movie 'FingerFrenzy.swf' compressed // flash 7, total frames: 4, frame rate: 12 fps, 360x460 px exportAssets 1 as 'wrong' end // of exportAssets exportAssets 2 as 'right' end // of exportAssets exportAssets 3 as 'complete' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 6 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 6 exportAssets 6 as 'hiScoreName' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 8 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 8 exportAssets 8 as 'hiScoreTime' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 10 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 10 exportAssets 10 as 'hiScorePos' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 16 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 16 defineMovieClip 21 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 21 defineMovieClip 26 // total frames: 4 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 26 exportAssets 26 as 'MaximizeButton' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 28 // total frames: 4 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 28 exportAssets 28 as 'MinimizeButton' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 29 // total frames: 2 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 29 exportAssets 29 as 'FullScreenToggle' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 30 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 30 exportAssets 30 as 'Defaults' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 31 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 31 exportAssets 31 as 'UIObjectExtensions' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 32 // total frames: 2 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 32 exportAssets 32 as 'UIObject' end // of exportAssets defineButton 35 on keyPress _TAB push 0.0, 'this' getVariable push 'tabHandler' callMethod pop end end // of defineButton 35 defineMovieClip 37 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 37 exportAssets 37 as 'BoundingBox' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 38 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 38 exportAssets 38 as 'FocusRect' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 39 // total frames: 2 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 39 exportAssets 39 as 'FocusManager' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 40 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 40 exportAssets 40 as 'UIComponentExtensions' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 41 // total frames: 2 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 41 exportAssets 41 as 'UIComponent' end // of exportAssets defineMovieClip 42 // total frames: 2 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 42 exportAssets 42 as 'MediaDisplay' end // of exportAssets exportAssets 42 as 'MediaDisplay' end // of exportAssets frame 0 constants 'showMeName', 'i_name', 'text', 'myVars', 'res', 'parseInt', 'dt_congrats', 'OOPS :-o\nThere appears to be a problem with the server', 'but_showme', '_visible', 'UNLUCKY :-(\nA faster time already exists with that name', 'CONGRATULATIONS :-)\nYou made it into the hi-score table', '_global', 'gameId', '0', 'gameIdParam', '?gameId=', 'svrUrl', 'this', '_url', 'length', 'substring', '/', 'indexOf', 'http://', 'gameUrl', 'frenzy/', 'vidzUrl', 'vidz/', 'servletUrl', 'servlet/hiServlet', 'subscribeUrl', 'servlet/mailingListServlet?type=addDetails&newsletter=true®Place=5&emailAddr=', 'macroCheck', 'Array', 'macroCheckFlags', 'testVars', 'LoadVars', 'type', 'test', 'POST', 'sendAndLoad', 'onLoad', 'isValidFlash' function2 isValidFlash (r:1='success') () push r:success not not branchIfTrue label1 getURL '' '' label1: end // of function isValidFlash function2 showHiScoreSaveResult (r:4='success') (r:1='_root', r:2='_global') push r:_global, 'showMeName', r:_root, 'i_name' getMember push 'text' getMember setMember gotoFrame 3 play push 'myVars' getVariable push 'res' getMember push 1, 'parseInt' callFunction setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, -1 equals dup branchIfTrue label2 pop push r:success not label2: not branchIfTrue label3 push r:_root, 'dt_congrats' getMember push 'text', 'OOPS :-o\nThere appears to be a problem with the server' setMember push r:_root, 'but_showme' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember branch label5 label3: push r:3, 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:_root, 'dt_congrats' getMember push 'text', 'UNLUCKY :-(\nA faster time already exists with that name' setMember push r:_root, 'but_showme' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember branch label5 label4: push r:3, 1 equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:_root, 'dt_congrats' getMember push 'text', 'CONGRATULATIONS :-)\nYou made it into the hi-score table' setMember push r:_root, 'but_showme' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember label5: end // of function showHiScoreSaveResult stop push '_global' getVariable push 'gameId', '0' setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'gameIdParam', '?gameId=', '_global' getVariable push 'gameId' getMember add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl', 'this' getVariable push '_url' getMember setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl', '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'length' getMember push 7, 2, '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl', '/', 1, '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'indexOf' callMethod push 0.0, 2, '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl', 'http://', '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember add push '/' add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'gameUrl', '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'frenzy/' add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'vidzUrl', '_global' getVariable push 'gameUrl' getMember push 'vidz/' add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'servletUrl', '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'servlet/hiServlet' add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'subscribeUrl', '_global' getVariable push 'svrUrl' getMember push 'servlet/mailingListServlet?type=addDetails&newsletter=true®Place=5&emailAddr=' add setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'macroCheck', 26, 1, 'Array' new setMember push '_global' getVariable push 'macroCheckFlags', 26, 1, 'Array' new setMember push 'testVars', 0.0, 'LoadVars' new setVariable push 'testVars' getVariable push 'type', 'test' setMember push 'POST', 'testVars' getVariable push '_global' getVariable push 'servletUrl' getMember push 3, 'testVars' getVariable push 'sendAndLoad' callMethod pop push 'testVars' getVariable push 'onLoad', 'isValidFlash' getVariable setMember end // of frame 0 defineButton 96 on overDownToOverUp gotoFrame 1 end end // of defineButton 96 defineMovieClip 101 // total frames: 8 end // of defineMovieClip 101 defineMovieClip 11 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 11 exportAssets 11 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 11 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'UIObject', 'constructObject', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '__get__width', '_width', '__get__height', '_height', '__get__left', '_x', '__get__x', '__get__top', '_y', '__get__y', '__get__right', '_parent', 'width', '__get__bottom', 'height', 'getMinHeight', '_minHeight', 'setMinHeight', '__get__minHeight', '__set__minHeight', 'getMinWidth', '_minWidth', 'setMinWidth', '__get__minWidth', '__set__minWidth', 'setVisible', '_visible', 'type', 'hide', 'reveal', 'dispatchEvent', '__get__visible', '__set__visible', '__get__scaleX', '_xscale', '__set__scaleX', '__get__scaleY', '_yscale', '__set__scaleY', 'doLater', 'methodTable', 'Array', 'obj', 'fn', 'push', 'onEnterFrame', 'doLaterDispatcher', 'invalidateFlag', 'redraw', 'length', 'shift', 'cancelAllDoLaters', 'invalidate', 'invalidateStyle', 'tfList', 'draw', 'move', 'oldX', 'oldY', 'setSize', '__width', '__height', 'size', 'resize', 'oldWidth', 'oldHeight', 'drawRect', 'moveTo', 'lineTo', 'createLabel', 'createTextField', '_color', 'textColorList', '__text', 'styleName', 'createObject', 'attachMovie', 'createClassObject', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'registerClass', 'createEmptyObject', 'destroyObject', 'getDepth', 'buildDepthTable', 'up', 'findNextAvailableDepth', 'swapDepths', 'removeMovieClip', 'getSkinIDName', 'idNames', 'setSkin', 'skinRegistry', 'skins', 'SkinElement', 'registerElement', 'createSkin', 'createChildren', '_createChildren', 'childrenCreated', '_name', 'init', 'createAccessibilityImplementation', '_endInit', 'validateNow', 'initFromClipParameters', 'clipParameters', 'hasOwnProperty', 'def_', 'initProperties', 'cascadingStyles', 'stylecache', 'getClassStyleDeclaration', 'className', 'ignoreClassStyleDeclaration', 'styles', '__proto__', 'setColor', '__getTextFormat', 'tf', 'StyleManager', 'TextFormatStyleProps', '_tf', 'font', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'color', 'leftMargin', 'marginLeft', 'rightMargin', 'marginRight', 'italic', 'fontStyle', 'bold', 'fontWeight', 'align', 'textAlign', 'indent', 'textIndent', 'underline', 'textDecoration', 'embedFonts', 'string', 'style', '_getTextFormat', 'TextFormat', 'enabled', 'disabledColor', 'getStyle', 'getStyleName', 'getStyleCounter', 'isInheritingStyle', 'isColorStyle', 'mergeClipParameters', 'version', '', 'lineWidth', 'lineColor', 'tabEnabled', 'visible', 'minHeight', 'minWidth', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'preferredHeight', 'preferredWidth', 'bottom', 'addProperty', 'left', 'right', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'top', 'x', 'y', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember not not branchIfTrue label94 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'constructObject' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__width' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_width' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__height' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__left' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_x' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__x' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_x' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__top' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_y' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__y' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_y' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__right' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'width' getMember push r:this, '_x' getMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod add subtract return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bottom' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:this, '_y' getMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod add subtract return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinHeight' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_minHeight' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMinHeight' function2 (r:2='h') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_minHeight', r:h setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__minHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getMinHeight' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__minHeight' function2 (r:2='h') (r:1='this') push r:h, 1, r:this, 'setMinHeight' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__minHeight' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinWidth' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_minWidth' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMinWidth' function2 (r:2='w') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_minWidth', r:w setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__minWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getMinWidth' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__minWidth' function2 (r:2='w') (r:1='this') push r:w, 1, r:this, 'setMinWidth' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__minWidth' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVisible' function2 (r:2='x', r:4='noEvent') (r:1='this') push r:x, r:this, '_visible' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, '_visible', r:x setMember push r:noEvent, TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'type', r:x branchIfTrue label3 push 'hide' branch label4 label3: push 'reveal' label4: push 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__visible' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_visible' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__visible' function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push FALSE, r:x, 2, r:this, 'setVisible' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__visible' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__scaleX' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_xscale' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__scaleX' function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_xscale', r:x setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scaleX' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__scaleY' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_yscale' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__scaleY' function2 (r:2='y') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_yscale', r:y setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scaleY' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doLater' function2 (r:2='obj', r:3='fn') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'methodTable' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, 'methodTable', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember label6: push 'obj', r:obj, 'fn', r:fn, 2 initObject push 1, r:this, 'methodTable' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'doLaterDispatcher' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doLaterDispatcher' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'onEnterFrame' delete pop push r:this, 'invalidateFlag' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push 0.0, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop label7: push r:this, 'methodTable' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'methodTable', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push r:3, 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label9 push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop label8: push 0.0, r:3, 'shift' callMethod setRegister r:2 push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, r:2, 'obj' getMember push r:2, 'fn' getMember callMethod pop branch label8 label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'cancelAllDoLaters' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'onEnterFrame' delete pop push r:this, 'methodTable', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'invalidate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'invalidateFlag', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'doLaterDispatcher' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'invalidateStyle' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'redraw' function2 (r:4='bAlways') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'invalidateFlag' getMember dup branchIfTrue label10 pop push r:bAlways label10: not branchIfTrue label13 push r:this, 'invalidateFlag', FALSE setMember push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'tfList' getMember enumerateValue label11: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label12 push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'tfList' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop branch label11 label12: push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop push 'type', 'draw', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label13: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function ('Void') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'move' function2 (r:7='x', r:6='y', r:5='noEvent') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_x' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_y' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_x', r:x setMember push r:this, '_y', r:y setMember push r:noEvent, TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push 'type', 'move', 'oldX', r:3, 'oldY', r:2, 3 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label14: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:7='w', r:6='h', r:5='noEvent') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__width' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '__height' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '__width', r:w setMember push r:this, '__height', r:h setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop push r:noEvent, TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push 'type', 'resize', 'oldWidth', r:2, 'oldHeight', r:3, 3 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_width', r:this, '__width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_height', r:this, '__height' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawRect' function2 (r:3='x1', r:2='y1', r:5='x2', r:4='y2') (r:1='this') push r:y1, r:x1, 2, r:this, 'moveTo' callMethod pop push r:y1, r:x2, 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y2, r:x2, 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y2, r:x1, 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y1, r:x1, 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createLabel' function2 (r:3='name', r:5='depth', r:4='text') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, r:depth, r:name, 6, r:this, 'createTextField' callMethod pop push r:this, r:name getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_color', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'textColorList' getMember setMember push r:2, '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__text', r:text setMember push r:this, 'tfList' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 'tfList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label16: push r:this, 'tfList' getMember push r:name, r:2 setMember push 0.0, r:2, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop push r:2, 'styleName', r:this setMember push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createObject' function2 (r:4='linkageName', r:2='id', r:5='depth', r:3='initobj') (r:1='this') push r:initobj, r:depth, r:id, r:linkageName, 4, r:this, 'attachMovie' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createClassObject' function2 (r:2='className', r:5='id', r:7='depth', r:6='initobj') (r:1='this') push r:className, 'symbolName' getMember push UNDEF equals setRegister r:3 pop push r:3 not branchIfTrue label17 push r:className, r:className, 'symbolOwner' getMember push 'symbolName' getMember push 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop label17: push r:initobj, r:depth, r:id, r:className, 'symbolOwner' getMember push 'symbolName' getMember push 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:3 not branchIfTrue label18 push r:className, 'symbolOwner' getMember push r:className, 'symbolOwner' getMember push 'symbolName' getMember push 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop label18: push r:4 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createEmptyObject' function2 (r:2='id', r:3='depth') (r:1='this') push r:depth, r:id, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 3, r:this, 'createClassObject' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'destroyObject' function2 (r:6='id') (r:1='this') push r:this, r:id getMember setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod push 0.0 lessThan not branchIfTrue label19 push 0.0, r:this, 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push 'up', r:4, 0.0, 3, r:this, 'findNextAvailableDepth' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:5 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, r:2, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label19: push 0.0, r:2, 'removeMovieClip' callMethod pop push r:this, r:id delete pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getSkinIDName' function2 (r:2='tag') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:tag getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSkin' function2 (r:4='tag', r:3='linkageName', r:5='initObj') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:_global, 'skinRegistry' getMember push r:linkageName getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label20 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember push r:linkageName, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember push 'registerElement' callMethod pop label20: push r:initObj, r:tag, r:tag, 1, r:this, 'getSkinIDName' callMethod push r:linkageName, 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createSkin' function2 (r:3='tag') (r:1='this') push r:tag, 1, r:this, 'getSkinIDName' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:tag, r:2, 2, r:this, 'createEmptyObject' callMethod pop push r:this, r:2 getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function ('Void') end // of function setMember push r:2, '_createChildren' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'createChildren' callMethod pop push r:this, 'childrenCreated', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'constructObject' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_name' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label21 push UNDEF return label21: push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_createChildren' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'createAccessibilityImplementation' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_endInit' callMethod pop push r:this, 'validateNow' getMember not branchIfTrue label22 push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop branch label23 label22: push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label23: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initFromClipParameters' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push FALSE setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'clipParameters' getMember enumerateValue label24: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label26 push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'hasOwnProperty' callMethod not branchIfTrue label25 push TRUE setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'def_', r:2 add push r:this, r:2 getMember setMember push r:this, r:2 delete pop label25: branch label24 label26: push r:4 not branchIfTrue label29 push r:this, 'clipParameters' getMember enumerateValue label27: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label29 push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'def_', r:2 add getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label28 push r:this, r:2, r:3 setMember label28: branch label27 label29: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this, '__width', r:this, '_width' getMember setMember push r:this, '__height', r:this, '_height' getMember setMember push r:this, 'initProperties' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label30 push 0.0, r:this, 'initFromClipParameters' callMethod pop branch label31 label30: push 0.0, r:this, 'initProperties' callMethod pop label31: push r:_global, 'cascadingStyles' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label32 push r:this, 'stylecache', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label32: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getClassStyleDeclaration' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'className' getMember setRegister r:3 pop label33: push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label35 push r:this, 'ignoreClassStyleDeclaration' getMember push r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label34 push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label34 push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:3 getMember return label34: push r:4, '__proto__' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'className' getMember setRegister r:3 pop branch label33 label35: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setColor' function ('color') end // of function setMember push r:2, '__getTextFormat' function2 (r:4='tf', r:7='bAll') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push r:8, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label40 push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember enumerateValue label36: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label39 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:bAll dup branchIfTrue label37 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember push r:3 getMember label37: not branchIfTrue label38 push r:tf, r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label38 push r:tf, r:3, r:8, r:3 getMember setMember label38: branch label36 label39: push FALSE return label40: push FALSE setRegister r:6 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember enumerateValue label41: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label67 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:bAll dup branchIfTrue label42 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember push r:3 getMember label42: not branchIfTrue label66 push r:tf, r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label66 push r:this, '_tf' getMember push r:3 getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label43 push r:tf, r:3, r:5 setMember branch label66 label43: push r:3, 'font' equals dup not branchIfTrue label44 pop push r:this, 'fontFamily' getMember push UNDEF equals not label44: not branchIfTrue label45 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'fontFamily' getMember setMember branch label66 label45: push r:3, 'size' equals dup not branchIfTrue label46 pop push r:this, 'fontSize' getMember push UNDEF equals not label46: not branchIfTrue label47 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'fontSize' getMember setMember branch label66 label47: push r:3, 'color' equals dup not branchIfTrue label48 pop push r:this, 'color' getMember push UNDEF equals not label48: not branchIfTrue label49 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'color' getMember setMember branch label66 label49: push r:3, 'leftMargin' equals dup not branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:this, 'marginLeft' getMember push UNDEF equals not label50: not branchIfTrue label51 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'marginLeft' getMember setMember branch label66 label51: push r:3, 'rightMargin' equals dup not branchIfTrue label52 pop push r:this, 'marginRight' getMember push UNDEF equals not label52: not branchIfTrue label53 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'marginRight' getMember setMember branch label66 label53: push r:3, 'italic' equals dup not branchIfTrue label54 pop push r:this, 'fontStyle' getMember push UNDEF equals not label54: not branchIfTrue label55 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'fontStyle' getMember push r:3 equals setMember branch label66 label55: push r:3, 'bold' equals dup not branchIfTrue label56 pop push r:this, 'fontWeight' getMember push UNDEF equals not label56: not branchIfTrue label57 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'fontWeight' getMember push r:3 equals setMember branch label66 label57: push r:3, 'align' equals dup not branchIfTrue label58 pop push r:this, 'textAlign' getMember push UNDEF equals not label58: not branchIfTrue label59 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'textAlign' getMember setMember branch label66 label59: push r:3, 'indent' equals dup not branchIfTrue label60 pop push r:this, 'textIndent' getMember push UNDEF equals not label60: not branchIfTrue label61 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'textIndent' getMember setMember branch label66 label61: push r:3, 'underline' equals dup not branchIfTrue label62 pop push r:this, 'textDecoration' getMember push UNDEF equals not label62: not branchIfTrue label63 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'textDecoration' getMember push r:3 equals setMember branch label66 label63: push r:3, 'embedFonts' equals dup not branchIfTrue label64 pop push r:this, 'embedFonts' getMember push UNDEF equals not label64: not branchIfTrue label65 push r:tf, r:3, r:this, 'embedFonts' getMember setMember branch label66 label65: push TRUE setRegister r:6 pop label66: branch label41 label67: push r:6 not branchIfTrue label69 push r:this, 'styleName' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:9, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label69 push r:9 typeof push 'string' equals not not branchIfTrue label68 push r:this, TRUE, r:tf, 3, r:9, '__getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop branch label69 label68: push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:9 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label69 push r:this, TRUE, r:tf, 3, r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:9 getMember push '__getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop label69: push r:6 not branchIfTrue label70 push 0.0, r:this, 'getClassStyleDeclaration' callMethod setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label70 push r:this, TRUE, r:tf, 3, r:10, '__getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop label70: push r:6 not branchIfTrue label71 push r:_global, 'cascadingStyles' getMember not branchIfTrue label71 push r:this, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label71 push FALSE, r:tf, 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push '__getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop label71: push r:6 not branchIfTrue label72 push r:this, TRUE, r:tf, 3, r:_global, 'style' getMember push '__getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop label72: push r:6 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '_getTextFormat' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label73 push r:2 return label73: push 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setRegister r:2 pop push TRUE, r:2, 2, r:this, '__getTextFormat' callMethod pop push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'enabled' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label74 push 'disabledColor', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 'color', r:3 setMember label74: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getStyleName' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'styleName' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label76 push r:2 typeof push 'string' equals not not branchIfTrue label75 push 0.0, r:2, 'getStyleName' callMethod return branch label76 label75: push r:2 return label76: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label77 push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getStyleName' callMethod return branch label78 label77: push UNDEF return label78: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getStyle' function2 (r:4='styleProp') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:_global, 'getStyleCounter', r:_global, 'getStyleCounter' getMember increment setMember push r:this, r:styleProp getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label79 push r:this, r:styleProp getMember return label79: push r:this, 'styleName' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label81 push r:6 typeof push 'string' equals not not branchIfTrue label80 push r:styleProp, 1, r:6, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop branch label81 label80: push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:6 getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:styleProp, 1, r:7, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop label81: push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label82 push r:3 return label82: push 0.0, r:this, 'getClassStyleDeclaration' callMethod setRegister r:7 pop push r:7, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label83 push r:7, r:styleProp getMember setRegister r:3 pop label83: push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label84 push r:3 return label84: push r:_global, 'cascadingStyles' getMember not branchIfTrue label90 push r:styleProp, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'isInheritingStyle' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label85 pop push r:styleProp, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'isColorStyle' callMethod label85: not branchIfTrue label90 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label86 push r:5, r:styleProp getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label86 push r:5, r:styleProp getMember return label86: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label87 push r:styleProp, 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop branch label88 label87: push r:_global, 'style' getMember push r:styleProp getMember setRegister r:3 pop label88: push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label89 push r:5, r:styleProp, r:3 setMember label89: push r:3 return label90: push r:3, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label91 push r:_global, 'style' getMember push r:styleProp getMember setRegister r:3 pop label91: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'mergeClipParameters' function2 (r:2='o', r:1='p') () push r:p enumerateValue label92: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label93 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:o, r:3, r:p, r:3 getMember setMember branch label92 label93: push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'UIObject' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:1, 'textColorList', 'color', 1, 'disabledColor', 1, 2 initObject setMember push r:2, 'invalidateFlag', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'lineWidth', 1 setMember push r:2, 'lineColor', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'visible', 1, 'minHeight', 1, 'minWidth', 1, 'maxHeight', 1, 'maxWidth', 1, 'preferredHeight', 1, 'preferredWidth', 1, 7 initObject setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bottom' getMember push 'bottom', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__left' getMember push 'left', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__minHeight' getMember push r:2, '__get__minHeight' getMember push 'minHeight', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__minWidth' getMember push r:2, '__get__minWidth' getMember push 'minWidth', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__right' getMember push 'right', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__scaleX' getMember push r:2, '__get__scaleX' getMember push 'scaleX', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__scaleY' getMember push r:2, '__get__scaleY' getMember push 'scaleY', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__top' getMember push 'top', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__visible' getMember push r:2, '__get__visible' getMember push 'visible', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__x' getMember push 'x', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__y' getMember push 'y', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label94: pop end // of initMovieClip 11 defineMovieClip 12 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 12 exportAssets 12 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 12 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'prototype', 'UIObject', '__get__width', '__width', '__get__height', '__height', 'setVisible', 'enabledChanged', 'setEnabled', 'invalidate', 'stylecache', 'tf', 'getFocus', 'selFocus', 'Selection', 'setFocus', 'getFocusManager', 'focusManager', '_parent', 'onKillFocus', 'keyDown', 'removeEventListener', 'keyUp', 'type', 'focusOut', 'dispatchEvent', 'drawFocus', 'onSetFocus', 'addEventListener', 'focusIn', 'bDrawFocus', 'findFocusInChildren', 'focusTextField', 'tabEnabled', 'findFocusFromObject', 'tabChildren', 'pressFocus', 'releaseFocus', 'isParent', 'size', 'init', '_xscale', '_yscale', '_focusrect', 'useFocusRect', 'enabled', 'watch', 'dispatchValueChangedEvent', 'valueChanged', 'value', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'kStretch', 'focusEnabled', 'origBorderStyles', 'themeColor', 'clipParameters', 'mergedClipParameters', 'mergeClipParameters', 'height', 'addProperty', 'width', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember not not branchIfTrue label21 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__width' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__width' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__height' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVisible' function2 (r:3='x', r:2='noEvent') (r:1='super') push r:noEvent, r:x, 2, r:super, 'setVisible' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'enabledChanged' function2 ('id', 'oldValue', r:2='newValue') (r:1='this') push r:newValue, 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' delete pop push r:newValue return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 ('enabled') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getFocus' function () push 'selFocus', 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getFocus' callMethod varEquals push 'selFocus' getVariable push NULL strictEquals branchIfTrue label3 push 'selFocus' getVariable getVariable branch label4 label3: push NULL label4: return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setFocus' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setFocus' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getFocusManager' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this setRegister r:2 pop label5: push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label7 push r:2, 'focusManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label6 push r:2, 'focusManager' getMember return label6: push r:2, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label5 label7: push UNDEF return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onKillFocus' function2 ('newFocus') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'keyDown', 2, r:this, 'removeEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'keyUp', 2, r:this, 'removeEventListener' callMethod pop push 'type', 'focusOut', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onSetFocus' function2 ('oldFocus') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'keyDown', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'keyUp', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push 'type', 'focusIn', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getFocusManager' callMethod push 'bDrawFocus' getMember push FALSE equals not not branchIfTrue label8 push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop label8: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'findFocusInChildren' function2 (r:1='o') () push r:o, 'focusTextField' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push r:o, 'focusTextField' getMember return label9: push r:o, 'tabEnabled' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:o return label10: push UNDEF return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'findFocusFromObject' function2 (r:2='o') (r:1='this') push r:o, 'tabEnabled' getMember push TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:o, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push UNDEF return label11: push r:o, '_parent' getMember push 'tabEnabled' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label12 push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:o pop branch label14 label12: push r:o, '_parent' getMember push 'tabChildren' getMember not branchIfTrue label13 push r:o, '_parent' getMember push 1, r:this, 'findFocusInChildren' callMethod setRegister r:o pop branch label14 label13: push r:o, '_parent' getMember push 1, r:this, 'findFocusFromObject' callMethod setRegister r:o pop label14: push r:o return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pressFocus' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, r:this, 'findFocusFromObject' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getFocus' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:3, r:2 equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push FALSE, 1, r:2, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getFocusManager' callMethod push 'bDrawFocus' getMember push FALSE equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push TRUE, 1, r:3, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'releaseFocus' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, r:this, 'findFocusFromObject' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 0.0, r:this, 'getFocus' callMethod equals not not branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0, r:2, 'setFocus' callMethod pop label16: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isParent' function2 (r:2='o') (r:1='this') label17: push r:o, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label19 push r:o, r:this equals not branchIfTrue label18 push TRUE return label18: push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:o pop branch label17 label19: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super', r:3='_global') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, '_xscale', 100 setMember push r:this, '_yscale', 100 setMember push r:this, '_focusrect', r:_global, 'useFocusRect' getMember push FALSE equals setMember push r:this, 'enabledChanged' getMember push 'enabled', 2, r:this, 'watch' callMethod pop push r:this, 'enabled' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label20 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop label20: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchValueChangedEvent' function2 (r:2='value') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'valueChanged', 'value', r:value, 2 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'UIComponent' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:1, 'kStretch', 5000 setMember push r:2, 'focusEnabled', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'tabEnabled', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'origBorderStyles', 'themeColor', 16711680, 1 initObject setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 0.0 initObject setMember push r:1, 'mergedClipParameters', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'mergeClipParameters' callMethod setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label21: pop end // of initMovieClip 12 defineMovieClip 13 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 13 exportAssets 13 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 13 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'ICuePointHolder' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ICuePointHolder' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 13 defineMovieClip 14 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 14 exportAssets 14 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 14 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'MediaDisplay', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'init', 'initializeParameters', '_width', '_height', '_deadPreview', '_visible', 'setSize', 'initCuePoints', '_startingTime', '_playingBeforeDisabled', '_started', '_sendCompleteEvent', '_fullyLoaded', 'makeVideoVisible', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', '_screenAccommodator', 'streamingmedia', 'ScreenAccommodator', '__get__mediaType', 'FLV', '__set__mediaType', '__get__totalTime', '__set__totalTime', '__get__contentPath', '', '__set__contentPath', '__get__autoPlay', '__set__autoPlay', '__get__autoSize', '__set__autoSize', '__get__aspectRatio', '__set__aspectRatio', '_cuePoints', 'Array', 'initCuePointNames', 'length', 'initCuePointTimes', 'addCuePoint', '_mostRecentCuePoint', 'initMedia', 'isLivePreview', '__get__volume', '_playerImpl', 'stop', 'isFLV', '_contentPath', 'isRtmp', '_totalTime', '_videoHolder', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE', 'RTMPPlayer', 'FLVPlayer', 'isMP3', 'releaseVideo', 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE', '_soundHolder', 'createEmptyMovieClip', 'MP3Player', '__set__volume', 'redraw', 'removeAllListeners', 'addListener', '_autoPlay', 'play', 'load', 'poll', '_pollId', 'clearInterval', 'setInterval', 'draw', '_autoSize', 'assignPreferredSize', '_aspectRatio', '__get__preferredWidth', '__get__preferredHeight', '__get__height', '__get__width', 'Math', 'min', 'setVideoDisplaySize', '_video', '_x', '_y', '__get__videoWidth', '__get__videoHeight', 'width', 'height', 'handlePlayer', 'start', 'resizeVideo', '_parent', 'MediaPlayback', 'target', 'type', 'dispatchEvent', 'progress', 'complete', 'toString', 'MediaDisplay: media=', '__get__enabled', 'pause', 'invalidate', '__get__playheadTime', 'getPlayheadTime', '__set__playheadTime', 'setPlayheadTime', 'setMedia', '_fireCuePoints', 'deduceMediaType', '_mediaType', 'isPlaying', 'setMediaUrl', 'substr', 'flv', 'mp3', 'MP3', 'close', 'contents', 'obj', 'getVolume', 'setVolume', '__get__playing', '__get__bytesLoaded', 'getMediaBytesLoaded', '__get__bytesTotal', 'getMediaBytesTotal', 'getTotalTime', 'setTotalTime', 'getCuePoints', '__get__cuePoints', 'setCuePoints', 'display', '__set__cuePoints', 'getCuePoint', 'getCuePointIndex', 'CuePoint', 'addCuePointObject', 'push', 'removeCuePoint', 'name', 'splice', 'removeAllCuePoints', '__get__mostRecentCuePoint', '__get__mostRecentCuePointName', '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime', 'time', 'handleEvent', 'click', 'detail', 'handlePlayEvent', 'handlePauseEvent', 'playheadChange', 'handlePlayheadChangeEvent', 'volume', 'handleVolumeEvent', 'scrubbing', 'handleScrubbingEvent', 'handleUnrecognizedEvent', 'handleStopEvent', 'handleRewindEvent', 'handleFastForwardEvent', '_scrubbing', '_priorTime', 'playStarted', 'change', 'mediaLoaded', '_priorBytesLoaded', 'cuePoint', 'cuePointName', 'cuePointTime', 'toLowerCase', 'rtmp', 'indexOf', 'associateController', 'addEventListener', '_enabled', '__set__enabled', 'playing', 'willStop', 'onUnload', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'version', '', 'clipParameters', 'mediaType', 'contentPath', 'totalTime', 'autoSize', 'autoPlay', 'fps', 'aspectRatio', 'addProperty', 'bytesLoaded', 'bytesTotal', 'cuePoints', 'enabled', 'mostRecentCuePoint', 'mostRecentCuePointName', 'mostRecentCuePointTime', 'playheadTime', 'preferredHeight', 'preferredWidth', 'videoHeight', 'videoWidth', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaDisplay' getMember not not branchIfTrue label111 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaDisplay' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaDisplay' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, 'initializeParameters' callMethod pop push r:this, '_width' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_height' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_deadPreview' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push TRUE, r:4, r:3, 3, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'initCuePoints' callMethod pop push r:this, '_startingTime', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_started', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_sendCompleteEvent', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_fullyLoaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'makeVideoVisible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_screenAccommodator', r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ScreenAccommodator' newMethod setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initializeParameters' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__mediaType' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label3 push 'FLV', 1, r:this, '__set__mediaType' callMethod pop label3: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0, 1, r:this, '__set__totalTime' callMethod pop label4: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__contentPath' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label5 push '', 1, r:this, '__set__contentPath' callMethod pop label5: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoPlay' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label6 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__autoPlay' callMethod pop label6: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoSize' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label7 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop label7: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__aspectRatio' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label8 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__aspectRatio' callMethod pop label8: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initCuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_cuePoints', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label9: push r:2, r:this, 'initCuePointNames' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label10 pop push r:2, r:this, 'initCuePointTimes' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan label10: not branchIfTrue label11 push r:this, 'initCuePointTimes' getMember push r:2 getMember push r:this, 'initCuePointNames' getMember push r:2 getMember push 2, r:this, 'addCuePoint' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label9 label11: push r:this, 'initCuePointNames' delete pop push r:this, 'initCuePointTimes' delete pop push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint', UNDEF setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initMedia' function2 (r:3='switchType') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isLivePreview' callMethod not branchIfTrue label12 push UNDEF return label12: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__volume' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:switchType not branchIfTrue label13 push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop label13: push 0.0, r:this, 'isFLV' callMethod not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 1, r:this, 'isRtmp' callMethod not branchIfTrue label14 push r:this, '_playerImpl', r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' newMethod setMember branch label15 label14: push r:this, '_playerImpl', r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' newMethod setMember label15: branch label20 label16: push 0.0, r:this, 'isMP3' callMethod not branchIfTrue label20 push r:switchType not branchIfTrue label17 push 0.0, r:this, 'releaseVideo' callMethod pop label17: push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 1, r:this, 'isRtmp' callMethod not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, '_playerImpl', r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' newMethod setMember branch label19 label18: push 10, '_soundHolder', 2, r:this, 'createEmptyMovieClip' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playerImpl', r:this, '_soundHolder' getMember push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' newMethod setMember label19: branch label20 label20: push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label21 push r:2, 1, r:this, '__set__volume' callMethod pop label21: push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'removeAllListeners' callMethod pop push r:this, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'addListener' callMethod pop push r:this, '_started', FALSE setMember push r:switchType not not branchIfTrue label25 push r:this, '_autoPlay' getMember not branchIfTrue label22 push 0.0, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop branch label23 label22: push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label23: push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'poll' callMethod pop push r:this, '_pollId' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label24 push r:this, '_pollId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop label24: push r:this, '_pollId', 250, 'poll', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label25: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isFLV' callMethod not branchIfTrue label29 push r:this, 'makeVideoVisible' getMember not branchIfTrue label26 push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'makeVideoVisible', FALSE setMember label26: push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember not branchIfTrue label27 push 0.0, r:this, 'assignPreferredSize' callMethod pop branch label29 label27: push r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember not branchIfTrue label28 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__preferredWidth' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__preferredHeight' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:3 divide push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:4 divide push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, r:3 multiply push r:2, r:4 multiply push 2, r:this, 'setVideoDisplaySize' callMethod pop branch label29 label28: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 2, r:this, 'setVideoDisplaySize' callMethod pop label29: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVideoDisplaySize' function2 (r:4='w', r:3='h') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isFLV' callMethod not branchIfTrue label30 push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_width', r:w setMember push r:2, '_height', r:h setMember push r:2, '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:2, '_width' getMember subtract push 2 divide setMember push r:2, '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:2, '_height' getMember subtract push 2 divide setMember label30: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__videoWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isMP3' callMethod not branchIfTrue label31 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop branch label32 label31: push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember push '_width' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label32: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__videoHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isMP3' callMethod not branchIfTrue label33 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop branch label34 label33: push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember push '_height' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label34: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__preferredWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isMP3' callMethod not branchIfTrue label35 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop branch label36 label35: push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label36: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__preferredHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isMP3' callMethod not branchIfTrue label37 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop branch label38 label37: push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label38: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'assignPreferredSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '__get__preferredHeight' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__preferredWidth' callMethod push 3, r:this, 'setVideoDisplaySize' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePlayer' function2 ('player', r:3='status') (r:1='this') push r:status, 'start' equals dup branchIfTrue label39 pop push r:status, 'resizeVideo' equals label39: not branchIfTrue label45 push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label40 branch label41 label40: push r:this, 'makeVideoVisible', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop label41: push r:this, '_started' getMember not branchIfTrue label42 push 'target', r:this, 'type', 'resizeVideo', 2 initObject setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop branch label44 label42: push 'target', r:this, 'type', 'start', 2 initObject setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 1, r:this, 'isRtmp' callMethod not branchIfTrue label43 push 'target', r:this, 'type', 'progress', 2 initObject setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label43: push r:this, '_started', TRUE setMember label44: branch label46 label45: push r:status, 'complete' equals not branchIfTrue label46 push r:this, '_sendCompleteEvent', TRUE setMember label46: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'toString' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'MediaDisplay: media=', r:this, '_contentPath' getMember add return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'load' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='startingPoint') (r:1='this') push r:startingPoint, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_startingTime', r:startingPoint setMember label47: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod not branchIfTrue label48 push r:startingPoint, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'play' callMethod pop branch label49 label48: push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled', TRUE setMember label49: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stop' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__autoSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__autoSize' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember push r:flag equals not not branchIfTrue label50 push r:this, '_autoSize', r:flag setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label50: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoSize' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__aspectRatio' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__aspectRatio' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember push r:flag equals not not branchIfTrue label51 push r:this, '_aspectRatio', r:flag setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label51: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__aspectRatio' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__autoPlay' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoPlay' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__autoPlay' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoPlay', r:flag setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoPlay' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playheadTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'getPlayheadTime' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__playheadTime' function2 (r:2='position') (r:1='this') push r:position, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label52 push r:this, '_startingTime', r:position setMember label52: push r:position, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'setPlayheadTime' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playheadTime' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__contentPath' function2 (r:2='aUrl') (r:1='this') push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, 'setMedia' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__contentPath' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMedia' function2 (r:3='aUrl', r:2='aType') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_fireCuePoints', FALSE setMember push r:aType, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label53 push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, 'deduceMediaType' callMethod setRegister r:aType pop branch label55 label53: push r:aType, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals not dup not branchIfTrue label54 pop push r:aType, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals not label54: not branchIfTrue label55 label55: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '_mediaType', r:aType setMember push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 1, r:this, 'isRtmp' callMethod setRegister r:7 pop push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, 'isRtmp' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:this, '_contentPath', r:aUrl setMember push r:this, '_fullyLoaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_startingTime', 0.0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isLivePreview' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label62 push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push '' equals not branchIfTrue label56 push 0.0, r:this, 'releaseVideo' callMethod pop branch label62 label56: push r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label57 push 0.0, r:this, 'initMedia' callMethod pop branch label62 label57: push r:5, r:this, '_mediaType' getMember equals not dup branchIfTrue label58 pop push r:7, r:6 equals not label58: not branchIfTrue label61 push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'isPlaying' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'initMedia' callMethod pop push r:4 not branchIfTrue label59 push 0.0, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'play' callMethod pop branch label60 label59: push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'load' callMethod pop label60: branch label62 label61: push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'setMediaUrl' callMethod pop push r:this, '_started', FALSE setMember label62: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'deduceMediaType' function2 (r:3='aUrl') (r:1='this') push -3, 1, r:aUrl, 'substr' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'flv' equals dup branchIfTrue label63 pop push r:2, 'FLV' equals label63: not branchIfTrue label64 push 'FLV' return label64: push r:2, 'mp3' equals dup branchIfTrue label65 pop push r:2, 'MP3' equals label65: not branchIfTrue label66 push 'MP3' return label66: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'releaseVideo' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playerImpl', NULL setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isLivePreview' function2 () (r:1='_root') push r:_root, 'contents' getMember push 'obj' getMember push NULL equals not return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__volume' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'getVolume' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__volume' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__volume' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'isPlaying' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'getMediaBytesLoaded' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'getMediaBytesTotal' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isFLV' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isMP3' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mediaType' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__mediaType' function2 (r:2='aType') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType', r:aType setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__mediaType' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__totalTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label67 push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label68 label67: push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'getTotalTime' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label68: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__totalTime' function2 (r:2='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTime setMember push r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label69 push r:aTime, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'setTotalTime' callMethod pop branch label70 label69: push r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label70 push r:aTime, 1, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'setTotalTime' callMethod pop label70: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__cuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getCuePoints' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setCuePoints' function2 (r:3='cp') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_cuePoints', r:cp setMember push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label71: push r:2, r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label72 push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'display', r:this setMember push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label71 label72: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__cuePoints' function2 (r:2='cp') (r:1='this') push r:cp, 1, r:this, 'setCuePoints' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__cuePoints' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCuePoint' function2 (r:4='pointName') (r:1='this') push NULL setRegister r:3 pop push r:pointName, 1, r:this, 'getCuePointIndex' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label73 push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push r:2 getMember setRegister r:3 pop label73: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addCuePoint' function2 (r:3='aName', r:4='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:aTime, r:aName, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'CuePoint' newMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'addCuePointObject' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addCuePointObject' function2 (r:2='aCuePoint') (r:1='this') push r:aCuePoint, 'display', r:this setMember push r:aCuePoint, 1, r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeCuePoint' function2 (r:3='aCuePoint') (r:1='this') push r:aCuePoint, 'name' getMember push 1, r:this, 'getCuePointIndex' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label74 push 1, r:2, 2, r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'splice' callMethod pop label74: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeAllCuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'length', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint', UNDEF setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePoint' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointName' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint' getMember push 'name' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint' getMember push 'time' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'click' equals dup not branchIfTrue label75 pop push r:ev, 'detail' getMember push 'play' equals label75: not branchIfTrue label76 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handlePlayEvent' callMethod pop branch label82 label76: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'click' equals dup not branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:ev, 'detail' getMember push 'pause' equals label77: not branchIfTrue label78 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handlePauseEvent' callMethod pop branch label82 label78: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'playheadChange' equals not branchIfTrue label79 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handlePlayheadChangeEvent' callMethod pop branch label82 label79: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'volume' equals not branchIfTrue label80 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleVolumeEvent' callMethod pop branch label82 label80: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'scrubbing' equals not branchIfTrue label81 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleScrubbingEvent' callMethod pop branch label82 label81: push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleUnrecognizedEvent' callMethod pop label82: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePlayEvent' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleStopEvent' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'stop' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePauseEvent' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRewindEvent' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 1, r:this, '__set__playheadTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleFastForwardEvent' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, '__set__playheadTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePlayheadChangeEvent' function2 (r:4='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'detail' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 100 divide push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_fireCuePoints', r:this, '_scrubbing' getMember setMember push r:2, 1, r:this, '__set__playheadTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleVolumeEvent' function2 (r:3='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'detail' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, '__set__volume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleScrubbingEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_scrubbing', r:ev, 'detail' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleUnrecognizedEvent' function ('ev') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCuePointIndex' function2 (r:4='pointName') (r:1='this') push -1 setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label83: push r:2, r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label84 pop push r:3, -1 equals label84: not branchIfTrue label86 push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'name' getMember push r:pointName equals not branchIfTrue label85 push r:2 setRegister r:3 pop label85: push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label83 label86: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'poll' function2 (r:13='first') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playheadTime' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__bytesLoaded' callMethod setRegister r:8 pop push r:4, r:this, '_priorTime' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label91 push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'MP3' equals dup not branchIfTrue label87 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'isPlaying' callMethod label87: dup not branchIfTrue label88 pop push r:this, '_started' getMember not label88: not branchIfTrue label90 push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'playStarted' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playheadTime' callMethod setRegister r:9 pop push r:this, '_startingTime' getMember push 0.1 subtract push r:9 lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label89 pop push r:9, r:this, '_startingTime' getMember push 0.1 add lessThan label89: not branchIfTrue label90 push r:this, '_started', TRUE setMember push 'target', r:this, 'type', 'start', 2 initObject setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label90: push 'type', 'change', 'target', r:this, 2 initObject setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label91: push FALSE setRegister r:7 pop push r:this, '_fullyLoaded' getMember not dup not branchIfTrue label92 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__bytesLoaded' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__bytesTotal' callMethod push 100 subtract lessThan not label92: not branchIfTrue label93 push r:this, '_fullyLoaded', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'mediaLoaded' callMethod pop push TRUE setRegister r:7 pop branch label95 label93: push r:first dup branchIfTrue label94 pop push r:8, r:this, '_priorBytesLoaded' getMember equals not label94: not branchIfTrue label95 push TRUE setRegister r:7 pop label95: