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Innlegg skrevet av slemskurk

  1. Det er slik det fungerer, både i Norge og andre land.


    Just had to address this: ‘Det er en generaltabbe å betale løsepengene. Ved å gjøre det 1) så vil kriminelle se at det lønner seg, 2) og problemet vil øke i omfang.
    You make no case for the causation of 2) following from your implied correlation to 1) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation ).
    Case in point: In other countries, people take precautions – such as lifeguards and safe-rooms - because the differences between rich and poor is so great that they simply have to find ways to live with the risks of kidnapping. Or, for that matter, burglary.
    Your argument might as well be twisted into stating that: ‘A) Buying expensive stuff that criminals can steal, B) will only make them see that stealing pays off C) so then burglary will rise and D) therefore you shouldn’t buy expensive stuff’.
    So, your logical fallacy would most likely be ‘failure of the excluded middle’, where the chain of logic between C) and D) should be broken, and D) be replaced with ‘therefore you should invest in a burglary alarm system’.
    Which by the way starts at costing 1000 NOK to install, and 500 NOK a month to subscribe to and a securitas guard will be at your door in under 20-15 minutes when the alarm goes off.


    Kravbrevet var på gebrokkent norsk ja. Når skal vi slutte å være så jævlig naive i dette landet. Er jo fritt frem for bander fra hele europa å bare stjele og kidnappe som de selv ønsker.
    Actually no, breaking up a sentence-structure is a well-known technique amongst professionals to avoid forensic linguistics (through stylometric analysis, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylometry ).
    • Liker 1
  2. Ok, my two cents. Pardon my English please, I’m bilingual and am working late (at a locked-down terminal which company policy dictates you’re not allowed to change language or keyboard on).


    First: ‘Et moment som gjør bortføring fra hjemmet usannsynlig, er dagens DNA teknologi.

    And you are an expert on DNA-forensics? No. They need hair-strains, so you shave your head and put on a wig. Or simply wear a hair-net and throw around some strains of hair that you have collected from body-building gyms where eastern europeans hang out (or somesuch), to create false leads and dead ends.

    Remember the first adage of Information Security: ‘Confuse and Diffuse, Rotate & Permutate’ (Bruce Schneier, ‘Applied Cryptography’)


    Next: ‘Ville ikke profesjonelle aktører heller gått etter barn/barnebarn?

    DEFINITELY NO! Professionals do not under any circumstances mess with kids. Or, more specifically, killing a child puts you even under pedophiles in the hierarchy in prisons. Look up the Vor code of honor (russian mafia rules) if you’re interested in the topic of self-justice. You would most likely be ordered to kill yourself (by your leader) if you killed a child.


    Moving on: ‘Ei kone derimot, er det større sjanse for at "ofres" av "taktiske" grunner, og sånn sett "verdiløs" fra profesjonelle kidnapperes sitt ståsted.

    You lower your chances of getting ‘repeat business’ (and everybody else’s along the way) if you don’t keep up your part of the deal. Besides, what’s the point in killing somebody who has never seen your face? Because you have worn a lifelike mask, remember? And brought a tape-recorder with audio-instructions along with you too, right?


    Oh, and: ‘Dette er farlig, fordi man må være svært forsiktig for å unngå at sporet går rett tilbake til han selv.

    Yeah. Heard of TOR? Ricochet? Encryption, onion-routing, garlic-routing, tradecraft and OPSEC and WiFi PineApple? Easy-peasy.


    Also: ‘Jeg ville trodd at "poenget" deres var å få pengene, så man skulle tro de var interessert i å presse frem en transaksjon så raskt som mulig.

    A lot of money in crypto-currency; takes time to buy. Also they know the cops don’t want to encourage that kind of crime, so they are bidding their time. Doesn’t cost much renting a basement in eastern europe and hire somebody to shove some dog-food under a door twice a day.


    Finally: ‘Jeg personlig aner ikke hvordan politiet kan anbefale noe slikt?

    Because they would rather see a victim of kidnapping dead than expose their own powerlessness, incompetence, and risk more cases of the same nature.

    Unfortunately, their mistake was abducting the wife of an old man, as people in that demographic trusts the police (for some inexplicable reason) and follows their advice until they realize that their interest isn’t being prioritized, at which point it is mostly too late and the operation moves into stage two: Sending torture-videos of the victim back.

    Which probably happened a few months back and he has been kept unaware of as the police has taken over the communication under the pretense of ‘trust us we are experts’, and incidentally also was what the police waited for as they could then involve Europol and try and trace digital artifacts that all CCD chips have. Take a photo with a camera in a crime, and the entire internet gets crawled for images having the same artifacts (colour-flaws in the pixels).


    Um: ‘Med dagens sporingsteknologi, folk kan jo spores ned til 3 meters omkrets, burde være mulig å få ordnet noe.

    Yeah… no. Just… no. Even military listening networks and the like can’t actually do what you are talking about. Maybe in some regions of China, but not in Norway. Best they can do is facial recognition of people using public transport and tracking them that way. If you have your own van, you are pretty much untraceable – especially if you switch vans and maybe also use a mobile home. You can also easily get people to ‘just drive a car and don’t lock in the back’ for you, if you are already in that kind of mileu.


    Hopefully finally: ‘Uansett, nå har de ikke betalt løsepengene, og kontaktet politiet i stedet, så det toget har gått, så får vi se hvordan det hele ender?

    Well, if sending torture-videos don’t work, sending fresh body parts will.


    Or this: ‘Les denne guiden som alle apekatter i verdenshistorien har klart å forstå før deg, ellers slakter vi kona di

    Did you know a human has twenty-eight joints, only in her fingers? Here’s one, next Sunday we’ll send another’.


    No, finally something interesting: ‘Kan jo være kidnapperen også er selgeren av Monreo ?

    Yeah, see if somebody were to suddenly buy 1.15% of all Monero in circulation, the rest would increase in value and might actually become the defacto dark-coin currency as it has proven that it works to hide crimes – something which bitcoin does not do.



    • Liker 1
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