[en] CHO_FIN_EXT = Choosing finished. Current map will be extended to next %.0f minutes CHO_FIN_NEXT = Choosing finished. The nextmap will be %s CHOSE_EXT = %s chose map extending X_CHOSE_X = %s chose %s CHOOSE_NEXTM = AMX Choose nextmap EXTED_MAP = Extend map %s TIME_CHOOSE = It's time to choose the nextmap... [no] CHO_FIN_EXT = Choosing finished. Current map will be extended to next %.0f minutes CHO_FIN_NEXT = Choosing finished. The nextmap will be %s CHOSE_EXT = %s chose map extending X_CHOSE_X = %s chose %s CHOOSE_NEXTM = AMX Choose nextmap EXTED_MAP = Extend map %s TIME_CHOOSE = It's time to choose the nextmap...