push r:7 not branchIfTrue label96 push 'type', 'progress', 'target', r:this, 2 initObject setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label96: push NULL setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop label97: push r:this, '_fireCuePoints' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label98 pop push r:3, r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan label98: not branchIfTrue label102 push r:this, '_cuePoints' getMember push r:3 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_priorTime' getMember push r:2, 'time' getMember lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label99 pop push r:4, r:2, 'time' getMember lessThan not label99: dup branchIfTrue label100 pop push r:this, '_priorTime' getMember push r:2, 'time' getMember greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label100 pop push r:4, r:2, 'time' getMember greaterThan not label100: not branchIfTrue label101 push r:this, '_mostRecentCuePoint', r:2 setMember push 'type', 'cuePoint', 'target', r:this, 'cuePointName', r:2, 'name' getMember push 'cuePointTime', r:2, 'time' getMember push 4 initObject setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label101: push r:3 increment setRegister r:3 pop branch label97 label102: push r:this, '_fireCuePoints', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_sendCompleteEvent' getMember not branchIfTrue label103 push r:this, '_sendCompleteEvent', FALSE setMember push 'type', 'complete', 'target', r:this, 2 initObject setRegister r:10 pop push r:10, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label103: push r:this, '_priorTime', r:4 setMember push r:this, '_priorBytesLoaded', r:8 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isRtmp' function2 (r:2='mediaUrl') () push r:mediaUrl, NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label104 push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push 0.0, r:mediaUrl, 'toLowerCase' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop push 'rtmp', 1, r:1, 'indexOf' callMethod push 0.0 equals return label104: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'associateController' function2 (r:2='c') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'click', 2, r:c, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'playheadChange', 2, r:c, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'volume', 2, r:c, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'scrubbing', 2, r:c, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:c, 'change', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:c, 'progress', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:c, 'complete', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:5='w', r:4='h', r:3='noEvent') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:noEvent, r:h, r:w, 3, r:super, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember push r:is equals not branchIfTrue label105 push UNDEF return label105: push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:is not branchIfTrue label107 push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled' getMember not branchIfTrue label106 push 0.0, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled', FALSE setMember label106: branch label110 label107: push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled', r:this, 'playing' getMember setMember push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label108 pop push r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember instanceOf label108: not branchIfTrue label109 push r:this, '_playingBeforeDisabled', 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'willStop' callMethod not setMember label109: push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label110: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onUnload' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playerImpl' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'MediaDisplay' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaDisplay' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'MediaDisplay' setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'mediaType', 'FLV', 'contentPath', '', 'totalTime', 0.0, 'autoSize', TRUE, 'autoPlay', TRUE, 'initCuePointNames', 0.0, 'Array' new push 'initCuePointTimes', 0.0, 'Array' new push 'fps', 30, 8 initObject setMember push r:2, '_priorTime', 0.0 setMember push r:2, '_priorBytesLoaded', 0.0 setMember push r:2, '_scrubbing', FALSE setMember push r:2, '_fireCuePoints', TRUE setMember push r:2, '_enabled', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'makeVideoVisible', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__set__aspectRatio' getMember push r:2, '__get__aspectRatio' getMember push 'aspectRatio', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__autoPlay' getMember push r:2, '__get__autoPlay' getMember push 'autoPlay', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__autoSize' getMember push r:2, '__get__autoSize' getMember push 'autoSize', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' getMember push 'bytesLoaded', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' getMember push 'bytesTotal', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__contentPath' getMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' getMember push 'contentPath', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__cuePoints' getMember push r:2, '__get__cuePoints' getMember push 'cuePoints', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__mediaType' getMember push r:2, '__get__mediaType' getMember push 'mediaType', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePoint' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePoint', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointName' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePointName', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePointTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__playheadTime' getMember push r:2, '__get__playheadTime' getMember push 'playheadTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__playing' getMember push 'playing', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__preferredHeight' getMember push 'preferredHeight', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__preferredWidth' getMember push 'preferredWidth', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__totalTime' getMember push r:2, '__get__totalTime' getMember push 'totalTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__videoHeight' getMember push 'videoHeight', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__videoWidth' getMember push 'videoWidth', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__volume' getMember push r:2, '__get__volume' getMember push 'volume', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaDisplay' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label111: pop end // of initMovieClip 14 defineMovieClip 43 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 43 exportAssets 43 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 43 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'SkinElement', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'registerElement', 'registerClass', 'skinRegistry', '__set__visible', '_visible', 'move', '_x', '_y', 'setSize', '_width', '_height', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:1, 'registerElement' function2 (r:2='name', r:3='className') (r:1='_global') push r:className, UNDEF equals branchIfTrue label3 push r:className branch label4 label3: push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember label4: push r:name, 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop push r:_global, 'skinRegistry' getMember push r:name, TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__visible' function2 (r:2='visible') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_visible', r:visible setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'move' function2 (r:3='x', r:2='y') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_x', r:x setMember push r:this, '_y', r:y setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:3='w', r:2='h') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_width', r:w setMember push r:this, '_height', r:h setMember end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label5: pop end // of initMovieClip 43 defineMovieClip 44 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 44 exportAssets 44 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 44 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'styles', 'CSSTextStyles', 'prototype', 'addTextStyles', '_tf', 'TextFormat', 'align', 'textAlign', 'addProperty', 'bold', 'none', 'fontWeight', 'color', 'font', 'fontFamily', 'indent', 'textIndent', 'italic', 'fontStyle', 'leftMargin', 'marginLeft', 'rightMargin', 'marginRight', 'size', 'fontSize', 'underline', 'textDecoration', 'embedFonts', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember not not branchIfTrue label24 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'addTextStyles' function2 (r:2='o', r:3='bColor') (r:1='this') function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label3: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'align', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'align' getMember return end // of function push 'textAlign', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label4: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'bold', r:x, 'bold' equals setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'bold' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push UNDEF branch label7 label5: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'bold' getMember branchIfTrue label6 push 'none' branch label7 label6: push 'bold' label7: return end // of function push 'fontWeight', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:bColor not branchIfTrue label9 function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label8: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'color', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'color' getMember return end // of function push 'color', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop label9: function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label10: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'font', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'font' getMember return end // of function push 'fontFamily', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label11: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'indent', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'indent' getMember return end // of function push 'textIndent', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label12 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label12: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'italic', r:x, 'italic' equals setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'italic' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push UNDEF branch label15 label13: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'italic' getMember branchIfTrue label14 push 'none' branch label15 label14: push 'italic' label15: return end // of function push 'fontStyle', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label16: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'leftMargin', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'leftMargin' getMember return end // of function push 'marginLeft', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label17 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label17: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'rightMargin', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'rightMargin' getMember return end // of function push 'marginRight', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label18: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'size', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'size' getMember return end // of function push 'fontSize', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label19 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label19: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'underline', r:x, 'underline' equals setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'underline' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label20 push UNDEF branch label22 label20: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'underline' getMember branchIfTrue label21 push 'none' branch label22 label21: push 'underline' label22: return end // of function push 'textDecoration', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label23 push r:this, '_tf', 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setMember label23: push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'embedFonts', r:x setMember end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_tf' getMember push 'embedFonts' getMember return end // of function push 'embedFonts', 3, r:o, 'addProperty' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label24: pop end // of initMovieClip 44 defineMovieClip 45 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 45 exportAssets 45 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 45 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'styles', 'StyleManager', 'prototype', 'registerInheritingStyle', 'inheritingStyles', 'isInheritingStyle', 'registerColorStyle', 'colorStyles', 'isColorStyle', 'registerColorName', 'colorNames', 'isColorName', 'getColorName', 'color', 'direction', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'fontStyle', 'fontWeight', 'textAlign', 'textIndent', 'barColor', 'trackColor', 'borderColor', 'buttonColor', 'dateHeaderColor', 'dateRollOverColor', 'disabledColor', 'fillColor', 'highlightColor', 'scrollTrackColor', 'selectedDateColor', 'shadowColor', 'strokeColor', 'symbolBackgroundColor', 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor', 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor', 'symbolColor', 'symbolDisabledColor', 'themeColor', 'todayIndicatorColor', 'shadowCapColor', 'borderCapColor', 'focusColor', 'black', 'white', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'haloGreen', 'haloBlue', 'haloOrange', 'TextFormatStyleProps', 'font', 'size', 'leftMargin', 'rightMargin', 'italic', 'bold', 'align', 'indent', 'underline', 'embedFonts', 'TextStyleMap', 'lineHeight', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'textDecoration', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'registerInheritingStyle' function2 (r:1='styleName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'inheritingStyles' getMember push r:styleName, TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'isInheritingStyle' function2 (r:1='styleName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'inheritingStyles' getMember push r:styleName getMember push TRUE equals return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'registerColorStyle' function2 (r:1='styleName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorStyles' getMember push r:styleName, TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'isColorStyle' function2 (r:1='styleName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorStyles' getMember push r:styleName getMember push TRUE equals return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'registerColorName' function2 (r:2='colorName', r:1='colorValue') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push r:colorName, r:colorValue setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'isColorName' function2 (r:1='colorName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push r:colorName getMember push UNDEF equals not return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'getColorName' function2 (r:1='colorName') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push r:colorName getMember return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'inheritingStyles', 'color', TRUE, 'direction', TRUE, 'fontFamily', TRUE, 'fontSize', TRUE, 'fontStyle', TRUE, 'fontWeight', TRUE, 'textAlign', TRUE, 'textIndent', TRUE, 8 initObject setMember push r:1, 'colorStyles', 'barColor', TRUE, 'trackColor', TRUE, 'borderColor', TRUE, 'buttonColor', TRUE, 'color', TRUE, 'dateHeaderColor', TRUE, 'dateRollOverColor', TRUE, 'disabledColor', TRUE, 'fillColor', TRUE, 'highlightColor', TRUE, 'scrollTrackColor', TRUE, 'selectedDateColor', TRUE, 'shadowColor', TRUE, 'strokeColor', TRUE, 'symbolBackgroundColor', TRUE, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor', TRUE, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor', TRUE, 'symbolColor', TRUE, 'symbolDisabledColor', TRUE, 'themeColor', TRUE, 'todayIndicatorColor', TRUE, 'shadowCapColor', TRUE, 'borderCapColor', TRUE, 'focusColor', TRUE, 24 initObject setMember push r:1, 'colorNames', 'black', 0.0, 'white', 16777215, 'red', 16711680, 'green', 65280, 'blue', 255, 'magenta', 16711935, 'yellow', 16776960, 'cyan', 65535, 'haloGreen', 8453965, 'haloBlue', 2881013, 'haloOrange', 16761344, 11 initObject setMember push r:1, 'TextFormatStyleProps', 'font', TRUE, 'size', TRUE, 'color', TRUE, 'leftMargin', FALSE, 'rightMargin', FALSE, 'italic', TRUE, 'bold', TRUE, 'align', TRUE, 'indent', TRUE, 'underline', FALSE, 'embedFonts', FALSE, 11 initObject setMember push r:1, 'TextStyleMap', 'textAlign', TRUE, 'fontWeight', TRUE, 'color', TRUE, 'fontFamily', TRUE, 'textIndent', TRUE, 'fontStyle', TRUE, 'lineHeight', TRUE, 'marginLeft', TRUE, 'marginRight', TRUE, 'fontSize', TRUE, 'textDecoration', TRUE, 'embedFonts', TRUE, 12 initObject setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label3: pop end // of initMovieClip 45 defineMovieClip 46 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 46 exportAssets 46 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 46 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'styles', 'CSSStyleDeclaration', 'prototype', '__getTextFormat', '_tf', 'StyleManager', 'TextFormatStyleProps', 'getStyle', 'getColorName', 'classConstruct', 'CSSTextStyles', 'addTextStyles', 'classConstructed', 'CSSTextStylesDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember not not branchIfTrue label12 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '__getTextFormat' function2 (r:4='tf', r:6='bAll') (r:1='this') push FALSE setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '_tf' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label8 push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember enumerateValue label3: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label7 push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:bAll dup branchIfTrue label4 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextFormatStyleProps' getMember push r:2 getMember label4: not branchIfTrue label6 push r:tf, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, '_tf' getMember push r:2 getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push r:tf, r:2, r:3 setMember branch label6 label5: push TRUE setRegister r:5 pop label6: branch label3 label7: branch label9 label8: push TRUE setRegister r:5 pop label9: push r:5 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getStyle' function2 (r:4='styleProp') (r:1='this') push r:this, r:styleProp getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals branchIfTrue label10 push r:3 branch label11 label10: push r:2 label11: return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function () push TRUE, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember push 'addTextStyles' callMethod pop push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'CSSTextStylesDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label12: pop end // of initMovieClip 46 defineMovieClip 47 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 47 exportAssets 47 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 47 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'CuePoint', 'name', 'time', 'prototype', 'toString', 'CuePoint: ', ' at ', ' seconds', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'CuePoint' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'CuePoint' function2 (r:2='aName', r:3='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'name', r:aName setMember push r:this, 'time', r:aTime setMember end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'toString' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'CuePoint: ', r:this, 'name' getMember add push ' at ' add push r:this, 'time' getMember add push ' seconds' add return end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'CuePoint' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 47 defineMovieClip 48 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 48 exportAssets 48 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 48 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'MediaController', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', '__get__lastProgressMediaType', '_lastProgressMediaType', 'init', 'MediaController.init: start: policy=', '_controllerPolicy', 'streamingmedia', 'Tracer', 'trace', 'initializeParameters', 'MediaController.init: after initializeParameters: policy=', '_width', '_height', '_horizontal', 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH', 'Math', 'max', 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_HEIGHT', 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_OPEN_WIDTH', 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT', 'setSize', 'MediaController.init: after setSize ', '__get__width', 'x', '__get__height', ' at (', '_x', ',', '_y', ')', '_priorPolicy', 'createDefaultStrings', 'MediaController.init: Initialized properties:', ' controllerPolicy=', ' horizontal=', ' activePlayControl=', '_activePlayControl', ' backgroundStyle=', '_backgroundStyle', 'auto', '_isOpen', '_priorMouseOver', '_closeId', '_openId', 'Mouse', 'addListener', 'getClosedFrameName', 'gotoAndStop', 'on', 'getOpenFrameName', 'off', '_isPlaying', 'pause', '_playPercent', '_playTime', '_volume', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 'setOpenUpOrLeft', 'setListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'playAtBeginning', '_screenAccommodator', 'ScreenAccommodator', 'redraw', '__get__horizontal', '__set__horizontal', '__get__controllerPolicy', '__set__controllerPolicy', '__get__backgroundStyle', 'default', '__set__backgroundStyle', '__get__activePlayControl', '__set__activePlayControl', 'openVertical', 'openHorizontal', 'closedVertical', 'closedHorizontal', 'draw', '_playBar', '_miniPlayBar', '_loadBar', 'positionControlsHorizontal', 'positionControlsVertical', 'drawChrome', '_volumeControl', '_buttons', 'LOADBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X', 'MINIPLAYBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X', 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_Y', 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_CLOSED_Y', 'width', 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH', 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT', 'height', '_chrome', 'visible', 'showToggles', 'addSecondChrome', '_secondChrome', '_secondChromeClosedHeight', '_secondChromeOpenHeight', '_secondChromeClosedWidth', '_secondChromeOpenWidth', '_secondChromeFixedEnd', 'removeSecondChrome', '__get__expanded', 'onMouseMove', '_xmouse', '_ymouse', 'hitTest', 'isNotAnimating', 'clearInterval', 'OPEN_DELAY', 'expand', 'setInterval', 'CLOSE_DELAY', 'contract', '_animationStart', '_animationOpen', 'onEnterFrame', 'animate', 'MediaController.contract: force=', ', animating=', '_animating', ', opening=', 'ANIMATION_TIME', 'min', 'MediaController.animate: _animationStart=', ', elapsed=', ', portion=', ', ANIMATION_TIME=', 'sizeMainChrome', 'sizeSecondChrome', 'animateBars', 'isLivePreview', 'animationDone', 'MediaController.animationDone', 'refreshBars', 'isOpenUpOrLeft', 'getClosedHeight', 'getOpenHeight', 'getLoadBar', 'MediaController.refreshBars: load=', '_loadPercent', ', play=', 'setCompletionPercentage', 'getLoadPercent', 'getMinimumOpenHeight', 'getMinimumClosedHeight', 'getMinimumOpenWidth', 'getMinimumClosedWidth', 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy: old=', ', new=', 'removeListener', 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy(off): about to call contract', 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy(auto): about to call contract', 'invalidate', '__get__volume', '__set__volume', 'getHandle', 'setVolume', 'broadcastEvent', 'type', 'target', 'detail', 'volume', 'dispatchEvent', 'handleEvent', 'change', 'isListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent', 'handleChangeEvent', 'progress', 'handleProgressEvent', 'complete', 'handleCompleteEvent', 'scrubbing', 'handleScrubbingEvent', 'handleUnrecognizedEvent', '_listenForPlayheadMoveEvent', '_notAnimating', 'setNotAnimating', '__get__playing', 'isPlaying', '__set__playing', 'setPlaying', 'setIsPlaying', 'playPauseButtons', 'showPauseButton', 'showPlayButton', 'playheadTime', '__get__totalTime', 'setTime', 'contentPath', 'isRtmp', 'bytesLoaded', 'bytesTotal', 'mediaType', 'evaluateToEnd', '__get__enabled', 'MP3', 'FLV', 'DISABLE_FLV_TOEND', 'toEndButton', 'enabled', 'isScrubbing', 'totalTime', 'MediaController.handleCompleteEvent: playAtBeginning=true', 'received an unrecognized event of type ', ' with target ', '_strings', 'paused', 'PAUSED', 'streaming', 'STREAMING', 'getLocalizedString', '__get__playTime', '__set__playTime', '__get__playPercent', '__set__playPercent', '_openUpOrLeft', 'associateDisplay', 'associateController', '_enabled', '__set__enabled', 'MediaController.set enabled to ', 'toStartButton', '_muteButton', 'muteSimpleButton', '_loudButton', 'loudSimpleButton', 'controllerPolicy', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'version', '', 'clipParameters', 'horizontal', 'activePlayControl', 'backgroundStyle', 'LOCALIZED_FILE', 'streamingmediacontroller.xml', 'H_BORDER', 'V_BORDER', 'addProperty', 'expanded', 'lastProgressMediaType', 'playPercent', 'playTime', 'playing', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember not not branchIfTrue label126 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__lastProgressMediaType' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_lastProgressMediaType' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 'MediaController.init: start: policy=', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'initializeParameters' callMethod pop push 'MediaController.init: after initializeParameters: policy=', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_width' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_height' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label3 push r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_HEIGHT' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop branch label4 label3: push r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_OPEN_WIDTH' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop label4: push TRUE, r:4, r:3, 3, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 'MediaController.init: after setSize ', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod add push 'x' add push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod add push ' at (' add push r:this, '_x' getMember add push ',' add push r:this, '_y' getMember add push ')' add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_priorPolicy', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'createDefaultStrings' callMethod pop push 'MediaController.init: Initialized properties:', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push ' controllerPolicy=', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push ' horizontal=', r:this, '_horizontal' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push ' activePlayControl=', r:this, '_activePlayControl' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push ' backgroundStyle=', r:this, '_backgroundStyle' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, '_isOpen', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_priorMouseOver', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_closeId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_openId', NULL setMember push r:this, 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getClosedFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop branch label7 label5: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, '_isOpen', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getOpenFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop branch label7 label6: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, '_isOpen', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getClosedFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop label7: push r:this, '_isPlaying', r:this, '_activePlayControl' getMember push 'pause' equals setMember push r:this, '_playPercent', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_playTime', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_volume', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'DEFAULT_VOLUME' getMember setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'playAtBeginning', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_screenAccommodator', r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ScreenAccommodator' newMethod setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initializeParameters' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__horizontal' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label8 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop label8: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label9 push 'auto', 1, r:this, '__set__controllerPolicy' callMethod pop label9: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__backgroundStyle' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label10 push 'default', 1, r:this, '__set__backgroundStyle' callMethod pop label10: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__activePlayControl' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label11 push 'pause', 1, r:this, '__set__activePlayControl' callMethod pop label11: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getOpenFrameName' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label12 push 'openVertical' branch label13 label12: push 'openHorizontal' label13: return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getClosedFrameName' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label14 push 'closedVertical' branch label15 label14: push 'closedHorizontal' label15: return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0, r:this, 'getOpenFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop branch label17 label16: push 0.0, r:this, 'getClosedFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop label17: push 0.0, r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label18 push 0.0, r:this, 'positionControlsHorizontal' callMethod pop branch label19 label18: push 0.0, r:this, 'positionControlsVertical' callMethod pop label19: push 0.0, r:this, 'drawChrome' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'positionControlsVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label20 push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 2 divide setMember push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 8 subtract setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 2 divide setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 16 subtract setMember push r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 2 divide setMember push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_width' getMember add push 4 subtract setMember branch label21 label20: push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_x', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X' getMember setMember push r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push '_x', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIPLAYBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X' getMember setMember label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'positionControlsHorizontal' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label22 push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_y', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_Y' getMember setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_x', 8 setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 8 subtract setMember push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 8 subtract setMember push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 8 subtract setMember branch label23 label22: push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_y', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_CLOSED_Y' getMember setMember label23: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawChrome' function2 (r:2='wi', r:3='he') (r:1='this') push r:wi, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label24 push r:this, 'width' getMember setRegister r:wi pop branch label27 label24: push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label25 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH' getMember branch label26 label25: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod label26: setRegister r:wi pop label27: push r:he, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label31 push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label30 push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label28 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT' getMember branch label29 label28: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod label29: setRegister r:he pop branch label31 label30: push r:this, 'height' getMember setRegister r:he pop label31: push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'visible', 0.0, r:this, '__get__backgroundStyle' callMethod push 'default' equals setMember push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'showToggles', FALSE setMember push r:he, r:wi, 2, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addSecondChrome' function2 (r:2='theChrome', r:6='closedHeight', r:7='openHeight', r:4='closedWidth', r:5='openWidth', r:3='fixedEnd') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_secondChrome', r:theChrome setMember push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedHeight', r:closedHeight setMember push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenHeight', r:openHeight setMember push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedWidth', r:closedWidth setMember push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenWidth', r:openWidth setMember push r:this, '_secondChromeFixedEnd', r:fixedEnd setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeSecondChrome' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_secondChrome', NULL setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__expanded' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMouseMove' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push r:_root, '_xmouse' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:_root, '_ymouse' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push TRUE, r:4, r:5, 3, r:this, 'hitTest' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3 dup not branchIfTrue label32 pop push r:this, '_closeId' getMember push NULL equals not label32: dup branchIfTrue label33 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isNotAnimating' callMethod label33: not branchIfTrue label34 push r:this, '_closeId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_closeId', NULL setMember label34: push r:3 not dup not branchIfTrue label35 pop push r:this, '_openId' getMember push NULL equals not label35: dup branchIfTrue label36 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isNotAnimating' callMethod label36: not branchIfTrue label37 push r:this, '_openId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_openId', NULL setMember label37: push r:3 dup not branchIfTrue label38 pop push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not label38: dup not branchIfTrue label39 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label39: dup not branchIfTrue label40 pop push r:this, '_openId' getMember push NULL equals label40: dup not branchIfTrue label41 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isNotAnimating' callMethod not label41: not branchIfTrue label42 push r:this, '_openId', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'OPEN_DELAY' getMember push 'expand', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember branch label47 label42: push r:3 not dup not branchIfTrue label43 pop push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember label43: dup not branchIfTrue label44 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label44: dup not branchIfTrue label45 pop push r:this, '_closeId' getMember push NULL equals label45: dup not branchIfTrue label46 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isNotAnimating' callMethod not label46: not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_closeId', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSE_DELAY' getMember push 'contract', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label47: push r:this, '_priorMouseOver', r:3 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'expand' function2 (r:2='force') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_openId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_openId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals dup branchIfTrue label48 pop push r:force label48: not branchIfTrue label49 push r:this, '_isOpen', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_animationStart' getTimer setMember push r:this, '_animationOpen', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_priorMouseOver', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'animate' getMember setMember label49: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'contract' function2 (r:2='force') (r:1='this') push 'MediaController.contract: force=', r:force add push ', animating=' add push r:this, '_animating' getMember add push ', opening=' add push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_animating' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember not label50: not branchIfTrue label51 push UNDEF return label51: push r:this, '_closeId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_closeId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals dup branchIfTrue label52 pop push r:force label52: not branchIfTrue label53 push r:this, '_isOpen', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_animationStart' getTimer setMember push r:this, '_animationOpen', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_priorMouseOver', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getClosedFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'animate' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'animate' getMember setMember label53: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'animate' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this, '_animating', TRUE setMember getTimer push r:this, '_animationStart' getMember subtract setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'ANIMATION_TIME' getMember divide push 1, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 'MediaController.animate: _animationStart=', r:this, '_animationStart' getMember add push ', elapsed=' add push r:4 add push ', portion=' add push r:3 add push ', ANIMATION_TIME=' add push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'ANIMATION_TIME' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:3, 1, r:this, 'sizeMainChrome' callMethod pop push r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label54 push r:3, 1, r:this, 'sizeSecondChrome' callMethod pop label54: push r:3, 1, r:this, 'animateBars' callMethod pop push r:4, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'ANIMATION_TIME' getMember lessThan not dup branchIfTrue label55 pop push r:_global, 'isLivePreview' getMember label55: not branchIfTrue label56 push 0.0, r:this, 'animationDone' callMethod pop label56: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'animationDone' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'MediaController.animationDone', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_animating', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame' delete pop push 0.0, r:this, 'refreshBars' callMethod pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label57 push 0.0, r:this, 'getOpenFrameName' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop branch label57 label57: push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'sizeMainChrome' function2 (r:7='portion') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label60 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label58 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT' getMember push r:4 add setRegister r:2 pop branch label59 label58: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:4 subtract setRegister r:2 pop label59: branch label62 label60: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label61 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH' getMember push r:4 add setRegister r:3 pop branch label62 label61: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:4 subtract setRegister r:3 pop label62: push 0.0, r:this, 'isOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod not branchIfTrue label63 push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'width' getMember push r:3 subtract setRegister r:6 pop push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:2 subtract setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '_x', r:this, '_x' getMember push r:6 add setMember push r:this, '_y', r:this, '_y' getMember push r:5 add setMember label63: push r:2, r:3, 2, r:this, 'drawChrome' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'sizeSecondChrome' function2 (r:5='portion') (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label67 push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedWidth' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenHeight' getMember push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedHeight' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label64 push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenHeight' getMember push r:2 subtract branch label65 label64: push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedHeight' getMember push r:2 add label65: setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_secondChromeFixedEnd' getMember not branchIfTrue label66 push r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push '_y', r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push '_y' getMember push r:3 subtract push r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push 'height' getMember add setMember label66: branch label70 label67: push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedHeight' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenWidth' getMember push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedWidth' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label68 push r:this, '_secondChromeOpenWidth' getMember push r:2 subtract branch label69 label68: push r:this, '_secondChromeClosedWidth' getMember push r:2 add label69: setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_secondChromeFixedEnd' getMember not branchIfTrue label70 push r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:4 subtract push r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push 'width' getMember add setMember label70: push r:3, r:4, 2, r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_secondChrome' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'animateBars' function2 (r:7='portion') (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label73 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_Y' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_CLOSED_Y' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label71 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_Y' getMember push r:2 subtract branch label72 label71: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_CLOSED_Y' getMember push r:2 add label72: setRegister r:8 pop push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_y', r:8 setMember branch label78 label73: push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'width' getMember push 2 divide setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIPLAYBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X' getMember subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 0.0, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label74 push r:5, r:2 subtract branch label75 label74: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIPLAYBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X' getMember push r:2 add label75: setRegister r:9 pop push r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push '_x', r:9 setMember push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push '_width' getMember add setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push 'getClosedHeight' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push 'getOpenHeight' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:3, r:4 subtract push r:portion multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_animationOpen' getMember branchIfTrue label76 push r:4, r:2 add branch label77 label76: push r:3, r:2 subtract label77: setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, 1, r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop push r:6, 1, r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop label78: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getLoadBar' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_loadBar' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'refreshBars' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'MediaController.refreshBars: load=', r:this, '_loadPercent' getMember add push ', play=' add push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_loadPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_loadBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getLoadPercent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_loadPercent' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumOpenHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label79 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT' getMember branch label80 label79: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_HEIGHT' getMember label80: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumClosedHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label81 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT' getMember branch label82 label81: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT' getMember label82: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumOpenWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label83 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_OPEN_WIDTH' getMember branch label84 label83: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH' getMember label84: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumClosedWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember branchIfTrue label85 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH' getMember branch label86 label85: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH' getMember label86: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__controllerPolicy' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__controllerPolicy' function2 (r:4='aPolicy') (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy: old=', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember add push ', new=' add push r:aPolicy add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:aPolicy, r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label87 push UNDEF return label87: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy', r:aPolicy setMember push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals not branchIfTrue label89 push r:this, 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'removeListener' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not not branchIfTrue label88 push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'expand' callMethod pop label88: branch label96 label89: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals not branchIfTrue label91 push r:this, 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'removeListener' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label90 push 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy(off): about to call contract', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'contract' callMethod pop label90: branch label96 label91: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals not branchIfTrue label96 push r:this, '_closeId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_openId', NULL setMember push r:this, 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push TRUE, r:_root, '_ymouse' getMember push r:_root, '_xmouse' getMember push 3, r:this, 'hitTest' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label92 pop push r:3 not label92: not branchIfTrue label93 push 'MediaController.set controllerPolicy(auto): about to call contract', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'contract' callMethod pop branch label95 label93: push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not dup not branchIfTrue label94 pop push r:3 label94: not branchIfTrue label95 push 0.0, r:this, 'expand' callMethod pop label95: branch label96 label96: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__horizontal' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_horizontal' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__horizontal' function2 (r:4='isHoriz') (r:1='this') push r:isHoriz, r:this, '_horizontal' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label99 push r:this, '_horizontal', r:isHoriz setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:isHoriz not branchIfTrue label97 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH' getMember push r:2, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_HEIGHT' getMember push r:3, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop branch label98 label97: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_OPEN_WIDTH' getMember push r:2, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT' getMember push r:3, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop label98: push r:3, r:2, 2, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop branch label100 label99: push r:this, '_horizontal', r:isHoriz setMember label100: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__horizontal' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__volume' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_volume' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__volume' function2 (r:2='vol') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_volume', r:vol setMember push r:vol, 1, 0.0, r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push 'getHandle' callMethod push 'setVolume' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__volume' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__backgroundStyle' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_backgroundStyle' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__backgroundStyle' function2 (r:2='aStyle') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_backgroundStyle', r:aStyle setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'drawChrome' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__backgroundStyle' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'broadcastEvent' function2 (r:3='eventType', r:6='detailArg') (r:1='this') push 'type', r:eventType, 'target', r:this, 'detail', r:detailArg, 3 initObject setRegister r:2 pop push r:eventType, 'volume' equals not branchIfTrue label101 push r:this, '_volume', r:detailArg setMember label101: push r:2, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'change' equals not branchIfTrue label103 push r:this, 'playAtBeginning', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent' callMethod not branchIfTrue label102 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleChangeEvent' callMethod pop label102: branch label107 label103: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'progress' equals not branchIfTrue label104 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleProgressEvent' callMethod pop branch label107 label104: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'complete' equals not branchIfTrue label105 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleCompleteEvent' callMethod pop branch label107 label105: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'scrubbing' equals not branchIfTrue label106 push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleScrubbingEvent' callMethod pop branch label107 label106: push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'handleUnrecognizedEvent' callMethod pop label107: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listenForPlayheadMoveEvent' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setListeningForPlayheadMoveEvent' function2 (r:2='listen') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listenForPlayheadMoveEvent', r:listen setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isNotAnimating' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_notAnimating' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setNotAnimating' function2 (r:2='still') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_notAnimating', r:still setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__activePlayControl' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_activePlayControl' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__activePlayControl' function2 (r:2='aControl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_activePlayControl', r:aControl setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__activePlayControl' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__playing' function2 (r:2='playFlag') (r:1='this') push r:playFlag, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playing' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isPlaying' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isPlaying' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlaying' function2 (r:2='playFlag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isPlaying', r:playFlag setMember push r:playFlag, 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setIsPlaying' callMethod pop push r:playFlag not branchIfTrue label108 push 0.0, r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'playPauseButtons' getMember push 'showPauseButton' callMethod pop branch label109 label108: push 0.0, r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'playPauseButtons' getMember push 'showPlayButton' callMethod pop label109: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleChangeEvent' function2 (r:4='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'target' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_playTime', r:2, 'playheadTime' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:2, '__get__totalTime' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_playPercent', 100, r:this, '_playTime' getMember multiply push r:3 divide setMember push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label110 push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playTime' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setTime' callMethod pop branch label111 label110: push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop label111: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleProgressEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'target' getMember push 'contentPath' getMember push 1, r:ev, 'target' getMember push 'isRtmp' callMethod not branchIfTrue label112 push r:this, '_loadPercent', 100 setMember branch label113 label112: push r:ev, 'target' getMember push 'bytesLoaded' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:ev, 'target' getMember push 'bytesTotal' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_loadPercent', 100, r:4 multiply push r:3 divide setMember label113: push 0.0, r:this, 'refreshBars' callMethod pop push r:this, '_lastProgressMediaType', r:ev, 'target' getMember push 'mediaType' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'evaluateToEnd' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'evaluateToEnd' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not not branchIfTrue label114 push UNDEF return label114: push FALSE setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_loadPercent' getMember push 99 lessThan not dup not branchIfTrue label115 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod label115: not branchIfTrue label118 push r:this, '_lastProgressMediaType' getMember push 'MP3' equals not branchIfTrue label116 push TRUE setRegister r:2 pop branch label118 label116: push r:this, '_lastProgressMediaType' getMember push 'FLV' equals dup not branchIfTrue label117 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'DISABLE_FLV_TOEND' getMember not label117: not branchIfTrue label118 push TRUE setRegister r:2 pop label118: push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'toEndButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:2 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleCompleteEvent' function2 (r:3='ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isScrubbing' callMethod not dup not branchIfTrue label119 pop push r:this, '_animating' getMember not label119: not branchIfTrue label122 push r:ev, 'target' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_playTime', r:2, 'totalTime' getMember setMember push r:this, '_playPercent', 100 setMember push r:this, '_isOpen' getMember not branchIfTrue label120 push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playTime' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setTime' callMethod pop branch label121 label120: push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember push 1, r:this, '_miniPlayBar' getMember push 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop label121: push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push 'MediaController.handleCompleteEvent: playAtBeginning=true', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, 'playAtBeginning', TRUE setMember label122: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleScrubbingEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listenForPlayheadMoveEvent', r:ev, 'detail' getMember not setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleUnrecognizedEvent' function2 (r:1='ev') () push 'received an unrecognized event of type ', r:ev, 'type' getMember add push ' with target ' add push r:ev, 'target' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createDefaultStrings' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_strings', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:this, '_strings' getMember push 'paused', 'PAUSED' setMember push r:this, '_strings' getMember push 'streaming', 'STREAMING' setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getLocalizedString' function2 (r:3='id') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_strings' getMember push r:id getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playTime' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__playTime' function2 (r:2='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playTime', r:aTime setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playTime' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playPercent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playPercent' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__playPercent' function2 (r:2='aPercent') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playPercent', r:aPercent setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playPercent' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isOpenUpOrLeft' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_openUpOrLeft' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setOpenUpOrLeft' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_openUpOrLeft', r:is setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'associateDisplay' function2 (r:2='d') (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, r:d, 'associateController' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:5='w', r:4='h', r:3='noEvent') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:noEvent, r:h, r:w, 3, r:super, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push 'MediaController.set enabled to ', r:is add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'toStartButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:is setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'toEndButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:is setMember push r:this, '_buttons' getMember push 'playPauseButtons' getMember push 'enabled', r:is setMember push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_muteButton' getMember push 'muteSimpleButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:is setMember push r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push '_loudButton' getMember push 'loudSimpleButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:is setMember push r:is, 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, 0.0, r:this, '_volumeControl' getMember push 'getHandle' callMethod push '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push r:is not branchIfTrue label124 push r:this, '_priorPolicy' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label123 push r:this, '_priorPolicy' getMember push 1, r:this, '__set__controllerPolicy' callMethod pop label123: branch label125 label124: push r:this, '_priorPolicy', r:this, 'controllerPolicy' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod push 'auto' equals not branchIfTrue label125 push 'off', 1, r:this, '__set__controllerPolicy' callMethod pop label125: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isScrubbing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'isScrubbing' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'MediaController' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'MediaController' setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'controllerPolicy', 'auto', 'horizontal', TRUE, 'activePlayControl', 'pause', 'backgroundStyle', 'default', 4 initObject setMember push r:1, 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH', 202 setMember push r:1, 'CLOSED_HORIZONTAL_HEIGHT', 25 setMember push r:1, 'MINIMUM_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_HEIGHT', 63 setMember push r:1, 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_CLOSED_Y', 14 setMember push r:1, 'LOADBAR_HORIZONTAL_OPEN_Y', 24 setMember push r:1, 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_HEIGHT', 202 setMember push r:1, 'CLOSED_VERTICAL_WIDTH', 25 setMember push r:1, 'MINIMUM_VERTICAL_OPEN_WIDTH', 80 setMember push r:1, 'LOADBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X', 14 setMember push r:1, 'MINIPLAYBAR_VERTICAL_CLOSED_X', 8 setMember push r:1, 'ANIMATION_TIME', 250 setMember push r:1, 'CLOSE_DELAY', 1000 setMember push r:1, 'OPEN_DELAY', 100 setMember push r:1, 'LOCALIZED_FILE', 'streamingmediacontroller.xml' setMember push r:1, 'H_BORDER', 8 setMember push r:1, 'V_BORDER', 8 setMember push r:2, '_animating', FALSE setMember push r:2, '_enabled', TRUE setMember push r:2, '__set__activePlayControl' getMember push r:2, '__get__activePlayControl' getMember push 'activePlayControl', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__backgroundStyle' getMember push r:2, '__get__backgroundStyle' getMember push 'backgroundStyle', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__controllerPolicy' getMember push r:2, '__get__controllerPolicy' getMember push 'controllerPolicy', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__expanded' getMember push 'expanded', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__horizontal' getMember push r:2, '__get__horizontal' getMember push 'horizontal', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__lastProgressMediaType' getMember push 'lastProgressMediaType', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__playPercent' getMember push r:2, '__get__playPercent' getMember push 'playPercent', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__playTime' getMember push r:2, '__get__playTime' getMember push 'playTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__playing' getMember push r:2, '__get__playing' getMember push 'playing', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__volume' getMember push r:2, '__get__volume' getMember push 'volume', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaController' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label126: pop end // of initMovieClip 48 defineMovieClip 49 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 49 exportAssets 49 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 49 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'LoadBar', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_controller', '_parent', 'draw', 'isVertical', '__get__horizontal', 'getCompletionPercentage', '_fill', '_height', 'yToPercent', '_width', 'xToPercent', 'setCompletionPercentage', 'Math', 'floor', 'percentToY', '_y', 'getActualHeight', 'percentToX', 'getHeight', '_border', '_background', 'getWidth', '_x', '__get__width', '__get__expanded', 'getOpenHeight', 'getClosedHeight', 'getActualWidth', '__get__height', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoadBar' getMember not not branchIfTrue label20 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoadBar' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoadBar' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__horizontal' callMethod not return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCompletionPercentage' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_height' getMember push 1, r:this, 'yToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label5 label4: push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_width' getMember push 1, r:this, 'xToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label5: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setCompletionPercentage' function2 (r:2='aPercentage') (r:1='this') push r:aPercentage, 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:aPercentage pop push r:aPercentage, 0.0 lessThan not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0 setRegister r:aPercentage pop branch label7 label6: push r:aPercentage, 100 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label7 push 100 setRegister r:aPercentage pop label7: push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_height', r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToY' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 1 subtract setMember branch label9 label8: push r:this, '_fill' getMember push '_width', r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToX' callMethod setMember label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 (r:2='size') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getCompletionPercentage' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label11 push r:size, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod setRegister r:size pop label10: push r:this, '_y', 8 setMember push r:this, '_border' getMember push '_height', r:size setMember push r:this, '_background' getMember push '_height', r:size, 2 subtract setMember branch label13 label11: push r:size, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label12 push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod setRegister r:size pop label12: push r:this, '_x', 8 setMember push r:this, '_border' getMember push '_width', r:size setMember push r:this, '_background' getMember push '_width', r:size, 2 subtract setMember label13: push r:3, 1, r:this, 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label14 push 3 setRegister r:2 pop branch label15 label14: push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod push 16 subtract setRegister r:2 pop label15: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label18 push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__expanded' callMethod not branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0, r:this, 'getOpenHeight' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label17 label16: push 0.0, r:this, 'getClosedHeight' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label17: branch label19 label18: push 3 setRegister r:2 pop label19: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getActualHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_border' getMember push '_height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getActualWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_border' getMember push '_width' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getOpenHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 90 subtract return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getClosedHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 16 subtract return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'xToPercent' function2 (r:3='x') (r:1='this') push 100, r:x multiply push 0.0, r:this, 'getActualWidth' callMethod push 2 subtract divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToX' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 2 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'yToPercent' function2 (r:3='y') (r:1='this') push 100, r:y, 0.0 subtract multiply push 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push 2 subtract divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToY' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push 2 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoadBar' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label20: pop end // of initMovieClip 49 defineMovieClip 50 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 50 exportAssets 50 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 50 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'PlayBar', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_controller', '_parent', '__get__playPercent', 'setCompletionPercentage', '__get__playTime', 'setTime', 'draw', 'isVertical', '__get__horizontal', 'getCompletionPercentage', '_thumb', '_y', 'yToPercent', '_x', 'xToPercent', 'Math', 'floor', 'percentToY', 'getHeight', 'percentToX', 'updateHiliteToMatchThumb', '_hilite', '_height', '_width', 'round', ':', '', '0', '.', '00', '_timeTextField', 'text', 'setIsPlaying', '_statusTextField', 'STREAMING_ID', 'getLocalizedString', 'onEnterFrame', 'setDarkText', 'PAUSED_ID', '_darkenText', '_textPulseTime', 'pulseText', 'getController', '__get__width', 'getWidth', '_tray', 'setHeight', 'setWidth', 'isPlaying', '__get__height', 'PULSE_DURATION', 'min', 'ACTIVE_PULSE_PORTION', 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK', 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT', '_alpha', 'setLightText', '__get__enabled', '__set__enabled', 'isScrubbing', 'streaming', 'paused', 'enabled', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember not not branchIfTrue label30 