sea in my mouth, the wind in my hair! Or what be left of it that is... All the years sailin' the seven seas have taken its toll on me, and it be best for me remaining limbs to retire after this. Perhaps even settle down with one of them fair maidens and build meself one of them small dirt housings they speak so grand of.

The time ashore did not do me crew well. Two of the lads was lost to a green creature. The damn thing blew up when they attempted to parlay with it. Blasted thing, all that was left of them was a peg-leg and a monkey one of them kept as a pet. And so the rest of the crew be saying nay to any more land leaves. Be better for me as well, as the landlubbers then be doing more work on the ship itself. We had it outfitted with some... Urrr.. Defensive armaments. Defensive entirely, I tell yeh, we best not be looking for trouble, at least not till this be all over.

As the morning sun soon will rise, the first port should be directly ahead of us. Lush forests, and the lumber we desperately need will be waiting for us. Unless that useless fool at the helm fell asleep again. Arrr! Best be cheking in on him, that last keelhaul best have brought him back to his senses!

Still, the effect that thing in the hold does seem to have an effect on me crew. None have required sleep thus far. And every able-bodied lad looks more healthy than when they arrived on board. The fish in these waters be not the reason, the lookout fell from the crow's nest the other day after eating a peculiar yellow fish another lad had reeled on deck. As we carried the poor lad below deck, his woulds seem to heal as we laid what we thought was a dead man, onto one of the beds.

I say another small look at it be doing nay harm...

Endret av Zetheus
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Jeg fant ut at jeg skulle gi et nytt forsøk i å lage noen bilder, se spoiler:

Du får bruke dem om du vil :)





Alt som kan settes skilt på:





/lockette 3 [Everyone] - kjekt så alle kan åpne irondører for hånd



/lockette 3 Lakus - Lakus får også tilgang til kista mi!






Endret av Itek
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Jeg har dedikert en plot i Creative til nyttige redstone-stuff. Hittil finner du:


- 3 item elevators, to små, en stor

- Kufarm

- Industriell ovn

- sorteringsmekanismer (både prinsipp og bygd inn i et kompakt lager)


Noen som har et ønske om å ha en redstone-løsning på plotten? Noe du savner?

Endret av Itek
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