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__playPercent' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__playTime' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setTime' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__horizontal' callMethod not return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCompletionPercentage' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_y' getMember push 1, r:this, 'yToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label5 label4: push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_x' getMember push 1, r:this, 'xToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label5: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setCompletionPercentage' function2 (r:2='aPercentage') (r:1='this') push r:aPercentage, 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:aPercentage pop push r:aPercentage, 1 lessThan not branchIfTrue label6 push 1 setRegister r:aPercentage pop branch label7 label6: push r:aPercentage, 100 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label7 push 100 setRegister r:aPercentage pop label7: push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label8 push r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToY' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push r:3 subtract push 9 subtract setMember branch label9 label8: push r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToX' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_x', r:4 setMember label9: push 0.0, r:this, 'updateHiliteToMatchThumb' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'updateHiliteToMatchThumb' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_height', 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_y' getMember subtract push 6 subtract setMember push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 1 subtract setMember branch label11 label10: push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_width', r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_x' getMember push 4 add setMember label11: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setTime' function2 (r:8='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:aTime, 3600 divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:7 pop push r:aTime, 3600 modulo setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 60 divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:3, 60 modulo setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:3, 1 modulo setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1000 multiply push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'round' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:7, ':' add push r:6, 10 lessThan branchIfTrue label12 push '' branch label13 label12: push '0' label13: add push r:6 add push ':' add push r:5, 10 lessThan branchIfTrue label14 push '' branch label15 label14: push '0' label15: add push r:5 add push '.' add setRegister r:4 pop push r:2, 10 lessThan not branchIfTrue label16 push r:4, '00', r:2 toString add add setRegister r:4 pop branch label18 label16: push r:2, 100 lessThan not branchIfTrue label17 push r:4, '0', r:2 toString add add setRegister r:4 pop branch label18 label17: push r:4, r:2 toString add setRegister r:4 pop label18: push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push 'text', r:4 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setIsPlaying' function2 (r:2='isPlaying') (r:1='this') push r:isPlaying not branchIfTrue label19 push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push 'text', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'STREAMING_ID' getMember push 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getLocalizedString' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame' delete pop push 0.0, r:this, 'setDarkText' callMethod pop branch label20 label19: push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push 'text', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'PAUSED_ID' getMember push 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getLocalizedString' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_darkenText', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_textPulseTime' getTimer setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'pulseText' getMember setMember label20: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getController' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getCompletionPercentage' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, '_x', 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod subtract push 2 divide setMember push r:this, '_y', 8 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push 1, r:this, '_tray' getMember push 'setHeight' callMethod pop push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push 4 subtract setMember branch label22 label21: push r:this, '_x', 8 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 1, r:this, '_tray' getMember push 'setWidth' callMethod pop push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 3 subtract setMember label22: push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'isPlaying' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setIsPlaying' callMethod pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label23 push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod push 16 subtract branch label24 label23: push 20 label24: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label25 push 20 branch label26 label25: push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 90 subtract label26: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'xToPercent' function2 (r:3='x') (r:1='this') push 100, r:x, 3 add push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 3 subtract divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToX' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 3 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply push 3 subtract setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'yToPercent' function2 (r:3='y') (r:1='this') push 100, 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push 3 subtract push r:y subtract push 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToY' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod push 3 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply push 3 subtract setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pulseText' function2 () (r:1='this') getTimer push r:this, '_textPulseTime' getMember subtract setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'PULSE_DURATION' getMember divide push 1, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'PULSE_DURATION' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'ACTIVE_PULSE_PORTION' getMember multiply setRegister r:7 pop push r:2, r:7 divide push 1, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT' getMember subtract multiply setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_darkenText' getMember branchIfTrue label27 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK' getMember push r:4 subtract branch label28 label27: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT' getMember push r:4 add label28: setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push '_alpha', r:3 setMember push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push '_alpha', r:3 setMember push r:5, 1 lessThan not not branchIfTrue label29 push r:this, '_darkenText', r:this, '_darkenText' getMember not setMember push r:this, '_textPulseTime' getTimer setMember label29: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setDarkText' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push '_alpha', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK' getMember setMember push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push '_alpha', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setLightText' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_statusTextField' getMember push '_alpha', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT' getMember setMember push r:this, '_timeTextField' getMember push '_alpha', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '__get__enabled' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:is, 1, r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isScrubbing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_thumb' getMember push 'isScrubbing' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'TEXT_ALPHA_DARK', 100 setMember push r:1, 'TEXT_ALPHA_LIGHT', 50 setMember push r:1, 'PULSE_DURATION', 1400 setMember push r:1, 'ACTIVE_PULSE_PORTION', 0.4 setMember push r:1, 'STREAMING_ID', 'streaming' setMember push r:1, 'PAUSED_ID', 'paused' setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBar' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label30: pop end // of initMovieClip 50 defineMovieClip 51 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 51 exportAssets 51 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 51 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'prototype', 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE', 'FLV', 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE', 'MP3', 'PLAY_PLAY_CONTROL', 'play', 'PAUSE_PLAY_CONTROL', 'pause', 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 'SCRUBBING', 'DISABLE_FLV_TOEND', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE', 'FLV' setMember push r:1, 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE', 'MP3' setMember push r:1, 'PLAY_PLAY_CONTROL', 'play' setMember push r:1, 'PAUSE_PLAY_CONTROL', 'pause' setMember push r:1, 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 75 setMember push r:1, 'SCRUBBING', TRUE setMember push r:1, 'DISABLE_FLV_TOEND', TRUE setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 51 defineMovieClip 52 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 52 exportAssets 52 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 52 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'PlayBarThumb', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_playBar', '_parent', 'getController', 'enabled', '__set__enabled', 'isVertical', 'handlePress', 'startThumbDrag', '_dragging', 'scrubbing', 'broadcastEvent', '_wasPlaying', 'isPlaying', 'pause', 'click', 'onMouseMove', 'handleMouseMove', 'onUnload', 'stopThumbDrag', 'handleRelease', 'handleReleaseOutside', 'play', 'getLoadBar', 'getCompletionPercentage', 'getHeight', '_ymouse', '_y', 'getWidth', '_xmouse', '_x', 'updateHiliteToMatchThumb', 'xToPercent', 'yToPercent', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'SCRUBBING', 'playheadChange', '__get__playTime', '__get__playPercent', 'setTime', '__set__playPercent', '__set__playTime', '__get__enabled', '_enabled', 'onPress', 'onRelease', 'onReleaseOutside', 'isScrubbing', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBarThumb' getMember not not branchIfTrue label21 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBarThumb' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBarThumb' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playBar', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getController' callMethod push 'enabled' getMember push 1, r:this, '__set__enabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'isVertical' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePress' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'startThumbDrag' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'startThumbDrag' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getController' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push TRUE, 'scrubbing', 2, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, '_wasPlaying', 0.0, r:2, 'isPlaying' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_wasPlaying' getMember not branchIfTrue label4 push 'pause', 'click', 2, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop label4: push r:this, 'onMouseMove', r:this, 'handleMouseMove' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onUnload' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging' getMember not branchIfTrue label5 push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRelease' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging' getMember not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop label6: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleReleaseOutside' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop label7: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stopThumbDrag' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getController' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_wasPlaying' getMember not branchIfTrue label8 push 'play', 'click', 2, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop label8: push FALSE, 'scrubbing', 2, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onMouseMove' delete pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleMouseMove' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getController' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, 0.0, r:2, 'getLoadBar' callMethod push 'getCompletionPercentage' callMethod push 100 divide setRegister r:8 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getHeight' callMethod push 8 subtract setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, 1, r:8 subtract multiply push 2 subtract setRegister r:9 pop push r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_ymouse' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:9 lessThan not branchIfTrue label9 push r:9 setRegister r:3 pop branch label10 label9: push r:3, r:6 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label10 push r:6 setRegister r:3 pop label10: push r:this, '_y', r:3 setMember branch label14 label11: push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'getWidth' callMethod push 6 subtract push r:8 multiply setRegister r:10 pop push r:this, '_playBar' getMember push '_xmouse' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 0.0 lessThan not branchIfTrue label12 push 0.0 setRegister r:4 pop branch label13 label12: push r:4, r:10 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label13 push r:10 setRegister r:4 pop label13: push r:this, '_x', r:4 setMember label14: push 0.0, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'updateHiliteToMatchThumb' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label15 push r:this, '_x' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'xToPercent' callMethod branch label16 label15: push r:this, '_y' getMember push 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'yToPercent' callMethod label16: setRegister r:5 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'SCRUBBING' getMember not branchIfTrue label17 push r:5, 'playheadChange', 2, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop label17: push 0.0, r:2, '__get__playTime' callMethod push 100 multiply push 0.0, r:2, '__get__playPercent' callMethod divide setRegister r:11 pop push r:11, r:5 multiply push 100 divide setRegister r:7 pop push r:7, 1, r:this, '_playBar' getMember push 'setTime' callMethod pop push r:5, 1, r:2, '__set__playPercent' callMethod pop push r:7, 1, r:2, '__set__playTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:is not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, 'onPress', r:this, 'handlePress' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onRelease', r:this, 'handleRelease' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onReleaseOutside', r:this, 'handleReleaseOutside' getMember setMember branch label20 label18: push r:this, '_dragging' getMember not branchIfTrue label19 push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop label19: push r:this, 'onPress' delete pop push r:this, 'onRelease' delete pop push r:this, 'onReleaseOutside' delete pop label20: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isScrubbing' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_dragging' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayBarThumb' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label21: pop end // of initMovieClip 52 defineMovieClip 53 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 53 exportAssets 53 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 53 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'MiniPlayBar', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_controller', '_parent', 'draw', 'isVertical', '__get__horizontal', 'getCompletionPercentage', '_thumb', '_y', 'yToPercent', '_x', 'xToPercent', 'setCompletionPercentage', 'Math', 'floor', 'percentToY', 'getActualHeight', '_hilite', '_height', 'percentToX', '_width', 'getController', 'getHeight', '_tray', 'setHeight', 'getWidth', 'setWidth', '__get__playPercent', '__get__width', '__get__height', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MiniPlayBar' getMember not not branchIfTrue label17 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MiniPlayBar' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MiniPlayBar' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__horizontal' callMethod not return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCompletionPercentage' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_y' getMember push 1, r:this, 'yToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label5 label4: push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_x' getMember push 1, r:this, 'xToPercent' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label5: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setCompletionPercentage' function2 (r:2='aPercentage') (r:1='this') push r:aPercentage, 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod setRegister r:aPercentage pop push r:aPercentage, 1 lessThan not branchIfTrue label6 push 1 setRegister r:aPercentage pop branch label7 label6: push r:aPercentage, 100 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label7 push 100 setRegister r:aPercentage pop label7: push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label8 push r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToY' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push r:3 subtract push 1 subtract setMember push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_height', r:3, 1 subtract setMember push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push r:3 subtract push 2 subtract setMember branch label9 label8: push r:aPercentage, 1, r:this, 'percentToX' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_thumb' getMember push '_x', r:4 setMember push r:this, '_hilite' getMember push '_width', r:4, 1 subtract setMember label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getController' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 (r:2='h') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod not branchIfTrue label11 push r:this, '_y', 8 setMember push r:h, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, r:this, 'getHeight' callMethod setRegister r:h pop label10: push r:h, 1, r:this, '_tray' getMember push 'setHeight' callMethod pop branch label12 label11: push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_x', 8 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 1, r:this, '_tray' getMember push 'setWidth' callMethod pop label12: push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__playPercent' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setCompletionPercentage' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label13 push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod push 16 subtract branch label14 label13: push 6 label14: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label15 push 6 branch label16 label15: push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 16 subtract label16: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getActualHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_tray' getMember push 'getHeight' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'xToPercent' function2 (r:3='x') (r:1='this') push 100, r:x multiply push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 2 subtract divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToX' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getWidth' callMethod push 2 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'yToPercent' function2 (r:3='y') (r:1='this') push 100, r:y, 1 subtract multiply push 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push 3 subtract divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'percentToY' function2 (r:3='percent') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getActualHeight' callMethod push 3 subtract push r:percent, 100 divide multiply push 1 add setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MiniPlayBar' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label17: pop end // of initMovieClip 53 defineMovieClip 54 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 54 exportAssets 54 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 54 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'VolumeControl', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'getHandle', '_handle', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControl' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControl' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControl' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getHandle' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_handle' getMember return end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControl' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 54 defineMovieClip 55 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 55 exportAssets 55 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 55 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'VolumeControlHandle', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_volumeControl', '_parent', '_controller', '__get__volume', 'setVolume', 'enabled', '__set__enabled', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'isVertical', '__get__horizontal', '_x', 'volumeToX', 'setMute', 'setLoud', 'handlePress', 'startThumbDrag', 'handleRelease', 'stopThumbDrag', 'handleReleaseOutside', 'getRange', 'startDrag', 'onMouseMove', 'handleMouseMove', 'stopDrag', 'broadcastEvent', 'xToVolume', 'volume', '__get__enabled', '_enabled', 'onPress', 'onRelease', 'onReleaseOutside', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControlHandle' getMember not not branchIfTrue label10 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControlHandle' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControlHandle' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_volumeControl', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push r:this, '_controller', r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__volume' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'enabled' getMember push 1, r:this, '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isVertical' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__horizontal' callMethod not return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVolume' function2 (r:2='aVolume') (r:1='this') push r:aVolume, 0.0 lessThan not branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0 setRegister r:aVolume pop branch label5 label4: push r:aVolume, 100 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label5 push 100 setRegister r:aVolume pop label5: push r:this, '_x', r:aVolume, 1, r:this, 'volumeToX' callMethod setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMute' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setLoud' function2 () (r:1='this') push 100, 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handlePress' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'startThumbDrag' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRelease' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleReleaseOutside' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'stopThumbDrag' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'startThumbDrag' function2 () (r:1='this') push 3, 12, 0.0, r:this, 'getRange' callMethod add push 3, 12, FALSE, 5, r:this, 'startDrag' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onMouseMove', r:this, 'handleMouseMove' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stopThumbDrag' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'stopDrag' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onMouseMove' delete pop push 0.0, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleMouseMove' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'broadcastEvent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_x' getMember push 1, r:this, 'xToVolume' callMethod push 'volume', 2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'xToVolume' function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:x, 12 subtract push 100, 0.0, r:this, 'getRange' callMethod divide multiply return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'volumeToX' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 100, 0.0, r:this, 'getRange' callMethod divide divide push 12 add return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getRange' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isVertical' callMethod branchIfTrue label6 push 50 branch label7 label6: push 27 label7: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:is not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, 'onPress', r:this, 'handlePress' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onRelease', r:this, 'handleRelease' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onReleaseOutside', r:this, 'handleReleaseOutside' getMember setMember branch label9 label8: push r:this, 'onPress' delete pop push r:this, 'onRelease' delete pop push r:this, 'onReleaseOutside' delete pop label9: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'VolumeControlHandle' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label10: pop end // of initMovieClip 55 defineMovieClip 56 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 56 exportAssets 56 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 56 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'SimpleButton', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'init', 'preset', 'boundingBox_mc', '_visible', '_width', '_height', 'useHandCursor', 'createChildren', 'idNames', 'refNames', 'skinName', 'falseOverSkin', 'length', 'rolloverSkin', 'fus', 'falseOverIcon', 'rolloverIcon', 'fui', 'initializing', '__state', 'setStateVar', 'setIcon', 'setSkin', 'changeIcon', 'linkLength', 'stateNames', 'Icon', 'getState', 'changeSkin', 'Skin', 'viewIcon', 'string', '__emphasized', 'Emphasized', 'tagMap', 'isLivePreview', 'ButtonIcon', 'iconName', 'removeIcons', 'destroyObject', '', 'refresh', 'styleName', 'calcSize', '__width', '__height', 'viewSkin', 'showEmphasized', '__emphatic', 'emphasizedStyleDeclaration', '__emphaticStyleName', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'phase', 'down', 'setView', 'btnOffset', '_x', '_y', 'trueOverSkin', 'tus', 'trs', 'trueOverIcon', 'tui', 'tri', 'upSkin', 'downSkin', 'tds', 'disabledSkin', 'dts', 'upIcon', 'downIcon', 'tdi', 'disabledIcon', 'dti', 'frs', 'fri', 'fds', 'dfs', 'fdi', 'dfi', 'setState', 'invalidate', 'size', 'draw', 'visible', 'setToggle', '__toggle', 'getToggle', '__set__toggle', '__get__toggle', '__set__value', 'setSelected', '__get__value', 'getSelected', '__set__selected', '__get__selected', 'setEnabled', 'onPress', 'pressFocus', 'type', 'buttonDown', 'dispatchEvent', 'autoRepeat', 'interval', 'repeatDelay', 'getStyle', 'onPressDelay', 'setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'repeatInterval', 'onPressRepeat', 'updateAfterEvent', 'onRelease', 'releaseFocus', 'rollover', 'click', 'onDragOut', 'up', 'buttonDragOut', 'onDragOver', 'onReleaseOutside', 'onRollOver', 'onRollOut', 'getLabel', 'text', 'setLabel', 'createLabel', '_getTextFormat', 'getTextExtent2', 'width', 'height', '__get__emphasized', '__set__emphasized', 'movieclip', 'invalidateStyle', 'keyDown', 'code', 'keyUp', 'onKillFocus', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'style3dInset', 'falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled', 'falseUpSkin', 'SimpleButtonUp', 'falseDownSkin', 'SimpleButtonIn', 'falseDisabledSkin', 'trueUpSkin', 'trueDownSkin', 'trueDisabledSkin', 'falseUpIcon', 'falseDownIcon', 'falseDisabledIcon', 'trueUpIcon', 'trueDownIcon', 'trueDisabledIcon', 'emphasized', 'addProperty', 'selected', 'toggle', 'value', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember not not branchIfTrue label70 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, 'preset' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_height', 0.0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember label3: push r:this, 'useHandCursor', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'preset' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:this, 'preset' getMember getMember getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, r:this, 'refNames' getMember push r:this, 'preset' getMember getMember push r:2 setMember push r:this, 'skinName', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'falseOverSkin' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'fus' getMember setMember label4: push r:this, 'falseOverIcon' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'fui' getMember setMember label5: push r:this, 'initializing', FALSE setMember branch label9 label6: push r:this, '__state' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label7 push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setStateVar' callMethod pop branch label9 label7: push r:this, 'falseOverSkin' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'fus' getMember setMember label8: push r:this, 'falseOverIcon' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label9 push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'fui' getMember setMember label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setIcon' function2 (r:2='tag', r:3='linkageName') (r:1='this') push r:linkageName, r:tag, 8 add push 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'changeIcon' function2 (r:3='tag', r:4='linkageName') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'linkLength', r:linkageName, 'length' getMember setMember push r:this, 'stateNames' getMember push r:tag getMember push 'Icon' add setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, r:2, r:linkageName setMember push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:tag, 8 add getMember push r:2 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getState' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setStateVar' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'changeSkin' function2 (r:3='tag', r:4='linkageName') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'stateNames' getMember push r:tag getMember push 'Skin' add setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, r:2, r:linkageName setMember push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:tag getMember push r:2 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getState' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setStateVar' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'viewIcon' function2 (r:6='varName') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:varName, 'Icon' add setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, r:4 getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3 typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label14 push r:3 setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '__emphasized' getMember not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, r:3, 'Emphasized' add getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label10 push r:3, 'Emphasized' add setRegister r:3 pop label10: push r:this, r:3 getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label11 push UNDEF return label11: push r:this, r:3 getMember push r:this, 'tagMap' getMember push r:5 getMember push 2, r:this, 'setIcon' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals dup not branchIfTrue label12 pop push r:_global, 'isLivePreview' getMember label12: not branchIfTrue label13 push 'ButtonIcon', 0.0, 2, r:this, 'setIcon' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop label13: push r:this, r:4, r:3 setMember label14: push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'iconName', r:3 setMember push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeIcons' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop label15: push r:3, 2 lessThan not branchIfTrue label18 push 8 setRegister r:2 pop label16: push r:2, 16 lessThan not branchIfTrue label17 push r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:2 getMember push 1, r:this, 'destroyObject' callMethod pop push r:this, r:this, 'stateNames' getMember push r:2, 8 subtract getMember push 'Icon' add push '' setMember push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label16 label17: push r:3 increment setRegister r:3 pop branch label15 label18: push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSkin' function2 (r:4='tag', r:7='linkageName', r:5='initobj') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:initobj, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label19 push 'styleName', r:this, 1 initObject branch label20 label19: push r:initobj label20: push r:linkageName, r:tag, 3, r:super, 'setSkin' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:tag, 2, r:this, 'calcSize' callMethod pop push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'calcSize' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__width', r:this, '_width' getMember setMember push r:this, '__height', r:this, '_height' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'viewSkin' function2 (r:7='varName', r:5='initObj') (r:1='this') push r:varName, 'Skin' add setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, r:3 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label25 push r:2 setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '__emphasized' getMember not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, r:2, 'Emphasized' add getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label21 push r:2, 'Emphasized' add setRegister r:2 pop label21: push r:this, r:2 getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label22 push UNDEF return label22: push r:initObj, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label23 push 'styleName', r:this, 1 initObject branch label24 label23: push r:initObj label24: push r:this, r:2 getMember push r:this, 'tagMap' getMember push r:4 getMember push 3, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, r:3, r:2 setMember label25: push r:this, 'skinName' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'skinName', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'skinName' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'showEmphasized' function2 (r:2='e') (r:1='this') push r:e dup not branchIfTrue label26 pop push r:this, '__emphatic' getMember not label26: not branchIfTrue label28 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'emphasizedStyleDeclaration' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, '__emphaticStyleName', r:this, 'styleName' getMember setMember push r:this, 'styleName', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'emphasizedStyleDeclaration' getMember setMember label27: push r:this, '__emphatic', TRUE setMember branch label30 label28: push r:this, '__emphatic' getMember not branchIfTrue label29 push r:this, 'styleName', r:this, '__emphaticStyleName' getMember setMember label29: push r:this, '__emphatic', FALSE setMember label30: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'refresh' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getState' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'enabled' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label31 push 'disabled', 1, r:this, 'viewIcon' callMethod pop push 'disabled', 1, r:this, 'viewSkin' callMethod pop branch label32 label31: push r:this, 'phase' getMember push 1, r:this, 'viewSkin' callMethod pop push r:this, 'phase' getMember push 1, r:this, 'viewIcon' callMethod pop label32: push r:this, 'phase' getMember push 'down' equals push 1, r:this, 'setView' callMethod pop push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push 'enabled', r:this, 'enabled' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setView' function2 (r:3='offset') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label33 push UNDEF return label33: push r:offset branchIfTrue label34 push 0.0 branch label35 label34: push r:this, 'btnOffset' getMember label35: setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_x', r:this, '__width' getMember push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_width' getMember subtract push 2 divide push r:2 add setMember push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_y', r:this, '__height' getMember push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract push 2 divide push r:2 add setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setStateVar' function2 (r:2='state') (r:1='this') push r:state not branchIfTrue label40 push r:this, 'trueOverSkin' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label36 push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'tus' getMember setMember branch label37 label36: push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'trs' getMember setMember label37: push r:this, 'trueOverIcon' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label38 push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'tui' getMember setMember branch label39 label38: push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'tri' getMember setMember label39: push r:this, 'upSkin', r:this, 'tus' getMember setMember push r:this, 'downSkin', r:this, 'tds' getMember setMember push r:this, 'disabledSkin', r:this, 'dts' getMember setMember push r:this, 'upIcon', r:this, 'tui' getMember setMember push r:this, 'downIcon', r:this, 'tdi' getMember setMember push r:this, 'disabledIcon', r:this, 'dti' getMember setMember branch label45 label40: push r:this, 'falseOverSkin' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label41 push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'fus' getMember setMember branch label42 label41: push r:this, 'rolloverSkin', r:this, 'frs' getMember setMember label42: push r:this, 'falseOverIcon' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label43 push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'fui' getMember setMember branch label44 label43: push r:this, 'rolloverIcon', r:this, 'fri' getMember setMember label44: push r:this, 'upSkin', r:this, 'fus' getMember setMember push r:this, 'downSkin', r:this, 'fds' getMember setMember push r:this, 'disabledSkin', r:this, 'dfs' getMember setMember push r:this, 'upIcon', r:this, 'fui' getMember setMember push r:this, 'downIcon', r:this, 'fdi' getMember setMember push r:this, 'disabledIcon', r:this, 'dfi' getMember setMember label45: push r:this, '__state', r:state setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setState' function2 (r:2='state') (r:1='this') push r:state, r:this, '__state' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label46 push r:state, 1, r:this, 'setStateVar' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label46: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'initializing' getMember not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, 'initializing', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'skinName' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'iconName' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember label47: push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getState' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__state' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setToggle' function2 (r:2='val') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__toggle', r:val setMember push r:this, '__toggle' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label48 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setState' callMethod pop label48: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getToggle' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__toggle' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__toggle' function2 (r:2='val') (r:1='this') push r:val, 1, r:this, 'setToggle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__toggle' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__toggle' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getToggle' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__value' function2 (r:2='val') (r:1='this') push r:val, 1, r:this, 'setSelected' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__value' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__value' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getSelected' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__selected' function2 (r:2='val') (r:1='this') push r:val, 1, r:this, 'setSelected' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__selected' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__selected' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getSelected' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSelected' function2 (r:2='val') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__toggle' getMember not branchIfTrue label49 push r:val, 1, r:this, 'setState' callMethod pop branch label52 label49: push r:this, 'initializing' getMember branchIfTrue label50 push r:this, '__state' getMember branch label51 label50: push r:val label51: push 1, r:this, 'setState' callMethod pop label52: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getSelected' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__state' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:3='val') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:this, 'enabled' getMember push r:val equals not not branchIfTrue label53 push r:val, 1, r:super, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label53: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onPress' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'pressFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, 'phase', 'down' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop push 'type', 'buttonDown', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'autoRepeat' getMember not branchIfTrue label54 push r:this, 'interval', 'repeatDelay', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod push 'onPressDelay', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label54: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onPressDelay' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'buttonDown', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'autoRepeat' getMember not branchIfTrue label55 push r:this, 'interval' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'interval', 'repeatInterval', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod push 'onPressRepeat', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label55: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onPressRepeat' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'buttonDown', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'updateAfterEvent' callFunction pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRelease' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'releaseFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, 'phase', 'rollover' setMember push r:this, 'interval' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label56 push r:this, 'interval' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'interval' delete pop label56: push 0.0, r:this, 'getToggle' callMethod not branchIfTrue label57 push 0.0, r:this, 'getState' callMethod not push 1, r:this, 'setState' callMethod pop branch label58 label57: push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop label58: push 'type', 'click', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onDragOut' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'phase', 'up' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop push 'type', 'buttonDragOut', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onDragOver' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'phase' getMember push 'up' equals not not branchIfTrue label59 push 0.0, r:this, 'onPress' callMethod pop push UNDEF return branch label60 label59: push r:this, 'phase', 'down' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop label60: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'releaseFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, 'phase', 'up' setMember push r:this, 'interval' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label61 push r:this, 'interval' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'interval' delete pop label61: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRollOver' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'phase', 'rollover' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRollOut' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'phase', 'up' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getLabel' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'fui' getMember push 'text' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setLabel' function2 (r:3='val') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'fui' getMember typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label62 push r:val, 8, 'fui', 3, r:this, 'createLabel' callMethod pop push r:this, 'fui' getMember push 'styleName', r:this setMember branch label63 label62: push r:this, 'fui' getMember push 'text', r:val setMember label63: push 0.0, r:this, 'fui' getMember push '_getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:val, 1, r:4, 'getTextExtent2' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'fui' getMember push '_width', r:2, 'width' getMember push 5 add setMember push r:this, 'fui' getMember push '_height', r:2, 'height' getMember push 5 add setMember push r:this, 'iconName', r:this, 'fui' getMember setMember push r:this, '__state' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setView' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__emphasized' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__emphasized' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__emphasized' function2 (r:3='val') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__emphasized', r:val setMember push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label64: push r:2, 8 lessThan not branchIfTrue label66 push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:2 getMember push r:this, 'stateNames' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'Skin' add setMember push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:2, 8 add getMember getMember typeof push 'movieclip' equals not branchIfTrue label65 push r:this, r:this, 'idNames' getMember push r:2, 8 add getMember push r:this, 'stateNames' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'Icon' add setMember label65: push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label64 label66: push r:this, '__emphasized' getMember push 1, r:this, 'showEmphasized' callMethod pop push r:this, '__state' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setStateVar' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__emphasized' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'keyDown' function2 (r:2='e') (r:1='this') push r:e, 'code' getMember push 32 equals not branchIfTrue label67 push 0.0, r:this, 'onPress' callMethod pop label67: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'keyUp' function2 (r:2='e') (r:1='this') push r:e, 'code' getMember push 32 equals not branchIfTrue label68 push 0.0, r:this, 'onRelease' callMethod pop label68: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onKillFocus' function2 ('newFocus') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'onKillFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, 'phase' getMember push 'up' equals not not branchIfTrue label69 push r:this, 'phase', 'up' setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'refresh' callMethod pop label69: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'SimpleButton' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'SimpleButton' setMember push r:2, 'style3dInset', 4 setMember push r:2, 'btnOffset', 1 setMember push r:2, '__toggle', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__state', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__emphasized', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__emphatic', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'falseUp', 0.0 setMember push r:1, 'falseDown', 1 setMember push r:1, 'falseOver', 2 setMember push r:1, 'falseDisabled', 3 setMember push r:1, 'trueUp', 4 setMember push r:1, 'trueDown', 5 setMember push r:1, 'trueOver', 6 setMember push r:1, 'trueDisabled', 7 setMember push r:2, 'falseUpSkin', 'SimpleButtonUp' setMember push r:2, 'falseDownSkin', 'SimpleButtonIn' setMember push r:2, 'falseOverSkin', '' setMember push r:2, 'falseDisabledSkin', 'SimpleButtonUp' setMember push r:2, 'trueUpSkin', 'SimpleButtonIn' setMember push r:2, 'trueDownSkin', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueOverSkin', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueDisabledSkin', 'SimpleButtonIn' setMember push r:2, 'falseUpIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'falseDownIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'falseOverIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'falseDisabledIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueUpIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueDownIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueOverIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'trueDisabledIcon', '' setMember push r:2, 'phase', 'up' setMember push r:2, 'fui', 'falseUpIcon' setMember push r:2, 'fus', 'falseUpSkin' setMember push r:2, 'fdi', 'falseDownIcon' setMember push r:2, 'fds', 'falseDownSkin' setMember push r:2, 'frs', 'falseOverSkin' setMember push r:2, 'fri', 'falseOverIcon' setMember push r:2, 'dfi', 'falseDisabledIcon' setMember push r:2, 'dfs', 'falseDisabledSkin' setMember push r:2, 'tui', 'trueUpIcon' setMember push r:2, 'tus', 'trueUpSkin' setMember push r:2, 'tdi', 'trueDownIcon' setMember push r:2, 'tds', 'trueDownSkin' setMember push r:2, 'trs', 'trueOverSkin' setMember push r:2, 'tri', 'trueOverIcon' setMember push r:2, 'dts', 'trueDisabledSkin' setMember push r:2, 'dti', 'trueDisabledIcon' setMember push r:2, 'rolloverSkin', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'frs' getMember setMember push r:2, 'rolloverIcon', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'fri' getMember setMember push r:2, 'upSkin', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'fus' getMember setMember push r:2, 'downSkin', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'fds' getMember setMember push r:2, 'disabledSkin', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'dfs' getMember setMember push r:2, 'upIcon', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'fui' getMember setMember push r:2, 'downIcon', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'fdi' getMember setMember push r:2, 'disabledIcon', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'dfi' getMember setMember push r:2, 'initializing', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'idNames', 'dti', 'tri', 'tdi', 'tui', 'dfi', 'fri', 'fdi', 'fui', 'dts', 'trs', 'tds', 'tus', 'dfs', 'frs', 'fds', 'fus', 16 initArray setMember push r:2, 'stateNames', 'trueDisabled', 'trueOver', 'trueDown', 'trueUp', 'falseDisabled', 'falseOver', 'falseDown', 'falseUp', 8 initArray setMember push r:2, 'refNames', 'disabledSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'downSkin', 'upSkin', 4 initArray setMember push r:2, 'tagMap', 'falseUpSkin', 0.0, 'falseDownSkin', 1, 'falseOverSkin', 2, 'falseDisabledSkin', 3, 'trueUpSkin', 4, 'trueDownSkin', 5, 'trueOverSkin', 6, 'trueDisabledSkin', 7, 'falseUpIcon', 0.0, 'falseDownIcon', 1, 'falseOverIcon', 2, 'falseDisabledIcon', 3, 'trueUpIcon', 4, 'trueDownIcon', 5, 'trueOverIcon', 6, 'trueDisabledIcon', 7, 16 initObject setMember push r:2, '__set__emphasized' getMember push r:2, '__get__emphasized' getMember push 'emphasized', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__selected' getMember push r:2, '__get__selected' getMember push 'selected', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__toggle' getMember push r:2, '__get__toggle' getMember push 'toggle', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__value' getMember push r:2, '__get__value' getMember push 'value', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label70: pop end // of initMovieClip 56 defineMovieClip 57 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 57 exportAssets 57 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 57 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'MuteButton', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'falseUpSkin', 'Mute-False-Up', 'falseOverSkin', 'Mute-False-Over', 'falseDownSkin', 'Mute-False-Down', 'falseDisabledSkin', 'Mute-False-Disabled', 'muteSimpleButton', 'SimpleButton', 'attachMovie', 'click', 'addEventListener', 'enabled', '_parent', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'volume', 'broadcastEvent', 'getHandle', 'setMute', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MuteButton' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MuteButton' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MuteButton' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'falseUpSkin', 'Mute-False-Up', 'falseOverSkin', 'Mute-False-Over', 'falseDownSkin', 'Mute-False-Down', 'falseDisabledSkin', 'Mute-False-Disabled', 4 initObject push 1, 'muteSimpleButton', 'SimpleButton', 4, r:this, 'attachMovie' callMethod pop push r:this, 'click', 2, r:this, 'muteSimpleButton' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'muteSimpleButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember push 'enabled' getMember setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'click' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 'volume', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember push 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getHandle' callMethod push 'setMute' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MuteButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 57 defineMovieClip 58 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 58 exportAssets 58 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 58 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'LoudButton', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'falseUpSkin', 'Loud-False-Up', 'falseOverSkin', 'Loud-False-Over', 'falseDownSkin', 'Loud-False-Down', 'falseDisabledSkin', 'Loud-False-Disabled', 'loudSimpleButton', 'SimpleButton', 'attachMovie', 'click', 'addEventListener', 'enabled', '_parent', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'volume', 'broadcastEvent', 'getHandle', 'setLoud', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoudButton' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoudButton' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoudButton' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'falseUpSkin', 'Loud-False-Up', 'falseOverSkin', 'Loud-False-Over', 'falseDownSkin', 'Loud-False-Down', 'falseDisabledSkin', 'Loud-False-Disabled', 4 initObject push 1, 'loudSimpleButton', 'SimpleButton', 4, r:this, 'attachMovie' callMethod pop push r:this, 'click', 2, r:this, 'loudSimpleButton' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'loudSimpleButton' getMember push 'enabled', r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember push 'enabled' getMember setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'click' function2 ('ev') (r:1='this') push 100, 'volume', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember push 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getHandle' callMethod push 'setLoud' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'LoudButton' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 58 defineMovieClip 59 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 59 exportAssets 59 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 59 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'MediaPlayback', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'init', 'initializeParameters', '_width', '_height', '_deadPreview', '_visible', 'contentPath', '_contentPath', 'mediaType', '_mediaType', 'autoPlay', '_autoPlay', 'autoSize', '_autoSize', 'aspectRatio', '_aspectRatio', 'totalTime', '_totalTime', 'initCuePointNames', 'initCuePointTimes', '_display', 'MediaDisplay', 'attachMovie', 'streamingmedia', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'PLAY_PLAY_CONTROL', 'PAUSE_PLAY_CONTROL', 'MP3', 'none', 'default', '__get__controlPlacement', 'top', 'bottom', 'horizontal', 'controllerPolicy', '_controllerPolicy', 'backgroundStyle', 'activePlayControl', '_controller', 'MediaController', 'setSize', 'associateController', 'click', 'addEventListener', 'playheadChange', 'volume', 'scrubbing', 'change', 'progress', 'start', 'resizeVideo', 'cuePoint', 'complete', '_enabled', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildren', 'redraw', '__get__mediaType', 'FLV', '__set__mediaType', '__get__totalTime', '__set__totalTime', '__get__contentPath', '', '__set__contentPath', '__get__autoPlay', '__set__autoPlay', '__get__autoSize', '__set__autoSize', '__get__aspectRatio', '__set__aspectRatio', '__get__controllerPolicy', 'auto', '__set__controllerPolicy', '__set__controlPlacement', 'draw', 'drawMP3', 'drawFLV', '_x', '_y', '__get__height', '__get__width', '__set__backgroundStyle', 'setOpenUpOrLeft', '_chrome', 'visible', 'showToggles', 'drawChrome', 'drawFLVController', 'drawFLVDisplay', '__get__horizontal', 'getMinimumOpenHeight', 'getMinimumClosedHeight', 'width', 'getMinimumOpenWidth', 'getMinimumClosedWidth', 'height', 'on', 'isTopControlPlacement', 'isLeftControlPlacement', 'off', 'addSecondChrome', 'isBottomControlPlacement', '__set__horizontal', 'isRightControlPlacement', 'invalidate', 'displaySetProperSize', 'H_BORDER', 'V_BORDER', '__get__preferredWidth', '__get__preferredHeight', 'handleEvent', 'target', 'dispatchEvent', 'type', 'makeVideoVisible', '__get__playing', 'setPlaying', 'toString', 'MediaPlayback: media=', 'getController', 'isRtmp', 'load', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', '__get__playheadTime', '__set__playheadTime', '_settingMedia', '__get__volume', '__set__volume', '__get__bytesLoaded', '__get__bytesTotal', 'removeSecondChrome', 'setMedia', 'substr', 'flv', 'mp3', 'getCuePoints', '__get__cuePoints', 'setCuePoints', 'length', 'playback', '__set__cuePoints', 'getCuePoint', 'addCuePoint', 'CuePoint', 'addCuePointObject', 'removeCuePoint', 'removeAllCuePoints', '__get__mostRecentCuePoint', '__get__mostRecentCuePointName', '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime', 'expand', 'contract', '_controlPlacement', 'TOP_CONTROL_POSITION', 'BOTTOM_CONTROL_POSITION', 'LEFT_CONTROL_POSITION', 'RIGHT_CONTROL_POSITION', 'displayFull', 'getOneToggle', 'displayNormal', 'Math', 'max', '__get__enabled', '__set__enabled', 'setEnabled', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'version', '', 'clipParameters', 'Array', 'controlPlacement', 'fps', 'left', 'right', 'addProperty', 'bytesLoaded', 'bytesTotal', 'cuePoints', 'enabled', 'mostRecentCuePoint', 'mostRecentCuePointName', 'mostRecentCuePointTime', 'playheadTime', 'playing', 'preferredHeight', 'preferredWidth', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember not not branchIfTrue label77 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, 'initializeParameters' callMethod pop push r:this, '_width' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '_height' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push r:this, '_deadPreview' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push 'contentPath', r:this, '_contentPath' getMember push 'mediaType', r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'autoPlay', r:this, '_autoPlay' getMember push 'autoSize', r:this, '_autoSize' getMember push 'aspectRatio', r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember push 'totalTime', r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push 'initCuePointNames', r:this, 'initCuePointNames' getMember push 'initCuePointTimes', r:this, 'initCuePointTimes' getMember push 8 initObject setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, '_display', 'MediaDisplay', 4, r:this, 'attachMovie' callMethod pop push r:this, '_autoPlay' getMember branchIfTrue label3 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'PLAY_PLAY_CONTROL' getMember branch label4 label3: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'PAUSE_PLAY_CONTROL' getMember label4: setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'MP3' equals branchIfTrue label5 push 'none' branch label6 label5: push 'default' label6: setRegister r:6 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controlPlacement' callMethod push 'top' equals dup branchIfTrue label7 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controlPlacement' callMethod push 'bottom' equals label7: setRegister r:7 pop push 'horizontal', r:7, 'controllerPolicy', r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'backgroundStyle', r:6, 'activePlayControl', r:4, 4 initObject setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 2, '_controller', 'MediaController', 4, r:this, 'attachMovie' callMethod pop push TRUE, r:8, r:5, 3, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controller' getMember push 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'associateController' callMethod pop push r:this, 'click', 2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'playheadChange', 2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'volume', 2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'scrubbing', 2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'change', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'progress', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'start', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'resizeVideo', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'cuePoint', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'complete', 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, '_enabled', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initializeParameters' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__mediaType' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label8 push 'FLV', 1, r:this, '__set__mediaType' callMethod pop label8: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, 1, r:this, '__set__totalTime' callMethod pop label9: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__contentPath' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label10 push '', 1, r:this, '__set__contentPath' callMethod pop label10: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoPlay' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label11 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__autoPlay' callMethod pop label11: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoSize' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label12 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop label12: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__aspectRatio' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label13 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__set__aspectRatio' callMethod pop label13: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label14 push 'auto', 1, r:this, '__set__controllerPolicy' callMethod pop label14: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controlPlacement' callMethod push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label15 push 'bottom', 1, r:this, '__set__controlPlacement' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'MP3' equals not branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0, r:this, 'drawMP3' callMethod pop branch label17 label16: push 0.0, r:this, 'drawFLV' callMethod pop label17: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawMP3' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 'default', 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__backgroundStyle' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'redraw' callMethod pop push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'showToggles', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawFLV' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'drawChrome' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'drawFLVController' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'drawFLVDisplay' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawChrome' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__horizontal' callMethod not branchIfTrue label18 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod subtract push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedHeight' callMethod add setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'width' getMember setRegister r:3 pop branch label19 label18: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod subtract push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedWidth' callMethod add setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'height' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label19: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals branchIfTrue label20 push r:3 branch label21 label20: push r:4 label21: setRegister r:8 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals branchIfTrue label22 push r:2 branch label23 label22: push r:5 label23: setRegister r:7 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label24 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isLeftControlPlacement' callMethod label24: setRegister r:6 pop push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod dup not branchIfTrue label25 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals dup branchIfTrue label25 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label25: not branchIfTrue label26 push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedHeight' callMethod subtract setMember branch label28 label26: push 0.0, r:this, 'isLeftControlPlacement' callMethod dup not branchIfTrue label27 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals dup branchIfTrue label27 pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label27: not branchIfTrue label28 push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedWidth' callMethod subtract setMember label28: push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'showToggles', TRUE setMember push r:7, r:8, 2, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'draw' callMethod pop push r:6, r:4, r:3, r:5, r:2, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 6, r:this, 'addSecondChrome' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawFLVController' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isBottomControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label29 push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod subtract setMember branch label36 label29: push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label32 push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals not branchIfTrue label30 push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember branch label31 label30: push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedHeight' callMethod subtract setMember label31: branch label36 label32: push 0.0, r:this, 'isRightControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label33 push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod push 3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod subtract setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember branch label36 label33: push 0.0, r:this, 'isLeftControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label36 push TRUE, 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod push 3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod pop push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals not branchIfTrue label34 push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember branch label35 label34: push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_x', 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__get__width' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedWidth' callMethod subtract setMember label35: push r:this, '_controller' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember label36: push 'none', 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__backgroundStyle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawFLVDisplay' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'displaySetProperSize' callMethod pop push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label37 push r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'height' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label38 label37: push 0.0, r:this, 'isLeftControlPlacement' callMethod not branchIfTrue label38 push r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'width' getMember setRegister r:3 pop label38: push r:this, '_display' getMember push '_x', r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'H_BORDER' getMember add setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push '_y', r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'V_BORDER' getMember add setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'displaySetProperSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'H_BORDER' getMember push 2 multiply subtract setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'V_BORDER' getMember push 2 multiply subtract setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isBottomControlPlacement' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label39 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod label39: not branchIfTrue label40 push r:3, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'height' getMember subtract setRegister r:3 pop branch label41 label40: push r:2, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'width' getMember subtract setRegister r:2 pop label41: push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label42 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__preferredWidth' callMethod push r:2 greaterThan dup branchIfTrue label42 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__preferredHeight' callMethod push r:3 greaterThan label42: not branchIfTrue label43 push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__aspectRatio' callMethod pop branch label44 label43: push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember push 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop push r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember push 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__aspectRatio' callMethod pop label44: push TRUE, r:3, r:2, 3, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push r:ev, 'target', r:this setMember push r:ev, 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'start' equals not branchIfTrue label46 push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'FLV' equals not branchIfTrue label45 push r:this, '_display' getMember push 'makeVideoVisible', TRUE setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop branch label46 label45: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'MP3' equals not branchIfTrue label46 push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__playing' callMethod push 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setPlaying' callMethod pop label46: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'resizeVideo' equals not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'FLV' equals not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_display' getMember push 'makeVideoVisible', TRUE setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'redraw' callMethod pop label47: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'toString' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'MediaPlayback: media=', r:this, '_contentPath' getMember add return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getController' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isRtmp' function2 (r:2='mediaUrl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label48 push r:mediaUrl, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'isRtmp' callMethod return label48: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'load' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='startingPoint') (r:1='this') push r:startingPoint, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'play' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stop' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__autoSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label49 push r:this, '_autoSize', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'autoSize' getMember setMember label49: push r:this, '_autoSize' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__autoSize' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoSize', r:flag setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label50 push 0.0, r:this, 'displaySetProperSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label50: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoSize' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__aspectRatio' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label51 push r:this, '_aspectRatio', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'aspectRatio' getMember setMember label51: push r:this, '_aspectRatio' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__aspectRatio' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_aspectRatio', r:flag setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label52 push 0.0, r:this, 'displaySetProperSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label52: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__aspectRatio' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__autoPlay' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label53 push r:this, '_autoPlay', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'autoPlay' getMember setMember label53: push r:this, '_autoPlay' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__autoPlay' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_autoPlay', r:flag setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label54 push r:flag, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__autoPlay' callMethod pop label54: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoPlay' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playheadTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__playheadTime' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__playheadTime' function2 (r:2='position') (r:1='this') push r:position, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__playheadTime' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__playheadTime' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label55 push r:this, '_contentPath', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'contentPath' getMember setMember label55: push r:this, '_contentPath' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__contentPath' function2 (r:2='aUrl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_contentPath', r:aUrl setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label57 push r:this, '_settingMedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label56 push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__contentPath' callMethod pop label56: push r:this, '_mediaType', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'mediaType' getMember setMember label57: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__contentPath' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__volume' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__volume' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__volume' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__volume' callMethod pop push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__volume' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__volume' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__playing' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__preferredWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__preferredWidth' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__preferredHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__preferredHeight' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__bytesLoaded' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__bytesTotal' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mediaType' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label58 push r:this, '_mediaType', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'mediaType' getMember setMember label58: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__mediaType' function2 (r:2='aType') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaType', r:aType setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label61 push r:aType, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__mediaType' callMethod pop push r:aType, 'MP3' equals not branchIfTrue label59 push 'none', 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__backgroundStyle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'removeSecondChrome' callMethod pop branch label60 label59: push 'default', 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__backgroundStyle' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'drawChrome' callMethod pop label60: push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label61: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__mediaType' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMedia' function2 (r:4='aUrl', r:2='aType') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_settingMedia', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:aType, r:aUrl, 2, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'setMedia' callMethod pop push r:aType, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label66 push -3, 1, r:aUrl, 'substr' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'flv' equals dup branchIfTrue label62 pop push r:3, 'FLV' equals label62: not branchIfTrue label63 push 'FLV' setRegister r:aType pop branch label66 label63: push r:3, 'mp3' equals dup branchIfTrue label64 pop push r:3, 'MP3' equals label64: not branchIfTrue label65 push 'MP3' setRegister r:aType pop branch label66 label65: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember setRegister r:aType pop label66: push r:5, r:aType equals not not branchIfTrue label67 push r:aType, 1, r:this, '__set__mediaType' callMethod pop label67: push r:aUrl, 1, r:this, '__set__contentPath' callMethod pop push r:this, '_settingMedia', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__totalTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label68 push r:this, '_totalTime', r:this, '_display' getMember push 'totalTime' getMember setMember label68: push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__totalTime' function2 (r:2='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTime setMember push r:this, '_display' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label69 push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__totalTime' callMethod pop label69: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__totalTime' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'getCuePoints' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__cuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getCuePoints' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setCuePoints' function2 (r:3='cp') (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label70: push r:2, r:cp, 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label71 push r:cp, r:2 getMember push 'playback', r:this setMember push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label70 label71: push r:cp, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__cuePoints' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__cuePoints' function2 (r:2='cp') (r:1='this') push r:cp, 1, r:this, 'setCuePoints' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__cuePoints' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getCuePoint' function2 (r:2='pointName') (r:1='this') push r:pointName, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'getCuePoint' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addCuePoint' function2 (r:3='aName', r:4='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:aTime, r:aName, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'CuePoint' newMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'playback', r:this setMember push r:2, 1, r:this, 'addCuePointObject' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addCuePointObject' function2 (r:2='aCuePoint') (r:1='this') push r:aCuePoint, 'playback', r:this setMember push r:aCuePoint, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'addCuePointObject' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeCuePoint' function2 (r:2='aCuePoint') (r:1='this') push r:aCuePoint, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'removeCuePoint' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeAllCuePoints' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push 'removeAllCuePoints' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePoint' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__mostRecentCuePoint' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointName' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__mostRecentCuePointName' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__controllerPolicy' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controller' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label72 push r:this, '_controllerPolicy', r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'controllerPolicy' getMember setMember label72: push r:this, '_controllerPolicy' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__controllerPolicy' function2 (r:2='aPolicy') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controllerPolicy', r:aPolicy setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label73 push r:aPolicy, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__controllerPolicy' callMethod pop label73: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addSecondChrome' function2 (r:2='theChrome', r:6='closedHeight', r:7='openHeight', r:4='closedWidth', r:5='openWidth', r:3='fixedEnd') (r:1='this') push r:fixedEnd, r:openWidth, r:closedWidth, r:openHeight, r:closedHeight, r:theChrome, 6, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'addSecondChrome' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeSecondChrome' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'removeSecondChrome' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumOpenHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumOpenWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumClosedHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedHeight' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMinimumClosedWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumClosedWidth' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'expand' function2 (r:2='force') (r:1='this') push r:force, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'expand' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'contract' function2 (r:2='force') (r:1='this') push r:force, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'contract' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__controlPlacement' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__controlPlacement' function2 (r:4='aPos') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement', r:aPos setMember push r:this, '_controller' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label76 push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label74 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isLeftControlPlacement' callMethod label74: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'setOpenUpOrLeft' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isTopControlPlacement' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label75 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isBottomControlPlacement' callMethod label75: setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__horizontal' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop label76: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__controlPlacement' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isTopControlPlacement' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'TOP_CONTROL_POSITION' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isBottomControlPlacement' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'BOTTOM_CONTROL_POSITION' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isLeftControlPlacement' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'LEFT_CONTROL_POSITION' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isRightControlPlacement' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_controlPlacement' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'RIGHT_CONTROL_POSITION' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'displayFull' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'getOneToggle' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push FALSE, 1, r:2, 'displayFull' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'displayNormal' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'getOneToggle' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push FALSE, 1, r:2, 'displayNormal' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:4='w', r:3='h', r:5='noEvent') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenWidth' callMethod push 17 add push r:w, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:w pop push 0.0, r:this, '_controller' getMember push 'getMinimumOpenHeight' callMethod push 17 add push r:h, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:h pop push r:noEvent, r:h, r:w, 3, r:super, 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__enabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:is, 1, r:this, '_display' getMember push '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_controller' getMember push '__set__enabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_chrome' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__enabled' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'MediaPlayback' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'MediaPlayback' setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'mediaType', 'FLV', 'contentPath', '', 'totalTime', 0.0, 'autoSize', TRUE, 'autoPlay', TRUE, 'controllerPolicy', 'auto', 'initCuePointNames', 0.0, 'Array' new push 'initCuePointTimes', 0.0, 'Array' new push 'controlPlacement', 'bottom', 'fps', 30, 10 initObject setMember push r:1, 'TOP_CONTROL_POSITION', 'top' setMember push r:1, 'BOTTOM_CONTROL_POSITION', 'bottom' setMember push r:1, 'LEFT_CONTROL_POSITION', 'left' setMember push r:1, 'RIGHT_CONTROL_POSITION', 'right' setMember push r:1, 'H_BORDER', 8 setMember push r:1, 'V_BORDER', 8 setMember push r:2, '_settingMedia', FALSE setMember push r:2, '__set__aspectRatio' getMember push r:2, '__get__aspectRatio' getMember push 'aspectRatio', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__autoPlay' getMember push r:2, '__get__autoPlay' getMember push 'autoPlay', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__autoSize' getMember push r:2, '__get__autoSize' getMember push 'autoSize', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' getMember push 'bytesLoaded', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' getMember push 'bytesTotal', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__contentPath' getMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' getMember push 'contentPath', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__controlPlacement' getMember push r:2, '__get__controlPlacement' getMember push 'controlPlacement', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__controllerPolicy' getMember push r:2, '__get__controllerPolicy' getMember push 'controllerPolicy', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__cuePoints' getMember push r:2, '__get__cuePoints' getMember push 'cuePoints', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__enabled' getMember push r:2, '__get__enabled' getMember push 'enabled', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__mediaType' getMember push r:2, '__get__mediaType' getMember push 'mediaType', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePoint' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePoint', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointName' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePointName', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__mostRecentCuePointTime' getMember push 'mostRecentCuePointTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__playheadTime' getMember push r:2, '__get__playheadTime' getMember push 'playheadTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__playing' getMember push 'playing', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__preferredHeight' getMember push 'preferredHeight', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__preferredWidth' getMember push 'preferredWidth', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__totalTime' getMember push r:2, '__get__totalTime' getMember push 'totalTime', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__volume' getMember push r:2, '__get__volume' getMember push 'volume', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'MediaPlayback' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label77: pop end // of initMovieClip 59 defineMovieClip 60 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 60 exportAssets 60 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 60 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'FullScreenToggle', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', '_player', '_parent', '_isFull', '__get__enabled', 'setEnabled', 'isFullScreen', 'displayFull', 'big', 'gotoAndStop', '_originalPlayerX', '_x', '_originalPlayerY', '_y', '_originalPlayerWidth', 'width', '_originalPlayerHeight', 'height', '_originalAutosize', 'autoSize', 'getController', '__get__controllerPolicy', 'auto', '__get__expanded', 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: about to call contract', 'Tracer', 'trace', 'contract', 'setNotAnimating', '__set__autoSize', 'getContainerInfo', 'setSize', 'origin', 'managers', 'SystemManager', '__get__screen', 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: scr=(', 'x', ',', 'y', ')', 'container', 'getBounds', 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: bounds=(', 'xMin', 'yMin', '_waited', 'onEnterFrame', 'delayedBarRefresh', 'getOtherToggles', 'length', 'getScrollViewAncestor', 'getViewMetrics', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'core', 'ScrollView', 'refreshBars', 'displayNormal', 'small', 'FullScreenToggle.displayNormal: about to call contract', 'toggleDisplay', 'getAllToggles', 'splice', 'getPlayer', 'getEnabled', 'FullScreenToggle.setEnabled: ', '_maximize', '_minimize', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggle' getMember not not branchIfTrue label27 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggle' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggle' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_player', r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_parent' getMember setMember push r:this, '_isFull', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_player' getMember push '__get__enabled' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isFullScreen' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isFull' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'displayFull' function2 (r:8='noAction') (r:1='this') push 'big', 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isFull', TRUE setMember push r:noAction not not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '_originalPlayerX', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x' getMember setMember push r:this, '_originalPlayerY', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y' getMember setMember push r:this, '_originalPlayerWidth', r:this, '_player' getMember push 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_originalPlayerHeight', r:this, '_player' getMember push 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_originalAutosize', r:this, '_player' getMember push 'autoSize' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'getController' callMethod setRegister r:7 pop push 0.0, r:7, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod push 'auto' equals dup not branchIfTrue label4 pop push 0.0, r:7, '__get__expanded' callMethod label4: not branchIfTrue label5 push 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: about to call contract', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:7, 'contract' callMethod pop label5: push FALSE, 1, r:7, 'setNotAnimating' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getContainerInfo' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'height' getMember push r:4, 'width' getMember push 2, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:4, 'origin' getMember not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__get__screen' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: scr=(', r:5, 'x' getMember add push ',' add push r:5, 'y' getMember add push ')' add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x', r:5, 'x' getMember setMember push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y', r:5, 'y' getMember setMember label6: push r:4, 'container' getMember push 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'getBounds' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push 'FullScreenToggle.displayFull: bounds=(', r:6, 'xMin' getMember add push ',' add push r:6, 'yMin' getMember add push ')' add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:4, 'origin' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:5, 'x' getMember add setMember push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y' getMember push r:5, 'y' getMember add setMember branch label8 label7: push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:4, 'x' getMember add setMember push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y' getMember push r:4, 'y' getMember add setMember label8: push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x' getMember push r:6, 'xMin' getMember subtract setMember push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y', r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y' getMember push r:6, 'yMin' getMember subtract setMember push r:this, '_waited', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'delayedBarRefresh' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getOtherToggles' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label9: push r:2, r:3, 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label10 push TRUE, 1, r:3, r:2 getMember push 'displayFull' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label9 label10: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getContainerInfo' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_player' getMember push 1, r:this, 'getScrollViewAncestor' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__get__screen' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push 'container', r:_root, 'width', r:5, 'width' getMember push 'height', r:5, 'height' getMember push 'x', 0.0, 'y', 0.0, 'origin', TRUE, 6 initObject setRegister r:4 pop branch label12 label11: push 0.0, r:6, 'getViewMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 'container', r:6, 'width', r:6, 'width' getMember push r:3, 'left' getMember subtract push r:3, 'right' getMember subtract push 'height', r:6, 'height' getMember push r:3, 'top' getMember subtract push r:3, 'bottom' getMember subtract push 'x', r:3, 'left' getMember push 'y', r:3, 'top' getMember push 'origin', FALSE, 6 initObject setRegister r:4 pop label12: push r:4 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getScrollViewAncestor' function2 (r:4='anMC') (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:anMC, r:_root equals not branchIfTrue label13 push NULL setRegister r:3 pop branch label15 label13: push r:anMC, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label14 push r:anMC setRegister r:3 pop branch label15 label14: push r:anMC, '_parent' getMember push 1, r:this, 'getScrollViewAncestor' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop label15: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'delayedBarRefresh' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_waited' getMember not not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, '_waited', TRUE setMember branch label17 label16: push r:this, 'onEnterFrame' delete pop push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'getController' callMethod push 'refreshBars' callMethod pop label17: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'displayNormal' function2 (r:5='noAction') (r:1='this') push 'small', 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isFull', FALSE setMember push r:noAction not not branchIfTrue label21 push 0.0, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'getController' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:4, '__get__controllerPolicy' callMethod push 'auto' equals dup not branchIfTrue label18 pop push 0.0, r:4, '__get__expanded' callMethod label18: not branchIfTrue label19 push 'FullScreenToggle.displayNormal: about to call contract', 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:4, 'contract' callMethod pop label19: push FALSE, 1, r:4, 'setNotAnimating' callMethod pop push r:this, '_originalAutosize' getMember push 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push '__set__autoSize' callMethod pop push r:this, '_originalPlayerHeight' getMember push r:this, '_originalPlayerWidth' getMember push 2, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_x', r:this, '_originalPlayerX' getMember setMember push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_y', r:this, '_originalPlayerY' getMember setMember push r:this, '_waited', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'delayedBarRefresh' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getOtherToggles' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label20: push r:2, r:3, 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label21 push TRUE, 1, r:3, r:2 getMember push 'displayNormal' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label20 label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'toggleDisplay' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isFull' getMember not branchIfTrue label22 push 0.0, r:this, 'displayNormal' callMethod pop branch label23 label22: push 0.0, r:this, 'displayFull' callMethod pop label23: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getAllToggles' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getAllToggles' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getOtherToggles' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getAllToggles' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label24: push r:2, r:3, 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label26 push r:3, r:2 getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label25 push 1, r:2, 2, r:3, 'splice' callMethod pop branch label26 label25: push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label24 label26: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getPlayer' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_player' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getEnabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_player' getMember push '__get__enabled' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push 'FullScreenToggle.setEnabled: ', r:is add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_maximize' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_minimize' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggle' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label27: pop end // of initMovieClip 60 defineMovieClip 61 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 61 exportAssets 61 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 61 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'Tracer', 'prototype', 'trace', 'DEBUG', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'trace' function2 (r:1='message') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'DEBUG' getMember not branchIfTrue label4 push r:message trace label4: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'DEBUG', FALSE setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label5: pop end // of initMovieClip 61 defineMovieClip 62 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 62 exportAssets 62 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 62 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'FullScreenToggleControl', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'toggle', '_parent', 'getEnabled', 'setEnabled', 'handleRollOver', 'getController', 'setNotAnimating', 'handleRollOut', 'handleRelease', 'toggleDisplay', 'getPlayer', '_enabled', 'FullScreenToggleControl.setEnabled: ', 'Tracer', 'trace', 'onRollOver', 'onRollOut', 'onRelease', '_up', 'gotoAndStop', '_disabled', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggleControl' getMember not not branchIfTrue label6 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggleControl' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggleControl' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'toggle', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'toggle' getMember push 'getEnabled' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRollOver' function2 () (r:1='this') push TRUE, 1, 0.0, r:this, 'getController' callMethod push 'setNotAnimating' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRollOut' function2 () (r:1='this') push FALSE, 1, 0.0, r:this, 'getController' callMethod push 'setNotAnimating' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleRelease' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'toggle' getMember push 'toggleDisplay' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getController' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, 'toggle' getMember push 'getPlayer' callMethod push 'getController' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getEnabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push 'FullScreenToggleControl.setEnabled: ', r:is add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_enabled', r:is setMember push r:is not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'onRollOver', r:this, 'handleRollOver' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onRollOut', r:this, 'handleRollOut' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onRelease', r:this, 'handleRelease' getMember setMember push '_up', 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop branch label5 label4: push r:this, 'onRollOver' delete pop push r:this, 'onRollOut' delete pop push r:this, 'onRelease' delete pop push '_disabled', 1, r:this, 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FullScreenToggleControl' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label6: pop end // of initMovieClip 62 defineMovieClip 63 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 63 exportAssets 63 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 63 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'events', 'EventDispatcher', 'prototype', '_removeEventListener', 'length', 'splice', 'initialize', '_fEventDispatcher', 'addEventListener', 'removeEventListener', 'dispatchEvent', 'dispatchQueue', '__q_', 'type', 'object', 'movieclip', 'handleEvent', 'exceptions', 'apply', 'target', 'Handler', 'Array', 'ASSetPropFlags', 'push', 'move', 'draw' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember not not branchIfTrue label16 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, '_removeEventListener' function2 (r:3='queue', 'event', r:5='handler') () push r:queue, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push r:queue, 'length' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:1 pop label3: push r:1, r:4 lessThan not branchIfTrue label5 push r:queue, r:1 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, r:handler equals not branchIfTrue label4 push 1, r:1, 2, r:queue, 'splice' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label4: push r:1 increment setRegister r:1 pop branch label3 label5: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'initialize' function2 (r:1='object') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' newMethod setMember label6: push r:object, 'addEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'addEventListener' getMember setMember push r:object, 'removeEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'removeEventListener' getMember setMember push r:object, 'dispatchEvent', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' getMember setMember push r:object, 'dispatchQueue', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'dispatchQueue' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchQueue' function2 (r:6='queueObj', r:2='eventObj') () push '__q_', r:eventObj, 'type' getMember add setRegister r:7 pop push r:queueObj, r:7 getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:4 enumerateValue label7: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label13 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push r:4, r:5 getMember setRegister r:1 pop push r:1 typeof setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'object' equals dup branchIfTrue label8 pop push r:3, 'movieclip' equals label8: not branchIfTrue label11 push r:1, 'handleEvent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push r:eventObj, 1, r:1, 'handleEvent' callMethod pop label9: push r:1, r:eventObj, 'type' getMember getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label10 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push 'exceptions' getMember push r:eventObj, 'type' getMember getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:eventObj, 1, r:1, r:eventObj, 'type' getMember callMethod pop label10: branch label12 label11: push r:eventObj, 1 initArray push r:queueObj, 2, r:1, 'apply' callMethod pop label12: branch label7 label13: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchEvent' function2 (r:2='eventObj') (r:1='this') push r:eventObj, 'target' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label14 push r:eventObj, 'target', r:this setMember label14: push r:eventObj, 1, r:this, r:eventObj, 'type' getMember push 'Handler' add callMethod pop push r:eventObj, r:this, 2, r:this, 'dispatchQueue' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addEventListener' function2 (r:4='event', r:5='handler') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push '__q_', r:event add setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label15 push r:this, r:3, 0.0, 'Array' new setMember label15: push 1, r:3, r:this, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push r:handler, r:event, r:this, r:3 getMember push 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_removeEventListener' callMethod pop push r:handler, 1, r:this, r:3 getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeEventListener' function2 (r:3='event', r:4='handler') (r:1='this') push '__q_', r:event add setRegister r:2 pop push r:handler, r:event, r:this, r:2 getMember push 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_removeEventListener' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, '_fEventDispatcher', UNDEF setMember push r:1, 'exceptions', 'move', 1, 'draw', 1, 2 initObject setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label16: pop end // of initMovieClip 63 defineMovieClip 64 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 64 exportAssets 64 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 64 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'managers', 'SystemManager', 'prototype', 'init', '_initialized', 'events', 'EventDispatcher', 'initialize', 'Mouse', 'addListener', 'Stage', '_xAddEventListener', 'addEventListener', '__addEventListener', '_xRemoveEventListener', 'removeEventListener', '__removeEventListener', 'addFocusManager', 'form', 'focusManager', 'activate', 'removeFocusManager', 'onMouseDown', '_onMouseDown', 'onResize', 'width', 'height', 'origWidth', 'origHeight', 'align', 'T', 'B', 'L', 'R', 'LT', 'TR', 'LB', 'RB', '__screen', 'x', 'y', 'relocate', 'type', 'resize', 'dispatchEvent', '__get__screen', 'idleFrames', 'isMouseDown', 'forms', 'Array', 'screen', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember not not branchIfTrue label14 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'init' function ('Void') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_initialized' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label3 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_initialized', TRUE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push 'initialize' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 1, 'Stage' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_xAddEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'addEventListener' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'addEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__addEventListener' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_xRemoveEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'removeEventListener' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'removeEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__removeEventListener' getMember setMember label3: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'addFocusManager' function2 (r:1='f') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form', r:f setMember push 0.0, r:f, 'focusManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeFocusManager' function ('f') end // of function setMember push r:1, 'onMouseDown' function2 ('Void') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember setRegister r:1 pop push 0.0, r:1, 'focusManager' getMember push '_onMouseDown' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'onResize' function2 ('Void') (r:1='_root', r:2='_global') push 'Stage' getVariable push 'width' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push 'Stage' getVariable push 'height' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push r:_global, 'origWidth' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:_global, 'origHeight' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push 'Stage' getVariable push 'align' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:9, r:7 subtract push 2 divide setRegister r:5 pop push r:8, r:6 subtract push 2 divide setRegister r:4 pop push r:3, 'T' equals not branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0 setRegister r:4 pop branch label11 label4: push r:3, 'B' equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:8, r:6 subtract setRegister r:4 pop branch label11 label5: push r:3, 'L' equals not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label6: push r:3, 'R' equals not branchIfTrue label7 push r:9, r:7 subtract setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label7: push r:3, 'LT' equals not branchIfTrue label8 push 0.0 setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label8: push r:3, 'TR' equals not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0 setRegister r:4 pop push r:9, r:7 subtract setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label9: push r:3, 'LB' equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:8, r:6 subtract setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label10: push r:3, 'RB' equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:8, r:6 subtract setRegister r:4 pop push r:9, r:7 subtract setRegister r:5 pop label11: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label12 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label12: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push 'x', r:5 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push 'y', r:4 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push 'width', r:7 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push 'height', r:6 setMember push 0.0, r:_root, 'focusManager' getMember push 'relocate' callMethod pop push 'type', 'resize', 1 initObject push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, '__get__screen' function () push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'init' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'onResize' callMethod pop label13: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__screen' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:1, '_initialized', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember push r:1, 'isMouseDown', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'forms', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember function () end // of function push r:1, '__get__screen' getMember push 'screen', 3, r:1, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label14: pop end // of initMovieClip 64 defineMovieClip 65 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 65 exportAssets 65 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 65 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'Border', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIObject', 'init', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'tagBorder', 'idNames', 'border_mc', 'Array', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'Border' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'Border' setMember push r:2, 'tagBorder', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'idNames', 'border_mc', 1, 'Array' new setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label3: pop end // of initMovieClip 65 defineMovieClip 66 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 66 exportAssets 66 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 66 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'RectBorder', 'prototype', 'Border', '__get__width', '__width', '__get__height', '__height', 'init', 'draw', 'size', 'getBorderMetrics', 'offset', '__borderMetrics', 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', '__get__borderMetrics', 'drawBorder', 'setColor', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'borderStyleName', 'borderStyle', 'borderColorName', 'borderColor', 'shadowColorName', 'shadowColor', 'highlightColorName', 'highlightColor', 'buttonColorName', 'buttonColor', 'backgroundColorName', 'backgroundColor', 'borderMetrics', 'addProperty', 'height', 'width', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' getMember not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__width' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__width' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__height' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getBorderMetrics' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'offset' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, '__borderMetrics', 'left', r:2, 'top', r:2, 'right', r:2, 'bottom', r:2, 4 initObject setMember branch label4 label3: push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember push 'left', r:2 setMember push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember push 'top', r:2 setMember push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember push 'right', r:2 setMember push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember push 'bottom', r:2 setMember label4: push r:this, '__borderMetrics' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__borderMetrics' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getBorderMetrics' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawBorder' function ('Void') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'drawBorder' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setColor' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'drawBorder' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'RectBorder' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'RectBorder' setMember push r:2, 'borderStyleName', 'borderStyle' setMember push r:2, 'borderColorName', 'borderColor' setMember push r:2, 'shadowColorName', 'shadowColor' setMember push r:2, 'highlightColorName', 'highlightColor' setMember push r:2, 'buttonColorName', 'buttonColor' setMember push r:2, 'backgroundColorName', 'backgroundColor' setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__borderMetrics' getMember push 'borderMetrics', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label5: pop end // of initMovieClip 66 defineMovieClip 67 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 67 exportAssets 67 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 67 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'managers', 'DepthManager', 'MovieClip', 'prototype', 'createClassChildAtDepth', 'createChildAtDepth', 'setDepthTo', 'setDepthAbove', 'setDepthBelow', 'findNextAvailableDepth', 'shuffleDepths', 'getDepthByFlag', 'buildDepthTable', 'ASSetPropFlags', 'sortFunction', 'getDepth', 'test', 'reservedDepth', 'createClassObjectAtDepth', 'kCursor', 'kTooltip', 'kTopmost', 'holder', 'kTop', 'createObjectAtDepth', '_childCounter', 'down', 'kBottom', 'up', 'depthChild', 'createClassObject', '_topmost', 'createObject', '_parent', 'swapDepths', 'highestDepth', 'lowestDepth', 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers', 'Math', 'min', 'Array', 'push', 'sort', 'length', 'pop', 'shift', 'kNotopmost', 'movieclip', 'object', '__getTextFormat', 'max', 'reserved', '_root', 'createEmptyMovieClip', '__depthManager' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember not not branchIfTrue label103 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'createClassChildAtDepth', r:this, 'createClassChildAtDepth' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'createChildAtDepth', r:this, 'createChildAtDepth' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'setDepthTo', r:this, 'setDepthTo' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'setDepthAbove', r:this, 'setDepthAbove' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'setDepthBelow', r:this, 'setDepthBelow' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'findNextAvailableDepth', r:this, 'findNextAvailableDepth' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'shuffleDepths', r:this, 'shuffleDepths' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'getDepthByFlag', r:this, 'getDepthByFlag' getMember setMember push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'buildDepthTable', r:this, 'buildDepthTable' getMember setMember push 1, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'createChildAtDepth', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'setDepthTo', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'setDepthAbove', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'setDepthBelow', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'shuffleDepths', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'getDepthByFlag', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'buildDepthTable', 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'sortFunction' function2 (r:2='a', r:1='b') () push 0.0, r:a, 'getDepth' callMethod push 0.0, r:b, 'getDepth' callMethod greaterThan not branchIfTrue label3 push 1 return label3: push -1 return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'test' function2 (r:1='depth') () push r:depth, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'reservedDepth' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label4 push FALSE return branch label5 label4: push TRUE return label5: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'createClassObjectAtDepth' function2 (r:3='className', r:4='depthSpace', r:2='initObj') () push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push r:depthSpace setRegister r:0 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kCursor' getMember strictEquals branchIfTrue label6 push r:0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTooltip' getMember strictEquals branchIfTrue label7 branch label8 label6: push r:initObj, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember push r:className, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'holder' getMember push 'createClassChildAtDepth' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop branch label9 label7: push r:initObj, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTop' getMember push r:className, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'holder' getMember push 'createClassChildAtDepth' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop branch label9 label8: branch label9 label9: push r:1 return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'createObjectAtDepth' function2 (r:3='linkageName', r:4='depthSpace', r:2='initObj') () push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push r:depthSpace setRegister r:0 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kCursor' getMember strictEquals branchIfTrue label10 push r:0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTooltip' getMember strictEquals branchIfTrue label11 branch label12 label10: push r:initObj, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember push r:linkageName, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'holder' getMember push 'createChildAtDepth' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop branch label13 label11: push r:initObj, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTop' getMember push r:linkageName, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'holder' getMember push 'createChildAtDepth' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop branch label13 label12: branch label13 label13: push r:1 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createClassChildAtDepth' function2 (r:9='className', r:7='depthFlag', r:8='initObj') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_childCounter' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label14 push r:this, '_childCounter', 0.0 setMember label14: push 0.0, r:this, 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:depthFlag, 2, r:this, 'getDepthByFlag' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 'down' setRegister r:6 pop push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kBottom' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label15 push 'up' setRegister r:6 pop label15: push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:3, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label16 push r:2 setRegister r:5 pop push r:6, r:3, r:2, 3, r:this, 'findNextAvailableDepth' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label16: push r:initObj, r:2, 'depthChild', r:this, '_childCounter' getMember push r:this, '_childCounter', r:this, '_childCounter' getMember increment setMember add push r:className, 4, r:this, 'createClassObject' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label17 push r:3, r:2, r:4 setMember push r:6, r:3, r:5, r:4, 4, r:this, 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop label17: push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label18 push r:4, '_topmost', TRUE setMember label18: push r:4 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildAtDepth' function2 (r:9='linkageName', r:7='depthFlag', r:8='initObj') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_childCounter' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label19 push r:this, '_childCounter', 0.0 setMember label19: push 0.0, r:this, 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:depthFlag, 2, r:this, 'getDepthByFlag' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 'down' setRegister r:6 pop push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kBottom' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label20 push 'up' setRegister r:6 pop label20: push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:3, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label21 push r:2 setRegister r:5 pop push r:6, r:3, r:2, 3, r:this, 'findNextAvailableDepth' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label21: push r:initObj, r:2, 'depthChild', r:this, '_childCounter' getMember push r:this, '_childCounter', r:this, '_childCounter' getMember increment setMember add push r:linkageName, 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label22 push r:3, r:2, r:4 setMember push r:6, r:3, r:5, r:4, 4, r:this, 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop label22: push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label23 push r:4, '_topmost', TRUE setMember label23: push r:4 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setDepthTo' function2 (r:4='depthFlag') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, r:depthFlag, 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'getDepthByFlag' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, r:3 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label24 push UNDEF, r:2, r:3, r:this, 4, r:this, 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop branch label25 label24: push r:3, 1, r:this, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label25: push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label26 push r:this, '_topmost', TRUE setMember branch label27 label26: push r:this, '_topmost' delete pop label27: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setDepthAbove' function2 (r:4='targetInstance') (r:1='this') push r:targetInstance, '_parent' getMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label28 push UNDEF return label28: push 0.0, r:targetInstance, 'getDepth' callMethod push 1 add setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label29 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:2 lessThan label29: not branchIfTrue label30 push r:2, 1 subtract setRegister r:2 pop label30: push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember greaterThan not branchIfTrue label31 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label31: push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label32 push 'down', r:3, r:2, r:this, 4, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop branch label34 label32: push r:3, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label33 push UNDEF, r:3, r:2, r:this, 4, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop branch label34 label33: push r:2, 1, r:this, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label34: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setDepthBelow' function2 (r:7='targetInstance') (r:1='this') push r:targetInstance, '_parent' getMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label35 push UNDEF return label35: push 0.0, r:targetInstance, 'getDepth' callMethod push 1 subtract setRegister r:6 pop push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'buildDepthTable' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:6 getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label36 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:6 greaterThan label36: not branchIfTrue label37 push r:6, 1 add setRegister r:6 pop label37: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'lowestDepth' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers' getMember add setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:3 enumerateValue label38: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label40 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push r:3, r:5 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label39 push 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:4, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop label39: branch label38 label40: push r:6, r:4 lessThan not branchIfTrue label41 push r:4 setRegister r:6 pop label41: push r:6, r:4 equals not branchIfTrue label42 push 'up', r:3, r:6, r:this, 4, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop branch label44 label42: push r:3, r:6 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label43 push UNDEF, r:3, r:6, r:this, 4, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'shuffleDepths' callMethod pop branch label44 label43: push r:6, 1, r:this, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label44: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'findNextAvailableDepth' function2 (r:4='targetDepth', r:3='depthTable', r:6='direction') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'lowestDepth' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers' getMember add setRegister r:5 pop push r:targetDepth, r:5 lessThan not branchIfTrue label45 push r:5 setRegister r:targetDepth pop label45: push r:depthTable, r:targetDepth getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label46 push r:targetDepth return label46: push r:targetDepth setRegister r:2 pop push r:targetDepth setRegister r:1 pop push r:direction, 'down' equals not branchIfTrue label49 label47: push r:depthTable, r:1 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label48 push r:1 decrement setRegister r:1 pop branch label47 label48: push r:1 return label49: push r:depthTable, r:2 getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label50 push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label49 label50: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'shuffleDepths' function2 (r:2='subject', r:10='targetDepth', r:6='depthTable', r:12='direction') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'lowestDepth' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers' getMember add setRegister r:9 pop push r:9 setRegister r:8 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:depthTable enumerateValue label51: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label53 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push r:depthTable, r:5 getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:7, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label52 push 0.0, r:7, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:9, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:9 pop label52: branch label51 label53: push r:direction, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label55 push 0.0, r:subject, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:targetDepth greaterThan not branchIfTrue label54 push 'up' setRegister r:direction pop branch label55 label54: push 'down' setRegister r:direction pop label55: push 0.0, 'Array' new setRegister r:1 pop push r:depthTable enumerateValue label56: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label58 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push r:depthTable, r:5 getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:7, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label57 push r:7, 1, r:1, 'push' callMethod pop label57: branch label56 label58: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'sortFunction' getMember push 1, r:1, 'sort' callMethod pop push r:direction, 'up' equals not branchIfTrue label67 push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:11 pop label59: push r:1, 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label61 push 0.0, r:1, 'pop' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:subject equals not branchIfTrue label60 branch label61 label60: branch label59 label61: push r:1, 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label66 push 0.0, r:subject, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:11 pop push 0.0, r:1, 'pop' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:3, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:11, r:4, 1 add greaterThan not branchIfTrue label64 push r:4, 0.0 lessThan not not branchIfTrue label62 push r:4, 1 add push 1, r:subject, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop branch label64 label62: push r:11, r:8 greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label63 pop push r:4, r:8 lessThan label63: not branchIfTrue label64 push r:8, 1, r:subject, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label64: push r:3, 1, r:subject, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop push r:4, r:targetDepth equals not branchIfTrue label65 branch label66 label65: branch label61 label66: branch label74 label67: push r:direction, 'down' equals not branchIfTrue label74 push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop label68: push r:1, 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label70 push 0.0, r:1, 'shift' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:subject equals not branchIfTrue label69 branch label70 label69: branch label68 label70: push r:1, 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label74 push 0.0, r:3, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:11 pop push 0.0, r:1, 'shift' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:3, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:11, r:4, 1 subtract lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label71 pop push r:4, 0.0 greaterThan label71: not branchIfTrue label72 push r:4, 1 subtract push 1, r:subject, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop label72: push r:3, 1, r:subject, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop push r:4, r:targetDepth equals not branchIfTrue label73 branch label74 label73: branch label70 label74: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getDepthByFlag' function2 (r:10='depthFlag', r:1='depthTable') () push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTop' getMember equals dup branchIfTrue label75 pop push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kNotopmost' getMember equals label75: not branchIfTrue label83 push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop push FALSE setRegister r:7 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:8 pop push r:depthTable enumerateValue label76: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label81 push r:0 setRegister r:8 pop push r:depthTable, r:8 getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:9 typeof setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'movieclip' equals dup branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:3, 'object' equals dup not branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:9, '__getTextFormat' getMember push UNDEF equals not label77: not branchIfTrue label80 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label80 push r:9, '_topmost' getMember not not branchIfTrue label78 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:2, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label80 label78: push r:7 not not branchIfTrue label79 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push TRUE setRegister r:7 pop branch label80 label79: push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:5, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop label80: branch label76 label81: push r:2, 20 add setRegister r:2 pop push r:7 not branchIfTrue label82 push r:2, r:5 lessThan not not branchIfTrue label82 push r:5, 1 subtract setRegister r:2 pop label82: branch label93 label83: push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kBottom' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label88 push r:depthTable enumerateValue label84: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label87 push r:0 setRegister r:8 pop push r:depthTable, r:8 getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:9 typeof setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'movieclip' equals dup branchIfTrue label85 pop push r:3, 'object' equals dup not branchIfTrue label85 pop push r:9, '__getTextFormat' getMember push UNDEF equals not label85: not branchIfTrue label86 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label86 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:2, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label86: branch label84 label87: push r:2, 20 subtract setRegister r:2 pop branch label93 label88: push r:depthFlag, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTopmost' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label93 push r:depthTable enumerateValue label89: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label92 push r:0 setRegister r:8 pop push r:depthTable, r:8 getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:9 typeof setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'movieclip' equals dup branchIfTrue label90 pop push r:3, 'object' equals dup not branchIfTrue label90 pop push r:9, '__getTextFormat' getMember push UNDEF equals not label90: not branchIfTrue label91 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label91 push 0.0, r:9, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:2, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label91: branch label89 label92: push r:2, 100 add setRegister r:2 pop label93: push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember lessThan not not branchIfTrue label94 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label94: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'lowestDepth' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers' getMember add setRegister r:6 pop push r:depthTable enumerateValue label95: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label97 push r:0 setRegister r:9 pop push r:depthTable, r:9 getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label96 push 0.0, r:4, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:6, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop label96: branch label95 label97: push r:2, r:6 greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label98 push r:6 setRegister r:2 pop label98: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'buildDepthTable' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 'Array' new setRegister r:5 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:this enumerateValue label99: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label102 push r:0 setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, r:4 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 typeof setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'movieclip' equals dup branchIfTrue label100 pop push r:3, 'object' equals dup not branchIfTrue label100 pop push r:2, '__getTextFormat' getMember push UNDEF equals not label100: not branchIfTrue label101 push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label101 push r:5, 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod push r:2 setMember label101: branch label99 label102: push r:5 return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'reservedDepth', 1048575 setMember push r:1, 'highestDepth', 1048574 setMember push r:1, 'lowestDepth', -16383 setMember push r:1, 'numberOfAuthortimeLayers', 383 setMember push r:1, 'kCursor', 101 setMember push r:1, 'kTooltip', 102 setMember push r:1, 'kTop', 201 setMember push r:1, 'kBottom', 202 setMember push r:1, 'kTopmost', 203 setMember push r:1, 'kNotopmost', 204 setMember push r:1, 'holder', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'reservedDepth' getMember push 'reserved', 2, '_root' getVariable push 'createEmptyMovieClip' callMethod setMember push r:1, '__depthManager', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' newMethod setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label103: pop end // of initMovieClip 67 defineMovieClip 68 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 68 exportAssets 68 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 68 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'View', 'prototype', 'UIComponent', 'init', 'tabChildren', 'tabEnabled', 'boundingBox_mc', '_visible', '_width', '_height', 'size', 'border_mc', 'move', '__get__height', '__get__width', 'setSize', 'doLayout', 'draw', '__get__numChildren', 'childNameBase', '__get__tabIndex', '__tabIndex', '__set__tabIndex', 'addLayoutObject', 'createChild', 'depth', 'string', 'createObject', 'createClassObject', '_loadExternalClass', 'loadExternal', '_complete', 'childLoaded', 'getChildAt', 'destroyChildAt', '', 'destroyObject', 'initLayout', 'hasBeenLayedOut', 'createChildren', 'styleName', 'managers', 'DepthManager', 'kBottom', 'styles', 'rectBorderClass', 'createClassChildAtDepth', 'doLater', 'convertToUIObject', 'extension', 'ExternalContent', 'enableExternalContent', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', '_child', 'numChildren', 'addProperty', 'tabIndex', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember not not branchIfTrue label23 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_height', 0.0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, 0.0, 2, r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push 2, r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'doLayout' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__numChildren' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label3: push FALSE branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, r:3, r:2 add getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:2 return label4: push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label3 label5: push -1 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__tabIndex' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'tabEnabled' getMember branchIfTrue label6 push UNDEF branch label7 label6: push r:this, '__tabIndex' getMember label7: return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__tabIndex' function2 (r:2='n') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__tabIndex', r:n setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__tabIndex' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addLayoutObject' function ('object') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChild' function2 (r:3='className', r:4='instanceName', r:5='initProps') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'depth' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, 'depth', 1 setMember label8: push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:className typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label9 push r:initProps, r:this, 'depth' getMember push r:this, 'depth', r:this, 'depth' getMember increment setMember push r:instanceName, r:className, 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label10 label9: push r:initProps, r:this, 'depth' getMember push r:this, 'depth', r:this, 'depth' getMember increment setMember push r:instanceName, r:className, 4, r:this, 'createClassObject' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label10: push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:initProps, r:this, 'depth' getMember push r:this, 'depth', r:this, 'depth' getMember increment setMember push r:instanceName, r:this, '_loadExternalClass' getMember push r:className, 5, r:this, 'loadExternal' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop branch label12 label11: push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__numChildren' callMethod add push r:2 setMember push r:2, '_complete', TRUE setMember push r:2, 1, r:this, 'childLoaded' callMethod pop label12: push r:2, 1, r:this, 'addLayoutObject' callMethod pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getChildAt' function2 (r:2='childIndex') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:childIndex add getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'destroyChildAt' function2 (r:5='childIndex') (r:1='this') push r:childIndex, 0.0 lessThan not dup not branchIfTrue label13 pop push r:childIndex, 0.0, r:this, '__get__numChildren' callMethod lessThan label13: not not branchIfTrue label14 push UNDEF return label14: push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:childIndex add setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__numChildren' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:this enumerateValue label15: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label18 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, r:4 equals not branchIfTrue label16 push '' setRegister r:4 pop push r:3, 1, r:this, 'destroyObject' callMethod pop branch label17 label16: branch label15 label17: push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label17 label18: push r:childIndex toNumber setRegister r:2 pop label19: push r:2, r:6, 1 subtract lessThan not branchIfTrue label20 push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:2 add push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:2, 1 add add getMember setMember push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label19 label20: push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:6, 1 subtract add delete pop push r:this, 'depth', r:this, 'depth' getMember decrement setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initLayout' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'hasBeenLayedOut' getMember not not branchIfTrue label21 push 0.0, r:this, 'doLayout' callMethod pop label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doLayout' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'hasBeenLayedOut', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label22 push r:this, 'border_mc', 'styleName', r:this, 1 initObject push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kBottom' getMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'rectBorderClass' getMember push 3, r:this, 'createClassChildAtDepth' callMethod setMember label22: push 'initLayout', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'convertToUIObject' function ('obj') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'childLoaded' function2 (r:2='obj') (r:1='this') push r:obj, 1, r:this, 'convertToUIObject' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'extension' function () push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' getMember push 'enableExternalContent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'View' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'View' setMember push r:1, 'childNameBase', '_child' setMember push r:2, 'hasBeenLayedOut', FALSE setMember push r:2, '_loadExternalClass', 'UIComponent' setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__numChildren' getMember push 'numChildren', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__tabIndex' getMember push r:2, '__get__tabIndex' getMember push 'tabIndex', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label23: pop end // of initMovieClip 68 defineMovieClip 69 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 69 exportAssets 69 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 69 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'events', 'UIEventDispatcher', 'prototype', 'EventDispatcher', 'addKeyEvents', 'keyHandler', 'owner', 'onKeyDown', '_fEventDispatcher', 'onKeyUp', 'Key', 'addListener', 'removeKeyEvents', 'removeListener', 'addLoadEvents', 'onLoad', 'onUnload', 'getBytesTotal', 'getBytesLoaded', 'doLater', 'removeLoadEvents', 'initialize', 'addEventListener', '__addEventListener', '__origAddEventListener', 'removeEventListener', 'dispatchEvent', 'dispatchQueue', 'target', 'type', 'Handler', 'keyDown', 'code', 'getCode', 'ascii', 'getAscii', 'shiftKey', 'isDown', 'ctrlKey', 'keyUp', '__sentLoadEvent', 'load', 'unload', 'lowLevelEvents', '__q_', '_removeEventListener', 'length', 'keyEvents', 'loadEvents', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember not not branchIfTrue label14 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:1, 'addKeyEvents' function2 (r:2='obj') () push r:obj, 'keyHandler' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:obj, 'keyHandler', 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:1 pop push r:1, 'owner', r:obj setMember push r:1, 'onKeyDown', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'onKeyDown' getMember setMember push r:1, 'onKeyUp', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'onKeyUp' getMember setMember label3: push r:obj, 'keyHandler' getMember push 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeKeyEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'keyHandler' getMember push 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'removeListener' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'addLoadEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'onLoad' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:obj, 'onLoad', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'onLoad' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onUnload', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'onUnload' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:obj, 'getBytesTotal' callMethod push 0.0, r:obj, 'getBytesLoaded' callMethod equals not branchIfTrue label4 push 'onLoad', r:obj, 2, r:obj, 'doLater' callMethod pop label4: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeLoadEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'onLoad' delete pop push r:obj, 'onUnload' delete pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'initialize' function2 (r:1='obj') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' newMethod setMember label5: push r:obj, 'addEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push '__addEventListener' getMember setMember push r:obj, '__origAddEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'addEventListener' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'removeEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'removeEventListener' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'dispatchEvent', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'dispatchQueue', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push 'dispatchQueue' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchEvent' function2 (r:2='eventObj') (r:1='this') push r:eventObj, 'target' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:eventObj, 'target', r:this setMember label6: push r:eventObj, 1, r:this, r:eventObj, 'type' getMember push 'Handler' add callMethod pop push r:eventObj, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push 2, r:this, 'dispatchQueue' callMethod pop push r:eventObj, r:this, 2, r:this, 'dispatchQueue' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onKeyDown' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'keyDown', 'code', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod push 'ascii', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getAscii' callMethod push 'shiftKey', 16, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'isDown' callMethod push 'ctrlKey', 17, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'isDown' callMethod push 5 initObject push 1, r:this, 'owner' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onKeyUp' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'keyUp', 'code', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod push 'ascii', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getAscii' callMethod push 'shiftKey', 16, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'isDown' callMethod push 'ctrlKey', 17, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'isDown' callMethod push 5 initObject push 1, r:this, 'owner' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onLoad' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__sentLoadEvent' getMember push TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label7 push 'type', 'load', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label7: push r:this, '__sentLoadEvent', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onUnload' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'unload', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__addEventListener' function2 (r:4='event', r:6='handler') (r:1='this') push r:handler, r:event, 2, r:this, '__origAddEventListener' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'lowLevelEvents' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3 enumerateValue label8: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label10 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push r:5 getMember push r:event getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push r:3, r:5 getMember push 0.0 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push r:2 callMethod pop label9: branch label8 label10: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeEventListener' function2 (r:4='event', r:7='handler') (r:1='this') push '__q_', r:event add setRegister r:6 pop push r:handler, r:event, r:this, r:6 getMember push 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'EventDispatcher' getMember push '_removeEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, r:6 getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label13 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'lowLevelEvents' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 enumerateValue label11: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label13 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push r:5 getMember push r:event getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label12 push r:2, r:5 getMember push 1 getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push r:2, r:5 getMember push 1 getMember callMethod pop label12: branch label11 label13: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'keyEvents', 'keyDown', 1, 'keyUp', 1, 2 initObject setMember push r:1, 'loadEvents', 'load', 1, 'unload', 1, 2 initObject setMember push r:1, 'lowLevelEvents', 'keyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents', 'addKeyEvents', 2 initArray push 'loadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents', 'addLoadEvents', 2 initArray push 2 initObject setMember push r:1, '_fEventDispatcher', UNDEF setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label14: pop end // of initMovieClip 69 defineMovieClip 70 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 70 exportAssets 70 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 70 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'ExternalContent', 'prototype', 'loadExternal', 'createObject', 'View', 'childNameBase', 'numChildren', 'prepList', 'obj', 'url', 'complete', 'initProps', 'prepareToLoadMovie', 'unloadMovie', 'waitForUnload', 'doLater', 'getBytesTotal', 'loadList', 'loadMovie', 'checkLoadProgress', 'loaded', 'getBytesLoaded', 'total', '_visible', 'type', 'progress', 'target', 'current', 'dispatchEvent', 'loadedList', 'contentLoaded', 'failedOnce', '_complete', 'childLoaded', 'convertToUIObject', 'setSize', 'UIObject', '__get__width', 'width', 'addProperty', '__get__height', 'height', '__get__left', 'left', '__get__x', 'x', '__get__top', 'top', '__get__y', 'y', '__get__right', 'right', '__get__bottom', 'bottom', '__set__visible', '__get__visible', 'visible', 'move', 'size', 'events', 'UIEventDispatcher', 'initialize', 'enableExternalContent', 'classConstruct', 'classConstructed', 'ViewDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' getMember not not branchIfTrue label23 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'loadExternal' function2 (r:6='url', r:8='placeholderClassName', r:3='instanceName', r:9='depth', r:7='initProps') (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:initProps, r:depth, r:instanceName, r:placeholderClassName, 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push r:this, 'numChildren' getMember add push r:2 setMember push r:this, 'prepList' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, 'prepList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: push r:this, 'prepList' getMember push r:instanceName, 'obj', r:2, 'url', r:url, 'complete', FALSE, 'initProps', r:initProps, 4 initObject setMember push r:2, 1, r:this, 'prepareToLoadMovie' callMethod pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'prepareToLoadMovie' function2 (r:2='obj') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:obj, 'unloadMovie' callMethod pop push 'waitForUnload', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'waitForUnload' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'prepList' getMember enumerateValue label4: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label8 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'prepList' getMember push r:3 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'getBytesTotal' callMethod push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, 'loadList' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'loadList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label5: push r:this, 'loadList' getMember push r:3, r:2 setMember push r:2, 'url' getMember push 1, r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'loadMovie' callMethod pop push r:this, 'prepList' getMember push r:3 delete pop push 'checkLoadProgress', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop branch label7 label6: push 'waitForUnload', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop label7: branch label4 label8: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'checkLoadProgress' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'loadList' getMember enumerateValue label9: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label17 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'loadList' getMember push r:3 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'loaded', 0.0, r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'getBytesLoaded' callMethod setMember push r:2, 'total', 0.0, r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'getBytesTotal' callMethod setMember push r:2, 'total' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label12 push r:2, 'obj' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push 'type', 'progress', 'target', r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'current', r:2, 'loaded' getMember push 'total', r:2, 'total' getMember push 4 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:2, 'loaded' getMember push r:2, 'total' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:this, 'loadedList' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, 'loadedList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label10: push r:this, 'loadedList' getMember push r:3, r:2 setMember push r:this, 'loadList' getMember push r:3 delete pop push 'contentLoaded', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop label11: branch label16 label12: push r:2, 'total' getMember push -1 equals not branchIfTrue label16 push r:2, 'failedOnce' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:2, 'failedOnce', r:2, 'failedOnce' getMember increment setMember push r:2, 'failedOnce' getMember push 3 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label13 push 'type', 'complete', 'target', r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'current', r:2, 'loaded' getMember push 'total', r:2, 'total' getMember push 4 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'loadList' getMember push r:3 delete pop push FALSE pop label13: branch label15 label14: push r:2, 'failedOnce', 0.0 setMember label15: branch label16 label16: push 'checkLoadProgress', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop branch label9 label17: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'contentLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'loadedList' getMember enumerateValue label18: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label21 push r:0 setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'loadedList' getMember push r:4 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'obj' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'obj' getMember push '_complete', TRUE setMember push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 'initProps' getMember enumerateValue label19: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label20 push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 'obj' getMember push r:3, r:2, 'initProps' getMember push r:3 getMember setMember branch label19 label20: push r:2, 'obj' getMember push 1, r:this, 'childLoaded' callMethod pop push 'type', 'complete', 'target', r:2, 'obj' getMember push 'current', r:2, 'loaded' getMember push 'total', r:2, 'total' getMember push 4 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'loadedList' getMember push r:4 delete pop push FALSE pop branch label18 label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'convertToUIObject' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'setSize' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label22 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__left' getMember push 'left', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__x' getMember push 'x', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__top' getMember push 'top', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__y' getMember push 'y', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__right' getMember push 'right', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:2, '__get__bottom' getMember push 'bottom', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:2, '__set__visible' getMember push r:2, '__get__visible' getMember push 'visible', 3, r:obj, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:obj, 'move', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'move' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'setSize', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'setSize' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'size', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'size' getMember setMember push r:obj, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'initialize' callMethod pop label22: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'enableExternalContent' function () end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function2 () () push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:1 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'loadExternal', r:2, 'loadExternal' getMember setMember push r:1, 'prepareToLoadMovie', r:2, 'prepareToLoadMovie' getMember setMember push r:1, 'waitForUnload', r:2, 'waitForUnload' getMember setMember push r:1, 'checkLoadProgress', r:2, 'checkLoadProgress' getMember setMember push r:1, 'contentLoaded', r:2, 'contentLoaded' getMember setMember push r:1, 'convertToUIObject', r:2, 'convertToUIObject' getMember setMember push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'ViewDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ExternalContent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label23: pop end // of initMovieClip 70 defineMovieClip 71 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 71 exportAssets 71 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 71 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'CustomBorder', 'prototype', 'Border', '__get__width', '__width', '__get__height', '__height', 'init', 'createChildren', 'draw', 'l_mc', 'leftSkin', 'tagL', 'setSkin', 'horizontal', 'minHeight', '_height', 'minWidth', '_width', 'm_mc', 'middleSkin', 'tagM', 'r_mc', 'rightSkin', 'tagR', 'size', 'move', 'width', 'height', 'x', 'setSize', 'y', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'idNames', 'Array', 'F3PieceLeft', 'F3PieceMiddle', 'F3PieceRight', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember not not branchIfTrue label11 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'Border' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__width' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__width' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__height' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function ('Void') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'leftSkin' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'tagL' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember setMember branch label4 label3: push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember setMember label4: push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, 'middleSkin' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'tagM' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod pop push r:this, 'horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'minWidth' getMember push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember add setMember branch label6 label5: push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'minHeight' getMember push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember add setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember setMember label6: push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, 'rightSkin' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'tagR' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod pop push r:this, 'horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'minWidth' getMember push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember add setMember branch label8 label7: push r:this, 'minHeight', r:this, 'minHeight' getMember push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember add setMember push r:this, 'minWidth', r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push '_width' getMember setMember label8: push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 0.0, 2, r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'horizontal' getMember not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'width' getMember subtract push 2, r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push 'width' getMember push 2, r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'x' getMember push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'x' getMember subtract push 2, r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop branch label10 label9: push 0.0, 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'height' getMember subtract push 0.0, 3, r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'l_mc' getMember push 'height' getMember push 0.0, 2, r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'r_mc' getMember push 'y' getMember push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'y' getMember subtract push r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'width' getMember push 2, r:this, 'm_mc' getMember push 'setSize' callMethod pop label10: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'CustomBorder' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'CustomBorder' setMember push r:1, 'tagL', 0.0 setMember push r:1, 'tagM', 1 setMember push r:1, 'tagR', 2 setMember push r:2, 'idNames', 'r_mc', 'm_mc', 'l_mc', 3, 'Array' new setMember push r:2, 'leftSkin', 'F3PieceLeft' setMember push r:2, 'middleSkin', 'F3PieceMiddle' setMember push r:2, 'rightSkin', 'F3PieceRight' setMember push r:2, 'horizontal', TRUE setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label11: pop end // of initMovieClip 71 defineMovieClip 72 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 72 exportAssets 72 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 72 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'scrollClasses', 'ScrollThumb', 'prototype', 'skins', 'CustomBorder', 'createChildren', 'useHandCursor', 'setRange', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'datamin', 'datamax', 'dragThumb', 'scrollMove', '_ymouse', 'lastY', '_y', '_parent', 'isScrolling', 'Math', 'round', 'scrollPosition', 'ThumbTrack', 'dispatchScrollEvent', 'updateAfterEvent', 'stopDragThumb', 'ThumbPosition', 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent', 'onMouseMove', 'onPress', 'pressFocus', 'onRelease', 'releaseFocus', 'onReleaseOutside', 'draw', 'grip_mc', 'gripSkin', 'setSkin', 'size', '__get__height', 'height', '__get__width', 'width', 'move', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'btnOffset', 'horizontal', 'idNames', 'r_mc', 'm_mc', 'l_mc', 'Array', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollThumb' getMember not not branchIfTrue label7 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollThumb' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollThumb' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'createChildren' callMethod pop push r:this, 'useHandCursor', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setRange' function2 (r:2='_ymin', r:4='_ymax', r:3='_datamin', r:5='_datamax') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'ymin', r:_ymin setMember push r:this, 'ymax', r:_ymax setMember push r:this, 'datamin', r:_datamin setMember push r:this, 'datamax', r:_datamax setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dragThumb' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'scrollMove', r:this, '_ymouse' getMember push r:this, 'lastY' getMember subtract setMember push r:this, 'scrollMove', r:this, 'scrollMove' getMember push r:this, '_y' getMember add setMember push r:this, 'scrollMove' getMember push r:this, 'ymin' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'scrollMove', r:this, 'ymin' getMember setMember branch label5 label4: push r:this, 'scrollMove' getMember push r:this, 'ymax' getMember greaterThan not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'scrollMove', r:this, 'ymax' getMember setMember label5: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'isScrolling', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_y', r:this, 'scrollMove' getMember setMember push r:this, 'datamax' getMember push r:this, 'datamin' getMember subtract push r:this, '_y' getMember push r:this, 'ymin' getMember subtract multiply push r:this, 'ymax' getMember push r:this, 'ymin' getMember subtract divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'round' callMethod push r:this, 'datamin' getMember add setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollPosition', r:2 setMember push 'ThumbTrack', 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'dispatchScrollEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'updateAfterEvent' callFunction pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stopDragThumb' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'isScrolling', FALSE setMember push 'ThumbPosition', 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'dispatchScrollEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onMouseMove' delete pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onPress' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'pressFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, 'lastY', r:this, '_ymouse' getMember setMember push r:this, 'onMouseMove', r:this, 'dragThumb' getMember setMember push 0.0, r:super, 'onPress' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRelease' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'releaseFocus' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'stopDragThumb' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:super, 'onRelease' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'releaseFocus' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'stopDragThumb' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:super, 'onReleaseOutside' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'draw' callMethod pop push r:this, 'grip_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, 'gripSkin' getMember push 3, 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod pop label6: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'size' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod push r:this, 'grip_mc' getMember push 'height' getMember subtract push 2 divide push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod push r:this, 'grip_mc' getMember push 'width' getMember subtract push 2 divide push 2, r:this, 'grip_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'CustomBorder' getMember push 'symbolOwner' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'ScrollThumb' setMember push r:2, 'btnOffset', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'horizontal', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'idNames', 'grip_mc', 'r_mc', 'm_mc', 'l_mc', 4, 'Array' new setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollThumb' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label7: pop end // of initMovieClip 72 defineMovieClip 73 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 73 exportAssets 73 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 73 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'scrollClasses', 'ScrollBar', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', '__get__scrollPosition', '_scrollPosition', '__set__scrollPosition', 'isScrolling', 'maxPos', 'Math', 'min', 'minPos', 'max', 'scrollTrack_mc', 'height', 'scrollThumb_mc', '_height', 'top', 'move', '__get__pageScrollSize', 'largeScroll', '__set__pageScrollSize', '__set__lineScrollSize', 'smallScroll', '__get__lineScrollSize', '__get__virtualHeight', '__height', 'init', 'tabEnabled', 'focusEnabled', 'boundingBox_mc', '_visible', '_width', 'createChildren', 'scrollTrackName', 'skinIDTrack', 'setSkin', 'visible', 'enabled', 'preset', 'SimpleButton', 'falseDisabled', 'initProperties', 'autoRepeat', 'upArrow_mc', 'skinIDUpArrow', 'upArrowName', 'createButton', 'buttonDownHandler', 'onUpArrow', 'clickHandler', 'onScrollChanged', '_minHeight', '_minWidth', 'width', 'downArrow_mc', 'skinIDDownArrow', 'downArrowName', 'onDownArrow', 'falseUpSkin', 'upArrowUpName', 'falseDownSkin', 'upArrowDownName', 'falseOverSkin', 'upArrowOverName', 'downArrowUpName', 'downArrowDownName', 'downArrowOverName', 'createObject', 'useHandCursor', 'createThumb', 'validateNow', 'leftSkin', 'thumbTopName', 'middleSkin', 'thumbMiddleName', 'rightSkin', 'thumbBottomName', 'gripSkin', 'thumbGripName', 'skinIDThumb', 'ScrollThumb', 'createClassObject', 'setScrollProperties', 'pageSize', 'initializing', 'onPress', 'onDragOver', 'startTrackScroller', 'onRelease', 'releaseScrolling', 'onDragOut', 'stopScrolling', 'onReleaseOutside', 'scrollTrackOverName', 'length', 'onRollOver', 'trackOver', 'onRollOut', 'trackOut', 'minHeight', '__set__visible', 'setSize', '__get__height', 'setRange', 'setEnabled', 'draw', 'size', '_y', 'dispatchScrollEvent', 'type', 'scroll', 'detail', 'dispatchEvent', 'isScrollBarKey', 'minMode', 'maxMode', 'scrollIt', 'Line', 'plusMode', 'minusMode', '_parent', 'pressFocus', 'scrollTrackDownName', 'scrollTrackDown_mc', 'skinIDTrackDown', 'trackScroller', 'scrolling', 'Page', 'repeatDelay', 'getStyle', 'scrollInterval', 'setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'repeatInterval', '_ymouse', 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent', 'scrollChanged', 'releaseFocus', 'scrollTrackOver_mc', 'skinIDTrackOver', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'ScrollTrack', '', 'BtnUpArrow', 'ScrollUpArrowUp', 'ScrollUpArrowOver', 'ScrollUpArrowDown', 'BtnDownArrow', 'ScrollDownArrowUp', 'ScrollDownArrowOver', 'ScrollDownArrowDown', 'ScrollThumbTopUp', 'ScrollThumbMiddleUp', 'ScrollThumbBottomUp', 'ScrollThumbGripUp', 'idNames', 'Array', 'clipParameters', 'scrollPosition', 'lineScrollSize', 'pageScrollSize', 'mergedClipParameters', 'UIObject', 'mergeClipParameters', 'addProperty', 'virtualHeight', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember not not branchIfTrue label48 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__scrollPosition' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_scrollPosition' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__scrollPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_scrollPosition', r:pos setMember push r:this, 'isScrolling' getMember push TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:pos, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:pos pop push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push r:pos, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:pos pop push r:pos, r:this, 'minPos' getMember subtract push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '_height' getMember subtract multiply push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember subtract divide push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember push 'top' getMember add setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 0.0, 2, r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop label4: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scrollPosition' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__pageScrollSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'largeScroll' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__pageScrollSize' function2 (r:2='lScroll') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'largeScroll', r:lScroll setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__pageScrollSize' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__lineScrollSize' function2 (r:2='sScroll') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'smallScroll', r:sScroll setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__lineScrollSize' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__lineScrollSize' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'smallScroll' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__virtualHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__height' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, '_scrollPosition', 0.0 setMember push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'focusEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_height', 0.0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'scrollTrackName' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDTrack' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSkin' callMethod pop label5: push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember push 'visible', FALSE setMember push 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'enabled', FALSE setMember push r:3, 'preset', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'SimpleButton' getMember push 'falseDisabled' getMember setMember push r:3, 'initProperties', 0.0 setMember push r:3, 'autoRepeat', TRUE setMember push r:3, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDUpArrow' getMember push 'upArrow_mc', r:this, 'upArrowName' getMember push 4, r:this, 'createButton' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label6: push r:2, 'buttonDownHandler', r:this, 'onUpArrow' getMember setMember push r:2, 'clickHandler', r:this, 'onScrollChanged' getMember setMember push r:this, '_minHeight', r:2, 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_minWidth', r:2, 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label7 push r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDDownArrow' getMember push 'downArrow_mc', r:this, 'downArrowName' getMember push 4, r:this, 'createButton' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop label7: push r:2, 'buttonDownHandler', r:this, 'onDownArrow' getMember setMember push r:2, 'clickHandler', r:this, 'onScrollChanged' getMember setMember push r:this, '_minHeight', r:this, '_minHeight' getMember push r:2, 'height' getMember add setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createButton' function2 (r:6='linkageName', r:4='id', r:5='skinID', r:2='o') (r:1='this') push r:skinID, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDUpArrow' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label8 push r:o, 'falseUpSkin', r:this, 'upArrowUpName' getMember setMember push r:o, 'falseDownSkin', r:this, 'upArrowDownName' getMember setMember push r:o, 'falseOverSkin', r:this, 'upArrowOverName' getMember setMember branch label9 label8: push r:o, 'falseUpSkin', r:this, 'downArrowUpName' getMember setMember push r:o, 'falseDownSkin', r:this, 'downArrowDownName' getMember setMember push r:o, 'falseOverSkin', r:this, 'downArrowOverName' getMember setMember label9: push r:o, r:skinID, r:id, r:linkageName, 4, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, r:id getMember push 'visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, r:id getMember push 'useHandCursor', FALSE setMember push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createThumb' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'validateNow', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'leftSkin', r:this, 'thumbTopName' getMember setMember push r:2, 'middleSkin', r:this, 'thumbMiddleName' getMember setMember push r:2, 'rightSkin', r:this, 'thumbBottomName' getMember setMember push r:2, 'gripSkin', r:this, 'thumbGripName' getMember setMember push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDThumb' getMember push 'scrollThumb_mc', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollThumb' getMember push 4, r:this, 'createClassObject' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setScrollProperties' function2 (r:7='pSize', r:8='mnPos', r:9='mxPos', r:6='ls') (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'pageSize', r:pSize setMember push r:this, 'largeScroll', r:ls, UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label10 pop push r:ls, 0.0 greaterThan label10: branchIfTrue label11 push r:pSize branch label12 label11: push r:ls label12: setMember push r:this, 'minPos', 0.0, r:mnPos, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'maxPos', 0.0, r:mxPos, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_scrollPosition', r:this, '_scrollPosition' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_scrollPosition', r:this, '_scrollPosition' getMember push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember subtract push 0.0 greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label13 pop push r:this, 'enabled' getMember label13: not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, '_scrollPosition' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, 'initializing' getMember not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push 'enabled', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push 'enabled', TRUE setMember label14: push r:2, 'onPress', r:2, 'onDragOver', r:this, 'startTrackScroller' getMember setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:2, 'onRelease', r:this, 'releaseScrolling' getMember setMember push r:2, 'onDragOut', r:2, 'stopScrolling', r:this, 'stopScrolling' getMember setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside', r:this, 'releaseScrolling' getMember setMember push r:2, 'useHandCursor', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label15 push 0.0, r:this, 'createThumb' callMethod pop label15: push r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, 'scrollTrackOverName' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label16 push r:2, 'onRollOver', r:this, 'trackOver' getMember setMember push r:2, 'onRollOut', r:this, 'trackOut' getMember setMember label16: push r:this, 'pageSize' getMember push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember subtract push r:this, 'pageSize' getMember add divide push r:2, 'height' getMember multiply setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, r:3, 'minHeight' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label19 push r:2, 'height' getMember push r:3, 'minHeight' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label17 push FALSE, 1, r:3, '__set__visible' callMethod pop branch label18 label17: push r:3, 'minHeight' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push TRUE, 1, r:3, '__set__visible' callMethod pop push r:3, 'minHeight' getMember push 0.0 add push r:this, '_minWidth' getMember push 2, r:3, 'setSize' callMethod pop label18: branch label20 label19: push TRUE, 1, r:3, '__set__visible' callMethod pop push r:4, r:this, '_minWidth' getMember push 2, r:3, 'setSize' callMethod pop label20: push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__virtualHeight' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod subtract push 0.0, r:3, '__get__height' callMethod subtract push 0.0, r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod push 0.0 add push 4, r:3, 'setRange' callMethod pop push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:5, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push r:5, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod push 1, r:this, '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop branch label23 label21: push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '__set__visible' callMethod pop push r:this, 'initializing' getMember not not branchIfTrue label22 push r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push 'enabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push 'enabled', FALSE setMember label22: push r:2, 'onPress' delete pop push r:2, 'onDragOver' delete pop push r:2, 'onRelease' delete pop push r:2, 'onDragOut' delete pop push r:2, 'onRollOver' delete pop push r:2, 'onRollOut' delete pop push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' delete pop label23: push r:this, 'initializing' getMember not branchIfTrue label24 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '__set__visible' callMethod pop label24: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:3='enabledFlag') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:enabledFlag, 1, r:super, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push r:this, 'largeScroll' getMember push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push r:this, 'pageSize' getMember push 4, r:this, 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'initializing' getMember not branchIfTrue label25 push r:this, 'initializing', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push '__set__visible' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push '__set__visible' callMethod pop label25: push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_height' getMember push 1 equals not branchIfTrue label26 push UNDEF return label26: push r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label27 push UNDEF return label27: push 0.0, r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, 0.0, 2, r:this, 'upArrow_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'scrollTrack_mc' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, '_y', r:3 setMember push r:4, '_height', 0.0, r:this, '__get__virtualHeight' callMethod push r:3 subtract push r:2 subtract setMember push 0.0, r:this, '__get__virtualHeight' callMethod push r:2 subtract push 0.0, 2, r:this, 'downArrow_mc' getMember push 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'largeScroll' getMember push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push r:this, 'minPos' getMember push r:this, 'pageSize' getMember push 4, r:this, 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchScrollEvent' function2 (r:2='detail') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'scroll', 'detail', r:detail, 2 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isScrollBarKey' function2 (r:2='k') (r:1='this') push r:k, 36 equals not branchIfTrue label29 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scrollPosition' callMethod push 0.0 equals not not branchIfTrue label28 push 0.0, 1, r:this, '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, 'minMode' getMember push 1, r:this, 'dispatchScrollEvent' callMethod pop label28: push TRUE return branch label31 label29: push r:k, 35 equals not branchIfTrue label31 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scrollPosition' callMethod push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label30 push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember push 1, r:this, '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, 'maxMode' getMember push 1, r:this, 'dispatchScrollEvent' callMethod pop label30: push TRUE return label31: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'scrollIt' function2 (r:6='inc', r:5='mode') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'smallScroll' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:inc, 'Line' equals not not branchIfTrue label34 push r:this, 'largeScroll' getMember push 0.0 equals branchIfTrue label32 push r:this, 'largeScroll' getMember branch label33 label32: push r:this, 'pageSize' getMember label33: setRegister r:3 pop label34: push r:this, '_scrollPosition' getMember push r:mode, r:3 multiply add setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, r:this, 'maxPos' getMember greaterThan not branchIfTrue label35 push r:this, 'maxPos' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label36 label35: push r:2, r:this, 'minPos' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label36 push r:this, 'minPos' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label36: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scrollPosition' callMethod push r:2 equals not not branchIfTrue label39 push r:2, 1, r:this, '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:mode, 0.0 lessThan branchIfTrue label37 push r:this, 'plusMode' getMember branch label38 label37: push r:this, 'minusMode' getMember label38: setRegister r:4 pop push r:inc, r:4 add push 1, r:this, 'dispatchScrollEvent' callMethod pop label39: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'startTrackScroller' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'pressFocus' callMethod pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackDownName' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label41 push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackDown_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label40 push r:this, 'scrollTrackDownName' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDTrackDown' getMember push 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'setSkin' callMethod pop branch label41 label40: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackDown_mc' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember label41: push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'trackScroller' callMethod pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrolling', -1, 'Page', 'repeatDelay', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod push 'scrollInterval', r:this, '_parent' getMember push 5, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'scrollInterval' function2 (r:2='inc', r:3='mode') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'scrolling' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:inc, 'Page' equals not branchIfTrue label42 push 0.0, r:this, 'trackScroller' callMethod pop branch label43 label42: push r:mode, r:inc, 2, r:this, 'scrollIt' callMethod pop label43: push r:this, 'scrolling', r:mode, r:inc, 'repeatInterval', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod push 'scrollInterval', r:this, 5, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'trackScroller' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '_y' getMember push 0.0, r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '__get__height' callMethod add push r:this, '_ymouse' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label44 push 1, 'Page', 2, r:this, 'scrollIt' callMethod pop branch label45 label44: push r:this, 'scrollThumb_mc' getMember push '_y' getMember push r:this, '_ymouse' getMember greaterThan not branchIfTrue label45 push -1, 'Page', 2, r:this, 'scrollIt' callMethod pop label45: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'scrollChanged', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stopScrolling' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrolling' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackDown_mc' getMember push 'visible', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'releaseScrolling' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'releaseFocus' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'stopScrolling' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'trackOver' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackOverName' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackOver_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label46 push r:this, 'scrollTrackOverName' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'skinIDTrackOver' getMember push 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'setSkin' callMethod pop branch label47 label46: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackOver_mc' getMember push 'visible', TRUE setMember label47: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'trackOut' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollTrackOver_mc' getMember push 'visible', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onUpArrow' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push -1, 'Line', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollIt' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onDownArrow' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 1, 'Line', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'scrollIt' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onScrollChanged' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'dispatchScrollChangedEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'ScrollBar' setMember push r:2, 'minPos', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'maxPos', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'pageSize', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'largeScroll', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'smallScroll', 1 setMember push r:2, '_scrollPosition', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'scrollTrackName', 'ScrollTrack' setMember push r:2, 'scrollTrackOverName', '' setMember push r:2, 'scrollTrackDownName', '' setMember push r:2, 'upArrowName', 'BtnUpArrow' setMember push r:2, 'upArrowUpName', 'ScrollUpArrowUp' setMember push r:2, 'upArrowOverName', 'ScrollUpArrowOver' setMember push r:2, 'upArrowDownName', 'ScrollUpArrowDown' setMember push r:2, 'downArrowName', 'BtnDownArrow' setMember push r:2, 'downArrowUpName', 'ScrollDownArrowUp' setMember push r:2, 'downArrowOverName', 'ScrollDownArrowOver' setMember push r:2, 'downArrowDownName', 'ScrollDownArrowDown' setMember push r:2, 'thumbTopName', 'ScrollThumbTopUp' setMember push r:2, 'thumbMiddleName', 'ScrollThumbMiddleUp' setMember push r:2, 'thumbBottomName', 'ScrollThumbBottomUp' setMember push r:2, 'thumbGripName', 'ScrollThumbGripUp' setMember push r:1, 'skinIDTrack', 0.0 setMember push r:1, 'skinIDTrackOver', 1 setMember push r:1, 'skinIDTrackDown', 2 setMember push r:1, 'skinIDUpArrow', 3 setMember push r:1, 'skinIDDownArrow', 4 setMember push r:1, 'skinIDThumb', 5 setMember push r:2, 'idNames', 'downArrow_mc', 'upArrow_mc', 'scrollTrackDown_mc', 'scrollTrackOver_mc', 'scrollTrack_mc', 5, 'Array' new setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'minPos', 1, 'maxPos', 1, 'pageSize', 1, 'scrollPosition', 1, 'lineScrollSize', 1, 'pageScrollSize', 1, 'visible', 1, 'enabled', 1, 8 initObject setMember push r:1, 'mergedClipParameters', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'mergeClipParameters' callMethod setMember push r:2, 'initializing', TRUE setMember push r:2, '__set__lineScrollSize' getMember push r:2, '__get__lineScrollSize' getMember push 'lineScrollSize', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__pageScrollSize' getMember push r:2, '__get__pageScrollSize' getMember push 'pageScrollSize', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__scrollPosition' getMember push r:2, '__get__scrollPosition' getMember push 'scrollPosition', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__virtualHeight' getMember push 'virtualHeight', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'scrollClasses' getMember push 'ScrollBar' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label48: pop end // of initMovieClip 73 defineMovieClip 74 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 74 exportAssets 74 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 74 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'ScrollView', 'prototype', 'View', 'getHScrollPolicy', '__hScrollPolicy', 'setHScrollPolicy', 'toLowerCase', '__width', 'widthPadding', 'heightPadding', 'rowH', 'rowC', 'columnWidth', 'numberOfCols', 'setScrollProperties', '__get__hScrollPolicy', '__set__hScrollPolicy', 'getVScrollPolicy', '__vScrollPolicy', 'setVScrollPolicy', '__get__vScrollPolicy', '__set__vScrollPolicy', '__get__hPosition', 'getHPosition', '__set__hPosition', 'setHPosition', '__hPosition', 'hScroller', '__set__scrollPosition', '__get__vPosition', 'getVPosition', '__set__vPosition', 'setVPosition', '__vPosition', 'vScroller', '__get__maxVPosition', 'maxPos', '__get__maxHPosition', 'getMaxHPosition', '__set__maxHPosition', 'setMaxHPosition', '__maxHPosition', 'getViewMetrics', 'propsInited', 'scrollAreaChanged', 'left', 'right', 'Math', 'ceil', 'on', 'auto', 'specialHScrollCase', 'hSB', 'HScrollBar', 'createObject', '__set__lineScrollSize', 'scrollHandler', 'scrollProxy', 'viewableColumns', 'off', 'removeMovieClip', '__height', 'top', 'bottom', 'vSB', 'VScrollBar', 'viewableRows', 'oldRndUp', 'doLayout', '__viewMetrics', 'owner', 'layoutContent', 'enabled', 'setEnabled', 'border_mc', '__get__borderMetrics', 'minWidth', 'FHScrollBar', 'minHeight', '__get__width', '__get__height', 'invLayout', 'setSize', 'move', 'mask_mc', '_width', '_height', '_x', '_y', 'createChild', 'init', '__SVMouseWheelManager', 'onMouseWheel', '__onMouseWheel', 'Mouse', 'addListener', '_parent', 'lineScrollSize', 'abs', 'max', 'vPosition', 'maxVPosition', 'min', 'type', 'scroll', 'direction', 'vertical', 'position', 'dispatchEvent', 'createChildren', 'MASK_DEPTH', 'BoundingBox', '_visible', 'invalidate', 'draw', 'size', 'onScroll', 'target', 'scrollPosition', 'horizontal', 'childLoaded', 'setMask', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'hPosition', 'addProperty', 'hScrollPolicy', 'maxHPosition', 'vScrollPolicy', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember not not branchIfTrue label55 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'getHScrollPolicy' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setHScrollPolicy' function2 (r:2='policy') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy', 0.0, r:policy, 'toLowerCase' callMethod setMember push r:this, '__width' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push UNDEF return label3: push r:this, 'widthPadding' getMember push r:this, 'heightPadding' getMember push r:this, 'rowH' getMember push r:this, 'rowC' getMember push r:this, 'columnWidth' getMember push r:this, 'numberOfCols' getMember push 6, r:this, 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__hScrollPolicy' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getHScrollPolicy' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__hScrollPolicy' function2 (r:2='policy') (r:1='this') push r:policy, 1, r:this, 'setHScrollPolicy' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__hScrollPolicy' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getVScrollPolicy' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVScrollPolicy' function2 (r:2='policy') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy', 0.0, r:policy, 'toLowerCase' callMethod setMember push r:this, '__width' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push UNDEF return label4: push r:this, 'widthPadding' getMember push r:this, 'heightPadding' getMember push r:this, 'rowH' getMember push r:this, 'rowC' getMember push r:this, 'columnWidth' getMember push r:this, 'numberOfCols' getMember push 6, r:this, 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__vScrollPolicy' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getVScrollPolicy' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__vScrollPolicy' function2 (r:2='policy') (r:1='this') push r:policy, 1, r:this, 'setVScrollPolicy' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__vScrollPolicy' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__hPosition' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getHPosition' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__hPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:pos, 1, r:this, 'setHPosition' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__hPosition' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getHPosition' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__hPosition' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setHPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:pos, 1, r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, '__hPosition', r:pos setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__vPosition' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getVPosition' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__vPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:pos, 1, r:this, 'setVPosition' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__vPosition' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getVPosition' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__vPosition' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:pos, 1, r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, '__vPosition', r:pos setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__maxVPosition' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'maxPos' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals branchIfTrue label5 push r:2 branch label6 label5: push 0.0 label6: return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__maxHPosition' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getMaxHPosition' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__maxHPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:pos, 1, r:this, 'setMaxHPosition' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__maxHPosition' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMaxHPosition' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__maxHPosition' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, '__maxHPosition' getMember return label7: push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'maxPos' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals branchIfTrue label8 push r:2 branch label9 label8: push 0.0 label9: return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMaxHPosition' function2 (r:2='pos') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__maxHPosition', r:pos setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setScrollProperties' function2 (r:9='colCount', r:6='colWidth', r:10='rwCount', r:7='rwHeight', r:11='hPadding', r:13='wPadding') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getViewMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:hPadding, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0 setRegister r:hPadding pop label10: push r:wPadding, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.0 setRegister r:wPadding pop label11: push r:this, 'propsInited', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged' delete pop push r:this, 'heightPadding', r:hPadding setMember push r:this, 'widthPadding', r:wPadding setMember push r:colWidth, 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label12 push 1 setRegister r:colWidth pop label12: push r:rwHeight, 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label13 push 1 setRegister r:rwHeight pop label13: push r:this, '__width' getMember push r:3, 'left' getMember subtract push r:3, 'right' getMember subtract push r:this, 'widthPadding' getMember subtract push r:colWidth divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'ceil' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals dup branchIfTrue label14 pop push r:5, r:colCount lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label14 pop push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label14: not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label15 pop push r:this, 'specialHScrollCase' getMember label15: not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 'specialHScrollCase' delete pop push r:this, 'hScroller', 1001, 'hSB', 'HScrollBar', 3, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setMember push 20, 1, r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push '__set__lineScrollSize' callMethod pop push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'scrollHandler', r:this, 'scrollProxy' getMember setMember push r:this, '__hPosition' getMember push 1, r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged', TRUE setMember label16: push r:this, 'numberOfCols' getMember push r:colCount equals not dup branchIfTrue label17 pop push r:this, 'columnWidth' getMember push r:colWidth equals not label17: dup branchIfTrue label18 pop push r:this, 'viewableColumns' getMember push r:5 equals not label18: dup branchIfTrue label19 pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged' getMember label19: not branchIfTrue label20 push r:colCount, r:5 subtract push 0.0, r:5, 3, r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop push r:this, 'viewableColumns', r:5 setMember push r:this, 'numberOfCols', r:colCount setMember push r:this, 'columnWidth', r:colWidth setMember label20: branch label24 label21: push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals dup branchIfTrue label22 pop push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals label22: dup not branchIfTrue label23 pop push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals not label23: not branchIfTrue label24 push 0.0, r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'removeMovieClip' callMethod pop push r:this, 'hScroller' delete pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged', TRUE setMember label24: push r:this, 'heightPadding' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label25 push r:this, 'heightPadding', 0.0 setMember label25: push r:this, '__height' getMember push r:3, 'top' getMember subtract push r:3, 'bottom' getMember subtract push r:this, 'heightPadding' getMember subtract push r:rwHeight divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'ceil' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '__height' getMember push r:3, 'top' getMember subtract push r:3, 'bottom' getMember subtract push r:rwHeight modulo push 0.0 equals not setRegister r:8 pop push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals dup branchIfTrue label26 pop push r:4, r:rwCount, r:8 add lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label26 pop push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals label26: not branchIfTrue label32 push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, 'vScroller', 1002, 'vSB', 'VScrollBar', 3, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'scrollHandler', r:this, 'scrollProxy' getMember setMember push r:this, '__vPosition' getMember push 1, r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push '__set__scrollPosition' callMethod pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'rowH', 0.0 setMember label27: push r:this, 'rowC' getMember push r:rwCount equals not dup branchIfTrue label28 pop push r:this, 'rowH' getMember push r:rwHeight equals not label28: dup branchIfTrue label29 pop push r:this, 'viewableRows' getMember push r:8 add push r:4, r:this, 'oldRndUp' getMember add equals not label29: dup branchIfTrue label30 pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged' getMember label30: not branchIfTrue label31 push r:rwCount, r:4 subtract push r:8 add push 0.0, r:4, 3, r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'setScrollProperties' callMethod pop push r:this, 'viewableRows', r:4 setMember push r:this, 'rowC', r:rwCount setMember push r:this, 'rowH', r:rwHeight setMember push r:this, 'oldRndUp', r:8 setMember label31: branch label35 label32: push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy' getMember push 'auto' equals dup branchIfTrue label33 pop push r:this, '__vScrollPolicy' getMember push 'off' equals label33: dup not branchIfTrue label34 pop push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals not label34: not branchIfTrue label35 push 0.0, r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'removeMovieClip' callMethod pop push r:this, 'vScroller' delete pop push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged', TRUE setMember label35: push r:this, 'numberOfCols', r:colCount setMember push r:this, 'columnWidth', r:colWidth setMember push r:this, 'scrollAreaChanged' getMember not branchIfTrue label38 push 0.0, r:this, 'doLayout' callMethod pop push r:this, '__viewMetrics' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'owner' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label36 push r:this branch label37 label36: push r:this, 'owner' getMember label37: setRegister r:12 pop push r:this, '__height' getMember push r:2, 'top' getMember subtract push r:2, 'bottom' getMember subtract push r:this, '__width' getMember push r:2, 'left' getMember subtract push r:2, 'right' getMember subtract push r:this, 'rowC' getMember push r:this, 'rowH' getMember multiply push r:this, 'columnWidth' getMember push r:this, 'numberOfCols' getMember multiply push r:2, 'left' getMember subtract push r:2, 'right' getMember subtract push r:2, 'top' getMember push r:2, 'left' getMember push 6, r:12, 'layoutContent' callMethod pop label38: push r:this, 'enabled' getMember not not branchIfTrue label39 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop label39: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getViewMetrics' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__viewMetrics' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push '__get__borderMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 'left', r:3, 'left' getMember setMember push r:2, 'right', r:3, 'right' getMember setMember push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label40 push r:2, 'right', r:2, 'right' getMember push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'minWidth' getMember add setMember label40: push r:2, 'top', r:3, 'top' getMember setMember push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals dup not branchIfTrue label41 pop push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'on' equals dup branchIfTrue label41 pop push r:this, '__hScrollPolicy' getMember push TRUE equals label41: not branchIfTrue label42 push r:this, 'hScroller', 1001, 'hSB', 'FHScrollBar', 3, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'specialHScrollCase', TRUE setMember label42: push r:2, 'bottom', r:3, 'bottom' getMember setMember push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label43 push r:2, 'bottom', r:2, 'bottom' getMember push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'minHeight' getMember add setMember label43: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doLayout' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__width' callMethod setRegister r:10 pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__height' callMethod setRegister r:8 pop push r:this, 'invLayout' delete pop push r:this, '__viewMetrics', 0.0, r:this, 'getViewMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'left' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:3, 'right' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:3, 'top' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:3, 'bottom' getMember setRegister r:11 pop push r:this, 'hScroller' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push r:7, 'minHeight' getMember push 0.0 add push r:10, r:2 subtract push r:9 subtract push 2, r:7, 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:8, r:11 subtract push r:2, 2, r:7, 'move' callMethod pop push r:8, r:5 subtract push r:11 subtract push r:6, 'minWidth' getMember push 0.0 add push 2, r:6, 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:5, r:10, r:9 subtract push 2, r:6, 'move' callMethod pop push r:this, 'mask_mc' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, '_width', r:10, r:2 subtract push r:9 subtract setMember push r:4, '_height', r:8, r:5 subtract push r:11 subtract setMember push r:4, '_x', r:2 setMember push r:4, '_y', r:5 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChild' function2 (r:4='id', r:3='name', r:5='props') (r:1='super') push r:props, r:name, r:id, 3, r:super, 'createChild' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super', r:3='_global') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, '__viewMetrics', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:_global, '__SVMouseWheelManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label44 push r:_global, '__SVMouseWheelManager', 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'onMouseWheel', r:this, '__onMouseWheel' getMember setMember push r:4, 1, 'Mouse' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop label44: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__onMouseWheel' function2 (r:6='delta', r:9='scrollTarget') () push r:scrollTarget setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop label45: push r:4, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label47 push r:4, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label46 push r:4 setRegister r:1 pop push FALSE pop label46: push r:4, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:4 pop branch label45 label47: push r:1, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label51 push r:delta, 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label48 push -1 branch label49 label48: push 1 label49: setRegister r:4 pop push r:1, 'vScroller' getMember push 'lineScrollSize' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label50 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label50: push r:2, r:delta, 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'abs' callMethod push 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'vPosition' getMember push r:2, r:4 multiply add setRegister r:3 pop push r:1, 'vPosition', r:1, 'maxVPosition' getMember push r:3, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'min' callMethod push 0.0, 2, 'Math' getVariable push 'max' callMethod setMember push 'type', 'scroll', 'direction', 'vertical', 'position', r:1, 'vPosition' getMember push 3 initObject push 1, r:1, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop label51: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'createChildren' callMethod pop push r:this, 'mask_mc' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label52 push r:this, 'mask_mc', r:this, 'MASK_DEPTH' getMember push 'mask_mc', 'BoundingBox', 3, r:this, 'createObject' callMethod setMember label52: push r:this, 'mask_mc' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'invalidate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'invalidate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 ('Void') (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'scrollProxy' function2 (r:2='docObj') (r:1='this') push r:docObj, 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'onScroll' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onScroll' function2 (r:9='docObj') (r:1='this') push r:docObj, 'target' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'scrollPosition' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:3, r:this, 'vScroller' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label53 push 'vertical' setRegister r:4 pop push '__vPosition' setRegister r:5 pop branch label54 label53: push 'horizontal' setRegister r:4 pop push '__hPosition' setRegister r:5 pop label54: push 'type', 'scroll', 'direction', r:4, 'position', r:2, 3 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, r:5, r:2 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:2='v') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'vScroller' getMember push 'enabled', r:this, 'hScroller' getMember push 'enabled', r:v setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'childLoaded' function2 (r:3='obj') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:obj, 1, r:super, 'childLoaded' callMethod pop push r:this, 'mask_mc' getMember push 1, r:obj, 'setMask' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'ScrollView' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'ScrollView' setMember push r:2, '__vScrollPolicy', 'auto' setMember push r:2, '__hScrollPolicy', 'off' setMember push r:2, '__vPosition', 0.0 setMember push r:2, '__hPosition', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'numberOfCols', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'rowC', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'columnWidth', 1 setMember push r:2, 'rowH', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'heightPadding', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'widthPadding', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'MASK_DEPTH', 10000 setMember push r:2, '__set__hPosition' getMember push r:2, '__get__hPosition' getMember push 'hPosition', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__hScrollPolicy' getMember push r:2, '__get__hScrollPolicy' getMember push 'hScrollPolicy', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__maxHPosition' getMember push r:2, '__get__maxHPosition' getMember push 'maxHPosition', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__maxVPosition' getMember push 'maxVPosition', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__vPosition' getMember push r:2, '__get__vPosition' getMember push 'vPosition', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__vScrollPolicy' getMember push r:2, '__get__vScrollPolicy' getMember push 'vScrollPolicy', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ScrollView' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label55: pop end // of initMovieClip 74 defineMovieClip 75 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 75 exportAssets 75 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 75 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'Chrome', 'init', 'prototype', 'MovieClip', 'visible', 'width', 'height', 'draw', 'Chrome.init: setting enabled to ', '_parent', 'enabled', 'Tracer', 'trace', 'setEnabled', 'setSize', '_alpha', '_chromeEdge', '_width', '_height', '_x', '_y', '_chromeHilite', '_chromeFill', 'showToggles', '_toggleNW', '_visible', '_toggleSW', '_toggleNE', '_toggleSE', 'getAllToggles', 'getOneToggle', 'getEnabled', 'Chrome.setEnabled: ', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Chrome' getMember not not branchIfTrue label12 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Chrome' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Chrome' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'MovieClip' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'visible' getMember push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'visible', TRUE setMember label4: push r:this, 'width' getMember push NULL equals not dup not branchIfTrue label5 pop push r:this, 'height' getMember push NULL equals not label5: not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop label6: push 'Chrome.init: setting enabled to ', r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'enabled' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'enabled' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setEnabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:3='w', r:2='h') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'width', r:w setMember push r:this, 'height', r:h setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'visible' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, '_alpha', 100 setMember branch label8 label7: push r:this, '_alpha', 0.0 setMember label8: push r:this, '_chromeEdge' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_chromeEdge' getMember push '_height', r:this, 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_chromeEdge' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_chromeEdge' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_chromeHilite' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'width' getMember push 2 subtract setMember push r:this, '_chromeHilite' getMember push '_x', 1 setMember push r:this, '_chromeHilite' getMember push '_y', 1 setMember push r:this, '_chromeFill' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'width' getMember push 2 subtract setMember push r:this, '_chromeFill' getMember push '_height', r:this, 'height' getMember push 3 subtract setMember push r:this, '_chromeFill' getMember push '_x', 1 setMember push r:this, '_chromeFill' getMember push '_y', 2 setMember push r:this, 'visible' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label9 pop push r:this, 'showToggles' getMember label9: not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push '_x', r:this, 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push '_y', r:this, 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push '_x', r:this, 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push '_y', r:this, 'height' getMember setMember branch label11 label10: push r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember label11: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getAllToggles' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push 4 initArray return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getOneToggle' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getEnabled' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'enabled' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setEnabled' function2 (r:2='is') (r:1='this') push 'Chrome.setEnabled: ', r:is add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_toggleNW' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_toggleNE' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_toggleSW' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop push r:is, 1, r:this, '_toggleSE' getMember push 'setEnabled' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Chrome' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label12: pop end // of initMovieClip 75 defineMovieClip 76 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 76 exportAssets 76 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 76 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'Loader', 'prototype', 'core', 'View', 'init', 'setSize', '_origWidth', '_origHeight', 'isLivePreview', 'livePreview', '_width', '__width', '_height', '__height', 'draw', 'size', '__scaleContent', 'doScaleContent', 'doScaleLoader', 'createChildren', 'createTextField', 'text', 'mx.controls.Loader', 'border', '__autoLoad', 'load', 'getAutoLoad', '__get__autoLoad', 'setAutoLoad', 'childNameBase', '_complete', '__set__autoLoad', 'getBytesLoaded', '__bytesLoaded', '__get__bytesLoaded', 'getBytesTotal', '__bytesTotal', '__get__bytesTotal', 'getContent', 'contentHolder', '__get__content', 'getContentPath', '__contentPath', '__get__contentPath', 'setContentPath', 'childrenCreated', '__set__contentPath', 'getPercentLoaded', 'isNaN', '__get__percentLoaded', '__get__scaleContent', 'getScaleContent', 'setScaleContent', '__set__scaleContent', 'destroyChildAt', '', 'createChild', 'childLoaded', '_rotation', 'dispatchEvent', 'type', 'progress', 'complete', 'target', 'total', 'current', 'unScaleContent', 'border_mc', '__get__borderMetrics', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'Math', 'floor', '_xscale', '_yscale', '_x', '_y', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'clipParameters', 'autoLoad', 'scaleContent', 'contentPath', 'mergedClipParameters', 'UIObject', 'mergeClipParameters', 'addProperty', 'bytesLoaded', 'bytesTotal', 'content', 'percentLoaded', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' getMember not not branchIfTrue label31 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:5='w', r:4='h', r:6='noEvent') (r:1='this', r:2='super', r:3='_global') push r:this, '_origWidth', r:w setMember push r:this, '_origHeight', r:h setMember push r:noEvent, r:h, r:w, 3, r:super, 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:_global, 'isLivePreview' getMember not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, 'livePreview' getMember push '_width', r:this, '__width' getMember push 1 subtract setMember push r:this, 'livePreview' getMember push '_height', r:this, '__height' getMember push 1 subtract setMember label3: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'size' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'size' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'size' callMethod pop push r:this, '__scaleContent' getMember not branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleContent' callMethod pop branch label5 label4: push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleLoader' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super', r:3='_global') push 0.0, r:super, 'createChildren' callMethod pop push r:_global, 'isLivePreview' getMember not branchIfTrue label6 push 99, 99, 0.0, 0.0, -1000, 'livePreview', 6, r:this, 'createTextField' callMethod pop push r:this, 'livePreview' getMember push 'text', 'mx.controls.Loader' setMember push r:this, 'livePreview' getMember push 'border', TRUE setMember label6: push r:this, '__autoLoad' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label7: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getAutoLoad' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__autoLoad' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__autoLoad' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getAutoLoad' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setAutoLoad' function2 (r:2='b') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__autoLoad' getMember push r:b equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push r:this, '__autoLoad', r:b setMember push r:this, '__autoLoad' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label8 pop push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0 add getMember push '_complete' getMember not label8: not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__autoLoad' function2 (r:2='b') (r:1='this') push r:b, 1, r:this, 'setAutoLoad' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__autoLoad' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getBytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__bytesLoaded' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getBytesLoaded' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getBytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__bytesTotal' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getBytesTotal' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getContent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__content' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getContent' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getContentPath' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__contentPath' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getContentPath' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setContentPath' function2 (r:2='url') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__contentPath' getMember push r:url equals not not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '__contentPath', r:url setMember push r:this, 'childrenCreated' getMember not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '__autoLoad' getMember not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label10: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__contentPath' function2 (r:2='c') (r:1='this') push r:c, 1, r:this, 'setContentPath' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__contentPath' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getPercentLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 100, r:this, '__bytesLoaded' getMember push r:this, '__bytesTotal' getMember divide multiply setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label11: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__percentLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getPercentLoaded' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__scaleContent' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getScaleContent' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getScaleContent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__scaleContent' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setScaleContent' function2 (r:2='b') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__scaleContent' getMember push r:b equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push r:this, '__scaleContent', r:b setMember push r:this, '__scaleContent' getMember not branchIfTrue label12 push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleContent' callMethod pop branch label13 label12: push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleLoader' callMethod pop label13: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__scaleContent' function2 (r:2='b') (r:1='this') push r:b, 1, r:this, 'setScaleContent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scaleContent' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 (r:2='url') (r:1='this') push r:url, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:this, '__contentPath', r:url setMember label14: push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0 add getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0 add getMember push '_complete' getMember not branchIfTrue label15 push r:this, '_origHeight' getMember push r:this, '_origWidth' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop label15: push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'destroyChildAt' callMethod pop label16: push r:this, '__contentPath' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label17 pop push r:this, '__contentPath' getMember push '' equals label17: not branchIfTrue label18 push UNDEF return label18: push 'contentHolder', r:this, '__contentPath' getMember push 2, r:this, 'createChild' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'childLoaded' function2 (r:3='obj') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:obj, 1, r:super, 'childLoaded' callMethod pop push r:obj, '_rotation', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_origWidth', r:this, '__width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_origHeight', r:this, '__height' getMember setMember push r:this, '__scaleContent' getMember not branchIfTrue label19 push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleContent' callMethod pop branch label20 label19: push 0.0, r:this, 'doScaleLoader' callMethod pop label20: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'dispatchEvent' function2 (r:3='obj') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:obj, 'type' getMember push 'progress' equals dup branchIfTrue label21 pop push r:obj, 'type' getMember push 'complete' equals label21: not branchIfTrue label22 push r:obj, 'target', r:this setMember push r:this, '__bytesTotal', r:obj, 'total' getMember setMember push r:this, '__bytesLoaded', r:obj, 'current' getMember setMember label22: push r:obj, 1, r:super, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doScaleContent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0 add getMember push '_complete' getMember not not branchIfTrue label23 push UNDEF return label23: push 0.0, r:this, 'unScaleContent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push '__get__borderMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, '_origWidth' getMember push r:2, 'left' getMember subtract push r:2, 'right' getMember subtract setRegister r:7 pop push r:this, '_origHeight' getMember push r:2, 'top' getMember subtract push r:2, 'bottom' getMember subtract setRegister r:6 pop push r:2, 'left' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:2, 'top' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push r:7, r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_width' getMember divide setRegister r:5 pop push r:6, r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_height' getMember divide setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:5, r:3 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label24 push r:2, 'left' getMember push r:7, r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_width' getMember push r:3 multiply subtract push 2 divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod add setRegister r:9 pop push r:3 setRegister r:4 pop branch label25 label24: push r:2, 'top' getMember push r:6, r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_height' getMember push r:5 multiply subtract push 2 divide push 1, 'Math' getVariable push 'floor' callMethod add setRegister r:8 pop push r:5 setRegister r:4 pop label25: push r:4, 100 multiply setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_xscale', r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_yscale', r:4 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_x', r:9 setMember push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_y', r:8 setMember push r:this, '__width' getMember push r:this, '_origWidth' getMember equals not dup branchIfTrue label26 pop push r:this, '__height' getMember push r:this, '_origHeight' getMember equals not label26: not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, '_origHeight' getMember push r:this, '_origWidth' getMember push 2, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop label27: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doScaleLoader' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'childNameBase' getMember push 0.0 add getMember push '_complete' getMember not not branchIfTrue label28 push UNDEF return label28: push 0.0, r:this, 'unScaleContent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push '__get__borderMetrics' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_width' getMember push r:2, 'left' getMember add push r:2, 'right' getMember add setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_height' getMember push r:2, 'top' getMember add push r:2, 'bottom' getMember add setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '__width' getMember push r:4 equals not dup branchIfTrue label29 pop push r:this, '__height' getMember push r:3 equals not label29: not branchIfTrue label30 push r:3, r:4, 2, r:this, 'setSize' callMethod pop label30: push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_x', r:2, 'left' getMember setMember push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_y', r:2, 'top' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'unScaleContent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_xscale', r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_yscale', 100 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_x', r:this, 'contentHolder' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'Loader' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'Loader' setMember push r:2, 'clipParameters', 'autoLoad', 1, 'scaleContent', 1, 'contentPath', 1, 3 initObject setMember push r:1, 'mergedClipParameters', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'View' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'clipParameters' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'mergeClipParameters' callMethod setMember push r:2, '__autoLoad', TRUE setMember push r:2, '__bytesLoaded', UNDEF setMember push r:2, '__bytesTotal', UNDEF setMember push r:2, '__contentPath', UNDEF setMember push r:2, '__scaleContent', TRUE setMember push r:2, '__set__autoLoad' getMember push r:2, '__get__autoLoad' getMember push 'autoLoad', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesLoaded' getMember push 'bytesLoaded', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__bytesTotal' getMember push 'bytesTotal', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__content' getMember push 'content', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__contentPath' getMember push r:2, '__get__contentPath' getMember push 'contentPath', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__percentLoaded' getMember push 'percentLoaded', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push r:2, '__set__scaleContent' getMember push r:2, '__get__scaleContent' getMember push 'scaleContent', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label31: pop end // of initMovieClip 76 defineMovieClip 77 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 77 exportAssets 77 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 77 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'ColoredSkinElement', 'prototype', 'setColor', 'Color', 'setRGB', 'draw', '_color', 'getStyle', 'onEnterFrame', 'invalidateStyle', 'setColorStyle', 'mixins', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'setColor' function2 (r:3='c') (r:1='this') push r:c, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label3 push r:this, 1, 'Color' new setRegister r:2 pop push r:c, 1, r:2, 'setRGB' callMethod pop label3: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_color' getMember push 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod push 1, r:this, 'setColor' callMethod pop push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', UNDEF setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'invalidateStyle' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'onEnterFrame', r:this, 'draw' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'setColorStyle' function2 (r:1='p', r:2='colorStyle') () push r:p, '_color' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:p, '_color', r:colorStyle setMember label4: push r:p, 'setColor', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember push 'mixins' getMember push 'setColor' getMember setMember push r:p, 'invalidateStyle', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember push 'mixins' getMember push 'invalidateStyle' getMember setMember push r:p, 'draw', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember push 'mixins' getMember push 'draw' getMember setMember push r:colorStyle, 1, r:p, 'getStyle' callMethod push 1, r:p, 'setColor' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'mixins', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' newMethod setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label5: pop end // of initMovieClip 77 defineMovieClip 78 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 78 exportAssets 78 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 78 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'ext', 'UIObjectExtensions', 'prototype', 'addGeometry', '__get__width', 'width', 'addProperty', '__get__height', 'height', '__get__left', 'left', '__get__x', 'x', '__get__top', 'top', '__get__y', 'y', '__get__right', 'right', '__get__bottom', 'bottom', '__set__visible', '__get__visible', 'visible', 'Extensions', 'bExtended', 'UIObject', 'skins', 'SkinElement', 'events', 'UIEventDispatcher', 'initialize', 'ColoredSkinElement', 'styles', 'CSSTextStyles', 'addTextStyles', 'MovieClip', 'getTopLevel', 'createLabel', 'createObject', 'createClassObject', 'createEmptyObject', 'destroyObject', 'ASSetPropFlags', '__getTextFormat', '_getTextFormat', 'getStyleName', 'getStyle', 'TextField', '__enabled', 'invalidateStyle', 'enabled', 'move', 'setSize', 'invalidateFlag', 'draw', 'setTextFormat', 'setNewTextFormat', 'embedFonts', '__text', 'text', '', '_visible', 'setColor', 'textColor', 'setValue', 'getValue', 'value', 'stylecache', 'tf', 'TextFormat', 'enabledColor', 'getTextFormat', 'color', 'disabledColor', 'getPreferredWidth', 'textWidth', 'getPreferredHeight', 'textHeight', 'getTextExtent2', '_getTextExtent', 'createTextField', 'align', 'style', 'CSSStyleDeclaration', 'cascadingStyles', 'skinRegistry', '_origWidth', 'origWidth', 'Stage', 'origHeight', '_parent', 'UIObjectExtended', 'UIObjectDependency', 'SkinElementDependency', 'CSSTextStylesDependency', 'UIEventDispatcherDependency' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember not not branchIfTrue label16 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'addGeometry' function2 (r:2='tf', r:1='ui') () push NULL, r:ui, '__get__width' getMember push 'width', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__height' getMember push 'height', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__left' getMember push 'left', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__x' getMember push 'x', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__top' getMember push 'top', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__y' getMember push 'y', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__right' getMember push 'right', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL, r:ui, '__get__bottom' getMember push 'bottom', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:ui, '__set__visible' getMember push r:ui, '__get__visible' getMember push 'visible', 3, r:tf, 'addProperty' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'Extensions' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_root', r:3='_global') push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'bExtended' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label4 push TRUE return label4: push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'bExtended', TRUE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:6, r:9, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'addGeometry' callMethod pop push r:6, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'initialize' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'ColoredSkinElement' getMember setRegister r:13 pop push r:6, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember push 'addTextStyles' callMethod pop push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, 'getTopLevel', r:6, 'getTopLevel' getMember setMember push r:5, 'createLabel', r:6, 'createLabel' getMember setMember push r:5, 'createObject', r:6, 'createObject' getMember setMember push r:5, 'createClassObject', r:6, 'createClassObject' getMember setMember push r:5, 'createEmptyObject', r:6, 'createEmptyObject' getMember setMember push r:5, 'destroyObject', r:6, 'destroyObject' getMember setMember push 1, 'getTopLevel', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'createLabel', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'createObject', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'createClassObject', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'createEmptyObject', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'destroyObject', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push r:5, '__getTextFormat', r:6, '__getTextFormat' getMember setMember push r:5, '_getTextFormat', r:6, '_getTextFormat' getMember setMember push r:5, 'getStyleName', r:6, 'getStyleName' getMember setMember push r:5, 'getStyle', r:6, 'getStyle' getMember setMember push 1, '__getTextFormat', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, '_getTextFormat', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'getStyleName', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'getStyle', r:5, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:6, r:7, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'addGeometry' callMethod pop function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:this, '__enabled', r:x setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__enabled' getMember return end // of function push 'enabled', 3, r:7, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:7, 'move', r:9, 'move' getMember setMember push r:7, 'setSize', r:9, 'setSize' getMember setMember push r:7, 'invalidateStyle' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'invalidateFlag', TRUE setMember end // of function setMember push r:7, 'draw' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'invalidateFlag' getMember not branchIfTrue label7 push r:this, 'invalidateFlag', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setTextFormat' callMethod pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setNewTextFormat' callMethod pop push r:this, 'embedFonts', r:2, 'embedFonts' getMember push TRUE equals setMember push r:this, '__text' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label6 push r:this, 'text' getMember push '' equals not branchIfTrue label5 push r:this, 'text', r:this, '__text' getMember setMember label5: push r:this, '__text' delete pop label6: push r:this, '_visible', TRUE setMember label7: end // of function setMember push r:7, 'setColor' function2 (r:2='color') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'textColor', r:color setMember end // of function setMember push r:7, 'getStyle', r:5, 'getStyle' getMember setMember push r:7, '__getTextFormat', r:6, '__getTextFormat' getMember setMember push r:7, 'setValue' function2 (r:2='v') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'text', r:v setMember end // of function setMember push r:7, 'getValue' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'text' getMember return end // of function setMember function2 (r:2='v') (r:1='this') push r:v, 1, r:this, 'setValue' callMethod pop end // of function function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getValue' callMethod return end // of function push 'value', 3, r:7, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push r:7, '_getTextFormat' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label8 push r:2 return label8: push 0.0, 'TextFormat' new setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, '__getTextFormat' callMethod pop push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf', r:2 setMember push r:this, '__enabled' getMember push FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, 'enabledColor' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, r:this, 'getTextFormat' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'enabledColor', r:4, 'color' getMember setMember label9: push 'disabledColor', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 'color', r:3 setMember branch label11 label10: push r:this, 'enabledColor' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label11 push r:2, 'color' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:2, 'color', r:this, 'enabledColor' getMember setMember label11: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:7, 'getPreferredWidth' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop push r:this, 'textWidth' getMember push 4 add return end // of function setMember push r:7, 'getPreferredHeight' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'draw' callMethod pop push r:this, 'textHeight' getMember push 4 add return end // of function setMember push 'TextFormat' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'getTextExtent2' function2 (r:7='s') (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push r:_root, '_getTextExtent' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label12 push 100, 1000, 0.0, 0.0, -2, '_getTextExtent', 6, r:_root, 'createTextField' callMethod pop push r:_root, '_getTextExtent' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, '_visible', FALSE setMember label12: push r:_root, '_getTextExtent' getMember push 'text', r:s setMember push r:this, 'align' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'align', 'left' setMember push r:this, 1, r:_root, '_getTextExtent' getMember push 'setTextFormat' callMethod pop push r:this, 'align', r:4 setMember push 'width', r:3, 'textWidth' getMember push 'height', r:3, 'textHeight' getMember push 2 initObject return end // of function setMember push r:_global, 'style' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push r:_global, 'style', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setMember push r:_global, 'cascadingStyles', TRUE setMember push r:_global, 'styles', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:_global, 'skinRegistry', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:_global, '_origWidth' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push r:_global, 'origWidth', 'Stage' getVariable push 'width' getMember setMember push r:_global, 'origHeight', 'Stage' getVariable push 'height' getMember setMember label13: push r:_root setRegister r:4 pop label14: push r:4, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push r:4, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:4 pop branch label14 label15: push NULL function () push 'Stage' getVariable push 'width' getMember return end // of function push 'width', 3, r:4, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push NULL function () push 'Stage' getVariable push 'height' getMember return end // of function push 'height', 3, r:4, 'addProperty' callMethod pop push 1, 'width', r:4, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'height', r:4, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'bExtended', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'UIObjectExtended', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'Extensions' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'UIObjectDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember setMember push r:1, 'SkinElementDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' getMember setMember push r:1, 'CSSTextStylesDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSTextStyles' getMember setMember push r:1, 'UIEventDispatcherDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label16: pop end // of initMovieClip 78 defineMovieClip 79 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 79 exportAssets 79 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 79 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'managers', 'OverlappedWindows', 'prototype', 'checkIdle', 'SystemManager', 'idleFrames', 'type', 'idle', 'dispatchEvent', '__addEventListener', 'interval', 'setInterval', '_xAddEventListener', '__removeEventListener', '_xRemoveEventListener', 'clearInterval', 'onMouseDown', 'isMouseDown', '_xmouse', '_ymouse', 'form', 'modalWindow', 'forms', 'length', '_visible', 'hitTest', 'getDepth', 'activate', 'focusManager', '_onMouseDown', 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseUp', 'deactivate', 'addFocusManager', 'push', 'removeFocusManager', 'splice', 'enableOverlappedWindows', 'initialized', 'SystemManagerDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember not not branchIfTrue label30 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'checkIdle' function2 ('Void') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames' getMember push 10 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label3 push 'type', 'idle', 1 initObject push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop branch label4 label3: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames' getMember increment setMember label4: end // of function setMember push r:1, '__addEventListener' function2 (r:1='e', r:2='o', r:3='l') () push r:e, 'idle' equals not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'interval' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'interval', 100, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'checkIdle' getMember push 2, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label5: push r:l, r:o, r:e, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_xAddEventListener' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, '__removeEventListener' function2 (r:1='e', r:2='o', r:3='l') () push r:e, 'idle' equals not branchIfTrue label7 push r:l, r:o, r:e, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_xRemoveEventListener' callMethod push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label6 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'interval' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop label6: branch label8 label7: push r:l, r:o, r:e, 3, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '_xRemoveEventListener' callMethod pop label8: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'onMouseDown' function2 ('Void') (r:1='_root') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'isMouseDown', TRUE setMember push r:_root setRegister r:5 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:_root, '_xmouse' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push r:_root, '_ymouse' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push 'modalWindow' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember push 1 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label13 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:4 pop label9: push r:4, r:6 lessThan not branchIfTrue label12 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:4 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_visible' getMember not branchIfTrue label11 push r:7, r:8, 2, r:2, 'hitTest' callMethod not branchIfTrue label11 push r:3, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2 setRegister r:5 pop branch label11 label10: push r:3, 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod lessThan not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:2 setRegister r:5 pop label11: push r:4 increment setRegister r:4 pop branch label9 label12: push r:5, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push r:5, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop label13: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push 0.0, r:9, 'focusManager' getMember push '_onMouseDown' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'onMouseMove' function ('Void') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'onMouseUp' function ('Void') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'isMouseDown', FALSE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'activate' function2 (r:2='f') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push r:f equals not dup not branchIfTrue label14 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember push 1 greaterThan label14: not branchIfTrue label15 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember setRegister r:1 pop push 0.0, r:1, 'focusManager' getMember push 'deactivate' callMethod pop label15: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form', r:f setMember push 0.0, r:f, 'focusManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'deactivate' function2 (r:4='f') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label24 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push r:f equals dup not branchIfTrue label16 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember push 1 greaterThan label16: not branchIfTrue label24 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push 0.0, r:5, 'focusManager' getMember push 'deactivate' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:1 pop label17: push r:1, r:3 lessThan not branchIfTrue label23 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember push r:f equals not branchIfTrue label21 push r:1, 1 add setRegister r:1 pop label18: push r:1, r:3 lessThan not branchIfTrue label20 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember push '_visible' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label19 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember setRegister r:2 pop label19: push r:1 increment setRegister r:1 pop branch label18 label20: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form', r:2 setMember branch label23 branch label22 label21: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember push '_visible' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label22 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember setRegister r:2 pop label22: push r:1 increment setRegister r:1 pop branch label17 label23: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push 0.0, r:5, 'focusManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop label24: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'addFocusManager' function2 (r:1='f') () push r:f, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop push r:f, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeFocusManager' function2 (r:2='f') () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'length' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:1 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:1 pop label25: push r:1, r:3 lessThan not branchIfTrue label28 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push r:1 getMember push r:f equals not branchIfTrue label27 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'form' getMember push r:f equals not branchIfTrue label26 push r:f, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'deactivate' callMethod pop label26: push 1, r:1, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'forms' getMember push 'splice' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label27: push r:1 increment setRegister r:1 pop branch label25 label28: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'enableOverlappedWindows' function () push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'initialized' getMember not not branchIfTrue label29 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'initialized', TRUE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'checkIdle', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'checkIdle' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__addEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push '__addEventListener' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__removeEventListener', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push '__removeEventListener' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'onMouseDown', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'onMouseDown' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'onMouseMove', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'onMouseMove' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'onMouseUp', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'onMouseUp' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'activate', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'activate' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'deactivate', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'deactivate' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'addFocusManager', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'addFocusManager' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'removeFocusManager', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'removeFocusManager' getMember setMember label29: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'initialized', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'SystemManagerDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label30: pop end // of initMovieClip 79 defineMovieClip 80 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 80 exportAssets 80 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 80 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'managers', 'FocusManager', 'prototype', 'core', 'UIComponent', '__get__defaultPushButton', '__defaultPushButton', '__set__defaultPushButton', '__set__emphasized', 'defPushButton', 'getMaxTabIndex', '_parent', 'tabIndex', 'tabChildren', 'getNextTabIndex', 'form', '__get__nextTabIndex', 'relocate', 'SystemManager', '__get__screen', 'y', 'x', 'move', 'init', 'tabEnabled', '_width', '_height', '_x', '_y', '_alpha', 'focusManager', 'hide', 'addEventListener', 'reveal', 'addFocusManager', 'tabCapture', 'enabledChanged', 'enabled', 'watch', 'Selection', 'addListener', 'lastMouse', 'ASSetPropFlags', '_visible', 'activate', 'Key', 'activated', 'lastFocus', 'bNeedFocus', 'isMouseDown', 'restoreFocus', 'doLater', 'deactivate', 'removeListener', 'getSelectionFocus', 'getActualFocus', 'isOurFocus', 'lastSelFocus', 'cancelAllDoLaters', 'onSetFocus', 'getFocus', 'hscroll', 'scroll', 'background', 'setFocus', 'lastEndIndex', 'lastBeginIndex', 'setSelection', 'onUnload', 'removeFocusManager', 'focusTextField', 'm', 'o', 'walkTree', 'onPress', 'onRelease', 'onReleaseOutside', 'onDragOut', 'onDragOver', 'onRollOver', 'onRollOut', 'TextField', '_searchKey', '_lastTarget', 'groupName', 'selectable', '_firstNode', 'selected', '_nextIsNext', '_nextNode', '_lastx', '_prevNode', '_needPrev', '_foundList', '_name', '_prevObj', '_nextObj', '_firstObj', '_lastObj', 'getTabCandidateFromChildren', '_lastNode', 'getTabCandidate', 'getFocusManagerFromObject', 'tabHandler', 'bDrawFocus', 'isDown', 'lastTabFocus', 'emphasized', 'onKeyDown', 'idleFrames', 'defaultPushButtonEnabled', 'getCode', 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent', 'type', 'click', 'dispatchEvent', 'getMousedComponentFromChildren', 'hitTest', 'mouseActivate', 'findFocusFromObject', '_onMouseDown', 'drawFocus', 'getBeginIndex', 'getEndIndex', '_xmouse', '_ymouse', 'localToGlobal', 'onMouseUp', 'handleEvent', 'enableFocusManagement', 'initialized', 'registerClass', 'DepthManager', 'highestDepth', 'createClassObject', 'symbolName', 'symbolOwner', 'version', '', 'className', 'UIObjectExtensionsDependency', 'ext', 'UIObjectExtensions', 'defaultPushButton', 'addProperty', 'nextTabIndex' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember not not branchIfTrue label166 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__defaultPushButton' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__defaultPushButton' function2 (r:2='x') (r:1='this') push r:x, r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label3 push FALSE, 1, r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember push '__set__emphasized' callMethod pop push r:this, '__defaultPushButton', r:x setMember push r:this, 'defPushButton', r:x setMember push TRUE, 1, r:x, '__set__emphasized' callMethod pop label3: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__defaultPushButton' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMaxTabIndex' function2 (r:5='o') (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:6 pop push r:o enumerateValue label4: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label7 push r:0 setRegister r:6 pop push r:o, r:6 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:o equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:3 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label5 push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember setRegister r:3 pop label5: push r:2, 'tabChildren' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:2, 1, r:this, 'getMaxTabIndex' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, r:3 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label6 push r:4 setRegister r:3 pop label6: branch label4 label7: push r:3 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getNextTabIndex' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'form' getMember push 1, r:this, 'getMaxTabIndex' callMethod push 1 add return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__nextTabIndex' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getNextTabIndex' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'relocate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push '__get__screen' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'y' getMember push 1 subtract push r:2, 'x' getMember push 1 subtract push 2, r:this, 'move' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='super', r:3='_global') push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_width', r:this, '_height', 1 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:this, '_x', r:this, '_y', -1 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:this, '_alpha', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'focusManager', r:this setMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'tabChildren', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'form', r:this, '_parent' getMember setMember push r:this, 'hide', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'reveal', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, 'form' getMember push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'addFocusManager' callMethod pop push r:this, 'tabCapture' getMember push 'tabIndex', 0.0 setMember push r:this, 'enabledChanged' getMember push 'enabled', 2, r:this, 'watch' callMethod pop push r:this, 1, 'Selection' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'lastMouse', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push 1, 'focusManager', r:this, '_parent' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'tabChildren', r:this, '_parent' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'tabEnabled', r:this, '_parent' getMember push 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'enabledChanged' function2 ('id', 'oldValue', r:2='newValue') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_visible', r:newValue setMember push r:newValue return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'activate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'addListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'activated', r:this, '_visible', TRUE setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:this, 'lastFocus' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label8 push r:this, 'bNeedFocus', TRUE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'isMouseDown' getMember not not branchIfTrue label8 push 'restoreFocus', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop label8: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'deactivate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'removeListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'activated', r:this, '_visible', FALSE setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getSelectionFocus' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'getActualFocus' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, r:this, 'isOurFocus' callMethod not branchIfTrue label9 push r:this, 'lastSelFocus', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'lastFocus', r:3 setMember label9: push 0.0, r:this, 'cancelAllDoLaters' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isOurFocus' function2 (r:2='o') (r:1='this') push r:o, 'focusManager' getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label10 push TRUE return label10: push r:o, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push r:o, 'focusManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label11 push FALSE return label11: push r:o, '_parent' getMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label12 push TRUE return label12: push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:o pop branch label10 label13: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onSetFocus' function2 ('o', r:3='n') (r:1='this') push r:n, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label15 push r:this, 'activated' getMember not branchIfTrue label14 push r:this, 'bNeedFocus', TRUE setMember label14: branch label16 label15: push 0.0, r:this, 'getFocus' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'isOurFocus' callMethod not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 'bNeedFocus', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'lastFocus', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'lastSelFocus', r:n setMember label16: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'restoreFocus' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'hscroll' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label17 push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'scroll' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'background' getMember setRegister r:4 pop label17: push 0.0, r:this, 'lastFocus' getMember push 'setFocus' callMethod pop push 'Selection' getVariable setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'lastEndIndex' getMember push r:3, 'lastBeginIndex' getMember push 2, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setSelection' callMethod pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'scroll', r:5 setMember push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'hscroll', r:2 setMember push r:this, 'lastSelFocus' getMember push 'background', r:4 setMember label18: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onUnload' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'form' getMember push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'removeFocusManager' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setFocus' function2 (r:1='o') () push r:o, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label19 push NULL, 1, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setFocus' callMethod pop branch label21 label19: push r:o, 'setFocus' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label20 push r:o, 1, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setFocus' callMethod pop branch label21 label20: push 0.0, r:o, 'setFocus' callMethod pop label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getActualFocus' function2 (r:2='o') () push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:1 pop label22: push r:1, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label28 push r:1, 'focusTextField' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label26 label23: push r:1, 'focusTextField' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label26 push r:1 setRegister r:o pop push r:1, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:1 pop push r:1, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label24 push UNDEF return label24: push r:1, 'focusTextField' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label25 push r:o return label25: branch label23 label26: push r:1, 'tabEnabled' getMember push TRUE equals not not branchIfTrue label27 push r:o return label27: push r:1 setRegister r:o pop push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:1 pop branch label22 label28: push UNDEF return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getSelectionFocus' function () push 'm', 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getFocus' callMethod varEquals push 'o', 'm' getVariable getVariable varEquals push 'o' getVariable return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getFocus' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getSelectionFocus' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'getActualFocus' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'walkTree' function2 (r:8='p', r:6='index', r:4='groupName', r:9='dir', r:12='lookup', r:10='firstChild') (r:1='this') push TRUE setRegister r:5 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:11 pop push r:p enumerateValue label29: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label105 push r:0 setRegister r:11 pop push r:p, r:11 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:p equals dup not branchIfTrue label30 pop push r:2, 'enabled' getMember push FALSE equals not label30: dup not branchIfTrue label31 pop push r:2, '_visible' getMember push FALSE equals not label31: dup not branchIfTrue label38 pop push r:2, 'tabEnabled' getMember push TRUE equals dup branchIfTrue label38 pop push r:2, 'tabEnabled' getMember push FALSE equals not dup not branchIfTrue label38 pop push r:2, 'onPress' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup branchIfTrue label32 pop push r:2, 'onRelease' getMember push UNDEF equals not label32: dup branchIfTrue label33 pop push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' getMember push UNDEF equals not label33: dup branchIfTrue label34 pop push r:2, 'onDragOut' getMember push UNDEF equals not label34: dup branchIfTrue label35 pop push r:2, 'onDragOver' getMember push UNDEF equals not label35: dup branchIfTrue label36 pop push r:2, 'onRollOver' getMember push UNDEF equals not label36: dup branchIfTrue label37 pop push r:2, 'onRollOut' getMember push UNDEF equals not label37: dup branchIfTrue label38 pop push r:2, 'TextField' getVariable instanceOf label38: not branchIfTrue label90 push r:2, '_searchKey' getMember push r:this, '_searchKey' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label39 branch label29 label39: push r:2, '_searchKey', r:this, '_searchKey' getMember setMember push r:2, r:this, '_lastTarget' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label57 push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup branchIfTrue label40 pop push r:groupName, UNDEF equals not label40: dup not branchIfTrue label41 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:groupName equals label41: not branchIfTrue label42 branch label29 label42: push r:2, 'TextField' getVariable instanceOf dup not branchIfTrue label43 pop push r:2, 'selectable' getMember push FALSE equals label43: not branchIfTrue label44 branch label29 label44: push r:5 dup branchIfTrue label46 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label45 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_firstNode' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals label45: dup not branchIfTrue label46 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals label46: not branchIfTrue label47 push r:firstChild not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_firstNode', r:2 setMember push FALSE setRegister r:firstChild pop label47: push r:this, '_nextIsNext' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label51 push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label48 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals label48: dup not branchIfTrue label49 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals label49: dup branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember push UNDEF equals dup not branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:groupName equals not label50: not branchIfTrue label51 push r:this, '_nextNode', r:2 setMember label51: push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label52 pop push r:groupName, r:2, 'groupName' getMember equals not label52: not branchIfTrue label56 push r:this, '_lastx' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label53 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_lastx' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals label53: dup not branchIfTrue label54 pop push r:this, '_lastx' getMember push 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals label54: not branchIfTrue label55 branch label56 label55: push r:this, '_lastx', r:2 setMember label56: branch label58 label57: push r:this, '_prevNode', r:this, '_lastx' getMember setMember push r:this, '_needPrev', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_nextIsNext', TRUE setMember label58: push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label87 push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:index equals not branchIfTrue label60 push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push r:2, '_name' getMember getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label60 push r:this, '_needPrev' getMember not branchIfTrue label59 push r:this, '_prevObj', r:2 setMember push r:this, '_needPrev', FALSE setMember label59: push r:this, '_nextObj', r:2 setMember label60: push r:dir dup not branchIfTrue label61 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:index greaterThan label61: not branchIfTrue label68 push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label63 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label63 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label62 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals label62: dup branchIfTrue label63 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals not label63: dup branchIfTrue label66 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label64 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push r:2, 'groupName' getMember equals label64: dup not branchIfTrue label65 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals not label65: dup not branchIfTrue label66 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals dup branchIfTrue label66 pop push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember greaterThan label66: not branchIfTrue label67 push r:this, '_nextObj', r:2 setMember label67: branch label75 label68: push r:dir not dup not branchIfTrue label69 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:index lessThan label69: not branchIfTrue label75 push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label71 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label71 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label70 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals label70: dup branchIfTrue label71 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals not label71: dup branchIfTrue label74 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label72 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push r:2, 'groupName' getMember equals label72: dup not branchIfTrue label73 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals not label73: dup not branchIfTrue label74 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals dup branchIfTrue label74 pop push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember lessThan label74: not branchIfTrue label75 push r:this, '_prevObj', r:2 setMember label75: push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember lessThan dup not branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label76 pop push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals label76: dup branchIfTrue label77 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals not label77: dup branchIfTrue label80 pop push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label78 pop push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push r:2, 'groupName' getMember equals label78: dup not branchIfTrue label79 pop push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals not label79: dup not branchIfTrue label80 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals dup branchIfTrue label80 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember lessThan label80: not branchIfTrue label81 push r:this, '_firstObj', r:2 setMember label81: push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label83 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label83 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label82 pop push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals label82: dup branchIfTrue label83 pop push r:2, 'groupName' getMember push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember equals not label83: dup branchIfTrue label86 pop push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label84 pop push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'groupName' getMember push r:2, 'groupName' getMember equals label84: dup not branchIfTrue label85 pop push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals not label85: dup not branchIfTrue label86 pop push r:2, 'selected' getMember push TRUE equals dup branchIfTrue label86 pop push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember greaterThan label86: not branchIfTrue label87 push r:this, '_lastObj', r:2 setMember label87: push r:2, 'tabChildren' getMember not branchIfTrue label89 push r:5 dup not branchIfTrue label88 pop push r:firstChild label88: push r:dir, r:groupName, r:index, r:2, 5, r:this, 'getTabCandidateFromChildren' callMethod pop label89: push FALSE setRegister r:5 pop branch label104 label90: push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:p equals dup not branchIfTrue label91 pop push r:2, 'tabChildren' getMember push TRUE equals label91: dup not branchIfTrue label92 pop push r:2, '_visible' getMember push FALSE equals not label92: not branchIfTrue label104 push r:2, r:this, '_lastTarget' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label99 push r:2, '_searchKey' getMember push r:this, '_searchKey' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label93 branch label29 label93: push r:2, '_searchKey', r:this, '_searchKey' getMember setMember push r:this, '_prevNode' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label97 push r:this, '_lastx' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push FALSE setRegister r:7 pop label94: push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label96 push r:3, r:2 equals not branchIfTrue label95 push TRUE setRegister r:7 pop branch label96 label95: push r:3, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:3 pop branch label94 label96: push r:7, FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label97 push r:this, '_prevNode', r:this, '_lastx' getMember setMember label97: push r:this, '_needPrev', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label98 push r:this, '_nextIsNext', TRUE setMember label98: branch label103 label99: push r:2, 'focusManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label100 pop push r:2, 'focusManager' getMember push '_parent' getMember push r:2 equals label100: not not branchIfTrue label103 push r:2, '_searchKey' getMember push r:this, '_searchKey' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label101 branch label29 label101: push r:2, '_searchKey', r:this, '_searchKey' getMember setMember push r:5 dup not branchIfTrue label102 pop push r:firstChild label102: push r:dir, r:groupName, r:index, r:2, 5, r:this, 'getTabCandidateFromChildren' callMethod pop label103: push FALSE setRegister r:5 pop label104: branch label29 label105: push r:this, '_lastNode', r:this, '_lastx' getMember setMember push r:lookup not branchIfTrue label110 push r:p, '_parent' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label110 push r:p, r:this, '_parent' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label110 push r:this, '_prevNode' getMember push UNDEF equals dup not branchIfTrue label106 pop push r:dir label106: not branchIfTrue label107 push r:this, '_needPrev', TRUE setMember branch label109 label107: push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember push UNDEF equals dup not branchIfTrue label108 pop push r:dir not label108: not branchIfTrue label109 push r:this, '_nextIsNext', FALSE setMember label109: push r:this, '_lastTarget', r:this, '_lastTarget' getMember push '_parent' getMember setMember push TRUE, r:dir, r:groupName, r:index, r:p, '_parent' getMember push 5, r:this, 'getTabCandidate' callMethod pop label110: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getTabCandidate' function2 (r:4='o', r:6='index', r:5='groupName', r:8='dir', r:7='firstChild') (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push TRUE setRegister r:3 pop push r:o, r:this, '_parent' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label111 push r:o setRegister r:2 pop push FALSE setRegister r:3 pop branch label112 label111: push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label112 push r:o setRegister r:2 pop push FALSE setRegister r:3 pop label112: push r:firstChild, r:3, r:dir, r:groupName, r:index, r:2, 6, r:this, 'walkTree' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getTabCandidateFromChildren' function2 (r:3='o', r:4='index', r:2='groupName', r:6='dir', r:5='firstChild') (r:1='this') push r:firstChild, FALSE, r:dir, r:groupName, r:index, r:o, 6, r:this, 'walkTree' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getFocusManagerFromObject' function2 (r:1='o') () label113: push r:o, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label115 push r:o, 'focusManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label114 push r:o, 'focusManager' getMember return label114: push r:o, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:o pop branch label113 label115: push UNDEF return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'tabHandler' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'bDrawFocus', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'getSelectionFocus' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, 1, r:this, 'getActualFocus' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, r:5 equals not not branchIfTrue label116 push r:4 setRegister r:5 pop label116: push r:5, 1, r:this, 'getFocusManagerFromObject' callMethod push r:this equals not not branchIfTrue label117 push r:5, UNDEF equals pop label117: push r:5, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label118 push r:this, 'form' getMember setRegister r:5 pop branch label121 label118: push r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label121 push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup branchIfTrue label119 pop push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push 'tabIndex' getMember push r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember equals not label119: not branchIfTrue label120 push r:this, '_foundList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push 'tabIndex', r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember setMember label120: push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push r:5, '_name' getMember push r:5 setMember label121: push 16, 1, 'Key' getVariable push 'isDown' callMethod push TRUE equals not setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_searchKey' getTimer setMember push r:this, '_needPrev', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_nextIsNext', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_lastx', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_firstNode', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_lastNode', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_nextNode', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_prevNode', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_firstObj', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_lastObj', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_nextObj', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_prevObj', UNDEF setMember push r:this, '_lastTarget', r:5 setMember push r:5 setRegister r:6 pop push TRUE, r:3, r:5, 'groupName' getMember push r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember push UNDEF equals branchIfTrue label122 push r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember branch label123 label122: push 0.0 label123: push r:6, 5, r:this, 'getTabCandidate' callMethod pop push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push r:3 not branchIfTrue label126 push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label124 push r:this, '_nextObj' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label125 label124: push r:this, '_firstObj' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label125: branch label128 label126: push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label127 push r:this, '_prevObj' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label128 label127: push r:this, '_lastObj' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label128: push r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember push r:5, 'tabIndex' getMember equals not not branchIfTrue label129 push r:this, '_foundList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push 'tabIndex', r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember setMember push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push r:2, '_name' getMember push r:2 setMember branch label131 label129: push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label130 push r:this, '_foundList', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push 'tabIndex', r:2, 'tabIndex' getMember setMember label130: push r:this, '_foundList' getMember push r:2, '_name' getMember push r:2 setMember label131: push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label137 push r:3, FALSE equals not branchIfTrue label134 push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label132 push r:this, '_nextNode' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label133 label132: push r:this, '_firstNode' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label133: branch label137 label134: push r:this, '_prevNode' getMember push UNDEF equals dup branchIfTrue label135 pop push r:5, r:this, 'form' getMember equals label135: not branchIfTrue label136 push r:this, '_lastNode' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label137 label136: push r:this, '_prevNode' getMember setRegister r:2 pop label137: push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label138 push UNDEF return label138: push r:this, 'lastTabFocus', r:2 setMember push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setFocus' callMethod pop push r:2, 'emphasized' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label140 push r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label139 push r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, 'defPushButton', r:2 setMember push r:5, 'emphasized', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'emphasized', TRUE setMember label139: branch label142 label140: push r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label141 pop push r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember push r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember equals not label141: not branchIfTrue label142 push r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, 'defPushButton', r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember setMember push r:5, 'emphasized', FALSE setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, '__defaultPushButton' getMember push '__set__emphasized' callMethod pop label142: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onKeyDown' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember push r:this, 'defaultPushButtonEnabled' getMember not branchIfTrue label143 push 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod push 13 equals not branchIfTrue label143 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__defaultPushButton' callMethod push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label143 push 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop label143: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'click', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'defPushButton' getMember push 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMousedComponentFromChildren' function2 (r:6='x', r:5='y', r:4='o') (r:1='this') push r:o enumerateValue label144: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label154 push r:0 setRegister r:7 pop push r:o, r:7 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_visible' getMember dup not branchIfTrue label145 pop push r:2, 'enabled' getMember label145: dup not branchIfTrue label146 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:o equals label146: dup not branchIfTrue label147 pop push r:2, '_searchKey' getMember push r:this, '_searchKey' getMember equals not label147: not branchIfTrue label153 push r:2, '_searchKey', r:this, '_searchKey' getMember setMember push TRUE, r:y, r:x, 3, r:2, 'hitTest' callMethod not branchIfTrue label153 push r:2, 'onPress' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup branchIfTrue label148 pop push r:2, 'onRelease' getMember push UNDEF equals not label148: not branchIfTrue label150 label149: push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label149 push r:2 return label150: push r:2, r:y, r:x, 3, r:this, 'getMousedComponentFromChildren' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label152 label151: push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label151 push r:3 return label152: push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label152 push r:2 return label153: branch label144 label154: push UNDEF return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'mouseActivate' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'bNeedFocus' getMember not not branchIfTrue label155 push UNDEF return label155: push r:this, '_searchKey' getTimer setMember push r:this, 'form' getMember push r:this, 'lastMouse' getMember push 'y' getMember push r:this, 'lastMouse' getMember push 'x' getMember push 3, r:this, 'getMousedComponentFromChildren' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label156 push UNDEF return label156: push r:2, 1, r:this, 'findFocusFromObject' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, r:this, 'lastFocus' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label157 push UNDEF return label157: push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label158 push 'restoreFocus', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label158: push r:2, 'hscroll' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label159 push r:2, 'scroll' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push r:2, 'background' getMember setRegister r:5 pop label159: push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setFocus' callMethod pop push 'Selection' getVariable setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'lastEndIndex' getMember push r:4, 'lastBeginIndex' getMember push 2, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setSelection' callMethod pop push r:3, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label160 push r:2, 'scroll', r:6 setMember push r:2, 'hscroll', r:3 setMember push r:2, 'background', r:5 setMember label160: end // of function setMember push r:2, '_onMouseDown' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push r:this, 'bDrawFocus', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'lastFocus' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label161 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'lastFocus' getMember push 'drawFocus' callMethod pop label161: push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'idleFrames', 0.0 setMember push 'Selection' getVariable setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'lastBeginIndex', 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getBeginIndex' callMethod setMember push r:3, 'lastEndIndex', 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getEndIndex' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'lastMouse' getMember push 'x', r:_root, '_xmouse' getMember setMember push r:this, 'lastMouse' getMember push 'y', r:_root, '_ymouse' getMember setMember push r:this, 'lastMouse' getMember push 1, r:_root, 'localToGlobal' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMouseUp' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_visible' getMember not branchIfTrue label162 push 'mouseActivate', r:this, 2, r:this, 'doLater' callMethod pop label162: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='e') (r:1='this') push r:e, 'type' getMember push 'reveal' equals not branchIfTrue label163 push r:this, 'form' getMember push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'activate' callMethod pop branch label164 label163: push r:this, 'form' getMember push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'SystemManager' getMember push 'deactivate' callMethod pop label164: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'enableFocusManagement' function2 () (r:1='_root') push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'initialized' getMember not not branchIfTrue label165 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'initialized', TRUE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'FocusManager', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop push r:_root, 'focusManager' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label165 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'highestDepth' getMember decrement setMember push 'focusManager', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 3, r:_root, 'createClassObject' callMethod pop label165: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'FocusManager' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember setMember push r:1, 'version', '' setMember push r:2, 'className', 'FocusManager' setMember push r:2, 'bNeedFocus', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'bDrawFocus', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'defaultPushButtonEnabled', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'activated', TRUE setMember push r:1, 'initialized', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'UIObjectExtensionsDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember setMember push r:2, '__set__defaultPushButton' getMember push r:2, '__get__defaultPushButton' getMember push 'defaultPushButton', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__nextTabIndex' getMember push 'nextTabIndex', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label166: pop end // of initMovieClip 80 defineMovieClip 81 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 81 exportAssets 81 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 81 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'styles', 'CSSSetStyle', 'prototype', '_setStyle', 'StyleManager', 'TextStyleMap', 'color', 'isNaN', 'getColorName', '_level0', 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 'isColorStyle', 'themeColor', 'colorNames', 'haloBlue', 'haloGreen', 'haloOrange', 'selectionColor', 'setStyle', 'rollOverColor', 'styleName', 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 'backgroundColor', 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', '_parent', 'searchKey', 'stylecache', 'tf', 'invalidateStyle', 'getStyleName', '_color', 'string', 'getStyle', 'setColor', 'movieclip', 'enabledColor', 'isInheritingStyle', 'enableRunTimeCSS', 'classConstruct', 'MovieClip', 'CSSStyleDeclaration', 'ASSetPropFlags', 'TextField', 'classConstructed', 'CSSStyleDeclarationDependency' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' getMember not not branchIfTrue label53 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_setStyle' function2 (r:3='styleProp', r:2='newValue') (r:1='this') push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'TextStyleMap' getMember push r:styleProp getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label4 push r:styleProp, 'color' equals not branchIfTrue label3 push r:newValue, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction not branchIfTrue label3 push r:newValue, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:newValue pop push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:newValue, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label3 push UNDEF return label3: push r:styleProp, 1, '_level0' getVariable push 'changeTextStyleInChildren' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label4: push r:styleProp, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'isColorStyle' callMethod not branchIfTrue label9 push r:newValue, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction not branchIfTrue label5 push r:newValue, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:newValue pop push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:newValue, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label5 push UNDEF return label5: push r:styleProp, 'themeColor' equals not branchIfTrue label8 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloBlue' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloGreen' getMember setRegister r:6 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloOrange' getMember setRegister r:8 pop push 0.0 initObject setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, r:7, 12188666 setMember push r:4, r:6, 13500353 setMember push r:4, r:8, 16766319 setMember push 0.0 initObject setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, r:7, 13958653 setMember push r:5, r:6, 14942166 setMember push r:5, r:8, 16772787 setMember push r:4, r:newValue getMember setRegister r:9 pop push r:5, r:newValue getMember setRegister r:10 pop push r:9, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label6 push r:newValue setRegister r:9 pop label6: push r:10, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label7 push r:newValue setRegister r:10 pop label7: push r:9, 'selectionColor', 2, r:this, 'setStyle' callMethod pop push r:10, 'rollOverColor', 2, r:this, 'setStyle' callMethod pop label8: push r:newValue, r:styleProp, r:this, 'styleName' getMember push 3, '_level0' getVariable push 'changeColorStyleInChildren' callMethod pop branch label12 label9: push r:styleProp, 'backgroundColor' equals dup not branchIfTrue label10 pop push r:newValue, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction label10: not branchIfTrue label11 push r:newValue, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:newValue pop push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:newValue, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label11 push UNDEF return label11: push r:newValue, r:styleProp, r:this, 'styleName' getMember push 3, '_level0' getVariable push 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren' callMethod pop label12: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren' function2 (r:3='styleProp') (r:1='this') getTimer setRegister r:4 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:this enumerateValue label13: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label16 push r:0 setRegister r:5 pop push r:this, r:5 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label15 push r:2, 'searchKey' getMember push r:4 equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' delete pop push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push r:styleProp delete pop label14: push r:styleProp, 1, r:2, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop push r:styleProp, 1, r:2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren' callMethod pop push r:2, 'searchKey', r:4 setMember label15: branch label13 label16: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren' function2 (r:5='sheetName', r:3='colorStyle', r:8='newValue') (r:1='this') getTimer setRegister r:6 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:7 pop push r:this enumerateValue label17: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label27 push r:0 setRegister r:7 pop push r:this, r:7 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label26 push r:2, 'searchKey' getMember push r:6 equals not not branchIfTrue label26 push 0.0, r:2, 'getStyleName' callMethod push r:sheetName equals dup branchIfTrue label18 pop push r:sheetName, UNDEF equals label18: dup branchIfTrue label19 pop push r:sheetName, '_global' equals label19: not branchIfTrue label25 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label20 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push r:colorStyle delete pop label20: push r:2, '_color' getMember typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label23 push r:2, '_color' getMember push r:colorStyle equals not branchIfTrue label22 push r:colorStyle, 1, r:2, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:colorStyle, 'color' equals not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember push 'color' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label21 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember push 'color', r:4 setMember label21: push r:4, 1, r:2, 'setColor' callMethod pop label22: branch label25 label23: push r:2, '_color' getMember push r:colorStyle getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label25 push r:2 typeof push 'movieclip' equals not not branchIfTrue label24 push 0.0, r:2, '_parent' getMember push 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop branch label25 label24: push r:colorStyle, 1, r:2, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop label25: push r:newValue, r:colorStyle, r:sheetName, 3, r:2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren' callMethod pop push r:2, 'searchKey', r:6 setMember label26: branch label17 label27: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren' function2 (r:3='sheetName', r:4='styleProp', r:7='newValue') (r:1='this') getTimer setRegister r:5 pop push UNDEF setRegister r:6 pop push r:this enumerateValue label28: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label34 push r:0 setRegister r:6 pop push r:this, r:6 getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_parent' getMember push r:this equals not branchIfTrue label33 push r:2, 'searchKey' getMember push r:5 equals not not branchIfTrue label33 push r:2, 'styleName' getMember push r:sheetName equals dup branchIfTrue label29 pop push r:2, 'styleName' getMember push UNDEF equals not dup not branchIfTrue label29 pop push r:2, 'styleName' getMember typeof push 'movieclip' equals label29: dup branchIfTrue label30 pop push r:sheetName, UNDEF equals label30: not branchIfTrue label32 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label31 push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push r:styleProp delete pop push r:2, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' delete pop label31: push r:2, 'enabledColor' delete pop push r:styleProp, 1, r:2, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop label32: push r:newValue, r:styleProp, r:sheetName, 3, r:2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren' callMethod pop push r:2, 'searchKey', r:5 setMember label33: branch label28 label34: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setStyle' function2 (r:4='styleProp', r:3='newValue') (r:1='this', r:2='_global') push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label35 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push r:styleProp delete pop push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' delete pop label35: push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:styleProp, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'isColorStyle' callMethod not branchIfTrue label44 push r:newValue, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction not branchIfTrue label36 push r:newValue, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:newValue pop push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:newValue, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label36 push UNDEF return label36: push r:styleProp, 'themeColor' equals not branchIfTrue label39 push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloBlue' getMember setRegister r:10 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloGreen' getMember setRegister r:9 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'colorNames' getMember push 'haloOrange' getMember setRegister r:11 pop push 0.0 initObject setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, r:10, 12188666 setMember push r:6, r:9, 13500353 setMember push r:6, r:11, 16766319 setMember push 0.0 initObject setRegister r:7 pop push r:7, r:10, 13958653 setMember push r:7, r:9, 14942166 setMember push r:7, r:11, 16772787 setMember push r:6, r:newValue getMember setRegister r:12 pop push r:7, r:newValue getMember setRegister r:13 pop push r:12, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label37 push r:newValue setRegister r:12 pop label37: push r:13, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label38 push r:newValue setRegister r:13 pop label38: push r:12, 'selectionColor', 2, r:this, 'setStyle' callMethod pop push r:13, 'rollOverColor', 2, r:this, 'setStyle' callMethod pop label39: push r:this, '_color' getMember typeof push 'string' equals not branchIfTrue label42 push r:this, '_color' getMember push r:styleProp equals not branchIfTrue label41 push r:styleProp, 'color' equals not branchIfTrue label40 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember push 'color' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label40 push r:this, 'stylecache' getMember push 'tf' getMember push 'color', r:newValue setMember label40: push r:newValue, 1, r:this, 'setColor' callMethod pop label41: branch label43 label42: push r:this, '_color' getMember push r:styleProp getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label43 push r:styleProp, 1, r:this, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop label43: push r:newValue, r:styleProp, UNDEF, 3, r:this, 'changeColorStyleInChildren' callMethod pop branch label47 label44: push r:styleProp, 'backgroundColor' equals dup not branchIfTrue label45 pop push r:newValue, 1, 'isNaN' callFunction label45: not branchIfTrue label46 push r:newValue, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'getColorName' callMethod setRegister r:newValue pop push r:this, r:styleProp, r:newValue setMember push r:newValue, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label46 push UNDEF return label46: push r:styleProp, 1, r:this, 'invalidateStyle' callMethod pop label47: push r:styleProp, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'StyleManager' getMember push 'isInheritingStyle' callMethod dup branchIfTrue label48 pop push r:styleProp, 'styleName' equals label48: not branchIfTrue label52 push UNDEF setRegister r:8 pop push r:newValue setRegister r:5 pop push r:styleProp, 'styleName' equals not branchIfTrue label51 push r:newValue typeof push 'string' equals branchIfTrue label49 push r:5 branch label50 label49: push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push r:newValue getMember label50: setRegister r:8 pop push r:8, 'themeColor' getMember setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label51 push r:8, 'rollOverColor', r:8, 'selectionColor', r:5 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember label51: push r:newValue, r:styleProp, UNDEF, 3, r:this, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren' callMethod pop label52: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'enableRunTimeCSS' function () end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function2 () (r:1='_global') push 'MovieClip' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' getMember push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'setStyle', r:3, '_setStyle' getMember setMember push r:2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', r:3, 'changeTextStyleInChildren' getMember setMember push r:2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', r:3, 'changeColorStyleInChildren' getMember setMember push r:2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', r:3, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren' getMember setMember push r:2, 'setStyle', r:3, 'setStyle' getMember setMember push 1, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', r:2, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', r:2, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', r:2, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 1, 'setStyle', r:2, 3, r:_global, 'ASSetPropFlags' callMethod pop push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'setStyle', r:2, 'setStyle' getMember setMember push r:4, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', r:3, 'changeTextStyleInChildren' getMember setMember push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'CSSStyleDeclarationDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label53: pop end // of initMovieClip 81 defineMovieClip 82 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 82 exportAssets 82 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 82 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'core', 'ext', 'UIComponentExtensions', 'prototype', 'Extensions', 'bExtended', 'TextField', 'setFocus', 'Selection', 'onSetFocus', 'tabEnabled', 'getFocusManager', 'bDrawFocus', 'drawFocus', 'onKillFocus', 'UIComponent', 'managers', 'OverlappedWindows', 'enableOverlappedWindows', 'styles', 'CSSSetStyle', 'enableRunTimeCSS', 'FocusManager', 'enableFocusManagement', 'UIComponentExtended', 'UIComponentDependency', 'FocusManagerDependency', 'OverlappedWindowsDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember not not branchIfTrue label7 push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'Extensions' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember push 'bExtended' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label4 push TRUE return label4: push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember push 'bExtended', TRUE setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'setFocus' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, 'Selection' getVariable push 'setFocus' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'onSetFocus' function2 ('oldFocus') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'tabEnabled' getMember push FALSE equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push 0.0, r:this, 'getFocusManager' callMethod push 'bDrawFocus' getMember not branchIfTrue label5 push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'onKillFocus' function2 ('oldFocus') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'tabEnabled' getMember push FALSE equals not not branchIfTrue label6 push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'drawFocus' callMethod pop label6: end // of function setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawFocus', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawFocus' getMember setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'getFocusManager', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'getFocusManager' getMember setMember push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember push 'enableOverlappedWindows' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSSetStyle' getMember push 'enableRunTimeCSS' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember push 'enableFocusManagement' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'bExtended', FALSE setMember push r:1, 'UIComponentExtended', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember push 'Extensions' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'UIComponentDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember setMember push r:1, 'FocusManagerDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'FocusManager' getMember setMember push r:1, 'OverlappedWindowsDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'OverlappedWindows' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label7: pop end // of initMovieClip 82 defineMovieClip 83 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 83 exportAssets 83 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 83 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'events', 'LowLevelEvents', 'prototype', 'addMouseEvents', 'refcntMouseEvents', 'UIEventDispatcher', '_fEventDispatcher', '_onPress', 'onPress', '_onRelease', 'onRelease', '_onReleaseOutside', 'onReleaseOutside', '_onRollOver', 'onRollOver', '_onRollOut', 'onRollOut', '_onDragOver', 'onDragOver', '_onDragOut', 'onDragOut', 'removeMouseEvents', '_onMouseMove', 'onMouseMove', 'addSomewhereEvents', 'refcntSomewhereEvents', '_onMouseDown', 'onMouseDown', '_onMouseUp', 'onMouseUp', 'removeSomewhereEvents', 'type', 'mouseMove', 'dispatchEvent', 'mouseOver', '__q_mouseMove', 'length', 'mouseOut', 'mouseDown', 'mouseUp', 'mouseDownSomewhere', 'mouseUpSomewhere', 'enableLowLevelEvents', 'classConstruct', 'lowLevelEvents', 'mouseEvents', 'somewhereEvents', 'classConstructed', 'UIEventDispatcherDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' getMember not not branchIfTrue label31 push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'addMouseEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label3 push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents', r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents' getMember increment setMember push UNDEF return label3: push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents', 1 setMember push r:obj, '_onPress', r:obj, 'onPress' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onPress', r:2, 'onPress' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onRelease', r:obj, 'onRelease' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onRelease', r:2, 'onRelease' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onReleaseOutside', r:obj, 'onReleaseOutside' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onReleaseOutside', r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onRollOver', r:obj, 'onRollOver' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onRollOver', r:2, 'onRollOver' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onRollOut', r:obj, 'onRollOut' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onRollOut', r:2, 'onRollOut' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onDragOver', r:obj, 'onDragOver' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onDragOver', r:2, 'onDragOver' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onDragOut', r:obj, 'onDragOut' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onDragOut', r:2, 'onDragOut' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeMouseEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents' getMember push 1 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label4 push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents', r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents' getMember decrement setMember push UNDEF return label4: push r:obj, 'refcntMouseEvents', 0.0 setMember push r:obj, '_onPress' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push r:obj, 'onPress', r:obj, '_onPress' getMember setMember branch label6 label5: push r:obj, 'onPress' delete pop label6: push r:obj, '_onRelease' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label7 push r:obj, 'onRelease', r:obj, '_onRelease' getMember setMember branch label8 label7: push r:obj, 'onRelease' delete pop label8: push r:obj, '_onReleaseOutside' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push r:obj, 'onReleaseOutside', r:obj, '_onReleaseOutside' getMember setMember branch label10 label9: push r:obj, 'onReleaseOutside' delete pop label10: push r:obj, '_onRollOver' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label11 push r:obj, 'onRollOver', r:obj, '_onRollOver' getMember setMember branch label12 label11: push r:obj, 'onRollOver' delete pop label12: push r:obj, '_onRollOut' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push r:obj, 'onRollOut', r:obj, '_onRollOut' getMember setMember branch label14 label13: push r:obj, 'onRollOut' delete pop label14: push r:obj, '_onDragOver' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push r:obj, 'onDragOver', r:obj, '_onDragOver' getMember setMember branch label16 label15: push r:obj, 'onDragOver' delete pop label16: push r:obj, '_onDragOut' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label17 push r:obj, 'onDragOut', r:obj, '_onDragOut' getMember setMember branch label18 label17: push r:obj, 'onDragOut' delete pop label18: push r:obj, '_onMouseMove' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label19 push r:obj, 'onMouseMove', r:obj, '_onMouseMove' getMember setMember branch label20 label19: push r:obj, 'onMouseMove' delete pop label20: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'addSomewhereEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label21 push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents', r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents' getMember increment setMember push UNDEF return label21: push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents', 1 setMember push r:obj, '_onMouseDown', r:obj, 'onMouseDown' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onMouseDown', r:2, 'onMouseDown' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_onMouseUp', r:obj, 'onMouseUp' getMember setMember push r:obj, 'onMouseUp', r:2, 'onMouseUp' getMember setMember end // of function setMember push r:1, 'removeSomewhereEvents' function2 (r:1='obj') () push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents' getMember push 1 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label22 push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents', r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents' getMember decrement setMember push UNDEF return label22: push r:obj, 'refcntSomewhereEvents', 0.0 setMember push r:obj, '_onMouseDown' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label23 push r:obj, 'onMouseDown', r:obj, '_onMouseDown' getMember setMember branch label24 label23: push r:obj, 'onMouseDown' delete pop label24: push r:obj, '_onMouseUp' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label25 push r:obj, 'onMouseUp', r:obj, '_onMouseUp' getMember setMember branch label26 label25: push r:obj, 'onMouseUp' delete pop label26: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMouseMove' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseMove', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onMouseMove' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRollOver' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseOver', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, '__q_mouseMove' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, '_onMouseMove', r:this, 'onMouseMove' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push '_fEventDispatcher' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'onMouseMove', r:2, 'onMouseMove' getMember setMember label27: push 0.0, r:this, '_onRollOver' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRollOut' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseOut', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push r:this, '__q_mouseMove' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label29 push r:this, '_onMouseMove' getMember push UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label28 push r:this, 'onMouseMove' getMember push r:this, '_onMouseMove' getMember equals pop branch label29 label28: push r:this, 'onMouseMove' delete pop label29: push 0.0, r:this, '_onRollOut' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onPress' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseDown', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onPress' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onRelease' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseUp', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onRelease' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseUp', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onReleaseOutside' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onDragOver' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseOver', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onDragOver' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onDragOut' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseOut', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onDragOut' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMouseDown' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseDownSomewhere', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onMouseDown' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMouseUp' function2 ('Void') (r:1='this') push 'type', 'mouseUpSomewhere', 1 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_onMouseUp' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'enableLowLevelEvents' function () end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function2 () () push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember setRegister r:1 pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' getMember setRegister r:4 pop push r:1, 'lowLevelEvents' getMember push 'mouseEvents', 'removeMouseEvents', 'addMouseEvents', 2 initArray setMember push r:1, 'lowLevelEvents' getMember push 'somewhereEvents', 'removeSomewhereEvents', 'addSomewhereEvents', 2 initArray setMember push r:1, 'mouseEvents', r:4, 'mouseEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, 'addMouseEvents', r:4, 'addMouseEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, 'removeMouseEvents', r:4, 'removeMouseEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, 'somewhereEvents', r:4, 'somewhereEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, 'addSomewhereEvents', r:4, 'addSomewhereEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, 'removeSomewhereEvents', r:4, 'removeSomewhereEvents' getMember setMember push r:1, '_fEventDispatcher' getMember push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label30 push r:1, '_fEventDispatcher', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' newMethod setMember label30: push r:1, '_fEventDispatcher' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:4, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:3, 'onPress', r:2, 'onPress' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onRelease', r:2, 'onRelease' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onReleaseOutside', r:2, 'onReleaseOutside' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onRollOut', r:2, 'onRollOut' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onRollOver', r:2, 'onRollOver' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onDragOut', r:2, 'onDragOut' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onDragOver', r:2, 'onDragOver' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onMouseDown', r:2, 'onMouseDown' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onMouseMove', r:2, 'onMouseMove' getMember setMember push r:3, 'onMouseUp', r:2, 'onMouseUp' getMember setMember push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'mouseEvents', 'mouseMove', 1, 'mouseDown', 1, 'mouseUp', 1, 'mouseOver', 1, 'mouseOut', 1, 5 initObject setMember push r:1, 'somewhereEvents', 'mouseDownSomewhere', 1, 'mouseUpSomewhere', 1, 2 initObject setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'UIEventDispatcherDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label31: pop end // of initMovieClip 83 defineMovieClip 84 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 84 exportAssets 84 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 84 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'screens', 'Screen', 'prototype', 'controls', 'Loader', '__get__indexInParent', '_indexInParent', '__get__numChildScreens', '_childScreens', 'length', '__get__parentIsScreen', '__get__parentScreen', 'parentScreen', '_isScreen', '_parent', '__get__rootScreen', '__get__transitionManager', '__transitionManager', '__get__currentFocusedScreen', 'curFocus', '_root', 'focusManager', 'getFocus', 'Selection', 'getChildScreen', 'createChild', '_childLoading', 'drawFocus', 'init', 'core', 'ext', 'UIObjectExtensions', 'Extensions', 'UIComponentExtensions', 'events', 'LowLevelEvents', 'enableLowLevelEvents', '_loadExternalClass', 'symbolName', '__set__scaleContent', 'UIEventDispatcher', 'initialize', '_name', 'registerChildScreen', 'push', 'childLoaded', 'movieclip', '__get__scaleContent', 'x', 'y', 'globalToLocal', '_x', '_y', 'localToGlobal', '_isScreenContainer', '_containedScreen', '', 'doScaleLoader', 'createChildren', 'border_mc', 'skins', 'RectBorder', '__borderMetrics', 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right', 'allTransitionsInDone', 'type', 'target', 'dispatchEvent', 'allTransitionsOutDone', 'destroyChildAt', 'splice', 'symbolOwner', 'className', 'borderStyle', 'none', 'currentFocusedScreen', 'addProperty', 'indexInParent', 'numChildScreens', 'parentIsScreen', 'rootScreen', 'transitionManager', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'screens' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'screens', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember not not branchIfTrue label25 push 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'Loader' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, '__get__indexInParent' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_indexInParent' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__numChildScreens' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_childScreens' getMember push 'length' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__parentIsScreen' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '__get__parentScreen' callMethod push NULL equals not dup not branchIfTrue label3 pop push r:this, 'parentScreen' getMember push '_isScreen' getMember label3: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__parentScreen' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label4 push NULL return branch label6 label4: push r:2, '_isScreen' getMember not branchIfTrue label5 push r:2 return branch label6 label5: push NULL return label6: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__rootScreen' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this setRegister r:2 pop label7: push 0.0, r:2, '__get__parentIsScreen' callMethod not branchIfTrue label8 push r:2, 'parentScreen' getMember setRegister r:2 pop branch label7 label8: push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__transitionManager' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '__transitionManager' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:1, '__get__currentFocusedScreen' function () push 'curFocus' var push 'curFocus', 0.0, '_root' getVariable push 'focusManager' getMember push 'getFocus' callMethod setVariable push 'curFocus' getVariable not dup branchIfTrue label9 pop push 'curFocus' getVariable push UNDEF equals label9: not branchIfTrue label10 push 'curFocus', 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getFocus' callMethod getVariable setVariable label10: push 'curFocus' getVariable dup not branchIfTrue label11 pop push 'curFocus' getVariable push '_isScreen' getMember not label11: not branchIfTrue label12 push 'curFocus', 'curFocus' getVariable push '_parent' getMember setVariable branch label10 label12: push 'curFocus' getVariable push UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label13 push NULL return branch label14 label13: push 'curFocus' getVariable return label14: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getChildScreen' function2 (r:2='childIndex') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_childScreens' getMember push r:childIndex getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChild' function2 (r:6='className', r:3='instanceName', r:5='initProps') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, '_childLoading', r:instanceName setMember push r:initProps, r:instanceName, r:className, 3, r:super, 'createChild' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawFocus' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'Extensions' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIComponentExtensions' getMember push 'Extensions' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'LowLevelEvents' getMember push 'enableLowLevelEvents' callMethod pop push r:this, '_childScreens', 0.0 initArray setMember push 0.0, r:super, 'init' callMethod pop push r:this, '_loadExternalClass', 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember push 'symbolName' getMember setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, '__set__scaleContent' callMethod pop push r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'events' getMember push 'UIEventDispatcher' getMember push 'initialize' callMethod pop push r:this, '_parent' getMember push '_childLoading' getMember push r:this, '_name' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label15 branch label16 label15: push 0.0, r:this, '__get__parentIsScreen' callMethod not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'registerChildScreen' callMethod pop label16: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'registerChildScreen' function2 (r:2='scrn') (r:1='this') push r:scrn, '_indexInParent', r:scrn, 1, r:this, '_childScreens' getMember push 'push' callMethod push 1 subtract setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'childLoaded' function2 (r:3='obj') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:obj, 1, r:super, 'childLoaded' callMethod pop push UNDEF setRegister r:4 pop push NULL setRegister r:5 pop push r:obj, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:7 pop push r:obj enumerateValue label17: setRegister r:0 push NULL equals branchIfTrue label21 push r:0 setRegister r:4 pop push r:obj, r:4 getMember typeof push 'movieclip' equals dup not branchIfTrue label18 pop push r:obj, r:4 getMember push '_isScreen' getMember label18: not branchIfTrue label19 push r:obj, r:4 getMember setRegister r:5 pop branch label20 label19: branch label17 label20: push NULL equals not branchIfTrue label20 label21: push r:5, '_isScreen' getMember not branchIfTrue label24 push 0.0, r:this, '__get__scaleContent' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label22 push 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, 'x', r:obj, 'x' getMember setMember push r:6, 'y', r:obj, 'y' getMember setMember push r:6, 1, r:this, 'globalToLocal' callMethod pop push r:obj, '_x', r:6, 'x' getMember setMember push r:obj, '_y', r:6, 'y' getMember setMember branch label23 label22: push 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, 'x', r:this, 'x' getMember setMember push r:6, 'y', r:this, 'y' getMember setMember push r:6, 1, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'localToGlobal' callMethod pop push r:6, 1, r:obj, 'globalToLocal' callMethod pop push r:5, '_x', r:6, 'x' getMember setMember push r:5, '_y', r:6, 'y' getMember setMember label23: push r:5, '_indexInParent', r:5, 1, r:7, '_childScreens' getMember push 'push' callMethod push 1 subtract setMember push r:obj, '_isScreenContainer', TRUE setMember push r:obj, '_containedScreen', r:5 setMember label24: push r:7, '_childLoading', '' setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doScaleLoader' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'createChildren' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:this, 'border_mc', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'RectBorder' newMethod setMember push r:this, 'border_mc' getMember push '__borderMetrics', 'top', 0.0, 'left', 0.0, 'bottom', 0.0, 'right', 0.0, 4 initObject setMember push 0.0, r:super, 'createChildren' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'allTransitionsInDone' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'type', 'allTransitionsInDone', 'target', r:this, 2 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'allTransitionsOutDone' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'type', 'allTransitionsOutDone', 'target', r:this, 2 initObject push 1, r:this, 'dispatchEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'destroyChildAt' function2 (r:3='childIndex') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 1, r:childIndex, 2, r:this, '_childScreens' getMember push 'splice' callMethod pop push r:childIndex, 1, r:super, 'destroyChildAt' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:1, 'symbolName', 'Screen' setMember push r:1, 'symbolOwner', 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember setMember push r:2, 'className', 'Screen' setMember push r:2, '_isScreen', TRUE setMember push r:2, '_indexInParent', 0.0 setMember push r:2, '__transitionManager', NULL setMember push r:2, '_childLoading', '' setMember push r:2, 'borderStyle', 'none' setMember function () end // of function push r:1, '__get__currentFocusedScreen' getMember push 'currentFocusedScreen', 3, r:1, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__indexInParent' getMember push 'indexInParent', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__numChildScreens' getMember push 'numChildScreens', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__parentIsScreen' getMember push 'parentIsScreen', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__parentScreen' getMember push 'parentScreen', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__rootScreen' getMember push 'rootScreen', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__transitionManager' getMember push 'transitionManager', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label25: pop end // of initMovieClip 84 defineMovieClip 85 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 85 exportAssets 85 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 85 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'ScreenAccommodator', 'containee', 'container', 'getContainingScreen', '__get__visible', 'beforeInit', 'hide', 'addEventListener', 'reveal', 'initId', 'disableContainee', 'setInterval', 'prototype', 'initAction', 'nothing', 'ScreenAccommodator.disableContainee: disabling ', 'Tracer', 'trace', 'enabled', 'clearInterval', '_parent', 'screens', 'Screen', 'handleEvent', 'ScreenAccommodator.handleEvent: ', 'type', ' for ', 'wasAlreadyDisabled', 'visible', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ScreenAccommodator' getMember not not branchIfTrue label19 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ScreenAccommodator' function2 (r:3='aContainee') (r:1='this') push r:this, 'containee', r:aContainee setMember push r:this, 'container', 0.0, r:this, 'getContainingScreen' callMethod setMember push r:this, 'container' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0, r:this, 'container' getMember push '__get__visible' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'beforeInit', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'hide', 2, r:this, 'container' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:this, 'reveal', 2, r:this, 'container' getMember push 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:2 not not branchIfTrue label4 push r:this, 'beforeInit', TRUE setMember push r:this, 'initId', 50, 'disableContainee', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label4: end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'disableContainee' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 'initAction' getMember push 'nothing' equals dup branchIfTrue label5 pop push r:this, 'initAction' getMember push 'hide' equals label5: not branchIfTrue label6 push 'ScreenAccommodator.disableContainee: disabling ', r:this, 'containee' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:this, 'containee' getMember push 'enabled', FALSE setMember label6: push r:this, 'initId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'beforeInit', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getContainingScreen' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='_root') push NULL setRegister r:4 pop push r:this, 'containee' getMember push '_parent' getMember setRegister r:3 pop label7: push r:4, NULL equals dup not branchIfTrue label8 pop push r:3, r:_root equals not label8: not branchIfTrue label11 push r:3, 'mx' getVariable push 'screens' getMember push 'Screen' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label9 push r:3 setRegister r:4 pop branch label10 label9: push r:3, '_parent' getMember setRegister r:3 pop label10: branch label7 label11: push r:4 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='ev') (r:1='this') push 'ScreenAccommodator.handleEvent: ', r:ev, 'type' getMember add push ' for ' add push r:this, 'containee' getMember add push 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'Tracer' getMember push 'trace' callMethod pop push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'hide' equals not branchIfTrue label15 push r:this, 'beforeInit' getMember not branchIfTrue label12 push r:this, 'initAction', 'hide' setMember branch label14 label12: push r:this, 'containee' getMember push 'enabled' getMember not branchIfTrue label13 push r:this, 'wasAlreadyDisabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'containee' getMember push 'enabled', FALSE setMember branch label14 label13: push r:this, 'wasAlreadyDisabled', TRUE setMember label14: branch label18 label15: push r:ev, 'type' getMember push 'reveal' equals not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, 'beforeInit' getMember not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, 'initAction', 'reveal' setMember branch label18 label16: push r:this, 'wasAlreadyDisabled' getMember not dup not branchIfTrue label17 pop push r:this, 'containee' getMember push 'visible' getMember label17: not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, 'containee' getMember push 'enabled', TRUE setMember label18: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initAction', 'nothing' setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'ScreenAccommodator' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label19: pop end // of initMovieClip 85 defineMovieClip 86 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 86 exportAssets 86 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 86 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'IPlayer' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'IPlayer' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 86 defineMovieClip 87 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 87 exportAssets 87 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 87 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'AbstractPlayer', '_playing', 'prototype', 'isPlaying', '__get__playing', 'setPlaying', 'playing', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' getMember not not branchIfTrue label4 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playing', FALSE setMember end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'isPlaying' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playing' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__playing' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlaying' function2 (r:2='flag') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playing', r:flag setMember end // of function setMember function () end // of function push r:2, '__get__playing' getMember push 'playing', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label4: pop end // of initMovieClip 87 defineMovieClip 88 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 88 exportAssets 88 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 88 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'RTMPPlayer', '_mediaUrl', '_mediaType', '_videoHolder', '_video', '_totalTime', '_listeners', 'Array', '_connectTimeOutId', 'init', 'prototype', 'AbstractPlayer', ':', 'indexOf', '_protocol', 'substring', 'toLowerCase', 'rtmp', 'rtmps', 'rtmpt', 'length', '_port', '/', 'lastIndexOf', '_appUrl', '_streamName', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE', '.', '.flv', 'flv:', 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE', '.mp3', 'mp3:', 'setPlaying', '_isLoaded', '_isLoading', '_isPlayPending', '_nc_rtmp', '_nc_rtmpt', '_playHeadPos', 'setSeeking', '_isPausing', '_sound', 'Sound', 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 'setVolume', 'addListener', 'push', 'removeAllListeners', 'broadcastEvent', 'handlePlayer', 'bufferIsFull', 'start', 'isPlaying', 'pause', 'resizeVideo', 'toString', 'RTMPPlayer: Playing ', 'getMediaUrl', 'close', '_ns', 'onStatus', 'clear', 'load', 'actualConnect', 'clearInterval', 'onConnectTimeOut', 'setInterval', 'startStream', 'PlayerNetStream', 'attachVideo', '_videoHeight', 'height', '_videoWidth', 'width', 'setBufferTime', 'attachAudio', 'play', '_visible', 'RTMPConnection', 'code', 'NetConnection.Connect.Success', '_player', '_conn_Id', 'popConnection', 'rtmp:', 'connect', 'rtmpt:', 'connectRtmpt', 'seek', 'time', 'stop', 'setPlayheadTime', 'getPlayheadTime', '_isSeeking', 'SCRUBBING', '_momentaryPlayId', 'doneUpdateFrame', 'playStopped', '_statusCount', '_checkCompleteId', 'checkComplete', 'bufferLength', 'complete', 'setMediaUrl', 'getVolume', 'getMediaBytesLoaded', 'bytesLoaded', 'getMediaBytesTotal', 'bytesTotal', 'getTotalTime', 'setTotalTime', 'mediaLoaded', 'logError', 'isSizeSet', 'isSizeChange', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' getMember not not branchIfTrue label54 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' function2 (r:4='aMediaUrl', r:6='aMediaType', r:5='aVideoHolder', r:3='aTotalTime') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:aMediaUrl, NULL equals dup branchIfTrue label4 pop push r:aVideoHolder, NULL equals label4: dup branchIfTrue label5 pop push r:aTotalTime, NULL equals label5: not branchIfTrue label6 label6: push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aMediaUrl setMember push r:this, '_mediaType', r:aMediaType setMember push r:this, '_videoHolder', r:aVideoHolder setMember push r:this, '_video', r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember setMember push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTotalTime setMember push r:this, '_listeners', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push UNDEF setRegister r:2 pop push ':', 1, r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 'indexOf' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 equals not branchIfTrue label7 label7: push r:this, '_protocol', 0.0, r:2, 0.0, 2, r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 'substring' callMethod push 'toLowerCase' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmp' equals not dup not branchIfTrue label8 pop push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmps' equals not label8: dup not branchIfTrue label9 pop push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmpt' equals not label9: not branchIfTrue label10 label10: push r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 'length' getMember push r:2, 1 add push 2, r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push r:this, '_port', NULL setMember push ':', 1, r:3, 'indexOf' callMethod setRegister r:5 pop push r:5, -1 equals not not branchIfTrue label13 push r:this, '_port', r:3, 'length' getMember push r:5, 1 add push 2, r:3, 'substring' callMethod setMember push '/', 1, r:this, '_port' getMember push 'indexOf' callMethod setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, -1 equals not dup not branchIfTrue label11 pop push r:4, r:5 lessThan label11: not branchIfTrue label12 push r:this, '_port', r:4, 0.0, 2, r:this, '_port' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setMember branch label13 label12: push r:this, '_port', NULL setMember label13: push '/', 1, r:3, 'lastIndexOf' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 equals not branchIfTrue label14 label14: push r:this, '_appUrl', r:2, 0.0, 2, r:3, 'substring' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_streamName', r:3, 'length' getMember push r:2, 1 add push 2, r:3, 'substring' callMethod setMember push r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label15 label15: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label17 push '.', 1, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'indexOf' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 equals not not branchIfTrue label16 push UNDEF setRegister r:6 pop push 0.0, r:2, 1, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'substring' callMethod push 'toLowerCase' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, '.flv' equals not branchIfTrue label16 push r:this, '_streamName', r:2, 0.0, 2, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setMember label16: push r:this, '_streamName', 'flv:', r:this, '_streamName' getMember add setMember branch label19 label17: push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'MP3_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label19 push '.', 1, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'indexOf' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, -1 equals not not branchIfTrue label18 push 0.0, r:2, 1, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'substring' callMethod push 'toLowerCase' callMethod setRegister r:6 pop push r:6, '.mp3' equals not branchIfTrue label18 push r:this, '_streamName', r:2, 0.0, 2, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'substring' callMethod setMember label18: push r:this, '_streamName', 'mp3:', r:this, '_streamName' getMember add setMember branch label19 label19: push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isLoaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_isLoading', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_isPlayPending', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmp', NULL setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt', NULL setMember push r:this, '_playHeadPos', 0.0 setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setSeeking' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isPausing', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_sound', r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 1, 'Sound' new setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'DEFAULT_VOLUME' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addListener' function2 (r:2='aListener') (r:1='this') push r:aListener, 1, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeAllListeners' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length', 0.0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'broadcastEvent' function2 (r:3='status') (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label20: push r:2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label21 push r:status, r:this, 2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'handlePlayer' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label20 label21: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'bufferIsFull' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'start', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label22 push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label22: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'resizeVideo' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'resizeVideo', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label23 push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label23: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'toString' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'RTMPPlayer: Playing ', 0.0, r:this, 'getMediaUrl' callMethod add return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'close' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_ns', NULL setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label24 push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmp', NULL setMember label24: push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label25 push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt', NULL setMember label25: push 0.0, r:this, '_video' getMember push 'clear' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isLoading', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'actualConnect' callMethod pop push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label26 push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId', NULL setMember label26: push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId', 60000, 'onConnectTimeOut', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'startStream' function2 (r:2='nc') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_ns', r:this, r:nc, 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' newMethod setMember push r:this, '_mediaType' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'FLV_MEDIA_TYPE' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label27 push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 1, r:this, '_video' getMember push 'attachVideo' callMethod pop label27: push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 1, r:this, '_video' getMember push 'attachVideo' callMethod pop push r:this, '_videoHeight', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_videoWidth', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember setMember push 5, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'setBufferTime' callMethod pop push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 1, r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 'attachAudio' callMethod pop push -1, 0.0, r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 3, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'play' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isLoading', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_isLoaded', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isPlayPending' getMember not branchIfTrue label28 push NULL, 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop branch label29 label28: push r:this, '_isPausing', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label29: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onConnectTimeOut' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_connectTimeOutId', NULL setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label30 push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt', NULL setMember label30: push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label31 push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmp', NULL setMember label31: push r:this, '_isLoading', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_isLoaded', FALSE setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'actualConnect' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmp' equals not branchIfTrue label33 push r:this, '_nc_rtmp', r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' newMethod setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'onStatus' function2 (r:2='info') (r:1='this') push r:info, 'code' getMember push 'NetConnection.Connect.Success' equals not branchIfTrue label32 push r:this, '_player' getMember push '_conn_Id' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt', NULL setMember push r:this, 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'startStream' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'popConnection' callMethod pop label32: end // of function setMember push r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'rtmp:', r:this, '_appUrl' getMember add push 2, r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'connect' callMethod pop label33: push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmpt' equals dup branchIfTrue label34 pop push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmp' equals dup not branchIfTrue label34 pop push r:this, '_port' getMember push NULL equals label34: not branchIfTrue label37 push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt', r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' newMethod setMember push r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'onStatus' function2 (r:2='info') (r:1='this') push r:info, 'code' getMember push 'NetConnection.Connect.Success' equals not branchIfTrue label35 push r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'onStatus', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_nc_rtmp' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push r:this, '_nc_rtmp', NULL setMember push r:this, 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'startStream' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'popConnection' callMethod pop label35: end // of function setMember push r:this, '_protocol' getMember push 'rtmpt' equals not branchIfTrue label36 push r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'rtmpt:', r:this, '_appUrl' getMember add push 2, r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'connect' callMethod pop branch label37 label36: push r:this, '_conn_Id' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_conn_Id', 3000, 'connectRtmpt', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label37: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'connectRtmpt' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_conn_Id' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_streamName' getMember push 'rtmpt:', r:this, '_appUrl' getMember add push 2, r:this, '_nc_rtmpt' getMember push 'connect' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='startingPoint') (r:1='this') push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push r:startingPoint, NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label38 push r:this, '_playHeadPos', r:startingPoint setMember label38: push r:this, '_isLoading' getMember dup branchIfTrue label39 pop push r:this, '_isLoaded' getMember not label39: not branchIfTrue label41 push r:this, '_isPlayPending', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_isLoaded' getMember not not branchIfTrue label40 push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label40: push UNDEF return label41: push r:this, '_isPlayPending', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_isPausing', FALSE setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push r:this, '_playHeadPos' getMember push 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'seek' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isPausing' getMember not not branchIfTrue label42 push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isPausing', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_isPlayPending', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_playHeadPos', r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'time' getMember setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop label42: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stop' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'setPlayheadTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getPlayheadTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'time' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlayheadTime' function2 (r:2='position') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_playHeadPos', r:position setMember push r:this, '_isSeeking' getMember not not branchIfTrue label43 push r:position, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'seek' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setSeeking' callMethod pop label43: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'SCRUBBING' getMember not branchIfTrue label44 branch label45 label44: push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label45 push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId', 50, 'doneUpdateFrame', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label45: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doneUpdateFrame' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId', NULL setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'playStopped' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_statusCount', 2 setMember push r:this, '_checkCompleteId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_checkCompleteId', 50, 'checkComplete', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'checkComplete' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'bufferLength' getMember push 0.001 greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label47 push r:this, '_statusCount' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not not branchIfTrue label46 push r:this, '_checkCompleteId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_checkCompleteId', NULL setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop push 'complete', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop branch label47 label46: push r:this, '_statusCount', r:this, '_statusCount' getMember push 1 subtract setMember label47: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaUrl' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMediaUrl' function2 (r:4='aUrl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aUrl setMember push r:this, '_isLoaded', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod setRegister r:3 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'getVolume' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push 0.0, r:this, 'close' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop push r:2, 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop push r:3 not branchIfTrue label48 push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop branch label49 label48: push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label49: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getVolume' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getVolume' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVolume' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'bytesLoaded' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'bytesTotal' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getTotalTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setTotalTime' function2 (r:2='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTime setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'mediaLoaded' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'logError' function ('error') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeSet' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label50 pop push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan label50: not branchIfTrue label51 push TRUE return label51: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeChange' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember push r:this, '_videoWidth' getMember equals not dup branchIfTrue label52 pop push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:this, '_videoHeight' getMember equals not label52: not branchIfTrue label53 push r:this, '_videoWidth', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_videoHeight', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember setMember push TRUE return label53: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSeeking' function2 (r:2='isSeeking') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isSeeking', r:isSeeking setMember end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label54: pop end // of initMovieClip 88 defineMovieClip 89 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 89 exportAssets 89 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 89 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'RTMPConnection', '_player', 'prototype', 'NetConnection', 'onMetaData', 'duration', 'setTotalTime', 'connect', '_connectFlag', 'pushConnection', 'popConnection', '_targetURI', '_streamName', '_connectorQueue', 'push', 'length', 'pop', 'Array', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember not not branchIfTrue label6 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' function2 (r:3='player') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:this, '_player', r:player setMember end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'NetConnection' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'onMetaData' function2 (r:2='info') (r:1='this') push r:info, 'duration' getMember push 1, r:this, '_player' getMember push 'setTotalTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'connect' function2 (r:3='targetURI', r:4='streamName') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectFlag' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:streamName, r:targetURI, 2, r:this, 'pushConnection' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label4: push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectFlag', TRUE setMember push r:streamName, r:targetURI, 2, r:super, 'connect' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'popConnection' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pushConnection' function2 (r:2='targetURI', r:3='streamName') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_targetURI', r:targetURI setMember push r:this, '_streamName', r:streamName setMember push r:this, 1, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectorQueue' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'popConnection' function2 () () push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectFlag', FALSE setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectorQueue' getMember push 'length' getMember push 0.0 equals not not branchIfTrue label5 push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push '_connectorQueue' getMember push 'pop' callMethod setRegister r:1 pop push r:1, '_streamName' getMember push r:1, '_targetURI' getMember push 2, r:1, 'connect' callMethod pop label5: end // of function setMember push r:1, '_connectorQueue', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPConnection' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label6: pop end // of initMovieClip 89 defineMovieClip 90 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 90 exportAssets 90 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 90 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'PlayerNetStream', 'setPlayer', 'prototype', 'NetStream', 'getPlayer', '_player', '__get__player', '__set__player', 'pause', 'setBufferTime', 'play', 'seek', 'close', 'attachAudio', 'attachVideo', 'onStatus', 'code', 'NetStream.Buffer.Full', 'NetStream.Play.Start', 'NetStream.Pause.Notify', 'NetStream.Play.Stop', 'NetStream.Play.Failed', 'NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound', 'NetStream.Seek.Notify', 'detectedFirstBuffer', 'initId', 'clearInterval', 'checkSizeInterval', 'detect', 'setInterval', 'playStopped', 'Error playing URL: ', 'description', 'logError', 'setSeeking', 'isSizeSet', 'bufferIsFull', 'isSizeChange', 'resizeVideo', 'onMetaData', 'FLVPlayer', 'duration', 'setTotalTime', 'RTMPPlayer', 'player', 'addProperty', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' getMember not not branchIfTrue label16 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' function2 (r:4='nc', r:3='aPlayer') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push r:nc, 1, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:aPlayer, 1, r:this, 'setPlayer' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'NetStream' new setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'getPlayer' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_player' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, '__get__player' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getPlayer' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlayer' function2 (r:2='aPlayer') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_player', r:aPlayer setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__player' function2 (r:2='aPlayer') (r:1='this') push r:aPlayer, 1, r:this, 'setPlayer' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '__get__player' callMethod return pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 (r:2='shouldPause') (r:1='super') push r:shouldPause, 1, r:super, 'pause' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setBufferTime' function2 (r:2='time') (r:1='super') push r:time, 1, r:super, 'setBufferTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='name', r:4='st', r:3='len', r:5='reset') (r:1='super') push r:reset, r:len, r:st, r:name, 4, r:super, 'play' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'seek' function2 (r:2='offset') (r:1='super') push r:offset, 1, r:super, 'seek' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'close' function2 () (r:1='super') push 0.0, r:super, 'close' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'attachAudio' function2 (r:2='theMicrophone') (r:1='super') push r:theMicrophone, 1, r:super, 'attachAudio' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'attachVideo' function2 (r:2='theCamera', r:3='snapshotMilliseconds') (r:1='super') push r:snapshotMilliseconds, r:theCamera, 2, r:super, 'attachVideo' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onStatus' function2 (r:4='info') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getPlayer' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:info, 'code' getMember setRegister r:0 push 'NetStream.Buffer.Full' strictEquals branchIfTrue label4 push r:0, 'NetStream.Play.Start' strictEquals branchIfTrue label5 push r:0, 'NetStream.Pause.Notify' strictEquals branchIfTrue label6 push r:0, 'NetStream.Play.Stop' strictEquals branchIfTrue label7 push r:0, 'NetStream.Play.Failed' strictEquals branchIfTrue label8 push r:0, 'NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound' strictEquals branchIfTrue label8 push r:0, 'NetStream.Seek.Notify' strictEquals branchIfTrue label9 branch label10 label4: branch label10 label5: push r:this, 'detectedFirstBuffer', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'initId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'checkSizeInterval', 10 setMember push r:this, 'initId', r:this, 'checkSizeInterval' getMember push 'detect', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember branch label10 label6: branch label10 label7: push r:this, 'initId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push 0.0, r:2, 'playStopped' callMethod pop branch label10 label8: push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push 'Error playing URL: ', r:info, 'description' getMember add setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 1, r:2, 'logError' callMethod pop branch label10 label9: push FALSE, 1, r:2, 'setSeeking' callMethod pop branch label10 label10: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'detect' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getPlayer' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:this, 'detectedFirstBuffer' getMember not dup not branchIfTrue label11 pop push 0.0, r:2, 'isSizeSet' callMethod label11: not branchIfTrue label12 push r:this, 'detectedFirstBuffer', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:2, 'bufferIsFull' callMethod pop label12: push 0.0, r:2, 'isSizeChange' callMethod not branchIfTrue label13 push 0.0, r:2, 'resizeVideo' callMethod pop label13: push r:this, 'initId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, 'checkSizeInterval', r:this, 'checkSizeInterval' getMember push 2 multiply setMember push r:this, 'initId', r:this, 'checkSizeInterval' getMember push 'detect', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'onMetaData' function2 (r:5='info') (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'getPlayer' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label14 push r:2 setRegister r:3 pop push r:info, 'duration' getMember push 1, r:3, 'setTotalTime' callMethod pop branch label15 label14: push r:2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'RTMPPlayer' getMember instanceOf not branchIfTrue label15 push r:2 setRegister r:4 pop push r:info, 'duration' getMember push 1, r:4, 'setTotalTime' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:2, '__set__player' getMember push r:2, '__get__player' getMember push 'player', 3, r:2, 'addProperty' callMethod push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label16: pop end // of initMovieClip 90 defineMovieClip 91 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 91 exportAssets 91 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 91 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'FLVPlayer', '_mediaUrl', '_videoHolder', '_video', '_totalTime', 'init', 'prototype', 'AbstractPlayer', '_listeners', 'Array', 'setPlaying', '_isLoaded', '_sound', 'Sound', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 'setVolume', 'addListener', 'push', 'removeAllListeners', 'length', 'broadcastEvent', 'handlePlayer', 'bufferIsFull', 'start', 'isPlaying', 'pause', 'resizeVideo', 'toString', 'FLVPlayer: Playing ', 'getMediaUrl', 'close', '_ns', '_nc', 'clear', 'load', 'NetConnection', 'connect', 'PlayerNetStream', 'assignBufferTime', 'attachVideo', '_videoHeight', 'height', '_videoWidth', 'width', 'attachAudio', 'play', '_visible', 'setBufferTime', 'seek', 'stop', 'setPlayheadTime', 'getPlayheadTime', 'time', 'SCRUBBING', '_momentaryPlayId', 'doneUpdateFrame', 'setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'playStopped', 'complete', 'setMediaUrl', 'getVolume', 'getMediaBytesLoaded', 'bytesLoaded', 'getMediaBytesTotal', 'bytesTotal', 'getTotalTime', 'setTotalTime', 'mediaLoaded', 'logError', 'isSizeSet', 'isSizeChange', 'setSeeking', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' getMember not not branchIfTrue label23 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' function2 (r:4='aMediaUrl', r:5='aVideoHolder', r:3='aTotalTime') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:aMediaUrl, NULL equals dup branchIfTrue label4 pop push r:aVideoHolder, NULL equals label4: dup branchIfTrue label5 pop push r:aTotalTime, NULL equals label5: not branchIfTrue label6 label6: push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aMediaUrl setMember push r:this, '_videoHolder', r:aVideoHolder setMember push r:this, '_video', r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_video' getMember setMember push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTotalTime setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listeners', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isLoaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_sound', r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 1, 'Sound' new setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'DEFAULT_VOLUME' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addListener' function2 (r:2='aListener') (r:1='this') push r:aListener, 1, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeAllListeners' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length', 0.0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'broadcastEvent' function2 (r:3='status') (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label7: push r:2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label8 push r:status, r:this, 2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'handlePlayer' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label7 label8: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'bufferIsFull' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'start', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label9 push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'resizeVideo' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'resizeVideo', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop label10: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'toString' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'FLVPlayer: Playing ', 0.0, r:this, 'getMediaUrl' callMethod add return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'close' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_nc' getMember push 'close' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, '_video' getMember push 'clear' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_nc', 0.0, 'NetConnection' new setMember push NULL, 1, r:this, '_nc' getMember push 'connect' callMethod pop push r:this, '_ns', r:this, r:this, '_nc' getMember push 2, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'PlayerNetStream' newMethod setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'assignBufferTime' callMethod pop push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 1, r:this, '_video' getMember push 'attachVideo' callMethod pop push r:this, '_videoHeight', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember setMember push r:this, '_videoWidth', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 1, r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push 'attachAudio' callMethod pop push r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'play' callMethod pop push r:this, '_isLoaded', TRUE setMember push r:this, '_videoHolder' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'assignBufferTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember push 4 divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 0.1 lessThan not branchIfTrue label11 push 0.1 setRegister r:2 pop branch label12 label11: push r:2, 5 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label12 push 5 setRegister r:2 pop label12: push r:2, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'setBufferTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='startingPoint') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_isLoaded' getMember not not branchIfTrue label13 push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label13: push r:startingPoint, NULL equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:startingPoint, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'seek' callMethod pop label14: push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 () (r:1='this') push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stop' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'setPlayheadTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getPlayheadTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'time' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlayheadTime' function2 (r:2='position') (r:1='this') push r:position, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'seek' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'SCRUBBING' getMember not branchIfTrue label15 branch label16 label15: push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not not branchIfTrue label16 push FALSE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId', 50, 'doneUpdateFrame', r:this, 3, 'setInterval' callFunction setMember label16: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'doneUpdateFrame' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId' getMember push 1, 'clearInterval' callFunction pop push r:this, '_momentaryPlayId', NULL setMember push TRUE, 1, r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'pause' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'playStopped' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'pause' callMethod pop push 'complete', 1, r:this, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaUrl' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMediaUrl' function2 (r:2='aUrl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aUrl setMember push r:this, '_isLoaded', FALSE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not branchIfTrue label17 push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop branch label18 label17: push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label18: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getVolume' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getVolume' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVolume' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'bytesLoaded' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_ns' getMember push 'bytesTotal' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getTotalTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setTotalTime' function2 (r:2='aTime') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_totalTime', r:aTime setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'assignBufferTime' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'mediaLoaded' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'logError' function ('error') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeSet' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan dup not branchIfTrue label19 pop push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan label19: not branchIfTrue label20 push TRUE return label20: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeChange' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember push r:this, '_videoWidth' getMember equals not dup branchIfTrue label21 pop push r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember push r:this, '_videoHeight' getMember equals not label21: not branchIfTrue label22 push r:this, '_videoWidth', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'width' getMember setMember push r:this, '_videoHeight', r:this, '_video' getMember push 'height' getMember setMember push TRUE return label22: push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSeeking' function ('isSeeking') end // of function setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'FLVPlayer' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label23: pop end // of initMovieClip 91 defineMovieClip 92 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 92 exportAssets 92 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 92 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'controls', 'streamingmedia', 'MP3Player', '_mediaUrl', '_soundHolder', 'init', 'prototype', 'AbstractPlayer', 'willStop', '_positionOnLoad', 'STOP', '_listeners', 'Array', '_sound', 'Sound', '_volume', 'StreamingMediaConstants', 'DEFAULT_VOLUME', 'player', 'onSoundComplete', 'setPlaying', 'complete', 'broadcastEvent', '_recentPosition', '_loaded', 'playStarted', 'initializeVolume', 'stop', 'play', 'addListener', 'push', 'removeAllListeners', 'length', 'handlePlayer', 'load', 'loadSound', 'setVolume', 'start', 'pause', 'position', 'getPlayheadTime', 'isPlaying', 'setPlayheadTime', 'getMediaUrl', 'setMediaUrl', 'getVolume', 'getMediaBytesLoaded', 'getBytesLoaded', 'getMediaBytesTotal', 'getBytesTotal', 'getTotalTime', 'duration', 'bufferIsFull', 'resizeVideo', 'playStopped', 'mediaLoaded', 'close', 'logError', 'isSizeSet', 'isSizeChange', 'setSeeking', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember not not branchIfTrue label18 push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' function2 (r:4='aMediaUrl', r:3='aSoundHolder') (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:aMediaUrl, NULL equals dup branchIfTrue label4 pop push r:aSoundHolder, NULL equals label4: not branchIfTrue label5 label5: push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aMediaUrl setMember push r:this, '_soundHolder', r:aSoundHolder setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'init' callMethod pop end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'AbstractPlayer' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'willStop' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_positionOnLoad' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'STOP' getMember equals return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'init' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listeners', 0.0, 'Array' new setMember push r:this, '_sound', r:this, '_soundHolder' getMember push 1, 'Sound' new setMember push r:this, '_volume', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'StreamingMediaConstants' getMember push 'DEFAULT_VOLUME' getMember setMember push r:this, '_sound' getMember push 1, 'Object' callFunction setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'player', r:this setMember push r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'onSoundComplete' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, 1, 'Object' callFunction setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'player' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push FALSE, 1, r:2, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push 'complete', 1, r:2, 'broadcastEvent' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:this, '_recentPosition', 0.0 setMember push r:this, '_loaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_positionOnLoad', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'STOP' getMember setMember push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'playStarted' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_loaded', TRUE setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'initializeVolume' callMethod pop push r:this, '_positionOnLoad' getMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'STOP' getMember equals not branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0, r:this, 'stop' callMethod pop branch label7 label6: push r:this, '_positionOnLoad' getMember push 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop label7: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'addListener' function2 (r:2='aListener') (r:1='this') push r:aListener, 1, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'push' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'removeAllListeners' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length', 0.0 setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'broadcastEvent' function2 (r:3='status') (r:1='this') push 0.0 setRegister r:2 pop label8: push r:2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label9 push r:status, r:this, 2, r:this, '_listeners' getMember push r:2 getMember push 'handlePlayer' callMethod pop push r:2 increment setRegister r:2 pop branch label8 label9: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'load' function2 () (r:1='this') push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop push r:this, '_positionOnLoad', 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'STOP' getMember setMember push TRUE, r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 2, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'loadSound' callMethod pop push 0.0, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'play' function2 (r:2='startingPoint') (r:1='this') push r:startingPoint, NULL equals not branchIfTrue label10 push r:this, '_recentPosition' getMember setRegister r:startingPoint pop label10: push r:this, '_loaded' getMember not branchIfTrue label11 push r:startingPoint, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'start' callMethod pop branch label12 label11: push r:this, '_positionOnLoad', r:startingPoint setMember push TRUE, r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember push 2, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'loadSound' callMethod pop push 0.0, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop label12: push TRUE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'pause' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_recentPosition', r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'position' getMember push 1000 divide setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'stop' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_recentPosition', 0.0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop push FALSE, 1, r:this, 'setPlaying' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getPlayheadTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod branchIfTrue label13 push r:this, '_recentPosition' getMember branch label14 label13: push r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'position' getMember push 1000 divide label14: setRegister r:2 pop push r:2 return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setPlayheadTime' function2 (r:2='aPosition') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_recentPosition', r:aPosition setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not branchIfTrue label15 push r:aPosition, 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaUrl' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_mediaUrl' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setMediaUrl' function2 (r:2='aUrl') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_loaded', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_mediaUrl', r:aUrl setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'isPlaying' callMethod not branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0, 1, r:this, 'play' callMethod pop branch label17 label16: push r:this, '_recentPosition', 0.0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'load' callMethod pop label17: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getVolume' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_volume' getMember return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setVolume' function2 (r:2='aVol') (r:1='this') push r:aVol, 1, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'setVolume' callMethod pop push r:this, '_volume', r:aVol setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'initializeVolume' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_volume' getMember push 1, r:this, 'setVolume' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesLoaded' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getBytesLoaded' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getMediaBytesTotal' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getBytesTotal' callMethod return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'getTotalTime' function2 () (r:1='this') push r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'duration' getMember push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getBytesTotal' callMethod multiply push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'getBytesLoaded' callMethod divide setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 1000 divide return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'bufferIsFull' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'resizeVideo' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'playStopped' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'mediaLoaded' function () end // of function setMember push r:2, 'close' function2 () (r:1='this') push 0.0, r:this, '_sound' getMember push 'stop' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'logError' function ('error') end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeSet' function () push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'isSizeChange' function () push FALSE return end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSeeking' function ('isSeeking') end // of function setMember push r:1, 'STOP', -1 setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'controls' getMember push 'streamingmedia' getMember push 'MP3Player' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label18: pop end // of initMovieClip 92 defineMovieClip 93 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 93 exportAssets 93 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 93 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'halo', 'Defaults', 'prototype', 'setThemeDefaults', 'style', 'themeColor', 'disabledColor', 'modalTransparency', 'filled', 'stroked', 'strokeWidth', 'strokeColor', 'fillColor', 'repeatInterval', 'repeatDelay', 'fontFamily', '_sans', 'fontSize', 'selectionColor', 'rollOverColor', 'useRollOver', 'backgroundDisabledColor', 'selectionDisabledColor', 'selectionDuration', 'openDuration', 'borderStyle', 'inset', 'color', 'textSelectedColor', 'textRollOverColor', 'textDisabledColor', 'vGridLines', 'hGridLines', 'vGridLineColor', 'hGridLineColor', 'headerColor', 'indentation', 'folderOpenIcon', 'TreeFolderOpen', 'folderClosedIcon', 'TreeFolderClosed', 'defaultLeafIcon', 'TreeNodeIcon', 'disclosureOpenIcon', 'TreeDisclosureOpen', 'disclosureClosedIcon', 'TreeDisclosureClosed', 'popupDuration', 'todayColor', 'styles', 'ScrollSelectList', 'CSSStyleDeclaration', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor', 'ComboBox', 'NumericStepper', 'textAlign', 'center', 'RectBorder', 'buttonColor', 'shadowColor', 'highlightColor', 'shadowCapColor', 'borderCapColor', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'origBorderStyles', 'TextInput', 'TextArea', 'Window', 'default', 'windowStyles', 'fontWeight', 'bold', 'dataGridStyles', 'Alert', 'alert', 'ScrollView', 'View', 'none', 'ProgressBar', 'AccordionHeader', '11', 'Accordion', 'solid', 'headerHeight', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'verticalGap', 'DateChooser', 'CalendarLayout', 'right', 'WeekDayStyle', 'TodayStyle', 'HeaderDateText', 'drawRoundRect', 'object', 'br', 'bl', 'tl', 'tr', 'matrixType', 'box', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'r', 'radial', 'beginGradientFill', 'linear', 'beginFill', 'moveTo', 'lineTo', 'curveTo', 'endFill', 'classConstruct', 'ext', 'UIObjectExtensions', 'Extensions', 'UIObject', 'classConstructed', 'CSSStyleDeclarationDependency', 'UIObjectExtensionsDependency', 'UIObjectDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember not not branchIfTrue label16 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' function () end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push r:1, 'prototype' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:1, 'setThemeDefaults' function2 () (r:1='_global') push r:_global, 'style' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'themeColor', 8453965 setMember push r:2, 'disabledColor', 8684164 setMember push r:2, 'modalTransparency', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'filled', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'stroked', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'strokeWidth', 1 setMember push r:2, 'strokeColor', 0.0 setMember push r:2, 'fillColor', 16777215 setMember push r:2, 'repeatInterval', 35 setMember push r:2, 'repeatDelay', 500 setMember push r:2, 'fontFamily', '_sans' setMember push r:2, 'fontSize', 12 setMember push r:2, 'selectionColor', 13500353 setMember push r:2, 'rollOverColor', 14942166 setMember push r:2, 'useRollOver', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'backgroundDisabledColor', 14540253 setMember push r:2, 'selectionDisabledColor', 14540253 setMember push r:2, 'selectionDuration', 200 setMember push r:2, 'openDuration', 250 setMember push r:2, 'borderStyle', 'inset' setMember push r:2, 'color', 734012 setMember push r:2, 'textSelectedColor', 24371 setMember push r:2, 'textRollOverColor', 2831164 setMember push r:2, 'textDisabledColor', 16777215 setMember push r:2, 'vGridLines', TRUE setMember push r:2, 'hGridLines', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'vGridLineColor', 6710886 setMember push r:2, 'hGridLineColor', 6710886 setMember push r:2, 'headerColor', 15395562 setMember push r:2, 'indentation', 17 setMember push r:2, 'folderOpenIcon', 'TreeFolderOpen' setMember push r:2, 'folderClosedIcon', 'TreeFolderClosed' setMember push r:2, 'defaultLeafIcon', 'TreeNodeIcon' setMember push r:2, 'disclosureOpenIcon', 'TreeDisclosureOpen' setMember push r:2, 'disclosureClosedIcon', 'TreeDisclosureClosed' setMember push r:2, 'popupDuration', 150 setMember push r:2, 'todayColor', 6710886 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'ScrollSelectList', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'backgroundColor', 16777215 setMember push r:2, 'borderColor', 13290186 setMember push r:2, 'borderStyle', 'inset' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'ComboBox', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'borderStyle', 'inset' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'NumericStepper', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'textAlign', 'center' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'RectBorder', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'borderColor', 14015965 setMember push r:2, 'buttonColor', 7305079 setMember push r:2, 'shadowColor', 15658734 setMember push r:2, 'highlightColor', 12897484 setMember push r:2, 'shadowCapColor', 14015965 setMember push r:2, 'borderCapColor', 9542041 setMember push 0.0, 'Object' new setRegister r:4 pop push r:4, 'borderColor', 16711680 setMember push r:4, 'buttonColor', 16711680 setMember push r:4, 'shadowColor', 16711680 setMember push r:4, 'highlightColor', 16711680 setMember push r:4, 'shadowCapColor', 16711680 setMember push r:4, 'borderCapColor', 16711680 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'origBorderStyles', r:4 setMember push UNDEF setRegister r:3 pop push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'TextInput', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'backgroundColor', 16777215 setMember push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'inset' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'TextArea', r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'TextInput' getMember setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'Window', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'default' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'windowStyles', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'dataGridStyles', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'Alert', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'alert' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'ScrollView', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'inset' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'View', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'none' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'ProgressBar', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'color', 11187123 setMember push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'AccordionHeader', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:3, 'fontSize', '11' setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'Accordion', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderStyle', 'solid' setMember push r:3, 'backgroundColor', 16777215 setMember push r:3, 'borderColor', 9081738 setMember push r:3, 'headerHeight', 22 setMember push r:3, 'marginLeft', r:3, 'marginRight', r:3, 'marginTop', r:3, 'marginBottom', -1 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push r:3, 'verticalGap', -1 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'DateChooser', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'borderColor', 9542041 setMember push r:3, 'headerColor', 16777215 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'CalendarLayout', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontSize', 10 setMember push r:3, 'textAlign', 'right' setMember push r:3, 'color', 2831164 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'WeekDayStyle', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:3, 'fontSize', 11 setMember push r:3, 'textAlign', 'center' setMember push r:3, 'color', 2831164 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'TodayStyle', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'color', 16777215 setMember push r:_global, 'styles' getMember push 'HeaderDateText', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' newMethod setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setRegister r:3 pop push r:3, 'fontSize', 12 setMember push r:3, 'fontWeight', 'bold' setMember push r:3, 'textAlign', 'center' setMember end // of function setMember push r:2, 'drawRoundRect' function2 (r:4='x', r:3='y', r:6='w', r:5='h', r:2='r', r:7='c', r:8='alpha', r:19='rot', r:21='gradient', r:17='ratios') (r:1='this') push r:r typeof push 'object' equals not branchIfTrue label4 push r:r, 'br' getMember setRegister r:18 pop push r:r, 'bl' getMember setRegister r:16 pop push r:r, 'tl' getMember setRegister r:15 pop push r:r, 'tr' getMember setRegister r:10 pop branch label5 label4: push r:r setRegister r:10 setRegister r:15 setRegister r:16 setRegister r:18 pop label5: push r:c typeof push 'object' equals not branchIfTrue label13 push r:alpha typeof push 'object' equals not not branchIfTrue label6 push r:alpha, r:alpha, 2 initArray setRegister r:9 pop branch label7 label6: push r:alpha setRegister r:9 pop label7: push r:ratios, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label8 push 255, 0.0, 2 initArray setRegister r:ratios pop label8: push r:h, 0.7 multiply setRegister r:14 pop push r:rot typeof push 'object' equals not not branchIfTrue label9 push 'matrixType', 'box', 'x', 0.0, r:14 subtract push 'y', r:14, 'w', r:w, 2 multiply push 'h', r:h, 4 multiply push 'r', r:rot, 0.0174532925199433 multiply push 6 initObject setRegister r:11 pop branch label10 label9: push r:rot setRegister r:11 pop label10: push r:gradient, 'radial' equals not branchIfTrue label11 push r:11, r:ratios, r:9, r:c, 'radial', 5, r:this, 'beginGradientFill' callMethod pop branch label12 label11: push r:11, r:ratios, r:9, r:c, 'linear', 5, r:this, 'beginGradientFill' callMethod pop label12: branch label14 label13: push r:c, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label14 push r:alpha, r:c, 2, r:this, 'beginFill' callMethod pop label14: push r:18 setRegister r:r pop push r:r, r:r, 0.707106781186547 multiply subtract setRegister r:13 pop push r:r, r:r, 0.414213562373095 multiply subtract setRegister r:12 pop push r:y, r:h add push r:r subtract push r:x, r:w add push 2, r:this, 'moveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:r subtract push r:x, r:w add push 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:13 subtract push r:x, r:w add push r:13 subtract push r:y, r:h add push r:12 subtract push r:x, r:w add push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:x, r:w add push r:r subtract push r:y, r:h add push r:x, r:w add push r:12 subtract push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:16 setRegister r:r pop push r:r, r:r, 0.707106781186547 multiply subtract setRegister r:13 pop push r:r, r:r, 0.414213562373095 multiply subtract setRegister r:12 pop push r:y, r:h add push r:x, r:r add push 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:13 subtract push r:x, r:13 add push r:y, r:h add push r:x, r:12 add push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:r subtract push r:x, r:y, r:h add push r:12 subtract push r:x, 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:15 setRegister r:r pop push r:r, r:r, 0.707106781186547 multiply subtract setRegister r:13 pop push r:r, r:r, 0.414213562373095 multiply subtract setRegister r:12 pop push r:y, r:r add push r:x, 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:13 add push r:x, r:13 add push r:y, r:12 add push r:x, 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:x, r:r add push r:y, r:x, r:12 add push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:10 setRegister r:r pop push r:r, r:r, 0.707106781186547 multiply subtract setRegister r:13 pop push r:r, r:r, 0.414213562373095 multiply subtract setRegister r:12 pop push r:y, r:x, r:w add push r:r subtract push 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:13 add push r:x, r:w add push r:13 subtract push r:y, r:x, r:w add push r:12 subtract push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:r add push r:x, r:w add push r:y, r:12 add push r:x, r:w add push 4, r:this, 'curveTo' callMethod pop push r:y, r:h add push r:r subtract push r:x, r:w add push 2, r:this, 'lineTo' callMethod pop push r:c, UNDEF equals not not branchIfTrue label15 push 0.0, r:this, 'endFill' callMethod pop label15: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function () push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember push 'Extensions' callMethod pop push 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember push 'setThemeDefaults' callMethod pop push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawRoundRect', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawRoundRect' getMember setMember push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'CSSStyleDeclarationDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'styles' getMember push 'CSSStyleDeclaration' getMember setMember push r:1, 'UIObjectExtensionsDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'ext' getMember push 'UIObjectExtensions' getMember setMember push r:1, 'UIObjectDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIObject' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label16: pop end // of initMovieClip 93 defineMovieClip 94 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 94 exportAssets 94 as '' end // of exportAssets initMovieClip 94 constants '_global', 'mx', 'Object', 'skins', 'halo', 'FocusRect', 'boundingBox_mc', '_visible', '_width', '_height', 'prototype', 'SkinElement', 'draw', 'adjustFocusRect', 'setSize', '_xscale', '_yscale', 'clear', 'object', 'br', 'bl', 'tr', 'tl', 'beginFill', 'drawRoundRect', 'endFill', 'handleEvent', 'type', 'unload', 'resize', 'target', 'move', 'classConstruct', 'core', 'UIComponent', 'drawFocus', '_parent', 'focus_mc', 'removeEventListener', 'managers', 'DepthManager', 'kTop', 'createChildAtDepth', 'tabEnabled', 'getDepth', 'setDepthAbove', 'addEventListener', 'themeColor', 'getStyle', 'height', 'width', 'y', 'x', 'TextField', 'Defaults', 'classConstructed', 'DefaultsDependency', 'UIComponentDependency', 'ASSetPropFlags' push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember not not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label1: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember not not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label2: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo', 0.0, 'Object' new setMember label3: pop push '_global' getVariable push 'mx' getMember push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' getMember not not branchIfTrue label43 push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' function2 () (r:1='this', r:2='super') push 0.0, r:super, UNDEF callMethod pop push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_width', r:this, 'boundingBox_mc' getMember push '_height', 0.0 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember end // of function setRegister r:1 setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' getMember push 'prototype', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'SkinElement' newMethod setRegister r:2 setMember push r:2, 'draw' function2 (r:1='o') () push 0.0, r:o, 'adjustFocusRect' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push r:2, 'setSize' function2 (r:4='w', r:3='h', r:2='r', r:6='a', r:7='rectCol') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_xscale', r:this, '_yscale', 100 setRegister r:0 setMember push r:0 setMember push 0.0, r:this, 'clear' callMethod pop push r:r typeof push 'object' equals not branchIfTrue label28 push r:r, 'br', r:r, 'br' getMember push 2 greaterThan branchIfTrue label4 push 0.0 branch label5 label4: push r:r, 'br' getMember push 2 subtract label5: setMember push r:r, 'bl', r:r, 'bl' getMember push 2 greaterThan branchIfTrue label6 push 0.0 branch label7 label6: push r:r, 'bl' getMember push 2 subtract label7: setMember push r:r, 'tr', r:r, 'tr' getMember push 2 greaterThan branchIfTrue label8 push 0.0 branch label9 label8: push r:r, 'tr' getMember push 2 subtract label9: setMember push r:r, 'tl', r:r, 'tl' getMember push 2 greaterThan branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0 branch label11 label10: push r:r, 'tl' getMember push 2 subtract label11: setMember push r:a, 0.3 multiply push r:rectCol, 2, r:this, 'beginFill' callMethod pop push r:r, r:h, r:w, 0.0, 0.0, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push r:r, r:h, 4 subtract push r:w, 4 subtract push 2, 2, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'endFill' callMethod pop push r:r, 'br', r:r, 'br' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label12 push 0.0 branch label13 label12: push r:r, 'br' getMember push 1 add label13: setMember push r:r, 'bl', r:r, 'bl' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label14 push 0.0 branch label15 label14: push r:r, 'bl' getMember push 1 add label15: setMember push r:r, 'tr', r:r, 'tr' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label16 push 0.0 branch label17 label16: push r:r, 'tr' getMember push 1 add label17: setMember push r:r, 'tl', r:r, 'tl' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label18 push 0.0 branch label19 label18: push r:r, 'tl' getMember push 1 add label19: setMember push r:a, 0.3 multiply push r:rectCol, 2, r:this, 'beginFill' callMethod pop push r:r, r:h, 2 subtract push r:w, 2 subtract push 1, 1, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push r:r, 'br', r:r, 'br' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label20 push 0.0 branch label21 label20: push r:r, 'br' getMember push 1 subtract label21: setMember push r:r, 'bl', r:r, 'bl' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label22 push 0.0 branch label23 label22: push r:r, 'bl' getMember push 1 subtract label23: setMember push r:r, 'tr', r:r, 'tr' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label24 push 0.0 branch label25 label24: push r:r, 'tr' getMember push 1 subtract label25: setMember push r:r, 'tl', r:r, 'tl' getMember push 1 greaterThan branchIfTrue label26 push 0.0 branch label27 label26: push r:r, 'tl' getMember push 1 subtract label27: setMember push r:r, r:h, 4 subtract push r:w, 4 subtract push 2, 2, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'endFill' callMethod pop branch label33 label28: push UNDEF setRegister r:5 pop push r:r, 0.0 equals not not branchIfTrue label29 push r:r, 2 subtract setRegister r:5 pop branch label30 label29: push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop label30: push r:a, 0.3 multiply push r:rectCol, 2, r:this, 'beginFill' callMethod pop push r:r, r:h, r:w, 0.0, 0.0, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push r:5, r:h, 4 subtract push r:w, 4 subtract push 2, 2, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'endFill' callMethod pop push r:a, 0.3 multiply push r:rectCol, 2, r:this, 'beginFill' callMethod pop push r:r, 0.0 equals not not branchIfTrue label31 push r:r, 2 subtract setRegister r:5 pop push r:r, 1 subtract setRegister r:r pop branch label32 label31: push 0.0 setRegister r:5 pop push 0.0 setRegister r:r pop label32: push r:r, r:h, 2 subtract push r:w, 2 subtract push 1, 1, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push r:5, r:h, 4 subtract push r:w, 4 subtract push 2, 2, 5, r:this, 'drawRoundRect' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:this, 'endFill' callMethod pop label33: end // of function setMember push r:2, 'handleEvent' function2 (r:2='e') (r:1='this') push r:e, 'type' getMember push 'unload' equals not branchIfTrue label34 push r:this, '_visible', TRUE setMember branch label36 label34: push r:e, 'type' getMember push 'resize' equals not branchIfTrue label35 push 0.0, r:e, 'target' getMember push 'adjustFocusRect' callMethod pop branch label36 label35: push r:e, 'type' getMember push 'move' equals not branchIfTrue label36 push 0.0, r:e, 'target' getMember push 'adjustFocusRect' callMethod pop label36: end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstruct' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawFocus' function2 (r:3='focused') (r:1='this') push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'focus_mc' getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:focused not not branchIfTrue label37 push r:2, '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:2, 'unload', 2, r:this, 'removeEventListener' callMethod pop push r:2, 'move', 2, r:this, 'removeEventListener' callMethod pop push r:2, 'resize', 2, r:this, 'removeEventListener' callMethod pop branch label41 label37: push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label38 push 'mx' getVariable push 'managers' getMember push 'DepthManager' getMember push 'kTop' getMember push 'FocusRect', 2, r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'createChildAtDepth' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, 'tabEnabled', FALSE setMember push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'focus_mc', r:2 setMember branch label39 label38: push r:2, '_visible', TRUE setMember label39: push r:this, 1, r:2, 'draw' callMethod pop push 0.0, r:2, 'getDepth' callMethod push 0.0, r:this, 'getDepth' callMethod lessThan not branchIfTrue label40 push r:this, 1, r:2, 'setDepthAbove' callMethod pop label40: push r:2, 'unload', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:2, 'move', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop push r:2, 'resize', 2, r:this, 'addEventListener' callMethod pop label41: end // of function setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'adjustFocusRect' function2 () (r:1='this') push 'themeColor', 1, r:this, 'getStyle' callMethod setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, UNDEF equals not branchIfTrue label42 push 8453965 setRegister r:2 pop label42: push r:this, '_parent' getMember push 'focus_mc' getMember setRegister r:3 pop push r:2, 100, 0.0, r:this, 'height' getMember push 4 add push r:this, 'width' getMember push 4 add push 5, r:3, 'setSize' callMethod pop push r:this, 'y' getMember push 2 subtract push r:this, 'x' getMember push 2 subtract push 2, r:3, 'move' callMethod pop end // of function setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawFocus', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawFocus' getMember setMember push 'TextField' getVariable push 'prototype' getMember push 'adjustFocusRect', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'adjustFocusRect' getMember setMember push 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawRoundRect', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 'drawRoundRect' getMember setMember push TRUE return end // of function setMember push r:1, 'classConstructed', 0.0, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' getMember push 'classConstruct' callMethod setMember push r:1, 'DefaultsDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'Defaults' getMember setMember push r:1, 'UIComponentDependency', 'mx' getVariable push 'core' getMember push 'UIComponent' getMember setMember push 1, NULL, 'mx' getVariable push 'skins' getMember push 'halo' getMember push 'FocusRect' getMember push 'prototype' getMember push 3, 'ASSetPropFlags' callFunction label43: pop end // of initMovieClip 94 initMovieClip 26 push 'mx.controls.streamingmedia.FullScreenToggleControl' getVariable push 'MaximizeButton', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 26 initMovieClip 28 push 'mx.controls.streamingmedia.FullScreenToggleControl' getVariable push 'MinimizeButton', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 28 initMovieClip 29 push 'mx.controls.streamingmedia.FullScreenToggle' getVariable push 'FullScreenToggle', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 29 initMovieClip 30 push 'mx.skins.halo.Defaults' getVariable push 'Defaults', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 30 initMovieClip 31 push 'mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions' getVariable push 'UIObjectExtensions', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 31 initMovieClip 32 push 'mx.core.UIObject' getVariable push 'UIObject', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 32 initMovieClip 38 push 'mx.skins.halo.FocusRect' getVariable push 'FocusRect', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 38 initMovieClip 39 push 'mx.managers.FocusManager' getVariable push 'FocusManager', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 39 initMovieClip 40 push 'mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions' getVariable push 'UIComponentExtensions', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 40 initMovieClip 41 push 'mx.core.UIComponent' getVariable push 'UIComponent', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 41 initMovieClip 42 push 'mx.controls.MediaDisplay' getVariable push 'MediaDisplay', 2, 'Object' getVariable push 'registerClass' callMethod pop end // of initMovieClip 42 frame 1 stop end // of frame 1 defineMovieClip 111 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 111 defineMovieClip 116 // total frames: 4 frame 0 stop end // of frame 0 frame 3 gotoFrame 1 end // of frame 3 end // of defineMovieClip 116 defineButton 118 on overUpToOverDown constants '_global', 'playSounds', '_root', 'i_sound_off', '_visible' push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds' getMember not branchIfTrue label1 push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds', FALSE setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'i_sound_off' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember branch label2 label1: push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds', TRUE setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'i_sound_off' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember label2: end end // of defineButton 118 defineMovieClip 121 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 121 defineMovieClip 123 // total frames: 89 frame 88 gotoFrame 0 play end // of frame 88 end // of defineMovieClip 123 defineMovieClip 125 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 125 defineMovieClip 127 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 127 defineMovieClip 129 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 129 defineMovieClip 131 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 131 defineMovieClip 133 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 133 defineMovieClip 135 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 135 defineMovieClip 137 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 137 defineMovieClip 142 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 142 defineMovieClip 144 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 144 defineMovieClip 146 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 146 defineMovieClip 148 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 148 defineMovieClip 150 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 150 defineMovieClip 152 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 152 defineMovieClip 154 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 154 defineMovieClip 156 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 156 defineMovieClip 158 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 158 defineMovieClip 160 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 160 defineMovieClip 168 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 168 defineMovieClip 170 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 170 defineMovieClip 172 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 172 defineMovieClip 174 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 174 defineMovieClip 176 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 176 defineMovieClip 178 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 178 defineMovieClip 180 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 180 defineMovieClip 185 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 185 defineMovieClip 187 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 187 defineMovieClip 188 // total frames: 1 end // of defineMovieClip 188 defineButton 191 on overDownToOverUp gotoFrame 1 end end // of defineButton 191 defineButton 193 on overDownToOverUp constants '_global', 'gameUrl', 'hi_scores.jsp', 'gameIdParam', '' push '_global' getVariable push 'gameUrl' getMember push 'hi_scores.jsp' add push '_global' getVariable push 'gameIdParam' getMember add push '' getURL2 end end // of defineButton 193 defineButton 195 on overDownToOverUp constants '_global', 'gameUrl', 'hi_scores_vidz.jsp', 'gameIdParam', '' push '_global' getVariable push 'gameUrl' getMember push 'hi_scores_vidz.jsp' add push '_global' getVariable push 'gameIdParam' getMember add push '' getURL2 end end // of defineButton 195 defineMovieClip 196 // total frames: 1 frame 0 end // of frame 0 end // of defineMovieClip 196 placeMovieClip 196 as 'clip1' onClipEvent load constants 'right', 'this', 'Sound', 'attachSound', 'wrong', 'comp', 'complete', '_global', 'playSounds', '_root', 'i_sound_off', '_visible', 'alpha', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'lettersC', '_x', '_y', 'dirStep', 'xDirSteps', 'Array', 'yDirSteps', 'init', 'pos', 'pressed', '', 'clockstart', 'i_submit', 'i_disabled', 'hands', 'gotoAndStop', 'length', 'substring', '_width', '_height', '_alpha', 'swapDepths', 'macroCheckFlags' push 'right', 'this' getVariable push 1, 'Sound' new setVariable push 'right', 1, 'right' getVariable push 'attachSound' callMethod pop push 'wrong', 'this' getVariable push 1, 'Sound' new setVariable push 'wrong', 1, 'wrong' getVariable push 'attachSound' callMethod pop push 'comp', 'this' getVariable push 1, 'Sound' new setVariable push 'complete', 1, 'comp' getVariable push 'attachSound' callMethod pop push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds', TRUE setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'i_sound_off' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push 'alpha', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' setVariable push '_root' getVariable push 'lettersC' getMember push '_x', 0.0 setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'lettersC' getMember push '_y', 0.0 setMember push 'dirStep', 25 setVariable push 'xDirSteps', 0.0, 'dirStep' getVariable subtract push 0.0, 'dirStep' getVariable subtract push 'dirStep' getVariable push 'dirStep' getVariable push 4, 'Array' new setVariable push 'yDirSteps', 0.0, 'dirStep' getVariable subtract push 'dirStep' getVariable push 'dirStep' getVariable push 0.0, 'dirStep' getVariable subtract push 4, 'Array' new setVariable push 'init' function2 () (r:1='_root') push 'pos', 0.0 setVariable push r:_root, 'pressed', '' setMember push r:_root, 'lettersC' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:_root, 'clockstart' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push r:_root, 'i_submit' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push r:_root, 'i_disabled' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push 1, 1, r:_root, 'hands' getMember push 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop label1: push r:3, 'alpha' getVariable push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label3 push r:_root, 'lettersC' getMember push r:3, 1 add push r:3, 2, 'alpha' getVariable push 'substring' callMethod getMember setRegister r:2 pop push r:2, '_width', 125 setMember push r:2, '_height', 125 setMember push r:2, '_x', 270, r:2, '_width' getMember push 2 divide subtract setMember push r:2, '_y', 150 setMember push r:2, '_alpha', 100 setMember push 'alpha' getVariable push 'length' getMember push r:3 subtract push 1, r:2, 'swapDepths' callMethod pop push r:3, 0.0 equals not not branchIfTrue label2 push r:2, '_visible', FALSE setMember label2: push r:3 increment setRegister r:3 pop branch label1 label3: push 0.0 setRegister r:3 pop label4: push r:3, 'macroCheckFlags' getVariable push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label5 push 'macroCheckFlags' getVariable push r:3, FALSE setMember push r:3 increment setRegister r:3 pop branch label4 label5: end // of function setVariable push 0.0, 'init' callFunction pop end onClipEvent keyUp constants 'keyPos', 'Key', 'getCode', 'macroCheckFlags', 'macroCheck', 'Date', 'getTime' push 'keyPos', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod push 65 subtract varEquals push 'keyPos' getVariable push 0.0 lessThan dup branchIfTrue label1 pop push 'keyPos' getVariable push 25 greaterThan label1: not branchIfTrue label2 push UNDEF return label2: push 'macroCheckFlags' getVariable push 'keyPos' getVariable getMember not not branchIfTrue label3 push 'macroCheck' getVariable push 'keyPos' getVariable push 0.0, 0.0, 'Date' new push 'getTime' callMethod push 'macroCheck' getVariable push 'keyPos' getVariable getMember subtract setMember push 'macroCheckFlags' getVariable push 'keyPos' getVariable push TRUE setMember label3: end onClipEvent keyDown constants 'Selection', 'getFocus', '_level0.sendFriend', 'key', 'Key', 'getCode', '_global', 'animating', 'init', '_root', 'clockstart', '_visible', 'hands', 'gotoAndStop', 'pos', 'startTime', 'Date', 'macroCheck', 'getTime', 'playSounds', 'comp', 'start', 'finalTime', 'pressed', 'lettersC', 'i_submit', 'wrong', 'stop', 'right', 'alpha', 'substring' push 0.0, 'Selection' getVariable push 'getFocus' callMethod push '_level0.sendFriend' equals not branchIfTrue label1 push UNDEF return label1: push 'key', 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod setVariable push 'key' getVariable push 32 equals not branchIfTrue label3 push '_global' getVariable push 'animating' getMember push TRUE equals not branchIfTrue label2 push UNDEF return label2: push 0.0, 'init' callFunction pop branch label9 label3: push '_root' getVariable push 'clockstart' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'hands' getMember push 4 getProperty push 1 add push 1, '_root' getVariable push 'hands' getMember push 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push 'key' getVariable push 65 subtract push 'pos' getVariable equals not branchIfTrue label7 push 'pos' getVariable push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label4 push 'startTime', 0.0, 'Date' new setVariable label4: push 'macroCheck' getVariable push 'pos' getVariable push 0.0, 0.0, 'Date' new push 'getTime' callMethod setMember push 'pos', 'pos' getVariable increment setVariable push 'pos' getVariable push 26 equals not branchIfTrue label6 push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds' getMember not branchIfTrue label5 push 0.0, 'comp' getVariable push 'start' callMethod pop label5: push '_global' getVariable push 'finalTime', 0.0, 'Date' new push 0.0, 'startTime' getVariable push 'getTime' callMethod subtract setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'pressed', '_global' getVariable push 'finalTime' getMember push 1000 divide setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'lettersC' getMember push '_visible', FALSE setMember push '_root' getVariable push 'i_submit' getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember push 1, 1, '_root' getVariable push 'hands' getMember push 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop push UNDEF return label6: branch label9 label7: push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds' getMember not branchIfTrue label8 push 0.0, 'wrong' getVariable push 'stop' callMethod pop push 1, 0.0, 2, 'wrong' getVariable push 'start' callMethod pop label8: push UNDEF return label9: push '_global' getVariable push 'playSounds' getMember not branchIfTrue label10 push 0.0, 'right' getVariable push 'stop' callMethod pop push 1, 0.0, 2, 'right' getVariable push 'start' callMethod pop label10: push '_root' getVariable push 'lettersC' getMember push 'pos' getVariable push 1 add push 'pos' getVariable push 2, 'alpha' getVariable push 'substring' callMethod getMember push '_visible', TRUE setMember end onClipEvent enterFrame constants 'i', 'pos', 'letter', '_root', 'lettersC', 'alpha', 'substring', '_alpha', '_x', 'xDirSteps', '_y', 'yDirSteps' push 'i', 0.0 varEquals label1: push 'i' getVariable push 'pos' getVariable lessThan not branchIfTrue label3 push 'letter', '_root' getVariable push 'lettersC' getMember push 'i' getVariable push 1 add push 'i' getVariable push 2, 'alpha' getVariable push 'substring' callMethod getMember varEquals push 'letter' getVariable push '_alpha' getMember push 0.0 greaterThan not branchIfTrue label2 push 'letter' getVariable push '_x', 'letter' getVariable push '_x' getMember push 'xDirSteps' getVariable push 'i' getVariable push 3 bitwiseAnd getMember add setMember push 'letter' getVariable push '_y', 'letter' getVariable push '_y' getMember push 'yDirSteps' getVariable push 'i' getVariable push 3 bitwiseAnd getMember add setMember push 'letter' getVariable push '_alpha', 'letter' getVariable push '_alpha' getMember push 15 subtract setMember label2: push 'i', 'i' getVariable increment setVariable branch label1 label3: end end // of placeMovieClip 196 defineButton 202 on overUpToOverDown gotoFrame 2 push '_global' getVariable push 'servletUrl' getMember push '?type=genCode&cachebuster=' add push 0.0, 0.0, 'Date' new push 'getTime' callMethod add push 1, '_root' getVariable push 'mcSecurity' getMember push 'loadMovie' callMethod pop end end // of defineButton 202 frame 2 stop end // of frame 2 defineButton 208 on overUpToOverDown constants 'i', 'macroCheck', 'length', '_global', 'pagePos', 'loadHiScores', 'key', 'rocket', 'myVars', 'LoadVars', 'ffdata', 'save|', '_root', 'i_name', 'text', '|', 'i_code', 'finalTime', 'gameId', 'encrypted', '', 'j', 'charCodeAt', 'String', 'fromCharCode', 'POST', 'servletUrl', 'sendAndLoad', 'onLoad', 'showHiScoreSaveResult' push 'i', 0.0 varEquals label1: push 'i' getVariable push 'macroCheck' getVariable push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label3 push 'macroCheck' getVariable push 'i' getVariable getMember push 0.0 equals not branchIfTrue label2 push '_global' getVariable push 'pagePos', 0.0 setMember push 0.0, 'loadHiScores' callFunction pop push UNDEF return label2: push 'i', 'i' getVariable increment setVariable branch label1 label3: push 'key', 'rocket' varEquals push 'myVars', 0.0, 'LoadVars' new setVariable push 'ffdata', 'save|', '_root' getVariable push 'i_name' getMember push 'text' getMember add push '|' add push '_root' getVariable push 'i_code' getMember push 'text' getMember add push '|' add push '_global' getVariable push 'finalTime' getMember add push '|' add push '_global' getVariable push 'gameId' getMember add setVariable push 'encrypted', '' setVariable push 'i', 0.0 varEquals push 'j', 0.0 varEquals label4: push 'i' getVariable push 'ffdata' getVariable push 'length' getMember lessThan not branchIfTrue label6 push 'j' getVariable push 'key' getVariable push 'length' getMember lessThan not not branchIfTrue label5 push 'j', 0.0 setVariable label5: push 'encrypted', 'encrypted' getVariable push 'i' getVariable push 1, 'ffdata' getVariable push 'charCodeAt' callMethod push 'j' getVariable push 1, 'key' getVariable push 'charCodeAt' callMethod bitwiseXor push 1 add push 1, 'String' getVariable push 'fromCharCode' callMethod add setVariable push 'i' getVariable push 'i', 'i' getVariable increment setVariable pop push 'j' getVariable push 'j', 'j' getVariable increment setVariable pop branch label4 label6: push 'myVars' getVariable push 'ffdata', 'encrypted' getVariable setMember push 'POST', 'myVars' getVariable push '_global' getVariable push 'servletUrl' getMember push 3, 'myVars' getVariable push 'sendAndLoad' callMethod pop push 'myVars' getVariable push 'onLoad', 'showHiScoreSaveResult' getVariable setMember end end // of defineButton 208 frame 3 stop end // of frame 3 defineButton 211 on overDownToOverUp constants '_global', 'gameUrl', 'hi_scores.jsp', 'gameIdParam', '&name=', 'showMeName', '&cachebuster=', 'Date', 'getTime', '' push '_global' getVariable push 'gameUrl' getMember push 'hi_scores.jsp' add push '_global' getVariable push 'gameIdParam' getMember add push '&name=' add push '_global' getVariable push 'showMeName' getMember add push '&cachebuster=' add push 0.0, 0.0, 'Date' new push 'getTime' callMethod add push '' getURL2 end end // of defineButton 211 placeMovieClip 196 as 'clip2' onClipEvent keyDown push 0.0, 'Key' getVariable push 'getCode' callMethod push 32 equals not branchIfTrue label1 push 2, 1, '_root' getVariable push 'gotoAndStop' callMethod pop label1: end end // of placeMovieClip 196 end